Chapter 158 Young Xue Qinghe

Those people were not far away just now, so they naturally heard the conversation between Dai Huabin and the boy.

The leader looked at Dai Huabin from head to toe, as if he was thinking about the identity of the two people in front of him, and how he should treat them.

Dai Huabin, who has transformed into an old man with ever-changing changes, is no different from ordinary aristocratic lords, and the woman with high temperament behind him is even more unconventional.

Obviously, these two people have a certain status and cannot be easily offended, but a slave was lost, and this slave was considered to be a more expensive one.

He is a young soul master. Whether such a slave is used by a big family to train dead soldiers, or bought by some master with special hobbies as a plaything, he can be sold for a good price.

Therefore, this slave naturally has to come back, no matter how bad it is, he has to pay enough compensation, otherwise this part of the deficit will have to be deducted from himself. You must know that this slave is very valuable, how can I afford it.

The leader walked over slowly, and at the same time opened his arms to indicate that he did not have any malicious intentions. He came up and said, "My lord, this slave belongs to my Beiming Chamber of Commerce. Please don't make it difficult for us who do things."

"Of course not, Beiming Chamber of Commerce, right? I just talked about a business with your president. It's not too difficult to ask him to give me a slave."

"Master was joking, this... I don't even count what I said." The leader said with some embarrassment, could it be that this extraordinary dressed master is an iron rooster, who wants to take away this rather expensive slave without taking anything away?
"Look, your president gave you a card, saying that your Beiming Chamber of Commerce can provide some convenience. Is this a coincidence? Just tell him that I took it away." Dai Huabin handed out a card. A card with the special mark of the Northern Dark Chamber of Commerce on it.

When the leader saw this card, he didn't get entangled anymore, and said with a smile, "Since you are the top VIP of our Beiming Chamber of Commerce, then such trivial matters will be fine. You can go slowly."

So Dai Huabin hired a carriage on the street, took the boy up there, and the carriage drove away to the pier outside the city.

Dai Huabin used his status to suppress people, not because he wanted to save money, but because he was worried that Bei Mingshi would find out that something was wrong and cause other troubles. After all, a wandering royal blood was still of some use value for the Sun Moon Empire.

Arriving at the pier, the ships belonging to Paradise Island had already been parked here, and notices were posted all over the pier, announcing that Paradise Island had already belonged to Dai Huabin, and all merchant ships could dock at Paradise Island from now on.At the same time, Paradise Island recruited a large number of dock workers, and the treatment was favorable.

It also announced that a large number of freemen will be accepted to settle in Paradise Island, and at the same time, some welfare policies of Paradise Island will be promoted.

Hanhai City is indeed rich, but the splendor belongs to the nobles, and the people at the bottom are still living in misery, and even the quality of life of the people here is not as good as that in some inland areas.

At least the inland areas can still reclaim wasteland and cultivate land, but most of the land here is saline-alkali land, and the few fertile soils are all in the manors of noble gentlemen. .

Originally, fishing at sea was considered a subsistence business, but fishing boats were prohibited from appearing in the nearby waters on the grounds that fishing boats would affect the navigation of merchant ships.

The most important ports can be docked with money, but fishermen can't afford to pay that tax. Only merchant ships engaged in smuggling trade can make a lot of money after paying expensive dock fees.

As the lord of Hanhai City, Bai Miao was able to keep the place prosperous for so many years, but he had to exchange interests with the chambers of commerce supported by those nobles.There are shadows of other forces behind many laws and regulations.

This point is that Hanhai City is not as good as Jiangyang City. Dai Huabin has absolute power in the leader of the stars.

Sailing on the sea, there were more merchant ships visible to the naked eye, and the pirate leaders on Paradise Island were all planted with spiritual parasitism by Dai Huabin.

Before completing the teaching, these pirates were still Dai Huabin's subjects, and only after they were redeemed could they return to the sea and continue their piracy.

The boy woke up, Dai Huabin walked over, his tall figure blocked the scorching sun at noon.

The boy opened his eyes, the vision in his eyes was a little blurry, he rubbed his eyes to see clearly, in front of him was a tall young man with long white hair.

He looked at himself expressionlessly, and the boy who had gone through hardships could feel that the other party was not malicious.

He asked, "Where did the benefactor who saved me just now go?"

"It's me. Of course, I used some small disguises just now. You can understand it as disguise."

It's not that the young man has never seen those strange men and soldiers, and it's the first time he has met someone who can change his appearance to such an extent. Of course, those are not important, at least he has escaped from birth now.

The young man stood up and performed impeccable court etiquette. Even his unkempt body that hadn't been washed for a long time could not conceal the aristocratic atmosphere displayed by his meticulous movements.

Dai Huabin knew that the young man's behavior was to reveal his identity, so as to gain more bargaining chips and get more help from Dai Huabin.

"The distance between your right hand and your chest is two centimeters away, and your head is too low. You deliberately want to pretend to be a great nobleman, but your long-term movements have formed muscle memory, which is difficult to change. According to I think you are at best a minor nobleman, or even a declining nobleman."

Dai Huabin's words hit the young man's heart directly. He is naturally smart, otherwise he would not be able to do the feat of escaping from the slave camp.

But he didn't expect that Dai Huabin knew so much about aristocratic etiquette, and his understanding was almost the same as that of those teachers who specialize in etiquette.

Generally speaking, even if the other party is also a nobleman, they would not notice this, but Dai Huabin did it, which shows that his benefactor is more noble than he imagined.

"I'm sorry, benefactor. I deceived you. I hope my rudeness didn't affect your mood. In fact, I come from a border town between the Sky Soul Empire and the Sun Moon Empire. My father is the baron of the town. Sun Moon As the Empire swept through the town, I took off my aristocratic clothes for servant clothes I stole from the concierge.

I thought I could escape the catastrophe, but I never wanted to be brought back to the Sun Moon Empire as a slave, and then traveled across the ocean to come here. In fact, I still don’t know where this is.Someone in the slave camp tested our soul power, and those with stronger soul power will get better treatment.

I took the initiative to show that I lived in a separate room and lived like a normal person, except that I couldn't leave the slave camp.Until that day when I eavesdropped on their real arrangement for me, I finally made up my mind to escape desperately. Unfortunately, I was discovered by them. I could only run away desperately until I met you, my benefactor. "

"By the way, my name is Xue Qinghe. My father said that this name has been cursed, and no one in the family dares to use this name. But I am different. My martial soul is a black swan. Black represents misfortune. This unfortunate The name may bring me a different life."

After the boy named Xue Qinghe told his story, he carefully observed Dai Huabin's reaction.

Dai Huabin was only a little touched by the name Xue Qinghe, but he seemed to have expected what happened to him a long time ago, as if it really did not meet my expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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