Chapter 367 Confrontation
The ghostly will-o'-the-wisp in mid-air suddenly began to brighten, and the dark green light reappeared. The faces of Zhou Yixian and the others changed, but Biguio still stood there, motionless, staring at the will-o'-the-wisp indifferently. The carnival bell also rang gradually.

"Sect Master, are you really going to stop me?"

"You must know that these two people have explored my secret."

Mr. Ghost stared at Baguio, as if he wanted to see what was going on in her heart.


At this moment, Baguio smiled slightly, and said: "This old liar is more pleasing to my eyes, so let me protect him today."

Facing Baguio, although Mr. Ghost still didn't emerge from the coffin, he was obviously more cautious. The ghostly ghost fire in midair burned silently, and gradually brightened and grew bigger, reflecting the faces of the surrounding people. Made green.

Baguio stared at the dark green light group, expressionless, and suddenly took a step.Almost at the moment when Baguio's figure moved, the Netherworld ghost fire seemed to be stimulated by something, and the light suddenly became brighter, but this time it was not divided into five parts to change into the five-star magic circle, but a group of ghostly ghosts. The green was so high that it brought a gust of wind, and the dust in this yin house fell down.Zhou Yixian and the other two were caught off guard and rubbed their eyes one after another.

At this increasingly tense moment, there was a ghostly aura in the midair, and it seemed that a mysterious and strange spell was about to be launched.Baguio didn't dare to be careless in the face of this always mysterious Mr. Ghost, and she was fully on guard. Suddenly, her phoenix eyes raised, and her whole body suddenly lifted into the air. There was a loud noise, and the whole room suddenly shook violently, as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking.

A huge pale bone giant arm broke through the stone slabs on the ground and slammed heavily on the place where Baguio was standing.At this moment, the whole room was enveloped in the sound of ghostly howls, and Baguio flew into the air, and the huge bone arm seemed to be urged by some mysterious force, and it rushed upwards, rushing straight towards Baguio.

Baguio frowned, but didn't look flustered, his eyes reflected the white shadow of the giant bone arm that rushed towards him, and at the moment when he was about to hit him, his body swayed in mid-air and floated to the right, leaving no room for warning Dodging in the past, the giant arm of white bone smashed down heavily, and fell to the ground, and there was another burst of sand and stones.

At this moment, the house was full of ghosts and the wind was blowing. Zhou Yixian and his back leaned against the wall tightly, intending to leave this place, but they dared not move casually, otherwise they might be accidentally injured by bones in this chaos.But fortunately, it seems that Mr. Ghost's attention is on Baguio, the two of them hid in the corner next to the altar, and the bones did not come to hurt them.It's just that the two of them were in the chaos of sand and stones, looking at the room in the yin house, which was not very spacious before, at this moment suddenly there was a huge bone arm chasing Baguio's figure, it seemed a bit crowded.

But it seems that this is not enough, at the moment when Zhou Yixian was muttering in his heart, there was another dull cry from the depths of the ground, the voice was faintly disturbed and ferocious, like a fierce soul that had been imprisoned for a long time finally had a chance to breathe. I was sulking out of my heart.

There was a big earthquake in the yin house, the ground turned over and the rocks were cracked, and when the bones flashed, an equally huge arm of bones stretched out from the ground and slammed into Baguio fiercely.Baguio swayed and dodged between the two bone arms, his eyes fixed tightly, but so far, he has not fought back.

In an instant, the room became even more crowded.

The bones are dense, dancing in the air, the strange, unpredictable and frightening scene is quietly staged in this vampire. Although Mr. Ghost and Baguio are fighting fiercely, they both seem to have a tacit understanding, and the scope of their magic power is wide. Confined in this yin house, Mr. Gui's ghost magic did not overflow outside the house, and Baguio has been moving around in the house all the time.

In the sky above the Yin Mansion, the ghostly ghostly flames were burning coldly. Under the faint green light, Baguio's figure seemed to gradually take on a strange and gloomy air amidst the flying bones. But no matter what, until now, Mr. Ghost still took Baguio has no choice.Inside the coffin, Mr. Ghost's voice snorted coldly.

Suddenly, the ghostly ghost fire in the mid-air suddenly lit up, and the two giant bone arms that were flying and chasing suddenly paused, and then there seemed to be a mournful cry, and the piercing sound of "Kaka Kaka" sounded, and the two giant bone arms turned from top to bottom. Numerous cracks appeared, which turned into countless small pieces in an instant, with extremely sharp edges, like a rain of bones, and like a swarm of devouring bees, overwhelmingly rushing towards Baguio.

Zhou Yixian and the other three turned pale, and Xiaohuan even screamed out. In the small yin house, the two giant arms were already extremely difficult to avoid. .

Bi Yao's face was as cold as frost, she stared at the bone fragments all over the sky, seeing that the bone fragments were about to rush towards her, she suddenly fell from mid-air at high speed, and hit the ground straight, her figure was as fast as lightning.The countless bone fragments suffocated in the midair, as if they had spirituality, they made a sharp sound in the air, they stopped for a while, bent in midair, and chased down in the air.

Baguio fell to the ground in a blink of an eye, but before his body stabilized, Biguio stretched out his hand and slapped the ground, and his whole body flew out close to the ground, and that direction was exactly the coffin where Mr. Ghost was.

The dark fire in the midair shook, smashed down like lightning, and the countless bone fragments chased up like the wind, the wind blew, the whole room was shaking, Baguio's clothes were blown in the wind There was a lot of hunting, but at the moment when there was an interception and a pursuit, the sad flower hidden in her hand had already been sacrificed by her in a hurry.

However, the direction of the sad flower flying was actually the corner where Zhou Yixian and the two were. The fragrance is faintly more charming.

In a blink of an eye, the Sad Flower flew up to him, and with a thud, it stuck into the wall next to Zhou Yixian's head, almost sinking in completely.

Zhou Yixian was so shocked that he even forgot to scold Biguio, he just felt a coldness spread from his head to his feet in an instant, and the sad flower next to his ear seemed to have an invisible arm, trying to pull him over.He was terrified in his heart, tried his best to move his body away, and then gasped for breath.

But at this time, the bone fragments flying all over the sky and the ghostly will-o'-the-wisp suddenly stopped abruptly like a landslide and tsunami, and froze in mid-air. After a while, there was a slight painful sound from the wall. Hmph, a human-shaped clod suddenly flew out from the wall and rushed towards Baguio, but the original countless bone fragments fell to the ground one after another as if they had lost their spiritual power. Only the ghostly ghost fire seemed to be more It became brighter for a few minutes, and flew over the clod again.

Baguio let out a whistling sound and made a move with his right hand. The sad flower flew back and pierced the clod of soil from behind. It collapsed in an instant, but a black figure flashed out, floating like a ghost, and fell on the mysterious coffin deep in the room. Looking up, it looked to be the figure of Mr. Ghost.

The sad flower fell slowly and returned to Biguio's hands. Biguio focused on Mr. Ghost, but did not make a move. Mr. Ghost also turned around slowly, looked at Biguio, and suddenly said, "How did you see where I was hiding?"

Baguio was silent, did not answer, just looked at him coldly, Mr. Ghost moved his black gauze lightly, nodded, and said: "Okay, you and I may not be friends in the future, it's natural if you don't want to say, but today is not over yet, I want to see how you, the master of the ghost king sect, are doing?"

Baguio's pupils contracted slightly, although she had the upper hand by attacking Mr. Ghost's hiding place by surprise with the sad flower just now, but her expression was not at all relaxed.She thought it was intentional or unintentional, and the sad flower pierced into the soil, but Mr. Gui was really like a ghost, empty and empty, and he couldn't see the influence of the sad flower on him at all.

Seeing the two confronting each other, it seems that there will be another fierce fight, Zhou Yixian was shocked for a while, and quickly pulled Xiaohuan, knowing that it is extremely dangerous for such two people with extremely strange Taoism to compete with each other here. Hastily found a hole in the dilapidated wall and got out. Before leaving, Xiaohuan seemed to remember something, and stretched out her hand, taking Zhou Xingyun's spiritual tablet.

The two of them left the house one after another, Baguio and Mr. Ghost naturally knew each other clearly, but Baguio didn't respond, and Mr. Ghost seemed to be ignoring them at the moment.Just after they were able to leave, there was a sudden gust of wind in the yin house, and Shafei walked away. Zhou Yixian and the two stood outside the hole in the wall, and were still pushed away by the violent wind a few feet away.

Zhou Yixian pulled Xiaohuan back far away, a full three feet away, and then turned back to look at the room, but looking at it from such a distance, he could no longer feel that there were two tall people in that room They are fighting fiercely, and it seems that they have always controlled their mana within the scope of that room.Looking from a distance, the strange light flickered in that room, except for the faint green light that was there at the beginning, now there were many strange lights such as gold, red, pale, blue light, etc. The ghostly and murderous aura is strong, but I think it is quite colorful and beautiful.

Xiaohuan stared at the room, and softly said to Zhou Yixian who seemed to be about to run away: "Grandpa, let's just leave like this, isn't it good?"

Zhou Yixian was startled, turned his head to look at Xiaohuan, Zhou Yixian frowned and said: "Silly girl, what are you thinking! Those two guys are big murderers, it's good that we can escape with our lives, What are you still doing here?"

Xiaohuan hesitated for a moment, then said: "But, but after all, she did it to save us...

Zhou Yixian said impatiently: "I said, why are you so confused! Baguio's Taoism is very high, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Besides, they bite dogs, eh, no, one is called Ghost King Sect Master, and the other is called Mr. Ghost. Fighting ghosts is the only way to fight ghosts. It's none of our business if they fight ghosts, go, go!"

Saying that, he took Xiaohuan's hand and walked away. Xiaohuan hesitated for a moment, but in the end he was dragged away by Zhou Xian.

In the yin house, half a cup of tea time has passed at this moment, and the originally messy house is now even more messy, with broken stones and walls everywhere, and even the dilapidated ground seems to have been pulled by a cow after an earthquake at this moment Plowing the fields is normal, the soil is uneven, the stones are abrupt, and there is almost no place to stand.

Meanwhile, Baguio and Mr. Ghost were both floating in mid-air at this moment, they stopped for a moment and stared at each other.

Mr. Gui suddenly said: "I never imagined that your Taoism progressed so quickly. In just ten years, even I can't see through it."

Baguio looked at the mysterious man in black, and said coldly, "I never thought that you are not from the Demon Cult, but from the Southern Border Witchcraft and Ghost Dao."

Mr. Ghost fell slowly, and at this time the yin house was in a mess, most of the original coffins were torn apart, only the coffin on the shady ground was intact. Mr. Ghost fell on it, and after a moment of silence, he said: "You What do you intend to do when you come to Qingyun Mountain?"

Baguio said coldly, "What are you doing?"

Mr. Ghost said indifferently: "The world is in chaos, and it is in the chaotic world that beasts and monsters are rampant. This time, the battle between the righteous way and the beasts in Qingyun is inevitable. It is such a grand occasion, why don't I come and see it?"

Baguio looked at him and said, "As you said, who can win the righteous way or the beast monster?"

Mr. Ghost suddenly had a flash of light in his eyes, as if he had thought of something, he said: "The strength of the beast monster is beyond everyone's expectations, especially the beast god at the head, so far no one has seen him make a move, let alone know Exactly how good he is, but to be able to command these countless powerful monsters, this person must be an earth-shattering and peerless person. In this battle, the monster beasts may have a [-]% chance of winning."

Baguio was silent for a long time, and said: "Thirty percent of the righteous way, could it be that they are all on the Zhuxian Sword Formation?"

Mr. Ghost smiled slightly, and said: "Exactly. Qingyunmen Zhuxian Sword Formation is really different. After thousands of years, it is still the world's first-class extraordinary Taoist magic circle. If Zhengdao wants to win this time, I am afraid that there is no hope." On this sword formation, otherwise there would not be so many righteous people, and if they don't go to other places, they all come to Qingyun Mountain."

Baguio raised her head silently, with a complex expression on her face, as if recalling something from the past, with a faint pain on her face.

Mr. Ghost glanced at Bi Yao, his words were calm, but his eyes seemed to have deep meaning, and said: "The power of Qingyun Mountain Zhuxian Sword Formation is extraordinary, it can kill demons and demons, it has been the treasure of Qingyunmen for thousands of years. This sword formation was born out of the unnamed ancient scroll obtained by Qingyunzi, the founder of Qingyunmen. Thousands of years ago, the peerless genius Qingye was born and retreated in the "Huanyue Cave" for 13 years. The spiritual power of the mountains and mountains is formed into an array, and the murderous aura of all things in the world is transformed into a sword, so it is invincible in the world."

He paused for a moment, then his voice seemed to be a little erratic, but his eyes were fixed on Baguio, and he said slowly: "And this shocking and peerless formation cannot be separated from a magic weapon."

Baguio said solemnly: "The ancient sword "Zhu Xian"?"

Mr. Ghost nodded and said: "Exactly! Where did the ancient sword Zhu Xian come from? The first time it appeared in the human world was when Qingye was holding this sword in his hand after 13 years of retreat in the Huanyue Cave. And all along, this magic weapon has never been kept by the head of Qingyun, but placed in Qingyun. It's in the Huanyue Cave Mansion on the back of the mountain."

Mr. Ghost stopped, and the mansion fell into silence for a while.Baguio looked at him deeply, and said slowly, "How do you know so much?"

Mr. Ghost shook his hand and said: "You don't need to worry about me, but what I told you is indeed the truth. Therefore, the secret of Qingyunmen's Zhuxian Sword Formation is probably mostly in the Huanyue cave that only the head of Qingyun can enter. Among them." He smiled and said, "Do you understand?"

Baguio didn't speak, just stared at this person silently, after a while, said coldly: "Who are you?"

Mr. Ghost stood with his hands behind his back, and said slowly, "Anyway, remember that I am not your enemy, that's all."

Baguio looked at this person for a moment, then turned around suddenly, and slowly floated out. When his figure was about to disappear, his voice seemed to be heard from a distance, but it was like the sound of wind and could not be heard clearly.

Mr. Ghost stood alone in the darkness, motionless, the ghostly ghost fire slowly dimmed, and finally completely extinguished, and the yin house fell into silence again.

Just after a while, there was a low sneer sound from the figure in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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