Chapter 132 Roundtable
After being rescued by Dai Huabin, Han Ruoruo voluntarily admitted that he had lost.

Such a result made many students of Shrek Academy unacceptable. Obviously, Han Ruoruo didn't fully display his strength, but fell into Dai Huabin's tricks.

But recalling the sky-filled lake, many people knew that if they played by themselves, they would not be able to block that blow.

What Dai Huabin used just now was a soul skill that he seldom used, and it was called Shui Tian Yi Se.This soul skill is somewhat similar to Huo Yuhao's ice blast technique, both of which are powerful.

But the use of soul skills with relatively harsh conditions.

And this Sea God Lake just met the most basic conditions for using this soul skill, which is why Dai Huabin dared to fight against Han Ruoruo alone.

No one can say that Dai Huabin is wrong with such a record of winning the sixth ring and the eighth ring, even Xuan Lao applauds for his wonderful performance.

Elder Xuan made a secret decision in his heart that he would never engage in such things with Dai Huabin again, but would try his best to make friends with him instead.

Otherwise, Dai Huabin will definitely become a serious problem for Shrek Academy.

Beibei and Zhang Lexuan announced in unison for the last time: "Sea God's Fate in Sea God's Lake, bless Dai Huabin, Bai Min will be together for a hundred years, and Sea God's Fate will be fulfilled."

"Everyone, the Sea God Fate Conference is over. See you next year." There were still people on Sea God Island who stood for a long time and refused to leave, as if they were still thinking about it.

Beibei and Zhang Lexuan's boat dissipated in the mist just like when they arrived.

Dai Huabin took Bai Min aboard the big ship, people from the Three Kingdoms congratulated the two of them.

"It's getting late. Let's rest for the night. Tomorrow is Chen's time. We are still here, and we will officially hold the meeting on this boat."

After finishing the process, the boat headed towards the shore. At this time, Bai Min came to Elder Xuan alone, and begged, "Old Xuan, I want to apply for early graduation. Please see if you can arrange a graduation assessment for me first."

Elder Xuan shook his head and smiled: "No, I'll tell the academic affairs when I go back, you don't need to pass the graduation assessment after graduation. It's my special approval. After all, everyone knows your strength, and the task of the Shrek Supervisory Team has also been completed. This Graduation exam, let's just skip it."

"Thank you, Elder Xuan!" Bai Min said excitedly. The reason why she proposed to graduate early was because of Dai Huabin.

Dai Huabin wanted to take her back to Xingchen, but it wasn't about getting married.In fact, Dai Huabin didn't have that kind of meaning towards Bai Min at all, the reason why he held hands with Bai Min was only to complete the Sea God's Fate.

However, he has promised Bai Min to help her revive the Min Clan, but only if the Min Clan is merged into the Star Academy.

The Star Academy will set up a second-level department, the Pure Sensitivity Department, under the Martial Soul Department, and it will be in charge of people from the Minzhi Clan.

Although the Tang Sect is also under Dai Huabin's control, Dai Huabin's positioning of the Tang Sect is still a sect, a platform for attracting forces from the world.

Star Academy is the real core of Dai Huabin.

Previously, Star Academy had the help of Star Research Institute, and the Soul Guidance Department developed very quickly.However, the Martial Soul Department can't keep up with the pace of those old schools with deep foundations.

After learning that Bai Min was a descendant of the Min clan, Dai Huabin planned to let the Min clan join the Star Academy.

For this reason, he also asked Bai Min about the other three clans. Unfortunately, Bai Min didn't know about this, but she said that the current patriarch of Min's clan knew about it.

In this way, Dai Huabin must be going to pay a visit. Fortunately, the current residence of the Minzhi Clan is in the Heaven Dou City of the Heavenly Soul Empire, which is the same destination as Dai Huabin's future destination.

The Sea God's Fate was voided, Dai Huabin and Bai Min both got the benefits they wanted, so there was no need to get involved with personal feelings.

At the next day, he was back on the big boat in Poseidon Lake yesterday. Today's Poseidon Lake has lost the noise of yesterday.

The huge Sea God Lake looked extraordinarily calm.

On board too.

But under this calmness, I don't know what kind of undercurrent is hidden.

Of the four major forces present, only the four main leaders of each of the four forces can sit at the central negotiating table, that is, only fourteen people participated in this negotiation.

Others sit behind their respective forces and provide advice to the main responsible persons participating in the meeting.

The four people here at Shrek Academy are: Pavilion Master of the Sea God Pavilion, Xuan Zi, head of the Shrek Overseeing Group; Song Qingyun, Deputy Pavilion Master of the Sea God Pavilion (namely Song Lao, soul power 97, Wuhun Qingying Condor. The author chose the name himself .) Yan Shaozhe, head of the Martial Soul Department; Xian Liner, head of the Soul Guidance Department.

These four people from Shrek Academy are all from Sea God Pavilion, which is also normal, Sea God Pavilion is the absolute power center of Shrek Academy.

The four members of the Star Luo Empire are: Doctor Immortal Douluo Wang Xian'er; Crown Prince Xu Yunwen; Duke of Netherworld Zhu Rang; and Dai Huabin who represents the Duke of White Tiger.

Wang Xian'er represented the worship hall, the crown prince represented the royal family, while Dai Huabin's father-in-law Zhu Rang and Dai Huabin represented the two great aristocratic families of Xingluo.The current situation of the Star Luo Empire can be seen from the forces represented by these four people.

No wonder Xu Jiawei would take the initiative to abdicate. He was afraid that if he didn't voluntarily give up his position, his life would be lost, not to mention being named the Duke of the Star Crown and gaining wealth forever.

The four members of the Heavenly Soul Empire are: Heavenly Martial Douluo Lu Chengkun, Body Douluo Poison Immortal, Princess Wei Na, Xuanming Douluo Xu Miao.

This Heavenly Martial Douluo, Lu Chengkun, is the chief priest of the Heavenly Soul Empire, and he is extremely loyal to the Heavenly Soul Empire, but it is a pity that he is only level 97.

Noumenon Douluo Poison Immortal is now the master of the Heavenly Soul Empire. After the Noumenon Sect became the sect of protecting the country, the Heavenly Soul Empire also allowed some people from the Noumenon Sect to control some power.

And this Xuanming Douluo Xu Miao is the suzerain of Xuanmingzong, and Xu Sanshi is his son.Xuanmingzong has always been hidden from the world, and the appearance of Xu Miao officially announced the birth of Xuanmingzong.

Among the four members of the Heavenly Soul Empire, two are from the sect. It can be seen that the Heavenly Soul Empire is desperately looking for support.

The four members of the Dou Ling Empire are: Tianyang Douluo Tianyang (the original book has no name, so it is simply called Tianyang).The prince Xue Yushu, the eldest princess Xue Lingxun, and the duke Xue Leng.

There are many factions in the Dou Ling Empire, the prince Xue Yushu representing the royal family, Xue Leng representing the aristocratic forces, and Xue Lingxun representing the sect forces.Speaking of the fact that Xue Lingxun was recognized by the sect, it was because her husband was Xu Miao, the suzerain of Xuanmingzong.

The last time in Jiangyang City, the Dou Ling Empire asked Xue Lingxun to come forward, but it was not because she trusted her so much, but because the Jiangyang City talks were too difficult. As the weakest party among the four countries, the Dou Ling Empire was inappropriate to speak for anyone. This is the meeting that Xue Lingxun was sent to attend.

I never thought that Xue Lingxun would handle this matter beautifully, but instead won the support of some people in the Dou Ling Empire.

But now it seems that Xue Lingxun and Xu Miao appear in the eyes of the world at the same time, it seems that it is not so simple, these two people must have other plans.

These 16 people are the main participants in today's meeting.

In order to avoid the trouble of ranking, a round table is used.Later generations also called this meeting the first round table meeting.

"Everyone, after a night's rest, everyone must be very energetic now, and everyone can guess that the content of this meeting to be discussed is a bit complicated, and I'm afraid it will last until night. Without further ado, let's Let's get started, Zhang Lexuan who presided over Sea God's Fate yesterday will be the host of the meeting." Elder Xuan looked at the crowd and said.

"Lexuan, let's start."

(End of this chapter)

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