Chapter 144 Niu Tian
Relying on Xuanwu, Dai Huabin took away some natural and earthly treasures on credit with the celestial grasses, and promised to pay off the principal with interest the next time he came again.

He picked out the Immortal Grass that he got in exchange and gave it to Huo Yuhao, and returned all the kits to Huo Yuhao, but he had to go back to the academy to see.

He also asked him to help tell Lu Ying who moved the soul beast in the Star Dou Forest that she couldn't go back for the time being.

As for why Dai Huabin couldn't go back, it was naturally because he had to escort Villens back to Hanhai City.

However, Dai Huabin will not be lonely along the way. In order to repay Dai Huabin, the Ice Emperor offered to help Dai Huabin complete a matter within his ability, although Dai Huabin said that he did nothing, and it was useless without repayment.

After thinking about it, he asked Bingdi to protect him for a year. It just so happened that this time he was going to Hanhai City, which was also the border of the Heavenly Soul Empire. His own forces could not control there, and there was danger.

After hearing this, Xuedi also offered to go and see it with Dai Huabin, saying that he wanted to be with Bingdi, and it was also a trip.

Accompanied by the two fierce beasts, Dai Huabin's safety naturally has no problem, and he can walk sideways across the entire continent.

Through observation, there are indeed many more soul masters in the Sunset Forest searching for the traces of Charens.

However, if Dai Huabin and Huo Yuhao just wanted to escape, it couldn't be easier.

Both of them have the ability to cover up their aura and change their appearance, it is impossible for these soul masters to recognize them.

As for Ice Empress and Snow Empress, they don't want to be discovered, and who can find them.

Just like that, the four easily walked out of the Sunset Forest full of royal soul masters, and then split into two groups.

Dai Huabin didn't go west at the beginning, the route from Tiandou City to Hanhai City must be the most closely searched, even if he changed his appearance, since he didn't have a real identity after all, there would inevitably be troubles.

And Charlans can't stay in the world of the undead all the time, that place is for the undead to live, and it is too much for Charlans to stay in it for a long time as a big living person.

On the trail far away from the sunset forest, Charence opened his eyes in a daze as if he had just woken up from a nightmare.

Seeing Dai Huabin in front of him and two strange women wearing veils behind him, he didn't know what he had experienced.

I just remembered that I seemed to be discussing with Dai Huabin to send me back to Hanhai City, so I have come back now?But looking at the surrounding environment, this is still inland.

"Prince Willens, you are awake. Now we are officially escorting you back to Hanhai City. If you have rested well, we will set off."

Hearing that they were about to go back soon, Wellens regained his energy and stood up staggeringly. After all, he was also a soul master who recovered soon after, and the four of them galloped on the mountain path.

Dai Huabin was going to go in the opposite direction first, detour northeast, and then turn southwest.Instead of going directly west, the extra thousand miles of this route would not delay anything in Dai Huabin's opinion.

After providing Villens with a sixth-level flying soul tool and teaching him how to use it, his speed also increased.

What scares Charrance the most along the way is the two veiled women. It seems incredible to Charrance that they can fly for so long relying on pure soul power.

I don't know if the princess can do it. In short, Prince Willens's plan to eat black and black has completely disappeared.

As the evening approached, the four of Dai Huabin, who had driven for a day, saw a small mountain village in front of them, so they decided to rest here for the night.

After asking Bingdi and Xuedi to take care of Charens, Dai Huabin went to the village to find out the situation.

The place where this village was built was quite strange, behind him was a towering and majestic mountain, steep and rugged.There are cliffs on three sides of this mountain, only one side is relatively gentle and can be climbed with difficulty.

It is surprising that there is such a village at the foot of this mountain.

There are not many people in the village, just dozens of households.

Walking into the village, two burly men sat next to the common water well in the middle of the village, one with short hair, brown eyes, and a muscular body.

The other has long cyan hair and cyan eyes. It looks thinner than the former, but it is even more imposing.

Looking at these two big men who seemed to be waiting here for a long time, Dai Huabin was a little puzzled, how could I know them?

Wait, to the east of Tiandou City, steep mountain peaks, small villages, two... This can't be the Clear Sky School, can it?

"Since you're here, don't even think about leaving." The man with short brown hair said in a deep voice.

There was absolutely no kindness in this tone, it seemed to be a little malicious towards himself.But I have never offended Haotianzong.

"This junior has met the two seniors, and I checked ancient books. I happened to know that this place is the residence of the Haotian School of the Hermit School. I came here to search because of my admiration. I don't know if the two seniors can tell me whether this place is the Haotian School or not." Where is the sect?" Dai Huabin pretended not to know, and made some random nonsense, he didn't know why these two people had such an attitude.

If it was because of Charles, it would be easy to handle.But I'm afraid it's because of something else, the Heavenly Soul imperial family doesn't have that much face to ask Haotianzong to take action.

"Stop pretending, Dai Huabin, right? My eldest brother and I have already received news that you will pass by this place today. Therefore, my two brothers have been waiting here, from morning till now, and have been waiting impatiently."

"How did the two seniors know my name? And how did you know that I would pass by here? And I don't know what you two are waiting for me?" Dai Huabin asked three times in a row, but just stalled for time. He had already notified that he was not far away The second emperor of ice and snow rushed over.

"Of course it's your life."

"I see who would dare" It was snowing in June, and the snowflakes fell on the ground but did not melt.

Ice Empress and Snow Empress rushed over.

Seeing the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor, the two big men were also very surprised. The news that the man gave them was that Dai Huabin would pass by here, and they must be killed.

But it didn't mention that there were other people involved, let alone that these two people were still soul beasts.

That's right, the two of them recognized Ice Empress and Snow Emperor's identity as a soul beast at a glance, because they were also soul beasts themselves.

The main body of the brown-yellow short-haired man is the Titan Giant Ape, and the main body of the blue-haired man is the Azure Bull Python. These two soul beasts have shocked the continent ten thousand years ago.

Because they sacrificed together to Tang San, after Tang San became a god, the two spirit beasts also ascended to the God Realm and gained eternal life.

Under the pseudonym Niu Tian, ​​Tai Tan acts as the patriarch of the Haotian School, walking on the Douluo Continent for Tang San, and helping him do things, because gods cannot interfere with the lower realms, but the titan Niu Tian who has no god position will not be bound by the law.

Tang San took advantage of the control of the law and released Tai Tan Niu Tian to Douluo privately.

Dai Huabin didn't know that when he absorbed Xuanwu a few years ago, he relied on the system to repel Tang San. At that time, Tang San had expected what happened today.

Let the titan Niu Tian kill Dai Huabin for him, thereby completely obliterating Xuanwu, one of the four great beasts.

"Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, Ice Sky Snow Girl. You, Dai Huabin, were able to invite them to help you." Niu Tiandao.

"Brother doesn't care what he does, let's do it." Tai Tan said impatiently.

"The two seniors haven't answered my question yet, so why don't you do it after clarifying? Maybe there is some misunderstanding?" Although he knew who these two people were, Dai Huabin still didn't know why the other party wanted to kill him.

I have enmity with Tang San?No way, I didn't do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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