Chapter 128
Finally it was Dai Huabin's turn, and he was also the last one to appear in the first round.

You must know that the 28 male students in front spent a lot of time, but Dai Huabin just kept floating on the water without showing any fatigue.It is more stable than some students standing on water lilies.

Those who didn't know thought Dai Huabin was standing on the ground.

Many people have already helped Dai Huabin figure out the procedure, they walked over like this, and then lifted the hats of those girls one by one.

Simple and invincible, people seem to have seen the scene where Dai Huabin lifted the hats of all fifteen female students.

But they were all wrong, Dai Huabin would not take this approach.

But Dai Huabin walked a dozen steps, and stopped when he was still some distance away from the female students.

The martial soul is activated, and the white tiger possesses it.

Black and blue-gold became the only centers on Sea God Lake.

Rao had known Dai Huabin's soul ring configuration for a long time, and many people were still shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

"Offended." Dai Huabin said flatly.

The fifteen female students all felt that something was wrong.

However, when Dai Huabin raised his hand, a ripple appeared on the calm lake surface, and with another push, the lake surface in front of Dai Huabin split open towards both sides.

"The sea is boundless."

When the voice came out from Dai Huabin's mouth, he saw the fifteen female students releasing their martial spirits one after another, each showing their supernatural powers, flying up.

A moment later, fifteen jets of water appeared under the fifteen water lilies, and the fifteen jets of water shot up into the sky and scattered in all directions.

The water column dissipated in the lake, and Sea God Lake returned to calm.

The Boundless Sea that was used just now is an improved version of Boundless Sea, which changes single attack into group attack, but in this way, the power of Boundless Sea is also greatly weakened.

The might of the fifteen paths of Boundless Sea can only hit the water lily. You must know that this is not simply divided into fifteen parts, and the mystery is naturally not like this.

It is very difficult for Dai Huabin to control the fifteen paths of Boundless Sea at the same time.It can only be for the quantity and give up the power.

The sound of "plop" sounded one after another, and only soul masters with flying martial spirits could avoid falling into the water.Most of the female students were about to fall into the water, Dai Huabin shouted at this time: "The one who takes off the bamboo hat will not fall into the water."

Falling into the water means elimination. In desperation, the female students took off their bamboo hats one after another.

Only then did Dai Huabin control the surface of the lake and condense it into a water platform. The female students landed on it as if they were standing on flat ground.A total of ten people took off their hats, and those who did not have either had flying martial souls or flying soul guides.

"Good!" The members of the Star Luo Empire mission applauded. Dai Huabin's performance is so good, it can be regarded as a face of their Star Luo.

The other two countries are a little envious, but they are not prepared for this at all. If they knew that Shrek Academy would do this, they would have to bring one or two talents from China. General Assembly.

After Beibei announced that Dai Huabin's round was over, a Contra master with a plant-type martial spirit came to revive the water lilies destroyed by Dai Huabin.

In order not to interfere with the subsequent competition, Dai Huabin also removed the water platform he maintained, and the female students landed on the water lily again.

The first round ended here, but a total of five male students were eliminated. In the first round, only those who fell into the water would be eliminated. These five male students were either eager for success and accidentally fell into the water.

Or it was too much, angered the female students, and was thrown into the water by others' self-defense.

Then 23 male students and [-] female students entered the second round, so it seems that the pressure of competition among male students will be much less.

However, in the first round, there have been many couples who have been in love for a long time and just want to be a witness on Sea God Lake.

These people also have no chance to pursue.

So far, most of the fifteen girls have been seen by the male students, at least they know who is who.

Because of this, the male students have roughly determined their goals, and are not as dazed as they were at the beginning.

The ranking for the second round will be based on the results of the first round. Dai Huabin ranked first with ten hats, and Huo Yuhao came second with eight hats.

The second round is called Love at First Sight, and the initiative comes to the girls. Each female student will use the soul guide lamp in her hand to express her affection for the male student.Keep the lights on if you want to, and turn off the lights if you don't want to.

If no lights were on, the male student would be eliminated directly.

To be honest, this round of Dai Huabin is really not confident, what if no one really shines, this is still very likely to happen.

Dai Huabin hated the feeling of leaving his fate to other people's decision. He turned around and said to Huo Yuhao who was standing behind him, "Yuhao, let me tell you a secret. Do me a favor..."

"Then the first male student to appear in the second round is Dai Huabin. Within 1 minute, everyone will make a decision."

The lights went out one by one, and there were only nine lights left.

eight lamps,

seven lamps,


time up.

Looking at the four lamps, Dai Huabin's expression was a bit strange, and he was worried that no one would turn on the lamps to ask Huo Yuhao for help, but it seemed that it was unnecessary.

"Why do I feel that Ma Xiaotao and Wu Ming kept the lights because they wanted to fight Dai Huabin?" Zhang Lexuan couldn't help laughing.

On the boat, Prince Xingluo Xu Yunwen said playfully: "Cousin Hua Bin's popularity with women is not bad, so many people favor him in the Sea God's Fate held at Shrek Academy."

"That's not as good as you, big brother, you have already found me eight sisters-in-law." Xu Jiujiu who was next to him revealed.

"Uh... let's not talk about this, let's see how far he can go. When the time comes, we will marry one, and it will be our Xingluo's profit. This is an empty-handed white wolf business."

In fact, there is another sentence that Xu Yunwen hid in his heart and didn't say it, he also wanted to be favored by these heavenly girls from Shrek Academy like Dai Huabin.

Although he had taken eight women, all of these women were daughters and granddaughters of great nobles, high-ranking officials and generals, but regardless of their identities, they couldn't compare to Shrek Academy's inner court disciples.

There were only four lamps, but it was enough for Dai Huabin.

"Second place, Huo Yuhao." Huo Yuhao, whose name was read by Zhang Lexuan, did not express anything. He seemed to have lost his soul and didn't know what happened.

It was still Dai Huabin who patted him on the shoulder, made an encouraging gesture, and said: "Just ask yourself if you love her, as for the rest, just treat it as a memory and let it go with the wind."

Huo Yuhao nodded and stepped forward.

"One minute, everyone, please make a decision."

Huo Yuhao kept his head down, lost his composure just now, and lost his former composure.

One minute passed quickly, and only one person turned off the lights, and there were 1 lights in the audience.Three times that of Dai Huabin.

But Huo Yuhao didn't act very happy because of this, he just raised his head and took a quick glance, as if looking at a certain female student, then bowed his head and backed away.

The meeting will not change because of Huo Yuhao's abnormal performance. The subsequent male students will come up at once, and the second round will soon be over.

The 23 male students lost three more, and now there are still [-] male students and [-] female students who have entered the third round.

(End of this chapter)

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