The fruit of the book of pirates

Chapter 78 What is the use of you?

Chapter 78 What is the use of you?

Because of the lack of reference, Mousse didn't see how powerful this move was, but he made an unexpected discovery, "Mom's domineering upper limit has increased?"

And the increase is not small, breaking through 1.6, an increase of more than [-]% compared with the front foot.

For Charlotte Lingling, who was already in the ranks of superpowers, it was not easy no matter how she looked at it.

Mustun's heart was moved, and he immediately detected the second brother Katakuri before his arrogance bottomed out.

It turned out that this person's upper limit of domineering has also increased, and the increase is even greater than that of Charlotte Lingling, almost reaching [-]%!

"Is it the reason for the strengthening of belief?" Mousse quickly thought of possible reasons.

Katakuri said before that faith will affect the strength of the three-color domineering, and Mousse understood it as the awakening of the three-color domineering, that is, the increase in output efficiency.

But looking at it now, I'm afraid it's not just that, even the upper limit of domineering, to be precise, it should be soul strength or spiritual power will also be improved.

When the two phases are superimposed, this increase is even more significant. No wonder there is such a big growth after the victory of the leapfrog challenge in the comics.
Charlotte Lingling has learned the "King's Fist" which can leapfrog to kill enemies and has a large range and is difficult to hide, and perfected the "Elbaf's Spear·Weiguo" which was originally a tasteless move, making it a real killer move. To a large extent, it made up for the shortcomings of its weak attack power.

His confidence will naturally rise, and according to Katakuri's original explanation, his belief should be strengthened accordingly.

And Katakuri risked his life to save the younger brother Mousse, which further inspired his belief in protecting his younger siblings. After the strength of the hardened rice cake withstood the test of his mother, he became more confident. Under the joint influence of the mother and father, the promotion is naturally greater than that of the mother.

"The stronger you are, the more confident you will be, and the stronger your confidence will be, the stronger your belief will be. This will increase your domineering, and possibly fruitful abilities, which in turn will further increase your strength, so 'the stronger is stronger'!"

After thinking about this, Mousse also had a deeper understanding of why the power gap between people in this world widens to such an extent.

Thinking about the improvement of mother and second brother's strength in the current situation is a good thing in itself, Mousse's cute little face finally showed a sincere smile that is rare these days
On the other hand, Charlotte Lingling finally regained her composure after the new version of "Weiguo" also failed to work, and realized that the increase in Katakuri's strength is actually a good thing for herself and her family.

However, the self-esteem of being a mother, captain, and superpower was not so easy to let go, so after a while, Charlotte Lingling said something that caused an uproar in the scene in a tone of approval:

"Katakuri, you are very good! Now that you have grown to this level, then practice martial arts with me in the future! Well, well, well~"

Unlike Kaido, who has personally "taught" his children since he was a child, Charlotte Lingling has always been lazy in exercising, and naturally it is even more impossible for her to have time to compete with her children.

And even though she had a rare sense of crisis and worked hard after the prisoner killing incident, she never thought about finding a partner.

Today, Charlotte Lingling suddenly said such words, this is really the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair!

During this period of time, Charlotte Owen and Charlotte Daifuku, who had improved greatly in strength and were not much weaker than Katakuri, were both envious and worried for a while.

What I envy is that Katakuri can grow up faster when he has the opportunity to fight against the superpowers, but what worries him is that his mother accidentally beats his brother to death or maims him.

Katakuri's hardened rice cake is indeed strong, but the battle is not one-sided beating, at most it can be partially hardened for the flexibility of the body, can it withstand Charlotte Lingling's natural power?
However, after watching the first battle between their mother and brother, the two found that their worries were unfounded.

Although Katakuri has been knocked away by his mother's giant sword many times despite the obvious difference in strength, he has never suffered any injuries. Is Charlotte Lingling merciful?
"No, although mother can't say that she doesn't care about mother-child affection at all, she can't be so delicate." Mousse, who also came to the scene to watch the match, quickly denied this idea.

And after he thought about it, he came up with a seemingly absurd idea, "In the comics, the battles my mother used to show her majestic style were actually fists, but the giant sword 'Napoleon'. Except for casting 'Prestige' and 'Ba Hai', it didn't cause too much damage. It is not sure whether Kidd's slash hit, but Jinbe, who is at most the same level as his brother, blocked the sword with his arm, but was just drawn out The bloodstains are a clearly drawn fact, and Sauron shouldn't have stretched his hips like this at the time, right?"

But at this time, Charlotte Lingling was obviously anxious after discovering that the defensive power of the hardened rice cake was really amazing, and she actually played a rogue regardless of her own identity, attaching the power of Prometheus to Napoleon, using the scorching flames to attack Napoleon. Baking the mochi keeps it from hardening.

Unexpectedly, after Katakuri changed back to the dodge style that he was actually more familiar with, he became more and more comfortable. Charlotte Lingling chased him for more than an hour, but he couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes. Several children want to laugh but dare not laugh and hold back very painfully.

"It's not powerful enough to break through stronger defenses, but it's too bulky to cut down more nimble enemies. What's the value of this giant sword?" Mousse felt more and more puzzled the more he looked at it.

As soon as the two of them stopped, Mousse flew to his mother on the "big head" and coquettishly asked her to change the "Napoleon" that had turned back into a captain's hat into a giant sword again. After a closer look, he found the problem :
"The edge of this knife... has no sharp edge? No, it's not that there is no sharp edge, but it is indeed blunt. Is it because it is too big? Or is it that the shape of the giant's weapon pays more attention to sturdiness than sharpness?"

Probably because it was made into Homiz and tempered by Charlotte Lingling's powerful armed color domineering for a long time, the hardness of "Napoleon" is not bad.

But is the reason why swords become the most lethal cold weapon category in the world only because they are hard?
"As long as it is hard, isn't the stick better? The key to a sword's lethality is sharpness! Sharpness can cut it in half! This 'Napoleon' is not sharp at all, but it weighs more than ten tons (Mousse let 'Big Head' wrap it around I guessed it together), Mom, is this a knife? Or fitness equipment?" Mousse almost couldn't help making such complaints on the spot.

Fortunately, he still remembered that the knife was alive and would explode, so he endured it until he reached Katakuri's side before spitting out the mouth in a low voice.
 Thanks to the book friend "20200102191320394" for the monthly ticket, please ask for a recommendation ticket by the way^_^
(End of this chapter)

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