Chapter 200 Ghost King
Just when Xiao Yicai was thinking about countermeasures, Bi Yao, who was standing on the opposite side, suddenly shook the acacia bell on his wrist with a smile, and said with a smile: "I think your cultivation is not bad, if you spend a short time with sadness, it will definitely be difficult If this is the case, let you taste the power of my Acacia Bell."

As soon as the words fell, I saw the beautiful woman in mid-air, her hands were as soft as bones, dancing gently, and the golden bell was between her hands, and slowly began to rotate, making crisp sounds from time to time.

"Ding Dong", "Ding Dong", "Ding Dong"...

Xiao Zhou was shocked suddenly, he realized that he was in a trance, and he almost forgot that he was at the critical moment of life and death, if he hadn't been firm in his Dao heart all these years, he would have lost his mind.This little bell seems to have the ability to seduce people's hearts.

He was only hesitating for a moment, but his mind felt dull again, he couldn't help being shocked, he didn't dare to listen any longer, and shouted: "Death to the evildoer!"

The sound of shouting shook the four walls, forcing the sound of "jingling" to be suppressed for a moment, and the Seven Star Sword shot towards it like lightning and light!
Baguio was smiling, looking calm and calm.But seeing that the Seven Star Sword shot towards him quickly, he didn't retreat a little bit, he picked up the jade finger of his right hand and flicked it outward, the 'Acacia Bell' went forward, and with a sound of 'ding', it collided with the Seven Star Sword in mid-air.

Xiao Zhou's body trembled, and he felt that the magic sound was piercing his ears and piercing his bones, and it came from the sky from the Seven Star Sword, and his whole body trembled for a moment.

But that Xiao Yicai was not an ordinary person, he suddenly shouted, the Seven Star Sword's radiance reappeared, and he counterattacked back, while Bi Yao, on the other hand, didn't care about the stabbing blow at all, still pinching the sad flower with both hands, doing it Put on a pitiful expression.

For Bi Yao to be so confident, there must be that ghost king behind her to protect her, otherwise, even if her cultivation level is higher than Xiao Yicai's, she still can't be so calm and calm.

He secretly thought this in his heart, but Jiang Yuye's right hand also unconsciously clenched the Ruoxue Excalibur, as if he would immediately rescue Baguio if he was in danger.

But at this moment, there was a shadow passing by in the midair, and the cold light of purple air was withdrawn in a flash.

With a sound of 'bang', Xiao Zhou was beaten back and fell to the ground with a bang, with bright red blood flowing from the corner of his mouth immediately, and the Seven Star Sword flew out backwards, and with a sound of 'clank', Juli stabbed him vigorously. Among the hard rock walls.

In the middle of the air, a middle-aged man turned his back to Xiao Yicai, stood with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "Yaoer, this Hehuan Bell is an artifact left by Mrs. Jinling. You are too young to use it on your own, and it is very easy to do it for you." It backfired, if Brother Jiang hadn't taught you the fifth volume of the Heavenly Book, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to suppress this acacia bell for a while."

Baguio showed nostalgia, but still whispered: "Yes, dad."

Xiao Zhou looked better now, staring at the man's back, said in a deep voice: "Could it be that you are the Ghost King, one of the four major sect masters of the Demon Sect?"

The middle-aged man smiled faintly, turned around, Xiao Yicai and Jiang Yuye also saw his face clearly.But seeing his slender brows and square face, with refined features, he was quite different from those fierce and bold people from the Demon Cult just now.

This ghost king with the appearance of a middle-aged literati was actually the Wanren who had met Jiang Yuye and Lu Xueqi at the foot of Kongsang Mountain that day.

Jiang Yuye looked at the middle-aged scribe in front of him, who is also the "ghost king" who is the confidant of Zhengdao today, and couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart.

This ghost king is very talented, and he almost swept Qingyun in the "original book", but it's a pity...

In the end, it still fell short, and was killed by Zhang Xiaofan, a guy with great friendship.

Now, seeing an old friend again, the complexity of this feeling is really hard to express in words.

Xiao Zhou wiped the blood from his mouth with his hand, barely stood up, Tai Chi Xuan Qingdao was running around inside his body intentionally or unintentionally, it seemed that he was going to fight to the death.

He stretched out his hand and made a move, and the "Seven Star Sword", which was stuck upside down in the rock wall and was still vibrating slightly, seemed to be summoned by him, broke out of the wall with a "clank", and flew back to his hand.

The Ghost King looked at Xiao Zhou, nodded, still with a smile on his face, and said, "Based on your morality, it seems that in the generation of young disciples of the Qingyun sect, except for Jiang Yuye and Lu Xueqi, there should be Are you the first?"

"Not bad."

Xiao Zhou took a deep breath, took a step forward, and the Seven Star Sword in his hand lit up, but the Ghost King didn't move, just stood there and looked at him with a smile.Xiao Zhou knew that this person was indeed the strongest enemy he had ever met in his life, if he didn't try his best at this moment, he might really end up here.

But just as he was trying to control the sword with luck, suddenly the blood in his heart surged up, pouring up, couldn't bear it anymore, he spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow".

Xiao Zhou's face was pale, knowing that he was hit by the ghost king, his inner organs were shaken, his meridians were injured, and he was no longer able to cast spells.He was terrified in his heart, half of it was because he knew he was in a desperate situation, and the other half was because of the appalling level of this ghost king, and the harm he would do to the righteous way in the future would be immeasurable.

The ghost king looked at him, and suddenly said: "You fought hard, and finding opportunities to escape is considered very resourceful, and you can be regarded as a talent."

Xiao Zhou snorted and didn't answer, but he definitely had a sneer at what the ghost king said.

You must know that the good and the evil are in the same situation. It can be said that if there is not a talented wizard among the two sides, I am afraid it will be really difficult to break this balance.

Qingye, Sanxian Kuxin, and the black-hearted old man of the evil sect all belong to this group, and Wan Jianyi, who was Qingyun more than a hundred years ago, is also one of them, but...

The hero is doomed to die young, and the glory is doomed to be envied by the sky. I have to say that sometimes it is truly epic.

(End of this chapter)

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