Chapter 291 Rescue
Both Xiao Yicai and Yan Hong were secretly startled, but no matter what in their hearts, they couldn't remember who this woman was. She had such a high level of morality that she could take one of the most outstanding disciples of Tianyin Temple apart from Fa Shan - Fa Shan. There was little power to fight back.

Seeing Fa Shan's demise revealed, Xiao Yicai and Yan Hong looked at each other, screamed, and rushed down, wielding the famous fairy sword "Seven Stars Sword" from Tongtian Peak of Qingyunmen, turned into a white light, and slashed down on their heads.And at the side, Yan Hong's hand also emitted a burst of green energy, it was her magic weapon "Blue Spirit Stone", and she followed closely.

The woman in light yellow clothes suddenly heard the sound of shouting above her head, her face changed, and there seemed to be a slight anger on her face, but all kinds of amorous feelings, as if the light anger had also turned into a soul-stirring beauty, lightly written on the On the cheeks, it seduces the soul.

After all, Xiao Yicai is one of the few dozen or two disciples of Qingyun sect today, his level of knowledge is not comparable to that of ordinary people, the seven-star sword's sword light is everywhere, and it has stretched out into the sky to form a huge sword light, which cuts off head-on.The woman frowned, not daring to underestimate the enemy, and saw another woman behind her, who seemed to be not low-minded, she had no choice but to float backwards, at the same time her right hand moved continuously, and suddenly grabbed the air, and suddenly purple light shone out of nowhere, dazzling Eyes, a strange purple magic weapon that was full of aura, was blocked by her in front of her, and it collided heavily with the Seven Star Sword and the Qingling Stone.


With a muffled sound, the woman floated backwards, and Xiao Yicai and Yan Hong also landed beside Fashan, Xiao Yicai asked Fashan in a low voice: "Brother Fashan, are you alright?"

Fashan's face was flushed, and he gasped for breath. It took him a while to recover, and said, "Senior Brother Xiao, be careful, this woman is Jin Ping'er, a demon girl from the Hehuan Sect of the Demon Sect, she's so powerful!"

Both Xiao Yicai and Yan Hong were shocked. In the past few years, Jin Ping'er could be said to be a prominent figure in the Devil's Cult. Together with Qin Wuyan and Bi Yao, they were also called the "Three Young Masters", and they were regarded as a serious threat by righteous people.When I saw her today, I found such an extremely beautiful woman, but when I thought of the incomparable seduction when I saw her for the first time just now, Xiao Yicai knew that this person was probably a Jin Ping'er from the Hehuan School.

Jin Ping'er stood at the front, feeling a little annoyed in her heart, after she entered the Nether Marsh, she had searched for many days without any clue, but today she ran into the Tianyin Temple monk Fashan who was alone, and the two had a quarrel, Then he raised his hand.

Fashan has practiced Buddhism for many years, and he is a master of Buddhism and Taoism. Among the younger generation of Tianyin Temple, they don't think of anyone else except the appearance of the heavenly wizard.It's just that Jin Ping'er is even more formidable, as soon as he comes up, he suddenly winks like silk, even though Fa Shan's Buddhist sect has a strong concentration, he was caught off guard and suffered a big loss under the secret "charming heart technique" of the Acacia Sect of the Demon Cult , the mind was turbulent for a while, and only [-]% of the [-]% of the body was left.

After that, under Jin Ping'er's seemingly understatement, but in fact fierce offensive, Fashan tried his best to protect himself, kept a sliver of clarity in the Lingtai, and struggled to support him. If Xiao Yicai and Yan Hong hadn't arrived in time, Fashan might be killed today This Jin Ping'er surrendered, her past practice was useless, and she was controlled by this enchanting thaumaturgy, and she obeyed Jin Ping'er's orders all her life like a walking corpse.

At this moment Jin Ping'er looked Xiao Yicai up and down, smiled suddenly, and said in a soft voice: "I don't know what kind of enmity this young master has with me. He was so heavy handed when he came up, is he going to put the little girl to death?"

Xiao Yicai glanced at her, but saw that her eyes were as bright as water, shining like a star in the night sky, it was really heart-pounding.

Xiao Yicai couldn't help sweating his palms, he tried to calm himself down, stopped looking into her eyes, and said loudly: "Young lady is the famous Jin Ping'er, a member of the Hehuan Sect of the Demon Sect! I have heard her name for a long time!"

Jin Ping'er smiled slightly and said, "Oh! You recognize me?"

Xiao Yicai said: "I also met the girl for the first time today, but Master Fashan is a member of Tianyin Temple's sect, and he is a member of the same righteous path as me in Qingyun sect, so I should fight the girl according to my own right."

Jin Ping'er frowned slightly, then smiled and said: "In that case, I would like to ask you which branch of the Qingyun sect is the master?"

Xiao Yicai said: "Don't dare, I'm Xiao Yicai at Tongtian Peak of Qingyunmen, this is Miss Yanhong from Fenxiang Valley."

Jin Ping'er turned her eyes around Yan Hong's face, and saw that she was quite beautiful, so she couldn't help but take a second look.Among the young generation of Fenxiang Valley, Yan Hong Taoist has always been known as the double jade along with Li Xun, but she is low-key and doesn't want to stand out, and Li Xun always takes care of any affairs.At this moment, she followed Xiao Yicai down, and she also remained silent.

At this moment, Jin Ping'er glanced twice, and she couldn't help but look at Jin Ping'er, unexpectedly, she saw that beautiful woman with snowy skin, picturesque eyebrows, and a little longer time, even she couldn't help but feel a slight flicker in her head. Fainted, I couldn't help being shocked, and at the same time, my face was slightly red, the black magic sect's sorcery is really shameless and evil, and even my own daughter is faintly confused by it!
When Xiao Yicai came here just now, it was already dusk and dusk, but at this moment, after a little tossing, the sky gradually turned dark again.

Jin Ping'er stood there prettyly, confronting Xiao Yicai and the other three, thinking secretly: Xiao Yicai's skills were not low in the sword practice just now, and there were two people beside him, although he was not afraid, but the Death Marsh rare treasure hadn't been born yet, It is unwise to engage in this unnecessary dispute with them here.

Thinking of this, she had the intention to go, then Xiao Yi took a look at her face, took a step suddenly, and was about to say something, but at this moment, in the depths of the Dead Marsh, the relentless rain was in the distance, Suddenly there was a loud noise like the roar of a tiger and the roar of a dragon!
The sound was so loud that even Fashan's roar of subduing demons from the Buddhist sect just now was like a child's, it was not worth mentioning at all.

In an instant, the wind and clouds in the sky were changing and surging at an almost visible speed, and the clouds were transpiring.

Everyone was shocked!

I just felt that the voice was like an awl piercing into my mind, and it was actually unstable.

After a while, under the astonished gaze of everyone, in the dark depths of the distance, a dazzling golden light suddenly rose up, gradually brightening, gradually thickening, and turning into an incomparably huge golden beam of light at the back, and in the roar, it rushed straight. Going to the sky, piercing into the clouds, the sky and the ground are illuminated brightly in an instant, golden rays of light are everywhere, the clouds are golden clouds, and the trees are golden trees!

Xiao Yicai, Jin Ping'er and the other four were shocked by the spectacle of the heaven and earth, for a moment they forgot their hostile identity, and looked up one after another, only to see that the golden beam of light became more and more dazzling and bright, until it was almost invisible, and the turbulence in the sky became even more violent and turbulent. It revolved rapidly around the golden beam of light, forming a huge vortex illuminated by the golden light.

Under these spectacular sights, the heaven and the earth are awe-inspiring, as if there is something supreme and precious in it, which makes people feel respectful.

After a long time, the golden beam of light that suddenly appeared stopped slowly, and then quickly weakened. It came suddenly and went quickly, but after a while, the earth-shattering and powerful scene just now has been withdrawn like a long whale sucking water. into the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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