Start to conquer the world of Jade Immortals

Chapter 16 Going Down the Mountain

Chapter 16 Going Down the Mountain
"Yu Ye, you have done a good job in the past three years, whether it is cultivation or comprehension, you have achieved something, so..."

Speaking of this, Wan Jian paused, looking at the outstanding disciple in front of him, he couldn't help but a trace of reluctance flashed in his eyes, but in the end he was replaced by Judgment: "You go down the mountain."

"Going down the mountain?" Jiang Yuye turned pale with shock.

Originally, in his opinion, he had just stepped into the fourth level of 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao', even if he wanted to 'go down the mountain' to find the magic weapon, he shouldn't be in such a hurry, right?

Besides, it seems that the "Qimai Martial Arts" will not be held in another two or three years. My master let Jiang Yuye go down the mountain now, which...

It seems a little rushed.

Such thoughts kept circling in his mind, but when Jiang Yuye's gaze touched Wan Jianyi's bright eyes, he somehow calmed down slowly.

Teacher is like a father.

Even though he doesn't quite understand Wan Jianyi's thoughts, Jiang Yuye, who knows the 'meaning' well, understands that his master will definitely not harm him.

At this moment, Wan Jianyi stretched out his hand to take the broom in Jiang Yuye's hand, and suddenly smiled and said, "What? I don't know the meaning of doing this for the teacher?"

"The apprentice is stupid, I hope the master can clarify."

"You idiot." Shaking his head slowly, Wan Jianyi sighed lightly, and said, "Our Qingyun Sect's 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao' has practiced to the fourth level of repelling objects. What will the head teacher tell his disciples to do?"

Without waiting for Jiang Yuye to speak, Wan Jianyi continued to say to himself: "Either give the disciple a magic weapon to use, or let the disciple go down the mountain to find opportunities by himself."

"As for why you didn't give you a magic weapon as a teacher, one is that my magic weapon has already been returned to the 'Qingyunmen', and the other is that the magic weapon is compatible with what a practitioner pays attention to. On a rainy night, you have to understand that although 'swords' and 'people' are different, But the sword is also psychic, and if the two are very compatible, then the power displayed is beyond people's imagination, you..."


Bowing deeply to Wan Jianyi, Jiang Yuye replied: "I understand."

Although it is said that his master did not bestow any magic weapon, how could Jiang Yuye, as a foresight traveler, not understand Wan Jianyi's good intentions?

Wan Jianyi, the previous generation of "Qingyunmen" double pride, has a noble and upright spirit that few people in the world can match, and the "Dragon Slaying Sword" he once held in the past is even more indomitable.

Although Jiang Yuye also has the spirit of 'going forward', what he wants to follow is the 'way of freedom' after all, and the way of freedom is to follow one's inclinations and not stick to one pattern so that he can exert [-]% of his fighting power.

As Jiang Yuye's master, the 'Taiqing Realm' powerhouse who is the most powerful in the 'Qingyunmen' so far, Wan Jianyi can be said to be very transparent about this point. , then even if he had the cheek to ask for the 'Dragon Slaying Sword' back for him to use, that would be fine.

However, the most important thing now is that Jiang Yuye is not following his 'way', so based on his own experience and conclusions, Wan Jianyi thinks that letting him go down the mountain should be the best choice.

As for 'Taoism'...

Wan Jianyi felt that it would not be too late to teach him after he found the magic weapon.

"Very good." Nodding very satisfied, Wan Jian turned around with a broom in one hand, and said, "Since it's such a rainy night, pack up your luggage and go down the mountain."

What he said was extremely calm, and there was not even the slightest wave in the words.

Staring blankly at the familiar figure from behind, Jiang Yuye bowed deeply again, and said solemnly, "Master, take care, this disciple will go down the mountain to find his own opportunity."

There is not much words between the two people, even this farewell is just a formality.


Both Jiang Yuye and Wan Jianyi understood that the "teacher-student relationship" they spent together day and night for three years was so fragile?
It's just that Wan Jianyi's age, and the fact that he has already mastered the mysteries of "Taoism" can suppress the emotional fluctuations in his heart, so he looks so calm.

Otherwise, if you were any other 'leader' at this moment, I'm afraid Jiang Yuye would have to ask about his health and talk about things before he left.

This is style, but also free and easy.

This is the way Wan Jianyi taught his apprentices, which is incomparable to anyone and anything.

"Go." Swinging the broom, Wan Jian said together: "Just before leaving, I have to tell you that if you meet a disciple of the 'Demon Sect' after going down the mountain, remember not to mention the name of the teacher, otherwise At that time, even the 'Albatron Gate' may not be able to protect you."

"Remember, apprentice."

"In addition, after going down the mountain, if you don't know what kind of magic weapon to look for, then you only need to think about your own 'Tao' and you will understand."

"I'll put all the money and baggage you need to go down the mountain at the back door of 'Qingyun' for you. You can go down the mountain on a rainy night."

"..." Jiang Yuye didn't answer this time, he just nodded heavily, and then walked towards the 'Qingyun back door' without looking back.

This is the tacit understanding between the master and the apprentice, and it is also the style of the two people in the world.

When I was reading "Zhu Xian's Wild Wilderness", Jiang Yuye always thought that although Wan Jianyi was a "hero" of the generation, he was calculated so badly by Daoxuan Daoxuan.

But who would have thought that such a person would have prepared everything for Jiang Yuye, who would believe him if you said he was a brainless person?
So sometimes a person is not as simple as you think. As for whether this person is "smart" or "stupid", it can only be defined by long-term contact.

Not to mention that here Jiang Yuye walked towards the back door of 'Qingyun' with emotion, behind Wan Jianyi on the other side of the ancestor's ancestral hall, Daoxuan, the head of modern 'Qingyun', quietly appeared behind him.

"You just let him go?"

"The way of the Tao depends on one's understanding. Yu Ye's understanding is different from mine. Naturally, I will let him find his own opportunity."

Slowly standing up, Wan Jianyi looked at his senior brother, and said calmly: "Or wouldn't it hinder his growth?"

"Cultivation is okay, but Taoism..."

He didn't finish speaking, but how could Wan Jianyi fail to hear the worry in the words of 'Reverend Daoxuan'.

It's nothing more than worrying that if my apprentice meets someone from the 'Demon Sect', wouldn't it damage the reputation of the 'Albatron Sect' with the cultivation of the fourth level of 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao' and the ineffective 'Taoism'?

It has to be said that at this point, Master Daoxuan still regards 'Qingyun' as the most important, and the lives of the disciples under his sect are small, it is really a bit sad.

It's just that Wan Jianyi didn't answer this question, instead he said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "Slaying ghosts and gods, and the divine sword and lightning control formula are not suitable for him, but senior brother, have you forgotten that the 'Albatron Gate' is more than that?" Two sets of peerless 'Taoism'?"

(End of this chapter)

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