Chapter 36 Anti-Terrorist Training Begins

As soon as Qian Tong opened the door of a room, he found that the scene in the room was simulated at a bus station.

A bus stop appeared in front of him, and there was a parked bus in front of the station.

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "It's really interesting!"

This anti-terrorism training can be said to be the most interesting training for this group of recruits since they entered the company.

The recruits around were all like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, wandering from room to room, forgetting the company commander's instructions.

They shuttle constantly in these rooms, wandering in different scenes.

"In the same venue, there are supermarkets, buses, banks, and even forests, which is so enjoyable!"

"It seems to have a feeling of visiting a science and technology park. Every time you open a door, you will enter a new world."

"It's so cool, it's like a random door. It's the first time I've seen such an interesting thing!"

Zhao Qiang couldn't help laughing when he saw this group of recruits who had never seen the world.

Han Feng on the side also found this scene very interesting.

These recruits are so excited now, but when they start training in a while, they will cry enough.

He raised his watch and glanced at the time, more than ten minutes had passed by now.

Immediately, Han Feng asked the squad leader at the side to blow the rally whistle.

These recruits rushed out of the room in one go, and gathered outside in line.

"Company commander, this training looks very interesting, when shall we start?"

"Well, company commander, what is our training called? Is there anything we need to pay attention to?"

Han Feng pressed his hands, motioning for these people to calm down.

"The training here is called anti-terrorism training. In real life, there will inevitably be criminals. When they are arrested, they will appear anywhere, as you can see, shopping malls, banks, etc."

"The characters trained today are to simulate criminals taking hostages in various scenarios. What you have to do is to kill the robbers and ensure the safety of the hostages inside."

"Let's start with some simple scenes, and start training with fewer obstacles such as warehouses and office buildings."

"When you are familiar enough, you will have advanced training, shopping malls, banks, and you will experience it later."

Han Feng paused, thought for a moment and then said.

"Part of you will act as the hostages, and the other part will act as the rescue team."

"After the rescue team breaks into the room, they must deal with the robbers in the room within three seconds, otherwise the mission will fail."

"Next, let the squad leader divide into groups, and let the platoon leader demonstrate. When the hostages enter the room, they wait for your rescue."

Zhao Qiang nodded at the side, and said to the recruits: "I am a hostage, and your task is to enter the room to rescue me. By the way, let me tell you, all your weapons are live ammunition."

"Don't let the rescue operation turn into an assassination operation. The gangsters can confirm that it is the black model in my hand."

As Zhao Qiang said, he carried three black plastic dummies to a warehouse scene.

Within a few minutes, the squad leaders divided the recruits into several groups.

The recruits in the first group took their guns and dared not show their nervous atmosphere.

This is live ammunition. If something goes wrong and kills the platoon leader, something will happen.

Under the command of the company commander, the first group of recruits resisted the fear and came to the door.

The leading recruit shouted angrily, and kicked the gate open with a flying kick.

After rushing in, they saw the scene inside, and immediately prepared to raise their guns to shoot.

Unexpectedly, they discovered that the weapons in their hands were not loaded at all just now.

Everyone raised their guns and aimed at the black plastic dummy, but they couldn't shoot.

Seeing this embarrassing scene, Han Feng sighed.

"If this is an actual battle, you are already dead. If you do it again, others will be optimistic about it. Don't make such low-level mistakes!"

When it came to the second exercise, the recruits of the first group had their firearms ready and loaded.

Unexpectedly, the recruit at the head let out a strange cry before he reached the door.

Han Feng stopped them directly again: "Hey, that so-and-so, are you an undercover agent?"

"The action hasn't started yet? What's your name? Remind the other side?"

The recruit scratched his head in embarrassment, and sneered: "I'm sorry, company commander, I just want to give myself courage, won't this also scare the other party?"

Faced with such a far-fetched reason, Han Feng almost laughed angrily: "If you can take hostages, they are all desperadoes. Even bullets may not be able to scare them. Do you think it's useful for you to shout? Let's do it again, everyone." !"

By the third time, the five-person group also learned to be smart.

He tiptoed to the door, and the leading recruit kicked the door open.

But when they opened the door and saw that the platoon leader was standing in front of the simulated bandits, they froze in place.

The gun in his hand almost fell to the ground, Han Feng waved his hand and called them out again.

"Rescuing the hostages is not about letting you rush in all at once. You don't have any formation at all when you rush in together. As long as there is a submachine gun guarding here, you have to explain it here."

"Didn't the third platoon leader, Li Bing, teach you the marching formation? That's not for you to walk and play, it's for you to put yourself into actual combat, come again!"

After repeated drills several times, the brains of this group of recruits were a little numb.

This kind of feeling of being surrounded by people like monkeys is not good, but the company commander spoke from the side, and they could only bite the bullet and implement it.

The recruits who were watching around did not dare to neglect, they all stared and learned the main points.

Now they know that this kind of training is not easy at all.

Under the crowd watching, the five people adjusted their mentality, quietly came to the door of the room, and kicked the door open.

The front recruits rolled to the side of the room.

The No. 2 recruit squatted down and raised his gun to shoot when Han Feng stopped them.

"You performed well this time, and you are close to the correct approach, but the skills you have learned in previous training should be applied to actual combat. The moment you kick the door open, you must observe the situation inside the house."

"It's good to roll forward, but when you rolled just now, you were going to shoot and kill the robbers. Do you think the robbers will wait for you until the roll is over?"

"In actual combat, all of you will still sacrifice, but compared to the beginning, it can be regarded as some progress."

Han Feng looked at the five recruits in the room.

They were a little tired from the tossing these few times, their physical strength couldn't keep up, and they were no longer in shape.

"Okay, you guys go down and rest first!"

"Nie Fei, Qian Tong, Zhang Tianyu, Sun Ting, Yu Miao, the five of you are ready to train as the second group."

The first four that Han Feng called were the happiest people he called when he first came to the recruit company.

(End of this chapter)

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