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Chapter 912 This is the Demon World!

Chapter 912 This is the Demon World!
The Demon Realm was originally a city named Terra City on Terra. In the war of the gods, Terra was shattered due to heavy damage. Only the city named Terra City was destroyed by people with shocking power. The whole city rose to flee.

The planet Terra was destroyed, but the city of Terra still existed. The city of Terra, which had many Terrans, died gradually during the years of wandering in the endless void, and there were many Terrans, because they suffered from various radiation mutations for a long time. Became human-like.

Many people stood up and wanted to change the gradually collapsing Terra City, but none of them succeeded. Terra City was still collapsing a little bit. What’s more, when drifting in the void, Terra City kept passing through various planes. More and more powerful people from other worlds boarded Terra City, making Terra City even more chaotic.

Finally, a cosmic race named Demon discovered the Demon Realm and descended here. This brutal and war-thirsty race completely turned Terra City into a dead place with no vitality. Therefore, Terra City has unknowingly become It became the name Demon Realm.

After hard fighting, the cosmic demons were temporarily expelled from the demon world, but they are still eyeing the demon world.

Those people in the Demon Realm who longed to survive began to look forward to the appearance of a savior, and eventually powerful men from all sides named apostles were born. Except, they all have the power to destroy the world.

To this day, there are still demons left in the Demon Realm, but they can no longer affect the overall situation. Some people even found a way to manipulate the demons to fight. It has become a purgatory existence, and it is very difficult for anyone to survive here.

The thing that can most affect the environment and race of the demon world is Terra Stone. This kind of material originally belonged to the common ore of Terra Star. When Terra Star was broken, it absorbed unknown energy and mutated into Very dangerous stuff.

Only a little bit of magical influence is needed, and the seemingly ordinary Terra Stone will explode violently, and once the Terra Stone stimulates the internal power, it will affect everything around the radiation, soil, water, plants and creatures all the time. , no one can stop this situation.

The apostles, who were once expected by many creatures in the demon world, each occupied a corner of the demon world after quelling the harm of the demons. Except for a few, the others simply ignored the disasters that happened everywhere in the demon world, and even they themselves were a giant. The radiation source is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After countless disappointments, the remaining Demon Realm people understand that the apostles are not so reliable. Perhaps this world will eventually usher in destruction, and before the destruction, one more day of life counts as one day.

Time Square, after a long time and hard work, the joint investigation team that boarded the Demon Realm finally found an ideal camping area. The generals who led the troops commanded the soldiers to set up camp. After leaving the silent city, everyone kept enough Be vigilant, there is no more reason, just because this is the devil world.

"Finally found water. It's really not that easy to find some drinkable water in the Demon Realm. My body is so dirty. Cyrus, prepare the bath water for me as soon as possible. I need to wash myself quickly."

After Hyde reported the good news, Isabella, the princess of the Delos Empire who followed the team to the Demon Realm, breathed a sigh of relief. After experiencing the initial excitement, she is now quite familiar with the extremely bad environment of the Demon Realm. Disappointed, there is no clear sky, no green grass, no plants, animals to see, and even the water source I found is actually just a small pond. The water must be filtered before drinking, but after inspection, it was found that there was no toxicity.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, I will arrange it right away."

Cyrus couldn't refuse Isabella's reasonable request. Even though many soldiers didn't even have water to drink, if Her Royal Highness wants to take a bath, preparations must be made immediately.

The location where the Joint Investigation Team camped was several kilometers away from Silent City. Because of the dark sky, only the lights and part of the silhouette of Silent City could be seen from this direction.

A few hours have passed, and the many humans who boarded the Silent City still haven't seen a hint of clear sky, and even the lights of the Silent City that were used to it now seem so comfortable.

At this time, some people finally understood why the hunter Bourne said before that the apostle Luke was regarded as the savior and god in the devil world, and that he could bring light to the dark devil world. Isn't this the ability of a god?
"Reporting to the head of the regiment, there are unidentified people who have been spying on us. The soldiers who went to fetch water also sent news. They feel that they have been being watched. I hope that the camp can take people to meet them in case of accidents."

Hyde was arranging for the soldiers to set up camp, and his subordinates rushed to report. Thanks to the support of the heavens, even if they came to the devil world, they could still communicate through radio communicators. It is the best news that they did not lose their signal in the devil world.

"Hurry up and organize people to set off, and go to communicate with Captain Hailan. They should also be vigilant. We are not the only ones here, there are many creatures born and bred in the devil world, pay attention to safety."

Hyde was shouldering a lot of tasks at the moment, and he couldn't leave the camp to protect the soldiers who went out. He still had many more important things to do, and when he left the Silent City, Captain Barn also told him to protect them at all times. Princess Isabella, not the worst case, he would not let Princess Isabella leave the camp without the protection of him and the soldiers.

A few minutes later, the reorganized people left the camp in a group. Not long after they left, there were unknown people who had been peeping at the camp in the dark, trying to quietly approach the camp for investigation. The celestial soldiers of the instrument can clearly identify the location and number of unknown personnel trying to approach the camp just by thermal imagers and radar detection.

The sirens sounded in the camp. Since there were many people trying to get close to the camp, there was no way to organize enough teams to go out to stop them. Therefore, Hai Lan and Hyde immediately ordered the soldiers to form a queue and stand on the fence of the newly established camp. Inside, they were very fortunate to have built a fence instead of an internal tent for the first time, otherwise at this time, they could only let those unknown personnel approach the camp or even mix into the camp.

"What happened?"

"Go and see."

The sound of the siren alarmed those who were still building tents, including members of the Violent Hunting Group and the Adventurer Alliance, they all put down their work, picked up their weapons, and ran towards the entrance on the side of the camp. Survey Corps soldier, something must have happened.


Unidentified voices sounded around the campsite, which seemed to be questioning and threatening. Just when Hailan was about to order the bombardment of the location where the voice came out, the same strange voice sounded behind him, waiting to see that it was the mascot. Hai Lan gave up ordering the bombardment after the orcs from the Demon Realm. After all, coming to the Demon Realm is a dangerous area everywhere, and provoking unnecessary enemies is the worst decision.

"Who are the people out there? What are they calling?"

After Bourne communicated with the person who made the noise outside, the people around were all staring at Bourne, who was the only one who could communicate with the unknown person outside.

"Uh~ It's a bit hard for me to say, the people outside are my fellow tribe, and they belong to the Luca tribe in the Orc Canyon.

They thought we were outsiders who had just come to Time Square, and they wanted to test our strength and prepare to get some food or something. They didn't mean anything malicious, they just wanted some food. "

Bourne was quite embarrassed at the moment, and he did not expect that the people who tried to get close to the camp at the first time were actually his own people who lived in Time Square, but this was also within his expectation, if he lived in Time Square Square, suddenly discovered that an unknown person came to the corner of Time Square to set up camp, and he must come to see the situation and see if he can get any benefits. This is not because the hearts of orcs are evil, but because the environment of the devil Here, only those who can seize every opportunity to fill their stomachs can live longer.

"Cut, what am I supposed to be? It turned out to be just some orcs. Captain Hyde, lead the soldiers to drive them away, let them see how powerful we are, and see if they dare to come to ask for benefits, eat and eat, and are not afraid of destroying them teeth!"

Cyrus, who came in a hurry, showed disdain when he heard the words. Just looking at Bourne's size, he didn't pose much threat. If there were orcs outside, then ordinary soldiers could deal with them, let alone soldiers from the Delos Empire , and the soldiers of the Celestial Coast Guard, who belong to the joint investigation team, are in the camp. Their long-range firearms and weapons can definitely deter those orcs who don't know how to live or die.

"Please, please be merciful. They all have such a hard life. If you scare them, they will definitely not dare to come again. For the sake of us fighting side by side for so long, I beg you .”

Bourne showed panic. On the one hand, it was the human soldiers who had fought side by side with him, and on the other hand, it was his long-lost fellow Luka clan. He didn't want to see the two sides fight at all, then he would be very sad sad.

"For your sake, okay, as long as they don't dare to attack the camp, no one will hunt them down."

Seeing the little Bourne's expression of prayer, thinking that Bourne, a demon man, would still be needed to guide the way forward, and Her Royal Highness also likes Bourne, Cyrus hesitated and nodded, agreeing According to Bourne's request, no one is full enough to kill people. It would be great if they could scare away the orcs outside.

After several exchanges, strong searchlights were turned on at the four corners of the camp, illuminating the [-]-meter area around the camp. Those who were hiding behind rocks and wreckage and tried to approach the camp quietly covered their eyes with screams.

They have been accustomed to the dark environment for a long time, and they can't bear this kind of strong light anyway. Coupled with the sound of guns and explosions after the searchlights were turned on, it only took a few minutes to reach the camp within [-] meters. There are no more bold orcs, and many orcs injured by stray bullets screamed, but also limped away from the range of the searchlights. They can be said to be really frightened. When, except for Lord Luke, , is there anyone who can use the light that can bring light?Could it be Lord Luke's emissary?
"Hehe, these searchlights obtained from the Silent City and modified by the scientists of the Elytra of the Seven Gods are really useful, but they consume too much power. A fully charged battery can last midnight. There are enough batteries coming."

"This is the devil world?"

Inside the fence of the camp, many people laughed out loud looking at the strangely shaped orcs or unknown creatures fleeing outside. The feeling brought about by this kind of technological suppression makes those soldiers who have been feeling mentally suppressed all the time. Greatly encouraged, it turns out that the creatures in the demon world are so vulnerable, not as vicious and brutal or huge and invulnerable as they had imagined before.

"Actually, they are afraid of light."

Bourne murmured softly. He was born in the Demon Realm, and he clearly understands how powerful the light is on the Demon Realm. These people living in the Time Square outside the Silent City, no matter where they come from, do not have the courage to live in the Silent City. Lord Luke is an enemy, I am afraid that it will not be long before the news that Lord Luke's envoy has left Silent City and came to Time Square will spread throughout Time Square. Bourne, who is proficient in scouting news, has no doubts about this.

However, he did not communicate with those laughing humans, and his heart was sour instead. He was well-informed and even traveled to the continent of Arad. After returning to the Demon Realm, he also clearly saw the Demon Realm and Arad. The gap between the mainland and the heavens, it can be said that a dog and an ordinary bird in the Arad continent live better than many people in the demon world. The demon world really needs to change, and it really can't go on like this.

Bourne desperately wants to make his hometown better, even if it is a little bit better than it is now. He doesn't expect to turn the Demon Realm into a sunny world like the Arad Continent, but deep down in his heart, why not? Don't want your hometown to become better, can the people living here live as happily as the humans on the continent of Arad?

If there is a choice, who would want the world from birth to death to become such a bad appearance.

"Apostle, are you really the savior?"

Bourne closed his eyes in pain, feeling extremely conflicted in his heart. He suddenly remembered that sentence, and he admired the person who said it for the first time.

"Human wisdom is like a circle, inside is known, outside is not known, the more you know, the more you don't know.

I really want to know how to change this land.

I also want to see the sun, flowers, green grass, lakes and swimming fish here, but I am afraid that people who grow up here cannot even dream of such a situation.

Because with their abilities, they will basically not be able to see what the Arad Continent looks like in their lifetime. "

Bourne, who is only 15 years old when converted into the devil world, is a wise man who has experienced many battles and is well-informed. He let out a long sigh. Except for the people of the Adventurer Alliance around him, no one paid attention to Bourne who was sighing at this time. kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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