basketball god eye

Chapter 1 Month at UCLA

Chapter 1 October at UCLA

In October 2000, during the intramural training match of the UCLA Bears in Los Angeles, head coach Steve LaVine completely turned into a super hair dryer on the sidelines.

"Matt, didn't you eat today? Did you go to the playhouse last night? Show your strength."

"Jason, are you here for a trip, and you actually voted [-] out of [-] for me. Is this the strength of your McDonald's All-Star?"

Matt Barnes and Kapono lowered their heads and listened to the coach's admonition. Steve Lavin sprayed for a long time, as if he was tired, and then announced the disbandment. Barnes and Kapono sat on the court at once.The two were panting non-stop, the head coach's aura just now was really too strong.

Li Lei walked over from the side, and when he saw Li Lei, Barnes seemed to regain his vitality, "Hey, Bruce, why don't you go to the playhouse tonight to have fun, I heard that your Leah Bateman scholarship has been awarded."

Hearing what Barnes said, Kapono, who had been lying dead on the ground, was also resurrected with full blood, "Yes, you have to be cool."Bruce, you can't bear it.You are the first Chinese to receive this scholarship in the history of UCLA. For this achievement, you should also celebrate, right? "

Li Lei rolled his eyes. These two guys usually know to take advantage of him, but they added a lot of fun to Li Lei's caddy life.

Li Lei is a reborn person. From the moment he was reborn, there was something called the all-seeing eye in his mind. Li Lei had a deep understanding of the biggest role of this golden finger. He was a scumbag in his previous life. Because of this golden finger, he completely became a top student. That's why he was admitted to UCLA and received the Leah Bateman Scholarship. As for why he didn't choose Yale, Princeton and other universities with a strong academic atmosphere, Li Lei's answer was—there is too far away from Hollywood.

He's a freshman at UCLA's School of Cinematic Arts, and he spends his time hanging out with the Golden Bears monkeys when he's not in class.

The reason why he chose this major is because of the existence of the golden finger, so that Li Lei can remember all the details of any movie, TV series, and song. He was able to enter the Academy of Film and Arts by relying on a script. The name of this script is "Saw".

Matt Barnes and Jason Kapono are the two people Li Lei has the best relationship with in this university. Except for them, other UCLA players have a general impression of Li Lei, such as the team's starting point guard Wal Watson.

"Tch, I really don't know if those old men are blind, and actually awarded the scholarship to an Asian. This is a shame to UCLA."

From the first day he met Li Lei, Watson was full of hostility towards Li Lei. Although Li Lei was a caddy, because he was the first Chinese to receive the Leah Bateman Scholarship, and because of his good looks, he naturally attracted many female fans. Compared with the sunny and cheerful Li Lei, Watson was undoubtedly a wretched idiot.Coupled with the fact that UCLA has been weak all year round, his reputation as a school team starter is not at all comparable to Li Lei's.

For Watson's slander, Li Lei has always been dismissive. From the perspective of a reborn person, he would not have the same knowledge as the other party, but Li Lei's good brother Barnes may not be so.

"What the hell, don't say grapes are sour. A scumbag who got into UCLA by relying on basketball, what right does he have to mock Bruce, a top student?" Matt Barnes' tone made him seem to forget the fact that he was also a scumbag.

Watson's overall popularity is not good, but he didn't fight Barnes. California is Barnes' base camp. As a guy from Kansas, he should bear with it.

Watson just glanced at Li Lei, then left with a few of his attendants.

The three of Li Lei didn't stay in the arena much, and soon arrived at the playhouse, found a seat and sat down, and not far away, Watson and a few attendants were also here.

Although they talked about slaughtering a big family, Barnes and Kapono didn't really kill Li Lei. They both ordered a glass of Chivas Regal, while Li Lei ordered a glass of juice. He was born in 82 and was not yet old enough to drink alcohol.

"Bruce, I heard that there are a lot of hot girls in your film school. Let me introduce some of them to you some other day."

Barnes's three daily hobbies are basketball, drinking, and women.

Li Lei took a sip of the juice and glanced at this guy, "Well, I will introduce you when I get a chance." Li Lei perfunctory, although it is a film school, but this school is still dominated by men. Anyway, the female stars in Li Lei's impression have never been seen in this school.

Hearing Li Lei's answer, Barnes angrily drank all the wine in the glass, and then asked the bartender to pour another glass, "You bastard is playing tricks on me again, you think I don't know, you've been hanging out with a hot girl named Mila Kunis recently, it's not kind, Bruce, you have it yourself, you should also take care of me brother, right?"

Barnes was very indignant, and although Kapono did not speak, the expression in his eyes was the same as that of Barnes.

Li Lei took a sip of the juice and didn't care about Barnes' crazy attitude at all. "It was just a misunderstanding. Mira and I are just ordinary friends."

normal friend?This time Barnes didn't speak, and Kapono, who doesn't talk much, said, "It's indeed an ordinary friend. I went to your apartment to find you last week. What are you doing with the other party in the room? You must be talking about life and ideals, right?"

Kapono's words made Li Lei's face extremely red. He did a good job of keeping his secrets secret. Why was he still found out by this guy?

Li Lei chose to remain silent, and Barnes gave Kapono a blank look. This guy is a topic stopper.

"Fuck you bastards are fighting me for women, do you know who I am, I am the starting point guard for the Golden Bears."

Not far away, Earl Watson had a conflict with a giant bear-like man. The guy was not afraid of Watson's name, and he didn't talk nonsense with the other party.After all, this guy looks almost like a tank.

Li Lei and the others didn't think too much, and rushed over. No matter how good Watson is, he is also a college student.Just when the big man was about to step on it again, Li Lei and Barnes pulled each other back.

(End of this chapter)

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