Peerless Tang Sect: Expelled from Shrek Academy at the beginning

Chapter 138 The Powerful Thunder Under Absolute Defense

Chapter 138 The Powerful Thunder Under Absolute Defense
After all, they were two Contras, whose cultivation was two levels higher than that of Dai Huabin, so they quickly broke free from Boundless Sea's control.

The two Contras were about to join the battle immediately, but Dai Huabin had to buy some time for Huo Yuhao, so he used one person to resist the encirclement of six people, and traded injuries for time to block the opponent's advance.

Facing two Contras and four soul saints, even with the basalt armor and thorn halo turned on, they couldn't resist the opponent's output.

Dai Huabin's life recovery speed was far behind the injury speed.

Just when Dai Huabin was about to lose his hold, Huo Yuhao's spiritual sharing re-covered him.

"Everything is ready." It seemed that Huo Yuhao's surroundings had turned into a fixed-installed soul guide cannon firing position, and the firepower was comparable to that of a squadron.

"Yuhao, fire at me!" The communication between the two of them was completed by mental strength, and there was no need to worry about the leak of the news.

Without the slightest hesitation, Huo Yuhao controlled six six-level custom-installed soul cannons by himself at the same time. These custom-installed soul cannons were the Thunder that Dai Huabin had shown to the Terrorclaw Soul Engineer Group before.

Six consecutive salvos were short and rapid, and six thunderclaps resounded through the sky.

In Dai Huabin's original position, he became another person, and this person was Prince Willens who had not joined the battle.

The location where Huo Yuhao's fort was erected was only seven or eighty meters away from here. Such a short attack distance was even closer to Jinglei.

Seeing that Dai Huabin in front of him was replaced by Prince Willens, the six soul masters could only bite the bullet and use their bodies to resist him.

The six of them worked together to force this round of volley to suffer some injuries at most, so as not to die.

But if Prince Willens died, then these soul masters who served as the guards would definitely be responsible for it.

The two Soul Douluo were originally sent by the royal family, and they may have only given a little punishment, but the four Soul Sages must have no good fruit, after all, this prince is also His Majesty's younger brother.

If a few people see death and refuse to save them, in order to maintain the authority of the royal family, they can only be buried with them.

So the six of them worked together to block the thunder attack for Charlons. At first, they didn't think that these custom-installed soul guide shells would have much power. When they really exploded, it was as if they were struck by lightning.

If the four soul saints were not in the state of martial soul avatar, the six thunderbolts would have seriously injured them.

But now, the two eighth-level soul instructors are not bad, only suffered some minor injuries, but the four soul saints are in a particularly embarrassing situation, with serious injuries, and they can barely continue to fight.

As for Prince Willens, who was protected by several soul masters, he seemed to be frightened, and fear finally appeared in his eyes at this moment.

Regardless of the power of the thunder, the deafening sound alone is not something ordinary people can bear.

Dai Huabin, who used basalt summoning to exchange positions with Prince Willens, is currently at the outermost position, and he has jumped out of the encirclement. If he wants to escape, he can take the opportunity to escape.

But Huo Yuhao was still trapped inside, it was impossible for him to leave him inside alone, so let's run away by himself.

Although the attack just now had caused a lot of damage to the six soul masters, it wasn't enough to really determine victory or defeat.

It's just that Huo Yuhao had already loaded the second round of shells at this time, and now the opponent was on guard and began to separate from each other.

Huo Yuhao multi-purposed, each cannon fired in different directions.

The targets of the six cannons were all different, but Huo Yuhao didn't really want to hit all six targets.

Four of them are just a cover, only two of them are the real targets, and the targets of these two are exactly two of the four soul saints.
These two people also showed it in the previous battle. They are not good at speed, so it is extremely difficult to avoid the thunder at such a close distance.

The rest of the people easily dodged the shells that Huo Yuhao used to interfere. The shells hit the open space, bringing up mushroom clouds one by one.

Under the mushroom cloud are bomb craters.

But the other two cannonballs seemed to have eyes, and the two soul saints were unable to dodge at all, and were still hit by the thunder.

This time they didn't have teammates to share the damage, and the two of them carried a thunderbolt alone, and their already injured bodies suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.The two of them seemed to be seriously injured, basically losing their ability to fight.

At this time, the other four soul masters also launched an attack on the soul guidance position, and the four ten thousand year soul skills bombarded them, and the terrifying momentum made people frightened.

"Don't be afraid, keep launching." These are the words from Dai Huabin.

Seeing that terrifying attack was coming, Huo Yuhao still maintained his absolute trust in Dai Huabin, ignoring the other party's attack.

The next round of loading began, and the next round of launching.

If there is an absolute defense in this world, it must belong to Dai Huabin. One person can take the powerful combined attack of two Soul Douluo and two Soul Sages.

Dai Huabin's whole body was directly thrown a hundred meters away, a red line of blood was also scattered in the air, and when the blood dripped on the ground.

Another volley of six rounds, thunder came again! .

This round of salvo directly killed one soul saint and seriously injured the other soul saint.

The sixth-level soul guide device may not pose too much threat to the soul saint, but this is a sixth-level fixed-installed soul guide gun, or six.

The faces of the two Contras gradually became gloomy, two dead and two seriously injured, even if they both suffered a little injury.The other party is very smart, and the target has always been those soul saints, so that they can achieve lore.

Their mistake was that they underestimated Dai Huabin's defense and field control ability, and also underestimated the power of the six thunderbolts.

The custom-installed soul guide cannon is so terrifying. This kind of killing machine used in war also radiates a different brilliance in such small-scale battles.

Jinglei's cannonballs were also exhausted, and Dai Huabin only carried so many with him, and he was ready to show them to others at any time, so that he could sell them, so he didn't bring many cannonballs.

Without the cannonballs, these things turned into fire sticks. Huo Yuhao hurried to the place where Dai Huabin fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the two Contras immediately followed.

Dai Huabin could barely get up at this time, and Huo Yuhao felt relieved when he came to see that he was fine.

A strong recovery ability can certainly help Dai Huabin recover quickly, but no matter how fast it is, it will not be so fast.

Dai Huabin first supported six, and then carried the four soul skills on the opposite side. Now Dai Huabin, let alone Soul Douluo, can defeat him even a soul saint.

Huo Yuhao controlled six fixed-installed soul guide cannons by himself. It seemed easy, but in fact it was very mentally exhausting. Even if Huo Yuhao's mental power was far superior to ordinary people, he couldn't bear it.

However, Huo Yuhao's condition was better than Dai Huabin's. It was only a loss of mental strength, and his body was not injured at all.

Since Dai Huabin took over the responsibility of defense, Huo Yuhao would not be harmed.

Huo Yuhao, as the main attacker, did not disappoint Dai Huabin. Relying on the compatibility of the soul eyes and the soul tool, he successfully eliminated the four soul saints on the opposite side.

However, the other party still had two Contras whose combat strength had not been damaged, and the challenge had just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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