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Chapter 903 Central Park (for Subscription)

Chapter 903 Central Park (for Subscription)
Herder didn't care about Casillas' words, and continued to mobilize his magic power to prepare for the teleportation formation.

The relationship between the two can be called good friends. Of course, this is from the perspective of outsiders. Casillas, a war addict, cannot trust anyone in his heart. The reason why he follows Herder from time to time is because Because battles can happen from time to time around Herder.

Just like accepting the contract from the elf envoy Katie, who intended the summoner to summon his clone, Casillas' only pleasure was fighting, and he was born to be a fighter for fighting.

"Okay, come in."

After a while, Herder used his magic power to build a teleportation formation. No one in the Demon Realm dared to teleport like Herder, because the space in the Demon Realm is too unstable, even if you walk on the road, you may encounter space fluctuations. The teleportation array that travels through space is the most possible way to use the teleportation array to teleport yourself into a different space.

With a flash of white light, the figures of Herder and Casillas disappeared in place, and when they reappeared, the surroundings had turned into a lush forest.

"It's still so unacceptable. When can you improve the teleportation formation? My ass is almost blown apart."

After landing, Casillas complained to Herder, but Herder smiled and ignored him.

After closing the teleportation array that hadn't dissipated under his feet, Herder took a step forward holding the staff, looked around and nodded, although he couldn't be directly teleported to the center of Central Park, but teleporting to the Witch's Forest is also quite Well, I saved a lot of time on the road.

A few seconds after the two showed up, a golden light shone tens of meters away from the two of them, and a figure wearing a hood appeared among them, and a cold girl came from the other's position: "Stop, no one here!" Outsiders are welcome."

"Don't worry, little one."

Casillas opened his mouth in a loud voice, and the red witch who had just noticed the abnormal short-distance teleportation not far away looked up in amazement, and saw Casillas who was twice as big as ordinary people, and holding a staff at the side, dressed in gorgeous clothes Herder with his cloak exposed.

"Master Casillas! Lord Herder!"

The Red Witch was both surprised and delighted. Both of them are the objects of reverence for most people in the demon world. Now that they came to the Witch Forest together, the Red Witch is naturally extremely happy as the master, and even a little scared. After all, the identities of the two are very different. High is very high.

"Long time no see, Red Witch."

Herder nodded slightly after seeing the red witch. The other party's magic talent is extremely high. Although he has not been in the Demon Realm for a long time, he has also occupied an area with forests in the extremely barren place of the Demon Realm. He is not affected by it. It is impossible for outsiders to covet, but the red witch has guarded the forest with her superb magic talent and ability.

The Red Witch adores Herder, the founder of magic, and although she rarely met Herder, she was very excited to hear Herder greet her like this. She took a deep breath and gestured behind her. : "The two adults have come from afar, please come to my residence for a cup of tea."

"I've heard that the Red Witch masters the techniques of extracting nectar, frying tea, and brewing. I hope you won't let me down."

Casillas didn't know what it means to be polite at all. He simply pressed the two rapiers on his left waist with his left hand, and swaggered forward with his right hand. Casillas always kept his palms on the weapons. Unforgettable, he can draw his weapon anytime anywhere and start fighting.

Herder nodded, and walked forward with his staff. The three of them walked in a forest with lush trees. Apart from the trees, the ground in the forest was lush with flowers and plants, and they could even see extremely rare birds in the woods. Fly around.

"The flowers here have grown legs and can walk on their own. It's very interesting."

While walking, Casillas suddenly looked down at the foothold, and almost stepped on a flower, he found that the unknown flower with huge flower buds could move by itself, which was also the reason why he accidentally did not step on it.

With this discovery, Casillas looked up and found that except for the huge trees, the flowers and grasslands around him could move, and even those scarecrows made of sticks and straws could bounce forward, and they were replaced by outsiders. Sure to be startled, Casillas didn't even bat an eye.

"This is the credit of the forest, the birth of natural magic. Without this forest, I can't do this myself. Guarding this forest is the only thing I can do, and nature will give back with various wealth I am the guardian, and I like life here very much."

The red witch who was walking in front turned around and told Casillas. Her expression was very complicated, with joy and sadness.

"That's good."

Casillas nodded. Forests everywhere are better than rocks where no grass grows or windy areas full of wind and sand. His hometown Aiken is also very desolate. Plants can bring fresh air, clean water and food. No amount of food is too much.

"This time, I'm here to find Katie. She should be in Central Park, and you, the Red Witch, how are you doing recently?"

The three of them soon came to the red witch's wooden house in the middle of the forest. The forest was not too big or small, and it was considered a relatively suitable place to live.

But except for the human being, the red witch, only various small animals and plants survive here.

The terrifying legend of the Witch's Forest is very famous in the devil world.

Trespassers die!

These four words blocked the idea of ​​how many people wanted to enter the Witch's Forest.

"It's very calm and pleasant. Occasionally, some blind poachers or loggers come in. They are all buried as fertilizer, and they can move their muscles and bones. Most of the time, they are meditating. When can there be Herders?" My lord, [-]% of your magical power is the goal of my efforts."

The Red Witch pushed open the wooden door of the wooden house courtyard, and answered quickly after hearing Herder's question.

She is not a native of the Demon Realm, but suddenly appeared in the Demon Realm not long ago. No one knows where the Red Witch came from, not even herself.

When she entered the Forest of the Blue Witch, which was still called the Blue Witch, everyone thought she was going to die, because the strength of the Blue Witch was well known.

But I didn't expect that the one who died was the blue witch, the former owner of the witch's forest, and then the name of the red witch and the changed name of the red witch's forest became a matter of discussion among many people in the devil world.


When the three of them entered the courtyard, there was a sound of a young puppy barking in front of the entrance of the wooden house not far away.

"Yeah, Tuotou, come here."

The red witch showed an apologetic expression to the two, stepped forward to the front of the wooden house, squatted down and hugged the puppy Tuotuo who was circling around her and frantically wagging its tail. She hugged the puppy Tuotuo and looked at Casillas He and Herder introduced with some embarrassment: "This is my pet, it's called Tuo Tuo."

"Very interesting little guy."

After staring at the puppy for a few times, Herder raised the corner of his mouth slightly. This is a creature that has been nourished by magic power. It is not a magic creature itself, but now it can cast magic. Only pets bother.

"Two adults, please drink tea."

A few minutes later, the Red Witch walked out of the wooden house with a teapot and came to the wooden table in the courtyard. Casillas, with his size, could not enter the two-meter-high wooden house of the Red Witch anyway. The knife he was carrying was almost as tall as the house.

"You still serve me a bar, I really can't taste anything."

Regardless of the hot tea, Casillas raised his hand and drank the tea in one gulp. After smacking his mouth, he shook his head at the red witch.

"I haven't made wine recently, but I have some reserves here. I hope Lord Casillas will like it."

The red witch nodded, took out a bottle of fine wine in a porcelain bottle and handed it to Casillas. After taking it, Casillas took a sip and showed a satisfied expression. Strong wine was more suitable for him.

After chatting for a while, Herder explained his intentions under the questioning of the Red Witch: "I am here this time to pass through Central Park, go to Time Square, and find Luke, the maker."

"It's the maker, what happened to him?"

The red witch also shows respect when talking about Luke. It can be said that Central Park and the Witch Forest can exist. The fundamental reason is also related to Luke, the maker. enable plants to survive.

"If you're interested, come and meet Katie with me later. There's a lot to talk about, and it's not something that can be explained clearly in a few words."

Herder shook his head slightly. She came to look for Katie, and she didn't want to stay with the Red Witch for too long.

"Then let's go there together. I haven't seen Sister Katie for a long time, so I happened to chat with her."

The red witch blinked and agreed with Herder's statement. She was quite curious in her heart. Casillas would appear in Central Park from time to time, but why did Herder, the existence of the reputation of the devil world, also appear in this park? When does it appear in the center of the track?What is it about the maker, Lord Luke, that needs Lord Herder to come and walk in person?

central Park.

This is a spectacle in the devil world. Anyone who has been to Central Park will be shocked by it when they first come here.

In the Demon Realm, where the light of the sun that is the root of all things cannot be obtained, there is such an incredible place. The flowers and plants here are lush, making people feel as if they have come to the continent of Arad.

This is a place with light and warmth. Compared with other places in the dark and cold devil world, Central Park is simply a paradise in everyone's heart.

The elf made Katie the guardian here, and outsiders would not have the guts to act presumptuously in front of her. She protects the safety of Central Park and some nearby areas, and she is powerless in places farther away.

She is stationed in Central Park most of the time, protecting this hard-won beautiful existence from being broken.

"Sister Katie, look who I brought!"

The Witch's Forest is not too far from the center of Central Park where Katie is. When the three of them left the residence of the Red Witch, they went straight to Central Park through the Witch's Forest, and soon met the guardian here, Kai. Dee met.

Katie the Elf, or Katie the Magician, is a famous character.

She is a native of the demon world, and she pioneered the existence of the profession of summoner. Before her, there was no magician who summoned contracted creatures or elemental creatures to fight.

At the same time, she is also the president of the Spinning Demon Society. She has devoted her entire life to the study of ecological magic. Research on how to better rely on magic to bring nature and plants back to life is what Katie cares most about. The Red Witch is also affected by it and stays in the Witch The forest guards the safety there.

When the three of them arrived, Katie was teaching some children to practice summoning. The children she taught didn't look very big. They were backup members of the Sarka summoning group, and there were some regular members taking care of them.

A group of contracted creatures are surrounded by many members of the Sarka summoning group. They are in different shapes, and they are all contracted creatures signed by the young summoners with great difficulty.

Of the Whirling Demon Society led by Katie, only the Sarka Emissary Group still exists today.

Inside the Spinning Demon Society, the summoners of the Spirit Summoning Department and the Contract Summoning Department often have disagreements due to disagreements. In the end, the Spirit Summoning Department left and established the organization "New Agreement" or "Second Truth".

They oppose the steady policy that Katie has always advocated, because they feel that summoners can enslave and sacrifice those less powerful summoned beasts, enhance the strength of more powerful summoned beasts, and use the "ring of dominance" that can dominate summons Katie's heart is broken because of the widespread spread of forbidden items.

Fortunately, there are Sarka Emissaries who understand Katie and stay with Katie. The Vortex Society has existed in name only, and the Sarka Emissary Group is the new name of the Vortex Society. Even if they hold the "Ring of Domination" The production method, still will not enslave and sacrifice their own contracted creatures, because they respect nature and all things.

"It's actually Lord Casillas and Lord Herder!"

Katie turned her head when she heard the voice of the Red Witch, and was quite surprised to see the two beings behind the Red Witch. She was not very surprised by the arrival of Casillas, but it was Herder's appearance that surprised her.

The relationship between Katie and Herder is very good, and she also respects this apostle who has been working hard to maintain peace in the devil world.

As for Casillas, although Katie signed a contract with him, Katie will basically not use the contract. Signing a contract with the war-thirsty Casillas is just the way Katie thought of to protect her disciples in the first place. There are very few times when conflicts with people require fighting.

"Wow, what a tall man."

"Hush, that's Lord Casillas."

"My God! Is that Lord Casillas' body?"

"Sister Bibi, have you really spoken to Lord Casillas?"

Because of the arrival of Casillas and Herder, the summoning training of the members of the Sarca emissary group was terminated. Looking at Casillas who was going away with Katie, many girls were chirping and chatting. Some people looked at Beside him was Bibi, who was wearing a white shirt and had long blond hair. Although the other party was not very old, she was already an official member of the Sarka Emissary, and she was the children's favorite mentor and playmate.

"Yes, I spoke to Lord Casillas, and I was taken aback by him at first."

The supplicant, Bibi, responded absent-mindedly. She was surprised by Casillas' arrival, but even more surprised by the stern-faced tall woman beside Casillas who hardly spoke.

Is it the legendary Lord Herder?What was she going to do in Central Park?Bibi thought secretly in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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