Chapter 196 Resist Strictly
Dai Huabin felt that it was normal for the victim to be framed and imprisoned, but a stranger was willing to do this for him. Dai Huabin even felt that the other party had discovered his identity.

Why is a police officer who has never met before willing to help him like this? Dai Huabin looked at him, even though he used the ability of evil eyes, he couldn't see the slightest disguise, only a sincere heart.

"Captain Huang, okay, I really think I dare not touch you, right? The big guys have seen it, it was Huang Tao who hindered my official duties first."

Captain Song's face was ashen. The director had told him that as long as he finished this matter, he would mention himself as the deputy squadron leader after a while.

But this Huang Tao didn't know what happened today, he kept obstructing himself again and again, could it be that this Xu He had something to do with him?According to the data, this Xu He is a declining royal family.

This royal status is more interesting, maybe there is some valuable treasure left by the ancestors, and at this time he took it out and bribed Huang Tao.

Yes, it must be so.Captain Song thought to himself.

People always like to forcibly distort things that they cannot understand into false facts that go along with their own ideas, in order to seek reasonableness.

"Why are you still staring blankly? Captain Huang is too tired these days, help him to rest." Captain Song pronounced the word "support" very heavily, and his subordinates naturally understood what he meant.

The two people who obeyed were polite, and one of them was holding Huang Tao's hand and wanted to drag him out. Unexpectedly, Huang Tao suddenly jumped up, turned around, took out a police portable soul guide ray from his waist, and pointed it at Captain Song.

"Captain Song, this is my case, you have no right to handle it." Huang Tao pointed at Captain Song with a soul guide ray and shouted at the same time.

No one expected that Captain Song would be so crazy. At this time, the director knew what happened here and rushed over.

A large number of police officers gathered in the hall, and this was the first time they had seen such a situation in the bureau for so many years.

Dai Huabin could tell that Captain Huang's soul power fluctuations were far weaker than Captain Song's, and that Captain Song seemed to be a Soul King, about the same age as Dai Huabin himself.Captain Song seems to be only at the level of a great soul master, and he is not too young.

Seeing that Captain Song was about to make a move, even though Huang Tao had aimed his weapon at Captain Song, the gap in soul power between the two was huge enough to ignore all of this.

Dai Huabin felt that Huang Tao knew about this, so what was the reason for his behavior of shaking the tree? Dai Huabin had no chance to ask now, but he knew that he had to do something.

But this is Mingdu, and what he can do is very limited. Dai Huabin knows that Captain Huang's life is coming to an end, and it would be good to be able to spend the rest of his life in peace.

Suddenly, Dai Huabin felt the fluctuation of soul power. It was Captain Huang who chose to activate the soul guide ray in his hand. At this critical moment, Dai Huabin chose to take action.

The target was neither Captain Song nor the director general, but Huang Tao.

He precisely controlled the mental power and launched a mental shock. This power made Huang Tao lose consciousness in an instant, and fell to the ground. The soul guide ray in his hand also fell to the ground, and was quickly picked up by others to prevent Huang Tao from doing it again. do something.

When Captain Song saw Huang Tao fall to the ground suddenly, he was very puzzled. What he was waiting for was for Huang Tao to strike first, and he defended himself to take him down, but he never thought why the other party fainted suddenly.

Naturally, he didn't know that it was Dai Huabin who did it. The reason why Dai Huabin did this was to protect Huang Tao. If Huang Tao really launched an attack, then Huang Tao's life would really be over.

"What are you all doing here? Go back to your respective posts." Cai Jiating's scolding came, and most of the people in the hall left in an instant.

"Xiao Song, continue to do what you should do. In addition, send Huang Tao to the forensic department." Cai Jiating gave an order, and everything returned to order.

No one dared to ask why Huang Tao was sent to the forensic department instead of the hospital.

Dai Huabin didn't know what Huang Tao would go through, anyway, he was sent to the interrogation room again, this time it was Captain Song's interrogation room.

Same opening, same dialogue.

still the problem

still the answer
"Xu He"

The person who answered was still Dai Huabin, but the person who asked the question was different.

Captain Song took a look at the transcript written by Huang Tao before and threw it on the table, then took out a new transcript, stood up, walked towards Dai Huabin with a smile, and handed it to Dai Huabin.

Dai Huabin looked at it, and it said:

The suspect, Xu He, was in the street on ** Road. When he met a police officer, he saw Cai and launched an attack. The attack spread to the residents of the street and caused no casualties.

The victim was surrounded by two guards, one of whom was a soul engineer, who beat the suspect to minor injuries while defending himself.

The current suspect, Xu He, has no objection to this result.

Manager: Song**
Suspect Signature: ___________
"This police officer, this is not the case, did you make a mistake?" Dai Huabin said with a look of disbelief.

Captain Song smiled and said, "Xu He, why don't you plead guilty yet? The witnesses and the physical evidence are convincing. It doesn't make any sense for you to continue to stubbornly resist. Confessions will be lenient, and resistance will be strict. Cooperate with us and sign the petition for leniency."

"But I'm the victim? Are you mistaken?"

"That's right, as I said, the personal and physical evidence is solid, and it's useless for you to deny it here, so hurry up and sign."

"I won't sign."

"Okay, you should think it over before signing." Captain Song was not in a hurry, turned around and walked out, closing the door heavily.

Not long after closing the door, the dazzling light in the room suddenly went out, and there was really no light in the interrogation room.

What is even more unbearable is not only the lack of light, but also the silence.

Absolute silence, really not even the slightest sound.

Not to mention ordinary people, even a soul master would not be able to stand in such an environment.

But Dai Huabin was different. The world he closed his eyes was more colorful than when he opened them. He simply closed his eyes and leaned on a chair to postpone some complicated things in his mind.

Dai Huabin also knew that the room was not empty, and there were surveillance cameras watching him in the four corners.

In the monitoring room next to the interrogation room, Captain Song saw that Dai Huabin showed no signs of fear, but instead sat on a chair with his eyes closed as if he had fallen asleep.

"Captain Song, this Xu He is worthy of being born in the royal family. It's not easy to be so calm in the small black room." The technician in the monitoring room praised.

"What's the matter? After all, he is also a fifth-level soul engineer. How long has it been?" Captain Song said.

It was only then that the technicians realized that this unremarkable Xu He was actually a fifth-level soul engineer. Isn't that the same level as Captain Song?

Then he asked with some doubts: "Captain Song, why would he go to rob when he is the soul king?"

(End of this chapter)

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