The fruit of the book of pirates

Chapter 21 Pirates Have No Future

Chapter 21 Pirates Have No Future

".The pirate Rocks, the once mighty overlord of the sea, still has descendants living in the world? It hasn't been long since Roger ascended the throne of the Pirate King. Where are his pirates and partners now? Whitebeard is considered to be the strongest man in the world, and the Whitebeard Pirates are also the strongest pirates now, but if one day Whitebeard is gone, what do you think will happen to his sons?", Mousse In a calm tone, he told the behind-the-scenes of the great pirates in history.

None of them can guarantee that their descendants and subordinates can continue to live well after their death, or even their strength is weakened.
"Brother Katakuri, although the current situation of the family is full of flowers, as long as you know the history of the rise and fall of those legendary pirates in the past, you should understand that pirates have no future." Katakuri heard his brother's words After summing up, his face sank like water, and he couldn't say a word.

He had long thought that after his mother died, the power of the family would shrink greatly, but he never thought that it would be so difficult for everyone to continue to live
Seeing that Katakuri was finally frightened, Mousse smiled slightly, and said a well-known exception: "However, to be more precise, those pirate groups whose strength is all supported by the captain or gathered together have no future. , the captain was invincible at the time, occupied too much territory, and offended too many people. Once the captain is gone and the strength drops sharply or falls apart, it is natural to cut flesh and revenge revenge. But if the strength is based on the whole Even if the leader is changed, it will not have a devastating effect. For example, a superpower like Elbaf has always been very strong, and even the world government has never dared to insult it."

"Our generation doesn't have real monsters like my mother. We can only rely on quantity to make up for quality. In fact, we can take this path, but is it enough to rely on the efforts of our brothers and sisters? The current navy is still at a low ebb. , it is already very difficult to deal with, if we wait until the four natural-type powerhouses and even the younger generals have fully grown up, even if the mother is still there, we may not be able to deal with it, right?" Mousse deliberately concealed it and soon after The coming "Great Pirate Era" described the future as darker in order to persuade Katakuri to support his ideas.

Although Katakuri is not stupid, he is not a prophetic traveler like Mousse.

Although knowledgeable domineering can perceive the target's emotions, Katakuri is not particularly good at it (otherwise Becky's conspiracy would have been discovered in advance).

In addition, Mousse is not lying, but has reservations, so he naturally can't detect the problem, so the more he listens, the more his brows are furrowed.
"Strength is relative. Weakening the enemy is tantamount to strengthening ourselves in disguise. Although we have many enemies, in the long run, it is the world government that is most likely to destroy our Charlotte family. In addition, now that the war has officially started, it is not like before that we can live in peace, so as long as it can hit it and is harmless to us, we should do it, not to mention that taking the Farole Islands can also give the family Bring huge benefits?"

Mousse is not good at debating, but now it is a discussion, presenting the facts and reasoning is enough convincing.

"The value of the Farol Islands itself is very great, and it can also influence the position of the Elbaf giants. If you can form an ally with Elbaf, or even bring it under your command, not only will your mother's long-cherished wish come true." Compensation, the strength of the family will also achieve a qualitative leap." When Mousse mentioned "mother's wish", Katakuri immediately realized that he should not be able to stop this matter.

The intensification of the conflict with the World Government was unavoidable, and Katakuri could only sigh helplessly.

But it was just a sigh, and Katakuri, who had completely seen the reality, would no longer look forward and backward.

In order to protect his younger siblings, Katakuri has always tried to avoid being enemies with too powerful opponents, but when there is no choice, the pillar of the second generation of the Charlotte family will not be afraid of any powerful enemies.

Even in terms of his heart, he has always longed for a powerful opponent who can make him go all out.
After noticing the change in Katakuri's expression, Mousse finally felt relieved. He is too young now, without the support of the second brother, even if he came up with the best plan, it would be useless.

Now that the most critical obstacle has been cleared away, Mousse's confidence suddenly increased.

But Mousse didn't want Katakuri to feel bad for him from now on, so he immediately smiled and reassured him: "Brother Katakuri, there's no need to be so nervous. I'm just telling you this to prepare you. The chances are slim, and I won’t be brave. Of course, even if that’s the case, I won’t let the world government control this place again. How about giving it to the Whitebeard Pirates? We can even make a little modification and hand it over to Baituan, although their territory is large, they are very poor (Whitebeard is the captain of the pirate group, usually eating and drinking, saving all his income and sending it back to his hometown is still not enough to make a small village rich in that area, It can be seen how poor the Bai Tuan is.), and has enough strength, at least to fight against the navy in the New World, so it should not be able to resist such a temptation."

A light flashed in Katakuri's eyes. Mousse, this is actually asking the Whitebeard Pirates to replace themselves to attract the hatred of the Navy. On the one hand, it will win time for dull development, and on the other hand, it will weaken the strength of both parties at the same time. , It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

What's more, even if he knew the bait was poisonous, Whitebeard, who has been short of money and food since he began to actively expand his territory in the past two years, couldn't refuse. It must be successful!
However, Whitebeard's peak period can last at least ten more years. Mousse really doesn't want to wait so long to get back the Farol Islands and Elbaf. If his family can eat it, he hopes to be able to directly eat it.

And the strength of the family, especially the elder brothers, is expected to increase significantly in a short period of time, which undoubtedly greatly boosted Mousse's confidence.
Even with the help of Zeus, after all, Katakuri defeated an enemy stronger than himself for the first time, which greatly enhanced his self-confidence, and his domineering leaped to a new level.

Not to mention the further increase in strength, Katakuri's armed arrogance has faintly touched the window paper (the unprecedented pressure of only one chance and failure to grasp it will be defeated) forced him to be the strongest armed arrogance in his life, and let him He felt the flow of domineering for the first time.).

As long as he spends a little more time digesting and consolidating the gains from this battle, Katakuri's physical skills and arrogance will completely surpass the previous Polusalino.

(End of this chapter)

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