Chapter 205 Mysterious Black Pearl
The sea was still the sea, and they managed to find groups of sea spirit beasts later on. When Dai Huabin poured the mysterious potion into the sea again, a miraculous scene appeared again.

This time, even the old man no longer doubted anything, and approved of the potion that the village chief said.

However, this alone is not enough, and those valuable fish must be adapted to coastal life.

Along the way, the fishermen on the boat did not waste their time. They have been fishing with their nets non-stop. The harvest can only be said to be average. Most of them are some worthless fish. These worthless fish will be taken back by the fishermen to pickle Or dry it for long-term preservation.

To deal with those days when there is a storm or when the sea spirit beast riots and it is impossible to go to sea.

Fortunately, there is still a relatively valuable fish. The big yellow fish that Dai Huabin is holding now can be sold for five silver soul coins at the market in the town.

Five Gintama coins are quite a lot for fishermen.

Of course, not many of these five silver soul coins were distributed to the hands. First of all, this boat was a village boat, and one-third of the harvest had to be handed over to the village, and then the village would distribute it equally to every villager.

The remaining two-thirds are the income of the fishermen who went to sea this time, but they have to be distributed according to work.

Speaking of which, Dai Huabin also has some, although he didn't do anything, but according to the rules, as long as everyone on the boat gets a share.

This time out to sea, the three members of the Huofeng Soul Instructor Group couldn't follow, and Dai Huabin was also free, and didn't have to keep the demonic illusion all the time.

The second effect of the mysterious potion can't be seen immediately, it takes at least three or five days to know the effect.

However, everyone was not in a hurry to return to the voyage, and they must go fishing and go back when they come out.Furthermore, that one experimental fish was not enough, so a few more were needed.

So I started to continue fishing in the following time, and the harvest in the future will be much better. A total of ten fish worth five soul coins and three fish that can be sold for eight silver soul coins were caught, and there were hundreds of others. Not worth the money fish.

Seeing that the old man was almost done, he ordered to return.

But when I came here, I didn't expect to encounter a group of sea soul beasts when I returned to the voyage. This sea soul beast was different from the sea soul beasts I encountered before.

This is a group of swordfish. As the name suggests, this swordfish is shaped like a sword, with a streamlined body that can move quickly in the water. Its attack method is to hit with the sharp and hard spikes at the front of the body.

Even so, fishermen would not be afraid of it. The reason why they are afraid of this sea spirit beast is because this swordfish is extremely aggressive and likes to attack fishing boats.

Most of the fishing boats are made of wood, and these swordfish can easily punch a hole in the fishing boat.

"It's broken, they found us! Village Chief Xu, quickly sprinkle your potion." The old man shouted anxiously.

Dai Huabin quickly poured the potion into the water, in fact he was using his own coercion to drive away these swordfish, but something happened that he didn't expect, these swordfish actually ignored his coercion.

But what Dai Huabin was carrying was the power of Xuanwu, not to mention this swordfish, even the Deep Sea Demon Whale King from ten thousand years ago couldn't be said to completely ignore it.

Dai Huabin knew that this was strange, so he released his mental power to investigate the past. When he detected Jianyu, he found something abnormal.

These swordfish have been controlled by people, and they no longer have their own consciousness, so they no longer have the awe of Xuanwu's power.

Not long after Dai Huabin's mental power touched these swordfish, these swordfish suddenly became irritable, accelerated their speed, and rushed towards the fishing boat.

At this time, if Dai Huabin didn't make a move, the fishing boat would definitely be riddled with holes by these swordfish. If the boat sank, he would be fine, but the others would die.

And he couldn't explain how he could escape in the sea, so he didn't have anything to do with the martial arts competition.

Dai Huabin first scanned the surroundings with mental power, and after confirming that there were no other soul masters around, he decided to deal with these unconscious sea soul beasts by himself.

These swordfish are not manipulated in real time, they are like a machine that has been programmed in advance.

All they seem to know is to follow orders to attack fishing boats and attack once they spot them.

Dai Huabin first used a slight mental shock to make the people on board faint, lest they find out that he had used the soul master ability.

Then Dai Huabin jumped into the sea, trying to catch these swordfish.

In fact, if he simply wanted to defeat these swordfish, it would be a mental shock for Dai Huabin, but if he wanted to know more, he had to catch one himself.

After Dai Huabin jumped into the water, the swordfish also came around the fishing boat. They were about to attack the fishing boat, but when they saw a human jumping into the water, they quickly changed their target from the fishing boat to Dai Huabin.

From this, Dai Huabin guessed that the first task of these swordfish is to kill humans, and the second is to attack fishing boats.In other words, the purpose of attacking fishing boats is to kill humans.

Without waiting for the swordfish to attack, Dai Huabin first used the demon illusion to trap the swordfish group in place, and at the same time selected the most powerful swordfish, the only thousand-year-old sea soul beast in the swordfish group.

This thousand-year-old swordfish had no power to fight back in front of Dai Huabin, so he could only let Dai Huabin grab his head. Under physical contact, Dai Huabin used spiritual parasitism, planting his own spiritual seeds in his spiritual sea.

The use of spiritual parasitism this time is not to control the opponent, but to use spiritual parasitism to see whether these swordfish are controlled by something.

Under the urging of Dai Huabin, the spiritual parasite grew rapidly. Dai Huabin poured his own spiritual power into the spiritual seed, and the spiritual seed began to grow after a while.

When it reaches the half-mature stage, Dai Huabin will be able to peek into the depths of the other party's spiritual sea without harming it.

Dai Huabin's thoughts easily entered his sea of ​​spirit, and began to explore in his sea of ​​spirit.

As he gradually approached his spiritual source, Dai Huabin also gradually discovered the mysterious black bead attached to his spiritual source.

This mysterious black bead seems to have a similar ability to Dai Huabin's spiritual seed, and Dai Huabin controls the mental body to take the black bead off.

Unexpectedly, after the black bead felt Dai Huabin's breath, it exploded by itself. Originally, the black bead was attached to the spiritual source. After such an explosion, the thousand-year-old Jianyu's spiritual source was also shattered under the explosion. .

Dai Huabin also had to leave the spiritual sea of ​​the thousand-year sword fish to avoid being affected.

After withdrawing his mental power, he saw that thousand-year-old swordfish lost its vitality and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Dai Huabin knew that this matter was far from simple, so he quickly called out all the souls in his body, and described what he saw just now.

In Dai Huabin's body, there are not only the ancient powers like Xuanwu, but also the evil-eyed tyrant Juggernaut and Huan who are extremely good at spiritual abilities.

What Dai Huabin didn't expect was that even these three people didn't know what kind of ability that black pearl was, and whose ability it was.

(End of this chapter)

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