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Chapter 917 Revisiting Xu Zu (for subscription)

Chapter 917 Revisiting Xu Zu (for subscription)

Faced with Wang Yan's urge to fight, Paris responded with a ground-breaking attack.

She did not find the weakness of Wang Yan at this moment, but it did not prevent her from launching an attack on her own initiative. In previous battles, Paris also encountered similar situations, but once the attack started, Paris did not believe Wang Yan Yan can still maintain such an impeccable defense.

Facts have proved that Paris guessed wrong. In just a few seconds, Paris poured out almost all of her lifelong knowledge. She almost had no time to take care of other things when she shot with all her strength. She only had Wang Yan on the opposite side in her eyes.

After she stopped, when she fell from the sky and landed on the ground of the courtyard that had become a mess due to the battle, Paris was shocked to find that Wang Yan had only retreated a few steps. Her previous attack with all her strength did not even have Wang Yan's defense. break in.


Paris raised her hand and wanted to say something, but she hesitated in the end. She shook her head repeatedly and put away her weapon. After this short test, Paris finally understood how big the gap between herself and Wang Yan was.

"Don't be discouraged. After this period of time is over, I can help you improve your strength. I believe that with your talent, it is not a big problem to reach my current level."

Wang Yan's expression was very relaxed. Paris's attack just now was almost completely blocked by his various defensive skills. Paris, who had already reached the level of an awakened warrior, could not pose a threat to him now with a frontal attack. When Wang Yan competed with Paris, he tried his best to tie her.

The improvement of strength that Wang Yan said is naturally an external improvement. Wang Yan is very clear about how effective a complete set of epic equipment is. The equipment that Paris is wearing now is basically the quality of the artifact, and it has already been placed in other people's hands. Very good, to Wang Yan, these equipments are not eye-catching at all.

"Then it's settled. I really don't know how you grew up so fast in just one or two years."

Paris quickly recovered from the blow. She had known for a long time that there was a big gap between her current strength and Wang Yan's. Paris wasn't worried, she was one of her own after all, the stronger Wang Yan was, the better.

"Of course, there is pressure to be motivated, and we have also learned from each other. Let's start implementing it according to my plan later. You still need to work hard on Hutton Marr's promotion, and there is also the matter of the Magadha aircraft. You and President Shalan of the West Coast Wizards Guild and the giant businessman Roger contacted, and they should have a way to get the Magadha aircraft needed for the plan."

"When are you going to Xuzu?"

Paris nodded knowingly. There was someone in her hands. Paris didn't panic at all. All she had to do was to control the overall situation. Naturally, her subordinates and disciples would carry out other cumbersome tasks, including printing a large number of posters and preparing feedback. Gifts and other miscellaneous promotions.

"Tomorrow, it's getting late today."

Wang Yan looked up at the sky subconsciously, and naturally he didn't see the sun, but Wang Yan, who had a clock and even a system time, of course knew the time at this moment.

"I don't know when this situation will improve."

Paris also looked up at the sky with a worried look on her face. Having been in contact with the market for a long time, she knew better than Wang Yan how much the cloud covering the sky and blocking the sun had an impact on the Principality of Belle Mare today.

Now it’s almost winter, and if the situation is still the same at the beginning of spring next year, Paris can already predict the tragedy of crop failure in the coming year in the Arad continent, which will bring the Arad continent, which has finally settled down, into a turbulent situation again. And it cannot be reversed by any one person or force.

"In three to five months, this situation will definitely change, I promise."

Wang Yan calmly responded to Paris, also assuring herself. Paris nodded after a pause. She knew that Wang Yan left Hutton Mar to solve this problem. She really hoped that this situation would improve soon.

People always realize how precious things they used to take for granted when they lose them, such as air, water, and sunlight.

After staying in Hutton Mar for another day, Wang Yan left the residence in the early morning of the next day, and with the help of the teleportation potion, he easily arrived at Xuzu who was thousands of miles away from Hutton Mar.

Su Nan City, Xuzu's capital, even though winter is coming early, the martial artist apprentices in each dojo's martial arts gym still get up early to exercise early in the morning.


Wang Yan felt the difference between Xuzu and Belle Mare just after the teleportation potion landed.

When the climate in Hedunmar was still relatively mild, the Xuzu on the northwestern plateau of the Arad continent had already entered winter.

The ground paved with bluestone has been covered with falling snow and turned white, and the fine snowflakes were still falling when Wang Yan arrived. After taking a deep breath of the cold air in the winter morning, Wang Yan felt his spirit shaken, and his whole body trembled. I have a lot of energy.

Walking on the spacious streets of Suan City, Wang Yan couldn't tell his own direction for a while. It has been a long time since he left Suan City last time, and he was not in Suan City at the beginning. After staying for too long, his understanding of Su Nan City is far less than that of Hutton Mar and the West Coast.

Fortunately, this problem is nothing to Wang Yan. After leaving the landing point, Wang Yan did not immediately set up the broom, but closed his eyes slightly and felt it with his mind, and found a direction to walk slowly. Xuzu, this place he first came to the Arad continent, he has not visited well yet.

It is worthy of being the hometown of warriors. After passing through several streets, Wang Yan saw as many as a dozen dojos, which were almost the same as what he knew. Most of the mentors and apprentices in these dojos were women, and the men who could see There are very few warriors, and there are many male warriors among the pedestrians on the road, but they walk in a hurry, and when they pass other dojos, they always take detours, as if they are very afraid of the people in the dojo.

"Ha, it's still the same."

Wang Yan, who is familiar with the situation of the Xu motherland, smiled slightly. This kind of reversed situation of men and women is rare in the entire Arad continent. Except for Xu Zu, it should be the case in some remote tribes of the Dark Elf Kingdom. Those of the Dark Elf Some tribes are still in a matrilineal society, women who can give birth to offspring occupy the upper class, and are in charge of magic teaching, sacrifice, marriage and funeral, etc., while male dark elves are just tools for protection and reproduction.

For this situation, Wang Yan has no good way to change it. For example, the situation of Xuzu's superiority over men and women is a problem left over from history. In history, most of the most powerful masters of Xuzu Nianqi were women, which made Xuzu's status as a woman has been greatly improved. According to rumors, the only surviving Xuzu Niandi is also a woman, and she lives in seclusion in Qijin Mountain, a holy place for cultivation.

Wang Yan doesn't intend to change, and he doesn't have the ability to change this situation in a short period of time. Let those Xuzu men who are oppressed by women grit their teeth and exercise their skills. Nothing can make a person feel better than pressure. Made rapid progress.

As time passed, the number of pedestrians on the street gradually increased. Wang Yan looked at the eastern sky. It was foggy, but he could see the light.

Even if the sunlight disappears, the continent of Arad is not in darkness. I don't know if it's because Luke didn't do anything, or he didn't have the ability to completely absorb the sunlight. This is luck among misfortunes.

Without sunlight, it has a great impact on every place in the continent of Arad, Xuzu is no exception, but if the sun does not appear, life will still be passed, just like the time when the big magic circle was exposed, after the After getting used to time, most people can only continue their previous life with fear every day after the sun disappears.

Otherwise, what else can we do?Fly to the sky to see for yourself what's wrong with the sun?Looking at the continent of Arad, he did not have the confidence to say that he could do this.

Xuzu is located in the northwest border of Arad continent, the terrain is relatively high, and the folk customs are tough. This is an outsider's opinion, but Xuzu himself does not feel that there is anything wrong.

Wang Yan, who was walking to find his destination, stopped halfway and sat down at a large restaurant on the side of the street. This is a place that combines breakfast, banquets, snacks, and accommodation. The system stipulates that a store that opens a store cannot operate multiple businesses in one store.

Although Xuzu's territory is long and narrow, and the area of ​​arable land is not large, the crops produced by the vast and fertile fields near Yuexi Town are completely enough for Xuzu to be self-sufficient.

The valleys on both sides of the meandering Moon Creek have a flat bottom, and the crops produced are full of grains, and because the plateau area can receive sunshine for a long time, the yield per mu is higher than that of the mainland granary in the southern plain of the Principality of Belle Mare. high.

Like the Principality of Bel Mare, Xuzu's staple food is rice and wheat, but there are a few more grains in the eyes of others. For example, Wang Yan's breakfast at the moment is buckwheat steamed dumplings, corn noodles, and stir-fried side dishes Bean sprouts and potato shreds.

In terms of crops and food and cooking, the Arad Continent is not inferior to Wang Yan's hometown, but there is no systematic sowing and harvesting, and because of the fertilizer problem, the yield of many crops in the Arad Continent is not so scary.

The most important problem that really restricts the population is the output of crops. After all, only when people can eat well can they think about the next generation. Otherwise, they will not be able to support them after they are born, and they will just let the children come to this world to suffer all kinds of suffering.

"Your dishes are ready, please take your time."

Wang Yan was tall and well-dressed, with an extraordinary imposing manner. When he came to this small restaurant on the street to eat, he often attracted the observation and whispers of other diners. After all, the unique and gorgeous ring on Wang Yan's finger alone was probably enough Overwhelmed the net worth of everyone present, including the store owner, not to mention that he obviously wore a set of extraordinary cloth armor.

If it weren't for Wang Yan's authentic ancestral language, some people would have contacted him to the Principality of Belmar or the people of the Delos Empire. The people of the Principality of Belmar would say that if the people of the Delos Empire dared to go deep alone Xu's motherland is Su Nan, and the martial ancestor Xu will let the other party see what it means to be hard-pressed with two fists and four hands, and what is called an ocean of masses.

"Have you heard? There have been several earthquakes in Qijin Mountain recently, causing quite a disturbance. Many practitioners were forced to come down."

"I know, I heard that the reclusive Lord Niandi broke through again, and the powerful Nian Qi wave spread out, causing the earthquake."

"How did I hear that there is a new Emperor Nian? It is said to be a genius Nian Qi Master of the royal family."

In the middle of Wang Yan's uninterrupted meal, the conversation of several warriors who just came in attracted his attention. The warriors had a loud voice and a burly figure. At first glance, they were warriors who had cultivated since childhood. A few martial arts skills, but there is still a gap between the busy civilians who are involved in life and the real hardworking warriors. These people belong to the latter.

After listening to several people's conversations for a while, Wang Yan had some understanding of what happened in the Qijin Mountain cultivation holy land. As early as a few weeks ago, there was a slight earthquake there, which would happen every one or two days.

As a result, many warriors and Nian Qi masters who practiced in Qijin Mountain were forced to leave the holy land of cultivation. Even though Xu Zu royal family sent investigators, they did not give a specific explanation for a while. Yes, those who have not been able to experience it personally, of course they talk about this kind of thing as gossip after dinner.

"Is it the dragon Natra? Or did someone really break through Niandi? Or is it just a slight earthquake and aftershocks?"

Wang Yan stood up, he was already full, a meal cost less than three Xu Zu gold coins, this was because he ordered a table full of food, and it would be reduced by half when converted into magic gold coins.

Gold coins are the currency in circulation in the continent of Arad. There are a lot of minerals such as gold in the continent of Arad. Although the value is very high, it is not as scary as imagined. In comparison, the value of jade is even higher. Even magic props are relatively expensive.

The monthly income of tens of hundreds of gold coins for ordinary people can almost guarantee to support the whole family. Elites or warriors can earn more money. Wang Yan knows that Daphne who used to work for Roger but now works for him The previous monthly salary was [-] gold coins, and it was because she had to do the work of several people, and she did earn a lot of money for Roger.

A magician, even a second-level magician, is an apprentice who only knows a few types of magic. Once hired, the monthly salary is more than [-] gold coins. There is no way. Knowing magic is a privilege. Needless to say, awakened warriors just do nothing. If you find a faction to join, there is no problem with a monthly salary of tens of thousands. After all, mediocre people are the most, and high-level warriors and magicians are rare.

At the level of Shalan, the president of the Magician's Guild, perhaps an experiment will cost hundreds of thousands of gold coins. Money is valuable no matter where it is, not to mention that magic gold coins themselves contain special magic power, which can be used as magic power. items to use.

(End of this chapter)

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