basketball god eye

Chapter 40 Distance Produces Beauty

Chapter 40 Distance Produces Beauty

Li Lei is indeed not bragging to the landlord, because he is really busy now. Apart from the skill proficiency as usual, other troubles have started to come to him.
This woman is exactly Iwan who had previously reached a cooperation agreement with Li Da. Compared to the sexual relationship with Mila Kunis, Li Lei and Ivan are really just a cooperative relationship at present. Because of this, Li Lei is very indifferent to this daughter who will be the leader of the United States in the future.

"Bruce, did you hear me, the song "YOU RAISE UP ME" you wrote for Kelly has entered the billboard, and it won't take long for Kelly to become famous."

Li Lei was speechless. If he had known that Ivan was such an impatient existence, he would not have cooperated with him. In his previous life, this woman was a strong woman, but now Li Lei felt that the other party's secondary attributes were far higher than her queen attributes. Well, Li Lei always thought that this woman was a queen. Looking at it now, Li Lei's conjecture and reality were completely different.

"Oh, fuck, Ivanka, shut up, I've heard it, so you don't need to repeat it, okay?" Hey, Mila Kunis hasn't returned from the "Princess Diaries" crew, and the other pros don't have such a tacit understanding in terms of technology and spirit, so Li Lei, a contemporary lady, can only pass the time in the arena. Li Lei's dream is to surpass Warren Beatty and Taka Kato and become the most popular finger in the world.

Ivan is a woman with a good figure and good looks, but her father still has some energy in the United States. If something happens between him and the other party, and he is tied up like a landlady for a lifetime, then Li Lei would rather not, so the current relationship with Ivan is just friends and partners.

Ivan is used to Li Lei's attitude. In the eyes of this man and in the eyes of other men, he is completely different women. "It's good that you heard it. What I want to say is, since Kelly is popular now, should we extend her contract period a little longer?"

Li Lei threw another three-pointer into the net, sat down on the ground, picked up the juice and took a sip, "This is completely unnecessary. Our studio requires not only Kelly alone, but also more talents. Kelly is not Britney. You should not position her as the latter, because the record of the other party is too difficult to break."

In the past 00, Britney Spears broke the record in the first week of her second album. Even if Li Lei grafted super popular songs on Kelly Clarkson, she would not be able to reach the level of the former.

Ivan also sat down, and saw that there was still a bottle of juice that she didn't drink, so she opened it unconsciously and drank it. Nima, that's what I want to drink. It seems that there is no need to practice until the arena is closed today, because the juice was drunk.uncomfortable.

"That Britney guy, what's so good about it, she's so stupid and sweet, every day the negative news blows up the entire Internet, I don't watch the news now because of her, Kylie's current first single has reached this point, how do you know she can't surpass that stupid and sweet."

Li Lei didn't continue to entangle with Ivan too much, he stood up and continued to shoot three-pointers. Although Britney was completely blackened in the later stage due to various reasons between herself and her parents, you can't deny the series of achievements and aura she had achieved before. For many people, that is memories and youth.

Seeing that Li Lei stopped talking again, Ivan could only drink all the juice as if venting. Li Lei is a bastard who is completely different from other men. When he sees him, he can't wait to finish talking for the rest of his life. He is fine. In front of him, he is often in an awkward state of chatting.

What kind of existence is this guy? The outside world describes him as a playboy who loves women, but he is no different from a frigid man in front of him.Really a freak.

"Okay, I'm here today for something else. I heard from my father that you have a lot of good scripts in your hands. Are you interested in taking them out for filming? My father did not buy MGM after hearing your words. He bought DreamWorks. Do you have any good scripts?"

Buying DreamWorks?Li Lei was stunned for a moment. His history had shifted again because of himself. In his impression, the future American leader had never set foot in the entertainment industry. After all, compared with other industries, this industry is slow to achieve results, and sometimes it is easy to lose money.

Li Lei was thinking about Ivan's reason for coming, but the ball flew out of his hands again and again. After countless practice, Li Lei's hands were completely adapted to this shooting rhythm.

Ivan didn't interrupt him either, just watched from a distance.

The entire NCAA regular season is still going on, but the news in the past few days has been slaughtered by one person and one team. This team is UCLA, and the person is Li Lei.

Before the start of the season, UCLA was underestimated by various experts and media. Basically, no one would think that they were the favorites to win the championship, and even entering the top eight of the tournament was an extravagant hope for them. When Li Lei appeared in the starting lineup, most NCCA basketball coaches felt that Steve LaVine broke the jar, and the result was a slap in the face. NCAA has been going on for more than two months. UCLA is undoubtedly the most amazing team. In every game, Li Lei was the most eye-catching one.

So because of this, these few teams that lost to UCLA were pulled out by the unscrupulous media and whipped their corpses, which invisibly added a lot of hatred to UCLA. These media also gave Li Lei a wrong number-Mr. Basketball Killer.

From Dr. Jeff in the first game to Gardner in the last game, the two Mr. Basketball were more miserable than the other. Li Lei stepped on the corpses of these two men and walked more and more steadily on the road to fame.

The three favorites to win the championship all fell under Li Lei's plug-ins, which made his reputation soar. Now many people expect UCLA to play against Duke, because except for Duke, the other three most favorites of the season have played against UCLA.

"Fuck, fuck, new star, No.10 in the P-1 league, dog shit is dog shit, I am the number one, bastard, bastard." Since losing to Li Lei, Arenas has spent almost every day training in the arena and has stopped going to nightclubs. However, when he entered the dormitory and saw the headlines of today's newspapers and sports websites, he still couldn't help but feel angry from his heart.

 Thank you baby panda for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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