Chapter 215 Stunning
In the forest in the middle of the night, it has been illuminated like day by the light emitted by countless magic weapons. From the depths of the forest to the most intense open space, it seems that there are sharp lights flying everywhere, under the colorful and beautiful light, constantly soaring The bright red blood was sprayed on the trembling trees.

Congealed into blood beads, dripping silently.

Lu Xueqi let out a clear whistle, and landed on the ground. For a moment, in the night, a halo of light as blue as the sky and as clear as water shot out from the Tianya Divine Sword in her hand, like the gentle eyes of a beautiful woman, passing by. This mundane world.

Countless luxuriant branches and leaves flipped outwards together, rattling.

The surrounding Demon Cultists in black clothes screamed strangely, and even those who tried their best to block them were beaten out.Since she escaped from Necromancer, her practice seems to have improved a lot.


When she was turning around, the emerald green figure in front of her had already arrived. At this moment, she could only see Baguio playing with the acacia bell on her wrist. She looked very charming and tender, but she was actually staring at Landing Xueqi prevents her from violently hurting others again.

"Senior Sister Lu, we have met again." Bi Yao smiled, but deep in her heart was a hint of stubbornness.

Hearing this, Lu Xueqi snorted coldly, and at the same time released the blue light of Tianya Excalibur in her hand.

"If you want to be my lifelong enemy, it depends on whether your Taoism has improved to the point where you can rival me!"

Say it.

Lu Xueqi didn't continue to speak, but actually used the foundation of the "Sword Code" taught to her by Jiang Yuye, the art of combining human and sword, and fiercely slashed at Baguio not far away. .

On the other hand, Baguio shook the carnival bell without any fear, and the true energy that had cultivated the 'Book of Heaven' in her body was frantically swallowing at this moment, and a series of bewitching sounds like silver bells were endless in an instant, resounding through the sky.

The night wind gently blows through the forest that has become a battlefield. In the depths of the darkness, there seem to be countless eyes watching.

The shouts around became more and more urgent, Jiang Yuye frowned, and looked outside, only a short while later, the situation had changed again, the Devil's Cult had already reacted, Lu Xueqi, Fa Xiang, who were still in a hurry just now , Qi Hao and the others have already met the master at this moment, and they are entangled in place. Although they are not at a disadvantage for a while, they are already unable to escape.

However, the disciples of the righteous way who were not as good as those around them gathered more and more disciples of the Devil's Cult, screaming endlessly, and the situation began to turn to the Devil's Cult again.

And Jiang Yuye looked at Zhang Xiaofan in the distance again, at this moment, Zhang Xiaofan gritted his teeth and pulled out the fire stick, wanting to help the senior brothers and senior sister Linger, but unexpectedly he moved, and suddenly heard Tian Linger's voice in front of him startled Phew, he was suffocated, as if he had tripped over something, and in a short while, three or four magic lights rushed towards him.

Song Daren and the others were shocked, but there was no time to help, Zhang Xiaofan rushed forward without thinking too much, but it seemed that he was a step too late.

At this critical juncture, Tian Linger's pretty face turned pale, she was almost as white as paper, she waved her hands continuously, Amber Scarlet Silk danced in front of her to stop her, but it was too late, there were two lightning bolts in the blink of an eye Two magic weapons, white and black, rushed in front of her.

Zhang Xiaofan almost jumped out of his heart, opened his mouth wide, but couldn't make any sound, at this moment, a white shadow flashed, a figure stood in front of Tian Linger, waved his hands, immediately The two magic weapons flew back, and immediately there were several shouts and screams from the dark place far away.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, looked at that person, and saw that it was Tian Buyi's wife Suru.

Suru turned her head anxiously, looked Tian Linger up and down, said: "Linger, is grandma alright?"

Tian Linger was still in shock, nodded and said: "I'm fine, mother."

Suru frowned tightly, at this time the demon cultists around came over again, Suru said urgently: "You guys hurry up, don't stay here for long! After rushing out later, you leave this island and we will meet in Changhe City, East China Sea. "

Song Daren, Tian Linger and the others were startled, but seeing Suru's serious face, they dared not say more, Tian Linger responded, and everyone in the Great Bamboo Peak walked back.

At this moment, the arena was in chaos, the battle was extremely fierce, Suru swayed from left to right, seeing a young righteous disciple in danger, she stepped forward to rescue him and ordered him to retreat.She has a high level of morality, far surpassing ordinary demon cultists. I saw her figure floating in the night, graceful and graceful, without showing the slightest sense of urgency.

There must be a gap, she looked up, and saw the dark clouds in the sky, but there were brilliance flashing randomly, in the mid-air were Taoist Cangsong, Tian Buyi and Master Shuiyue, who were talking with Bai Duzi and Patriarch Duanmu of the Demon Sect. , vampire old monster fight together.

She was quite worried, but even though Tian Buyi had just fought against the old blood-sucking monster, now he faced Patriarch Duanmu, but he still did not lose the wind, so she felt a little relieved.

At this time, they were rescued by Suru several times, the ordinary disciples in the righteous path had already left a lot separately, most of the disciples who remained in the field were Lu Xueqi and other advanced disciples, the number of them was much smaller.However, there are also many people from the Devil's Cult who seem to be following them, so although Zhengdao is still at a disadvantage here, there is no major danger for the time being.

However, Suru's heart became more and more anxious, because right in front, from the beginning to the end, the most mysterious Qinglong in the Demon Cult was standing there, smiling and watching the play.

(End of this chapter)

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