Chapter 268 [-] Points of Critical Strike Damage
Princess Lily just glanced at Princess Yaoyue, but she didn't speak any more.

After all, many things are fundamentally unclear.

In fact, in the second round of the competition, Xiao Pingan intentionally took the lead slower than Princess Lily.

Xiao Pingan remembered that in the original book, Fa Ma put in a lot of hard work to help the contestants from the Jia Ma Empire win the championship.

But now, Xiao Ping'an decided to hit Fa Ma hard.

When Xiao Ping'an left the alchemy platform, Fa Ma waved to Xiao Ping'an and said.

"Young Master Xiao, please follow me."

Hearing Fa Ma's invitation, Xiao Ping'an already knew that the fish had already taken the bait.

In this case, he didn't mind making a deal with Fa Ma.

Hai Bodong simply followed Xiao Ping'an.

Hai Bodong naturally knew that Fa Ma would not do anything unfavorable to Xiao Ping'an, but he still decided to stay by Xiao Ping'an's side.

However, Hai Bodong quickly smiled wryly.

Hai Bodong thought about it seriously, Xiao Ping'an's strength is not weak!
In this case, how could Fa Ma have the right to be unfavorable to Xiao Pingan?

Not long after, Fa Ma, Hai Bodong, and Xiao Pingan appeared at the headquarters of the Alchemists Guild.

"Young Master Xiao, I don't know how likely you are to win the next competition."

"After all, Princess Lily is a member of the Izumo Empire, and I don't want her to win the championship."

At the end of Fa Ma's speech, an unprecedented seriousness appeared on his face.

In Fa Ma's heart, he understood that if Princess Lily really won, it would be for the alchemists of the entire Jia Ma Empire.

This is not a small blow.

It is precisely because of this that Fa Ma specially called Xiao Pingan over.

Hearing Fa Ma's words, Xiao Ping'an spread his hands and said directly.

"My level of refining medicine is average."

As soon as Xiao Ping'an's words came out, the muscles on Hai Bodong's face couldn't help but twitched.

In Hai Bodong's heart, Xiao Ping'an was a ruthless person who could refine a sixth-grade elixir.

However, even so, Xiao Ping'an still thought that his level of refining medicine was average.

This naturally made Hai Bodong feel [-] points of critical damage.

The muscles on Fa Ma's face twitched, and he looked at Xiao Pingan with a thoughtful expression.

After a while, he fixed his eyes on Xiao Ping'an and said.

"Young Master Xiao, I heard from Hai Lao that you can refine a sixth-grade elixir."

"Is this thing true?"

In Fa Ma's heart, of course he would not suspect that Hai Bodong was deceiving him.

However, this matter still needs to be confirmed clearly.

Hearing Fa Ma's question, Xiao Ping'an nodded lightly in answer.

"Be lucky."

As soon as Xiao Ping'an said this, Fa Ma couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him.

Fa Ma's alchemy level is indeed at the top level in the entire Jia Ma Empire.

But let him refine the sixth-grade elixir, the failure rate is not generally high!

But Xiao Ping'an in front of him could actually refine a sixth-grade elixir.

Fa Ma even had a feeling that the Xiao Pingan in front of him was far above him in refining medicine.

But Xiao Ping'an told Fa Ma that his own level of refining medicine was only average.

This kind of feeling is like a Shenhao with tens of billions of net worth, saying that he doesn't have much money.

After a while, Fa Ma took a deep breath and said.

"Young Master Xiao, who is your teacher?"

In Fa Ma's heart, Xiao Ping'an possessed such terrifying strength and such a powerful level of refining medicine at a young age.

Based on this calculation, Xiao Ping'an's teacher is definitely not an ordinary person.

When Xiao Pingan heard Fa Ma's question, he spoke without haste.

"The teacher's status is a bit special, he doesn't want outsiders to know his existence."

"So I won't talk about this matter."

At the end of Xiao Ping'an's speech, he took out a bottle of happy fat house water from the Najie and poured it directly.

Seeing such a scene, Fa Ma couldn't help showing a look of disappointment on his face.

In Fa Ma's heart, if he could meet Xiao Ping'an's teacher, then he would definitely gain a lot from it.

But Xiao Ping'an had already blocked the conversation, which naturally made Fa Ma helpless.

Fa Ma pondered for a while, then he stared fixedly at Xiao Ping'an and said.

"Tomorrow's duel is the last match."

"The content is to refine medicine based on one's ability, and our alchemist guild does not provide any medicinal materials."

"Whoever refines the pill with the highest rank will be the final winner."

"I don't know how many pills you plan to refine?"

In Fa Ma's heart, it is indeed a violation of the fairness of the alchemist conference that he is giving the information now.

But in Fa Ma's intuition, there must be something wrong with Princess Lily, and it's not a small problem.

Hearing Fa Ma's question, Xiao Pingan said with a long sigh.

"It seems that I will definitely lose this time."

"There is no suspense at all!"

As soon as Xiao Ping'an's words came out, both Fa Ma and Hai Bodong stared at Xiao Ping'an in disbelief.

In their hearts, Xiao Ping'an has such a powerful level of refining medicine, so how could he lose?
However, Xiao Ping'an said that he would lose, which made Fa Ma feel unbelievable for a moment.

Fa Ma stared fixedly at Xiao Ping'an, and he asked word by word.

"Young Master Xiao, I don't know why you are so determined that you will lose?"

"And you are going to refine some pills, if you need my help, just ask."

As soon as Fa Ma's words came out, Hai Bodong's eyes also fell on Xiao Ping'an.

In Hai Bodong's mind, the third match was Xiao Ping'an's advantage.

In this case, how could Xiao Ping'an lose?
"I'm going to refine the second-grade elixir."

"Because in my hands, there are only enough materials to refine the second-grade elixir."

"In the past few years, I have spent a lot of precious medicinal materials in order to achieve a breakthrough in my cultivation!"

"It's hard for a clever woman to make porridge without rice!"

At the end of Xiao Pingan's speech, he sat down on the chair helplessly.

In Xiao Ping'an's heart, since he had made it clear, he believed that Fa Ma would understand.

The muscles on Fa Ma's face twitched slightly, while his eyes rolled around.

"Young Master Xiao, you can buy the medicinal materials you need at our Alchemist Guild!"

"All medicinal materials are sold to you at the market price. Of course, you can exchange them with Happy Fat House Water and Reaper Spicy Tiao."

At the end of Fa Ma's speech, his eyes fell on the happy fat house water in Xiao Ping'an's hand.

"Of course it can."

"How do you see this list?"

Xiao Pingan casually handed a list to Fa Ma.

After Fa Ma took the elixir, he looked at it carefully.

It's just that the more Fa Ma looked, the more he frowned.

After a long time, Fa Ma said in a trembling voice.

"Young Master Xiao, are you... Are you planning to refine a sixth-grade elixir?"

(End of this chapter)

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