The fruit of the book of pirates

Chapter 67 The Shackles of the Snake Head Clan

Chapter 67 The Shackles of the Snake Head Clan
IWC has a nearly unlimited supply of food, as well as countless interesting Homiz, and has almost crushing inherent advantages in the two market segments of cheap food and high-end toys.

In the past, it was limited by the lack of international shipping capacity, but now it can be shipped out through the mirror world directly by using Charlotte Bray's ability. The storage and logistics costs are almost zero, and no rival can be found even if the price is competitive.
But Mousse just thought about it, export trade requires a peaceful environment, and given the grim situation that the family may break out with the navy at any time, this is simply unrealistic.
In fact, even when there was a tacit understanding with the navy before, the main income of the BIG MOM pirates was plunder rather than trade.

After all, a pirate is a pirate, so why do you need to trade for wealth that can be directly obtained by force?
Just like the western colonists on the earth, only when the looting will be countered by a strong counterattack is not worth the loss, will they do business honestly like a normal businessman.
"However, even if the family is strong and pays attention to intelligence and rarely misses, the income from robbery is not stable after all. Moreover, this income is 100% used as "public funds" and controlled by mother. Even the two elder brothers can share it. It’s less than half a Bailey; and the income from export trade is not much, and the islands export even less, and now they have completely turned against the navy, and business is even more difficult, so even if you become the owner of the island, you can’t do it. What a high income, Sister Armand is really planning for a rainy day!", Mousse wanted to understand this, but he couldn't say it out of his mouth.

Because Mousse, as the mother's favorite child, is actually the biggest beneficiary of this distribution system.
Although it must be a very special object to fully exert its power, the book fruit is recognized as a top-level devil fruit after all. The BIG MOM pirates spent more than 10 billion Baileys to buy it.

Only with such a system, coupled with Charlotte Lingling's preference, can such a treasure fall to Mousse, a 6-year-old who has made no contribution to the family.
In any case, after learning about the economic situation of his brothers and sisters, Mousse fully understood why the two sisters coveted the prize money of the arena competition.

But it’s good that Charlotte Castaard is not too demanding. Charlotte Armand is here for the championship prize of 1 million Baileys, which is not so easy to get. For this reason, Mousse kindly reminded A few words, "Be careful, there are a lot of powerful guys here this time, and even if they are local contestants in the country of Dressrosa, don't underestimate them~"

"Are there any powerful people here? That king is so ordinary!" Charlotte Castaard was a little surprised when she heard this. Most of the countries in the New World are strong, so she habitually thinks that the strong is the king. King Ku is the strongest in Dressrosa!

"That man has won more than 1000 games in a row in this arena, what do you think?" Of course, Mousse was talking about Cyrus who will achieve the achievement of "Legend of Undefeated Three Thousand Battles in the Arena" in the future.

It's just that I haven't seen him face-to-face with knowledge detection, so Mousse is still not sure whether he is stronger or weaker than the current Charlotte Armand, so he didn't say anything dead.

But it is obviously difficult to convince Charlotte Castaard by saying this, "It is said that the scale of this competition is unprecedented, and it is only at this level. Even sister Armand, who have a power value of more than 4000, will directly enter the semi-finals." There are only five of them, and the usual level is even lower, maybe I can keep on winning streak, what's the big deal?"

"Sister Armand doesn't participate in the preliminary round? I said why haven't I seen her until now!", Mousse put on an expression of sudden realization on his face while being cute, but he estimated Charlotte Armand's current strength in his heart.

At least 4000 Dao power value, coupled with two-color domineering, even if this strength cannot surpass Luffy two years ago (for reference, Rob Lucci's 4000 Dao power value is in human form), and it is at least a bit stronger than Sauron at that time cut it?
She has such strength without eating a devil fruit purely by swordsmanship and domineering, and she is one year younger than the three Katakuri brothers. This talent is already very good, but in the future, she will not even become the fourth general Like the eldest brother, he is a civil servant, so he also encountered a bottleneck early on like Katakuri?
"Don't worry, Sister Armand will not lose unless her strength exceeds too much, or is a particularly weird devil fruit ability!", and Charlotte Castaard, who knows her sister's strength better, is even more supportive. It is full of confidence, which makes Mousse can't help looking forward to the rematch
But Mousse didn't have to wait until the match to meet Charlotte Armand, and he knew the true strength of the third sister in advance.

Although the knowledgeable domineering has just recovered a little bit, it is still enough to check if the target is not deliberately hiding, "The vitality is more than 4500? The power value may be 5000, right? Snake heads are all agile Yes, the vitality should be relatively low. Domineering 0.179, which is 17.9% of my domineering upper limit, which is also one of the few contestants."

Charlotte Armand's strength is very strong, which further confirms Mousse's previous guess.

But unlike Katakuri who protects his younger siblings from powerful enemies, and Cracker who was afraid of pain from an early age, Charlotte Armand neither has the psychological burden of the former, and is born bloodthirsty and warlike as a snake head clan. What is the reason for the early stagnation?

Originally, this question could only be answered by waiting for time, but Mousse had previously learned about the real situation of several influential ethnic minorities out of curiosity.

It turned out that the talent of the Snakehead tribe in swordsmanship is much better than that of normal humans. Obviously, the total population plus the mixed blood (but the appearance of the Snakehead tribe) is only 10,000+, but the number of known swordsmen almost accounts for the whole world. Nearly a quarter of the number of public sword masters.

But the strangest thing is not this point, but there are so many swordsmen, but there is no "great swordsman" in history, at least the public information is like this, no matter how you look at it, it feels a little incredible.

At that time, Mousse was not very interested in the Snakehead Clan and just learned about it by the way, but he didn't take it to heart, but now that his sister Armand's strength growth will soon stagnate, he soon connected the two things.
"Could it be that Sister Armand couldn't make it because of the inherent limitations of her race? But why can't the snakehead clan become a great swordsman? Wait, what is a great swordsman? Is there a clear statement?", Mousse seemed I found the answer, but the doubts in my heart continued unabated.

(End of this chapter)

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