Chapter 70
"I think some people want to take the assessment in the new year, so don't even think about it first, the difference is far away!"

When the recruits of the Flying Tigers saw their leader applauding in the jury, they also cheered.

Together with the recruit companies of other regiments, they also encouraged and cheered for the Iron Fist regiment. The entire examination hall was full of shouts and applause, and the atmosphere reached its peak for a while.

Even some recruits of the Sword Regiment were emotionally affected, but when they were about to applaud and shout, they saw the fierce eyes of the squad leader and immediately withdrew their movements
Right now they are indeed very convinced. It is indeed too rare to be able to get out of this kind of aura during the review ceremony, and get out of the feeling of murderous intent.

Regardless of the final results of this recruit company, this review alone is enough for everyone in the audience to give them a thumbs up.

Zhang Tianyu raised his head in the team and heard the applause and shouts from around him. He walked out of the team proudly and pressed his hands around.

"Okay bro, I know your approval, but then you will see our more exciting performance."

Seeing this, Qian Tong quickly pulled him back to the team and complained: "I said, can you save our company commander a little bit of worry? Points were deducted for Bian Deser, be careful not to be blamed by the company commander."

Zhang Tianyu laughed: "Isn't this being recognized, am I a little too excited?"


Liu Weihua, who was on the judging panel, was very unwilling to see that his Sword Group was robbed of the limelight by the Iron Fist Group, and immediately began to announce the second assessment item to sort out internal affairs.

Immediately, among the recruit companies in the assessment field, each company was selected into a squad and walked out from their respective teams. The 10 recruits from the Iron Fist Regiment walked out of the team and set off towards the assessment site.

"Brothers, you must work hard. We encourage you. Although housekeeping is not our advantage, you must also show results."

heard behind.They are also very clear about the encouragement of those comrades-in-arms, with honor and mission on their shoulders.

In the assessment site, someone has already arranged the bedding, backpacks and other items that the recruits need to tidy up. With the sound of the signal gun, these recruits also took action in the assessment site.

Immediately, almost everyone in the entire assessment site could see that the recruits sent by the Sword Regiment responded extremely quickly.

When the flare gun rang, they immediately began to organize.

Looking at the recruits sent by the Iron Fist Group, their movements are not too fast or slow, which makes people feel anxious.

However, the ending was reversed. It was the ten recruits of the Iron Fist that put the backpacks in order first.

After they packed their backpacks, they lined up and waited. It took two to three minutes for the Swordsmen to pack their backpacks.

Many people in the judges' table showed surprised expressions. This kind of written test does not need to be scored at all, and the time difference is too much.

On the assessment field, the recruits from other recruit companies looked frustrated. They couldn't understand why they were training others at the same speed so much faster.

The assessment of the recruit company was basically completed by the Sword Group and the Iron Fist Group.

Especially the Iron Fist Group, whose speed was almost like a robot, Liu Weihua's face on the judging panel was almost green. This was the second consecutive loss to the Iron Fist Group.

If it continues, they won't be able to get the first place in the recruit assessment this year, if they don't get the first place.

How should one's own Sword Regiment apply for various military supplies from the Ministry of Headquarters?
He raised his head and looked in the direction of his recruit company on the assessment field.

With cold eyebrows, he stared at the company commander and squad leader of the Sword Regiment.

You know, before the recruit assessment, this group of company commanders and squad leaders all assured themselves that they would definitely be able to get No. 1 in this assessment.

But when it came to the competition, even a recruit company composed of thorns could not match.

At this time, Zhang Tianyu suddenly pointed to the central judging panel, and said mockingly: "Look, everyone, the head of the sword group has turned green. It's a joke that such a dignified head has such a small mind."

Nie Fei also sneered, and said strangely from the side: "That is the sword regiment that is elected first in the recruit assessment every year. This year, when we suddenly meet our opponent, can he look good?"

"But I do admit that even my grandfather would say that their regiment leader is really good at leading troops, otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve such good results every year, but this year this guy will be unlucky. He's out of luck."

Zhang Tianyu didn't care about that, he shouted at the side: "I said Nie Fei, why do you still speak good things for this kind of guy?"

"When we entered the assessment site just now, I could tell at a glance that this old guy is definitely not a good bird. Seeing how tired we were after running, the corners of his mouth nearly burst into laughter."

"Look at Zhang Zhengzhong of the Flying Tigers. Commander Zhang, he is like the sky and the earth compared to the leader Zhang."

Qian Tong smiled wryly at the side, and persuaded the two of them: "It's alright, alright, we don't need to be sarcastic anymore, the next competition should be pull-ups, sit-ups and push-ups, although I don't know if we will get any more Which class we are in, but if we get there, we will definitely perform well."

"I'm not bragging, they stipulate how many times to do in 5 minutes, I don't even need 5 minutes, I just use 3 minutes, and then I use the rest of the time to sit and watch them, if they can surpass me by 3 minutes , I will lose if I do it."

Hearing Zhang Tianyu's words, Qian Tong was a little speechless, and said to him, "Okay, don't underestimate them too much. The only thing we can do is to try our best to win the first place in the competition."

"Since the Sword Regiment is able to rank first in the 81st Army's recruit assessment every year, that's their skill."

"Besides, they have trained for such a long time, and we have also trained for such a long time. Even if there is a gap, it will not be as big as you said."

Zhang Tianyu explained with a cheap smile: "I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously, I also know that there is not such a big gap between this thing, I just had a taste of it."

Qian Tong gave him a blank look, and said earnestly: "I want to remind you, no matter it's the training ground or the actual combat, never underestimate your enemy. Doing so will definitely bring you disaster."

(End of this chapter)

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