Start to conquer the world of Jade Immortals

Chapter 284 Good and Evil Baguio

Chapter 284 Good and Evil Baguio


There is no word jade.

Unconsciously, these three words of "vocabulary" appeared in his heart, Jiang Yuye couldn't help but sighed softly, and said, "What's the result?"

"Because the eldest lady of the Ghost King Sect came to look for the master with a rosary, and threatened that all Tianyin Temples were people who did not keep their promises, so the master had no choice but to allow Miss Bi Yao to watch it. There is no word jade."

"But in the end..."

Having said that, Faxiang shook his head, his brows were full of pain: "The plans of my master and several uncles and uncles all fell short, and even the most precious uncharacterized jade disc of my Tianyin Temple was destroyed. That's it."

Say it.

Fa Xiang clasped his hands together, it seemed that he was still brooding about that time.

"Is Yao'er okay?" Jiang Yuye didn't answer the question, instead he thought about it and asked suddenly.

"The eldest lady of the Ghost King Sect has a deep demonic nature. Originally, the teacher planned to use the wordless jade and Buddhism to help her resolve the feelings of Junior Brother Jiang, but it was impossible..."

"That day, when she was looking at the wordless jade, somehow it caused a catastrophe. I sent a kind of monk who was shocked. I thought it was a punishment from heaven, but it was at that critical moment. The Wordless Jade Bi sucked Lei Jie into his body as if suddenly possessing spirituality, which eventually led to the destruction of the Wordless Jade Bi and failed to save her."


Hearing this, Jiang Yuye nodded.

This kind of situation is entirely a breakthrough of the state of mind and a comprehension of the skills. After all, all the thunder and calamities in the world are related to the birth of treasures or the great achievement of magic skills.

At the beginning, Baguio practiced Taoism in the first, second and fifth volumes of the Tianshu, and now she has obtained the fourth volume of the Tianshu hidden on the uncharacterized jade jade of Tianyin Temple. She must have achieved some success in Buddhism. ?

I don't know whether it was right or wrong to give her the rosary when she left.

"It's still not right for me to do this. I will go to Tianyin Temple to apologize to all the monks when I have time in the future." Jiang Yuye said lightly, looking at the fire in front of him.

"That's not necessary." Hearing Jiang Yuye's words, Fa Lian quickly waved his hands and said with a smile: "Although the female benefactor came to my Tianyin Temple and ruined the wordless jade bi, but what she said when she left is right. My family teacher and senior uncles are also helpful."

When Fa Xiang said this, he paused for a moment, and then he continued with earnestness: "At that time when she left, there were several strong-tempered seniors who wanted to keep her, but unexpectedly she said such a meaningful sentence. In other words, she said, 'one thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a demon', if monks can't see through it, then what is the difference between a demon and a demon?"

"The little monk, my family teacher, and several other senior uncles all felt that it was quite reasonable after hearing this, so the family teacher let the female benefactor leave, and afterward, the family teacher personally said to me, 'in When that female benefactor is enlightened, there will be a more respected and powerful person from my righteous path."


One thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a demon?
This supreme realm originally belonging to Buddhism has also been realized by Baguio?

It seems that if what I expected is correct, the blood and inheritance of the Lieshan clan should also be inspired, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for her to comprehend this level with her previous temperament.

Enemy for life...

It seems that it's time to teach Senior Sister Lu the last trick I entrusted in my previous life.

Jiang Yuye looked up at the pitch-black sky, thinking so worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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