DNF Live Allard

Chapter 922

Chapter 922

The first-generation super armor needs the assistance of others to put it on. Jin Fei is wearing a light cloth armor, so with Wang Yan's help, she put it on easily.

It's a bit like a knight who is about to enter the battlefield wearing armor with the help of his subordinates, but in today's Arad continent, only the great nobles or the royal family, or the special forces such as the Great Temple can train knights. It is said to be the most powerful unit on the battlefield, and it is invincible in battle.

Most warriors wear leather armor or light armor that does not affect their activities. Only strong knights will wear heavy armor or plate armor to fight.

"too heavy!"

Jin Fei, who was wearing the super armor, twisted her body bound in the armor unaccustomed to it.

As a qigong master, she used to wear cloth armor or leather armor to practice, because it would make it easier to feel her own state. Now she is wearing thick super armor weighing fifteen kilograms. The protective power, but it lost the ability to move quickly.

"Well, there are several disadvantages of the first generation of super armor, and the weight is one of them. However, compared with the protection it can bring, the disadvantages of weight are not so unbearable. After all, with the physique of a warrior, the armor The weight is still manageable.”

Wang Yan also didn't mean to hide it, because the first generation of super armor has already been released, and these materials are the instructions and instructions that come with the customer's purchase of super armor. As long as the most critical technology is mastered, no one can imitate it. super armor.

It’s not that no one did this. After the Super Armor came out, Paris found out that many forging workshops tried to imitate the expensive Super Armor, but Paris quickly relaxed after the initial anxiety, because None of those who secretly bought super armor for imitation succeeded.

The most important thing about super armor is not the appearance, those parts are outsourced to blacksmiths, and only the core part is made by Norton technology.

As long as Norton's technology does not contain ghosts, there are not many people in the entire continent of Arad who can successfully imitate the super armor. Not everyone can study things like Terra Stone, and its internal power is too unstable. People with inside information who get the Terra Stone and play with it at will are committing suicide.

After Wang Yan introduced the purpose and effect of the super armor, Jin Fei's expression relaxed a lot. If what Wang Yan said is true, then what Wang Yan said before is very correct. Warriors who form a group to go out for adventure, if the leader Wearing a set of super armor, the safety will be greatly guaranteed, and you can explore dangerous areas that you dare not go to in the past.

In today's Arad Continent, it is unknown how many dangerous areas or ruins have not yet been discovered. There are countless ancient treasures hidden in it. s things.

What's more, the super armor can also improve the wearer's personal strength, allowing people to feel the feeling brought by a stronger power level in advance, just like a fifth-level professional wearing super armor, which can display the power of an awakened warrior in battle. strength level.

It is conceivable how attractive this is to warriors who have no hope of breaking through for a long time. There are many masters in the Arad Continent, but I don’t know how many people are stuck on the threshold before awakening. No matter where the awakened warriors are placed, they are all masters. Guests of the nobility.

At this moment, Jin Fei felt the abundant power increase at this moment, and greeted Zhushi and the two went to the small ring in the backyard. Wang Yan also picked up the set of super armor that had not been put on. It was also following the two of them to watch their exchange.

The reason why Jin Fei wants to compete with Zhushi instead of Wang Yan is that the strength of the two has long been very clear because of the competition, and almost the slightest improvement in strength can be felt by the other party.

Although Zhushi has been awakened and hopeless, the martial arts and vision he has mastered are still there. Jin Fei is not too sure to win Zhushi without awakening the above power. Back then, Zhushi could be said to be Jin Fei's senior brother. Nianqi master Nianqi Jiulong established the dojo for cultivation. At that time, Jin Fei was still an inconspicuous little girl, and Zhushi was a promising young man who was about to step into awakening.

It's a pity that God's will tricks people, because Zhushi seriously injured the descendants of the big family because of his childhood sweetheart, and almost beat him to death, but was chased by the big family and caused serious injuries. It has not been able to improve the slightest strength, and even the strength has retreated a lot.

So much so that when Wang Yan met Zhushi, he lived in seclusion in a border town, and there were only two disciples around him. Even after he was injured, he couldn't afford the medicine of hundreds of gold coins and had to go to the depths of the forest to collect it himself. This can be regarded as fate, otherwise, he would not have met Wang Yan, who had just come to Arad Continent, in the red jungle.

Today's Zhushi has already cleared the hidden wounds, but there is still a long way to go before awakening. Even if the severely injured body recovers, it will not be as useful as before. Coupled with the long-term decline in strength and heavy injuries, Zhushi can maintain it now. It is a blessing in misfortune to have the strength of a person instead of becoming a powerless ordinary person.

The arrival of the three of them naturally attracted the attention of many disciples in the practice field in the backyard. Those disciples who were energetic after a full meal, even if they didn't get the master's order, they consciously entered the practice field to start exercising or discussing each other. , You need to do strenuous exercise to digest quickly. If a warrior wants to become stronger, the first condition is to be able to eat. If you eat more than others, then your strength will become stronger. This reason is very simple.

"Come on, brother, test the effect of this set of super armor."

Jin Fei and Zhushi boarded the small arena. The disciples in charge of the arena had already activated the protection of the arena. The arena that uses Nian Qi crystals as the power of the enchantment can't affect people and things outside even if it breaks the sky. It is an excellent place to experiment with powerful martial arts.

Wang Yan has already informed Jin Fei of all the uses and usage methods of the super armor. At this moment, Jin Fei has opened the energy core, and the energy converted by the pure Terra Stone forms a thin protective layer, which seems inconspicuous. But only when there is a real attack, will you understand how strong the super armor's protection is.

Standing under the ring, Wang Yan looked at the two people on the ring with a smile on his face. At the beginning of the battle, the two were evenly matched, because they were testing each other's strength, but soon Zhushi fell into a disadvantage, and started Jin Fei, who has acquired the energy core of the super armor, is much stronger than ever in every gesture. Even though she suppressed her own strength and kept at the same level as Zhushi, Zhushi secretly complained after carrying it a few times. Every time Jin Fei Every punch and kick is comparable to the strength of an awakened warrior.

"The improvement is too great!"

Jin Fei kept lowering her own strength, and finally stopped when she maintained the strength of a second-level beginner and was able to fight with Zhushi. But he spent a lot of energy resisting Jin Fei's attack, even sweating.

"Only Tier [-]! Tier [-] warriors can fight against experienced Tier [-] warriors undefeated after wearing it!"

Of course, Jin Fei knew exactly how much strength she had used. After her words fell, Zhu Shi was also stunned. Just now Jin Fei used a second-level power?But the power transmitted is not inferior to him at all.

What is the concept of a second-order warrior?The strength of a beginner who has completed physical training is the appearance of one to three years of martial arts practice. It is best for a martial artist to lay a solid foundation at an early age, but the most suitable time to practice is between the age of 12, because during this period The inner young warrior's body is always growing, even if he is injured, he can heal easily.

If you stop growing and practice again, you will know what it means to be injured for a hundred days. If you are a young warrior who is injured, you can be alive and kicking again in three to five days with the help of medicine.

If the foundation has been laid down since childhood, young warriors around the age of 15 can easily have the power of the second level, and the third level is also normal. Now in Jin Fei's dojo, most of the disciples are second-level and third-level, but they can reach the third level. There are very few teenagers in the fourth rank.

As for the first-order warriors?Dare to learn martial arts without even laying a good foundation?Go home and practice slowly.

Tier [-] warriors are already considered the concept of adult warriors, and they are also the strongest level of strength in the Arad Continent. Generally speaking, those guards who serve the nobles have this strength. Tier [-] warriors go out of the house and go out to wander. It may be difficult for a single person to mix. But finding an organization to join is still acceptable.

Tier [-] warriors can also have the ability to make money to support their families. It can be said that becoming a Tier [-] warrior is already the greatest hope of many ordinary warriors. After all, awakened warriors, how can everyone achieve it?

Didn't you see countless geniuses who reached Tier 40 fighters when they were just adults, but are they still Tier 40 when they are [-] or [-] years old?If you do not successfully awaken before the age of [-] when your strength starts to decline, then the chances of awakening in the future are really slim.

As for the magicians, it is an exception. The older they are, the stronger they are. Except for the magic backlash, there is no backwardness in strength. Many powerful magicians seem to be weak, but only those who know the inside story understand that those who seem to be How strong is the real strength of the weak magician?

Leaving aside the gossip, Jin Fei was very excited to learn that the super armor had been improved so much, and urged Zhushi to put it on to fight against her who was not wearing the super armor. Jin Fei had already successfully awakened, and Zhushi put on the super armor I don't expect to be able to hurt her, and when will warriors be afraid of getting hurt?

"it is good."

Zhushi took a deep breath, took the set of individual armor from Wang Yan under the ring and put it on, while Jin Fei took off the armor, and after adapting to the weight of the individual armor, took off the gold suit of the individual armor. Fei always felt chilly all over her body, and felt that she was not as safe as before.

After assisting Zhushi to put on the super armor, Jin Fei and Zhushi stood a few meters apart. Under Wang Yan's explanation, Zhushi also understood the purpose of the super armor.

Knowing that the power contained in the armor's energy core can be transmitted to every part of the body through the armor, and can attack and defend, Zhushi can be said to be really surprised. How did Wang Yan create such a powerful armor?It has both protective power and offensive ability. If he knows the price of the super armor, I don't know if he will think the super armor is very useful.

"I feel the strength I haven't seen for a long time."

After Zhushi activated the energy core of the super armor, the expression under the helmet became extremely complicated. Now he feels the strength of his youth, even stronger than when he was the strongest. Zhushi's strength has not reached the awakening stage level, but he has experienced vicissitudes of life, and his state of mind has already crossed that threshold.


Jin Fei's shout woke Zhushi up. He opened his eyes and remembered that he was still preparing to compete with Jin Fei in the ring. He didn't have time to lament the past. Zhushi nodded and took an offensive posture. After a while, the two fought together .

"Wow, Aunt Jin Fei seems to be very defensive. What is Master wearing?"

"It's something that Mr. Carey brought. It seems to be armor, but it's too strange. The helmet is still transparent with a shield. Is it glass? Isn't that thing easily broken?"

"I feel that Master's strength has become a lot stronger, and he has also become a lot more agile. Could it be that this set of equipment has brought about an improvement? It won't be of the same quality as the epic suit worn by Mr. Carey!"

While Jin Fei and Zhushi continued to exchange ideas, the disciples watching from the audience whispered, although they had not been instructed not to dare to approach and observe, but the practice field is so big, and the arena is located in the center, even if the practice field is the farthest place You can also see the two people fighting in the arena.

"Brother, what strength are you using now?"

Jin Fei didn't dare to take Zhushi's attack head-on, so she had to switch positions again and again. The reason for this was that the secret path was not good after she took a few moves. Zhushi's power was much greater than she expected, and her speed also changed. Much faster.

"It's normal power, how do you feel?"

Zhushi slowed down his attack, and the two exchanged moves. This was just a sparring, not a fight, and there was no need to tell the winner.

"It feels very uncomfortable, just like the feeling of standing in the arena of the Martial Arts Conference and facing the opponent. Brother, your strength has basically reached the level of an awakened warrior, do you know?"

"Is this kind of power already an awakened warrior?"

Zhushi's movements stopped, he stood there in a daze, his eyes under the helmet were also in a state of trance, Jin Fei's words completely made Zhushi, who had already felt the change in his own power, seize the opportunity of promotion at this moment Chance.


Zhushi, wearing a helmet, bowed his head slightly and stood motionless on the spot. Jin Fei called out tentatively and found that Zhushi didn't respond, and only felt something was wrong when he got close to Zhushi.
According to her perception, there are inexplicable fluctuations in the air around Zhushi at this moment. Jin Fei, who is no stranger to this situation, would not know that Zhushi suddenly entered the state of promotion when he was exchanging lessons with her. .


Jin Fei took a few steps back and didn't dare to disturb Zhushi who was in promotion at the moment. This is an extremely rare opportunity, and it is the same for every warrior.
Some people find that they have been promoted as soon as they wake up from sleep. This is due to hard work, and some people are promoted when the battle is extremely fierce. It is because the consciousness feels a strong crisis. Under the great threat, The body began to change inexplicably, the idea of ​​survival made the body actively cooperate, various bottlenecks were broken one after another, and the blocked meridians were automatically opened.
However, this situation is extremely rare, and it is difficult for someone to be promoted successfully when there is a dangerous opponent, but once successful, the promotion will be huge, and the opponent who is difficult to fight may be easily defeated. This is also commonly known as a battle breakthrough .

(End of this chapter)

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