DNF Live Allard

Chapter 934

Chapter 934
The light flashed, and Wang Yan appeared in an extremely strange area.

Demon world!

Light gray clouds shrouded the sky, and the cold wind howled. All that fell into Wang Yan's eyes were large areas of collapsed buildings. The collapsed buildings varied from high to low, and even some collapsed buildings were as high as [-] meters. What a majestic look it will look like when it is intact.

"finally come!"

Wang Yan murmured, a long time ago, he had aroused infinite curiosity about the land of the Demon Realm, but under the circumstances of insufficient strength, he could not take risks with himself, so he has been suppressing his inner desire to explore the Demon Realm.

Now that everything is ready, Wang Yan finally set foot on the legendary land of the Demon Realm at this moment.

The Demon Realm was originally called Terra City, and it was the central city of Terra Star. When Terra Star was shattered due to the battle between the great will and the Twelve Demon Gods, it was a city that escaped by all means.

No one knows how sad the original Terrans were when they fled their broken homeland, but as long as they live, they must keep going.

Since then, Terra City has been wandering in the void, and the technology of Terra Star can preserve this city wandering in the void, otherwise Terra City should have completely turned into drifting in the void like Terra Star. Meteorites of various sizes.

Everyone knows what happened later. The long-term void radiation caused various mutations in the residents of Terra City. After the demon race boarded Terra City, the environment here became extremely harsh.

In the end, the city of Terra turned into a demon world, continuing to drift in the void, and the number of real descendants of Terra has become less and less. Today, the only real Terra who can stand on this land is He De is the only one, and the others can only be called demons.

The demons are partly of Terran blood, and the Terrans have the power of magic, so it is no wonder that the demons are so proficient in magic.

And how did the magic on the continent of Arad come about?
Then let’s talk about the ancient race of elves. It is impossible to verify whether the elves are Terra stars, but this possibility is very high, and the physical characteristics are very similar.

Because as early as when Terra was not broken, the people of Terra already had the ability to travel between stars, which can be seen from the fact that Azera was able to escape from Terra on the Genesis spacecraft when Terra was broken.

If this guess is correct, the prosperity of planet Arad’s civilization is most likely related to the arrival of Terra Stars, and the native inhabitants of Arad planet must be human beings. After a long period of time, humans have become The ruling race, the rare elves live in seclusion in various regions of the Arad continent, and there is also a reason why they can't go back to Terra.

Wang Yan thought of this and nodded thoughtfully. Thinking about it this way, many things that didn't make sense before can be explained clearly.

For example, the story of Mar, the great magician.

With the technology of Terra Star, it is not difficult to open up a piece of land inside the planet that can live on creatures. In addition, the sky city that connects the heavens to the Arad Continent also appeared when the Arad Continent appeared. As for the original There is a splendid magic civilization in the heaven, which was spread to the continent of Arad later.

The Celestial Realm and the Arad Continent together form the planet Arad, and the Demon Realm that originally belonged to the star Terra has also drifted nearby and temporarily stopped. This is the current situation.

Time has covered up the history, leaving only sporadic bits and pieces, which is not as good as a glimpse of the leopard. The real truth has to be slowly explored by future generations.

Raising his head, Wang Yan took a look around and set up a broom to fly. The surroundings looked almost the same. Even Wang Yan didn't know where he was. He could only slowly explore this unknown land by himself. learn.

The strong wind at a height of [-] meters is even stronger. Wang Yan is very curious about where these winds come from, because wind is a phenomenon produced by air flow. Wang Yan knows that the Demon Realm is now in the void. , which is a continent with boundaries.

How big is the Devil Realm? Wang Yan quickly understood that although it was not as big as the Arad Continent, it was much bigger than ordinary cities, because he could see the ocean here!

Yes, the ocean of the demon world.

After leaving the ruins of the building, Wang Yan drove the broom and looked down. He saw pitch-black sea water in his eyes. He lowered his flight altitude and even came near the violent sea surface. Finally, he confirmed that he was right. The sea water in the Demon Realm is indeed black. Black as ink.

The sea was violently rolling like boiling water. Wang Yan flew along the border. He wanted to see how big the ocean was, but before he could fly around, he ran into something that protected the demon world from existing in the void. boundary.

Wang Yan, who bumped his head against the border of the demon world, almost fell off. He rubbed his forehead, and then closed his eyes. In this situation, the naked eye is not as effective as the mind.

His eyes were opened, and the corners of Wang Yan's mouth curled up, so it was like this!

In the perception of his mind, a few meters in front of him, there is a magic circle in operation, which cannot be observed by the naked eye. Soon Wang Yan thought of the big magic that supported the sea of ​​​​the sky on the continent of Arad array.

There is no distinction between the two, both of which are shockingly powerful. One protects thousands of creatures on the continent of Arad, and the other surrounds the demon world like the atmosphere of a planet. Because the magic issued by Wang Yan The formation completely replaced the atmosphere to envelop the Demon Realm. This was what he discovered after flying to an altitude of several thousand meters.

Terra Technology!

Wang Yan thought of this, and only Terra technology can produce such incredible things. From the scientific point of view Wang Yan understands, this is unscientific, but in this time and space, it is far more incredible than science. exist.

"Interesting, I don't know who is in control of this big magic circle, or can it operate on its own without management?"

Wang Yan looked around, there must be an endless void outside the magic circle, and a sealed area inside, which also explained the reason for the wind, without it, the air would have been drawn into the void long ago, how could it be possible? Let the devils survive for a long time.

"A simulated planet?"

Looking down at the ocean below, Wang Yan was full of thoughts. He wondered how much the people of Terra had rebuilt the city of Terra before they escaped from Planet Terra. It cannot be regarded as a mortal, and it is no different from a god.

(End of this chapter)

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