DNF Live Allard

Chapter 907

Chapter 907
silent city.

After many days of investigation, the scientists of Elytra of the Seven Gods found a thing called "dark breath" from the lower area of ​​the "Birth Factory", which exists in the air, in the walls, and in the ubiquitous machinery. among.

Studies have shown that it is this dark atmosphere that affects the deep area of ​​Silent City. Anyone who enters this area will be affected mentally, and will have various negative emotions such as irritability, irritability, and fear.

This made the joint investigation team unable to advance or retreat for a while, and could only temporarily put aside the exploration of the lower level of the silent city.

Fortunately, apart from exploring the depths of Silent City, the Joint Investigation Team has other things to do. There are too many resources to obtain in many areas of Silent City, including King's Library, and there are countless batches of lifting platforms coming and going every day. The warships and watchtowers in the Sea of ​​Dusk are loaded with various valuable materials from the Silent City to the heavens.

In the eager anticipation of the joint investigation team, time passed slowly. Finally, the arrival of the two visitors from the devil world made the joint investigation team still stationed in the silent city see the existence of hope.

Before the visitor from the devil world came to visit, the time was pushed forward by half an hour.

A blue portal appeared in the central area of ​​the Time Square, and two figures walked out of it, one behind the other.

Time Square, it is impossible to verify when this area appeared. It seems to have existed when the Silent City appeared.

Luke, the maker who brought light to the devil world, has unknowingly had many believers for thousands of years. These believers regard Luke, who brought light to this world, as a god.

They gradually gathered in the place closest to the gods—the Time Square closest to the Silent City, and stayed here for a long time, even forming a huge gathering place for thousands of years.

The Time Square closest to the Silent City, there are many wastes thrown from the Silent City, useless sundries for the Silent City and Luke, and even waste that is not necessary for recycling, which is very harmful to the many demons living in the Time Square. Biologically speaking, it can be regarded as a treasure bestowed by the gods.

In fact, not all the demon creatures living in the time square today worship the creator Luke, but also come for these sundries that exist in the time square, and even many wanderers who cannot survive in other areas of the demon world, some Many came to Time Square, a lawless place without managers, which made the current Time Square even more mixed, and there were countless small groups of all kinds.

At the moment when the space gate appeared, many demon creatures living in the time square noticed the space gate, but no one had the courage to approach the space gate to check the situation, instead they crazily moved away from the space gate.

The demon creatures living in the time square are no strangers to magic. Only the strongest can open things like space doors. In places like the demon world, if you don't have the strength to get close to the strong, you might be impatient.

"A lot of small animals."

Held, who walked out of the space gate, was keenly aware of the demon creatures hiding behind debris or lying on the ground and pretending to be dead. Many of the demon creatures living in the time square are not humanoid. This is close to the orc canyon of the demon world. Many orcs Staying here, in Herder's eyes, these orcs can only be regarded as small animals.

"Hmph, let's say they run fast."

Casillas, who was burly and frighteningly tall, was not in a good mood at the moment because of the interference of space teleportation on his mind and body. If any orcs with short eyes dared to approach him, he would [-]% use them as sacrificial knives.

There is no good or evil, there is no distinction between good and bad, Casillas is eager to fight all the time, killing happens anytime and anywhere in his hometown, only those who survive can enjoy the taste of being alive, as for the weak, death is their best home.

"You're always so warlike."

Regarding Casillas' current appearance, Herder has no good restraint methods, so he can only selectively ignore him.

Casillas and Katie signed a contract, Herder knew about it, and there are very few existences who can be as aggressive as Casillas. No one can eat as much as Casillas He was looking for trouble for nothing, but he originally intended to become a contract summoner, just to enjoy the fun of fighting.

"Didn't you already know it? Is this the old man Luke's territory? Where is the city he made? Why can't you see it?"

Casillas patted his butt. The feeling of teleportation in this place in the Demon Realm was not very pleasant. He didn't have Herder's magic shield to protect himself. He hated the dizziness of teleportation the most.

Looking up and not seeing Luke's Silent City, Casillas was a little impatient. Herder had her own way of doing this. She closed her eyes, opened them after a while, and raised the staff in her right hand to point at someone. Pointing in a direction, said: "Go this way."

After the two of them traveled several kilometers, a faint mist appeared around them unknowingly. Casillas did not discover when this mist appeared. Anyway, when he noticed it, the mist was already very thick.

"This is Luke's way to cover up the Silent City. It is impossible to observe the Silent City from the outside world. Only by knowing the location of the Silent City and approaching it can you find the location of the Silent City. He thought I didn't know it. In fact, as early as the beginning I knew it when he covered the Silent City."

Herder stopped, and Casillas followed Herder's line of sight, unable to hold his breath.

Just a few hundred meters away, a towering huge building rose straight into the sky. The top of Silent City was covered by thick dark clouds, and it was impossible to see where the upper floors led, but Casillas vaguely saw When he reached the interdimensional rift in the middle of the dark cloud, he believed in his discovery.

"It's a different-dimensional rift. Luke himself found a way to open the different-dimensional rift. The top of Silent City now passes through the different-dimensional rift and extends to the heavens of the continent of Arad. Luke uses this method to absorb the sunlight there to restore his strength. It’s an amazing way.”

Herder calmly recounted that after she discovered Luke's plan, she immediately learned of Luke's plan through her own means. No one can keep her secret from her. As long as she wants to, anything that happens in the world will can know the first time.

"Then what should we do now? You and I definitely can't directly attack old man Luke. With this damn restriction, I said that you shouldn't have given the position of the ninth apostle to old man Luke.

Well now, neither you nor I can take the initiative to attack Old Man Luke. "

Casillas resisted the desire to draw his sword. He was quite depressed in his heart. Because of the restriction that the apostles could not harm each other, no matter how much Casillas wanted to fight, he could not attack Luke, who was also an apostle.

Now that Luke is standing in front of him, he can't hurt a hair of Luke.

"Luke must have created a large number of machines to protect himself, and he himself is in the laboratory deep in the silent city.

But it doesn't matter, as I said before, Luke is now guilty of public anger, and many people are looking for him to eliminate him.

These people have now entered the silent city through the other end of the silent city. We just need to find them and support them to defeat Luke. "

"Hehe, killing people with borrowed knives is what you are best at. If old man Luke knew the current situation, he would definitely not dare to shrink back in his tortoise-like laboratory, and he would probably be in a hurry."

Although Casillas had a close relationship with Herder, he did not hesitate to mock Herder's actions at this time.

He is not Herder's subordinate. In fact, he followed Herder because there were often fights around her. If it wasn't because he couldn't beat Kahn, Casillas would have fought Kahn all day long. There is no time to hang out with Herder.

As for the Demon Realm and the Arad Continent, Luke is about to ruin it?
It has nothing to do with him, even if the sky falls, there will be a tall man to support it, yes, he is such a heartless person.

"Now only the Demon Realm can accommodate us. If you don't care, I must."

Herder showed a determined look, no one could harm the Demon World under her nose, no one.

If anything, he must meet the end of death.

"Okay, let's do it your way.

What shall we do now?Advance to Silent City and meet those who have already entered Silent City?
If they were people from the heavens, it seems that they didn't like us very much. Back then, Bakar did a lot of harm to the heavens, so they wouldn't draw their swords against us, right? "

Casillas was talking to himself, Herder smiled slightly, and started to move forward holding the staff. Since she came here, she must have a way to deal with Luke. Of course, before that, she still needs to study these weaklings. creatures.

"You said you came from the devil world, is there any way to prove it?

What are your identities in the devil world?What's the name again?
How did you come up from below? "

Ten minutes later, Herder and Casillas appeared in front of the joint investigation team stationed in Silent City, to be precise, in front of the soldiers stationed in the King's Library.

For Herder and Casillas, two visitors who suddenly appeared from the lower level of the silent city, the soldiers were quite vigilant.

Because Herder and Casillas don't look like ordinary humans, Herder can say that Casillas's body shape is not something that humans can have.

As for Herder, who was wearing a gorgeous and revealing cloak, many of the celestial soldiers staring at her almost straightened their eyes.

Where have these people seen women in such revealing clothes, even the women in Fengyue place dare not wear them like this.

Many soldiers swallowed their saliva secretly when staring at Herder. After three years in the army, a sow competes with Diaochan. Although this is not a proverb in the heavens, this principle is also applicable in the heavens.

"If I were you, I would quickly dig out my eyeballs and step on them, maybe I could save my life."

Looking at the human soldiers holding weapons and blocking the way, and staring at the scantily clad Herder wantonly, Casillas said in a low voice, and he could only pray for them in his heart.

In the Demon Realm, those who dare to look at Herder like this are gone now. Regardless of Herder’s appearance as a woman, in fact, she can change into any appearance, a man who is taller than Casillas There are ways.

Casillas had never regarded Herder as a woman, and naturally he would not care about the exposed clothes of the other party. Now it is very difficult to hold back a smile. These human males can actually treat Herder, a horrible man. The terrifying existence is in estrus, it is really laughable.

"You have too many questions. I don't even know how to answer them. Also, if you answer them now, don't I have to say them again when your leader arrives? If you block our way with those weapons, what will happen to you?" Can you really afford it?"

What surprised Casillas was that Herder didn't attack immediately, and didn't turn the humans in front of him into fly ashes. Instead, he explained it quite seriously, as if she was really just an unexpected visitor. traveler.

Casillas held back his laughter. If he didn't hold back, he would definitely laugh. At the same time, he also took a step back. Herder, who looked like this, was very dangerous, and even he didn't want to get close.

"Damn, it's too coquettish, I really want to strip her naked."

"Wearing is the same as not wearing."

"It's more attractive than the maid of Her Royal Highness Princess of the Empire."

The soldiers who reported the arrival of Herder and Casillas to their superiors looked at Casillas and Herder and whispered while waiting for the order. There is no way for a woman like this, the dress and temperament of the other party are too inconsistent, but this makes people feel more exciting.

"I feel that there are many people at the upper level, your leader is right there.

Come on, let's go up. "

How Herder existed, all the whispers of those soldiers were heard, her expression remained unchanged, and she even showed a charming smile. The first sentence was said to those soldiers, and the latter sentence was said to Cassias behind her.

"it is good."

Casillas responded to Herder without any hesitation. He was keenly aware that Herder was exuding a dangerous aura at this moment, but he had no intention of fighting Herder. After all, they were both apostles. , it is impossible to really make a move.

Holding the staff, Herder stepped forward step by step, seemingly unhappy, but with each step, his figure would appear further away, and when the soldiers were in a trance, the figures of the two had disappeared from sight .

The soldiers who were pushed away by Casillas' burly figure to the wall all looked dull after the two disappeared. Their vision and consciousness were deprived, in other words, they had become blind and foolish.

No one knows when Herder made the move. Looking directly at the strong man, talking about the strong man's end is very miserable. If it is not for the sake of dealing with people here, Herder can easily take it away. their lives.
Of course, there is no difference between them now and dead.

(End of this chapter)

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