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Chapter 899 The Persevering Roy (for Subscription)

Chapter 899 The Persevering Roy (for Subscription)

Nearly two hours later, the joint investigation team arrived at the location of the King's Library with members of the Adventurer Alliance, and they saw the members of the violent search team who had basically cleaned up the entrance of the King's Library.

The scope of the library is very large, occupying at least several floors of the Silent City. No one knows where Luke collected so many books.

Azera discovered through flipping through that the books collected by Luke not only included information about the Demon Realm, but also about the Celestial Realm, Arad Continent, Aiken, Tartan Star, Tai Boers, Dragon Star Beenka, and of course Luke Hebron, the hometown of Hebron, and some Terra star documents that even Azeroth has not collected.

The planet Terra has long been destroyed, and the only part - the demon world, is floating in the void of the universe. Azeroth does not know how Luke found information about the planet Terra, some of which are obviously after the destruction of Terra. Recorded by some surviving Terrans.

When Azera watched these records, there was endless sadness on her face, but she still suppressed her inner emotions and finished watching this part of the records.

What the current Demon World looks like, Azera knows a little bit after reading the books collected by Luke. She is very disappointed with the current Demon World, because after time changes, there are no real Terrans in the Demon World.

They live in a demon world full of pollution, and have mutated into a race that Azeroth could never have imagined.

The arrival of the joint investigation team made the members of the brutal search and arrest team give up on continuing to explore, and instead returned to the entrance to guard the leader Azera. The two sides had different numbers, but the difference in combat power was not that great.

"Captain Azeroth, what is this place?"

The first to break the deadlock was Isabella, a princess of the empire with a high status. Although the violent search and arrest team had parted ways with them, they had not yet reached the point where swords and swords were facing each other. At least now everyone's common goal is to meet the apostle Lu gram.

"This should be where Luke's library is located. There are many guards guarding the library here, all of which were made by Luke. Now the violent search team has only explored this level. I don't know what's going on in the lower level, Isabel Princess La, the books here are very precious, please try not to destroy them."

Azera put down her book and looked back at Princess Isabella, who led Bahn and Cyrus to the front of the brutal hunting group. Isabella looked normal, and didn't seem to see the hostility from the members of the violent hunting group. Bane and Cyrus were much more cautious, and they guarded Isabella's side, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Crossing here, you should be able to find the hiding place of Apostle Luke."

Isabella asked again, Azera nodded slightly, and then said uncertainly: "I'm afraid it will not be so easy to meet the apostle Luke, if you and I are Luke, the last line of defense should have been strengthened at this moment measure."

"That's for sure, but we haven't completely opened up the Silent City yet, and it is said that the Silent City leads to the Demon Realm, and we haven't found the way to the Demon Realm. I hope that if Captain Azera finds the passage to the Demon Realm, Can let me know."

"That's natural."

The conversation between the two sides ended quickly, and Isabella returned to the joint investigation team with Bahn and Cyrus, and began to talk in a low voice with Naviro Jurgen.

Jurgen flipped through the various books presented by the soldiers. Most of the books here were incomprehensible to him because they were in different languages. However, Jurgen was able to understand some of the documents about the heavens. Looking around, he even saw the records of the era of the Tyrannosaur King in the Heaven Realm.

"How did Luke get so many books? Didn't he always create Silent City and mechanical creatures?"

Dana Donat was also looking at the nearest bookshelf curiously. She didn't read it in detail, but just glanced at it roughly, and she could see as many as ten different characters, which made Dana very curious. Could it be that Is it Luke who drove the machine he made to various worlds to collect these books?

"It should be Luke's subordinate."

Wang Yan looked up and looked around, and saw pictures of Becky and the golden clown on the surrounding walls and bookshelves.

Wang Yan guessed that a large part of the books here were collected by the golden clown. The other party has the ability to travel through space, and collecting some documents may not be a problem.

"It's Becky's picture, why is Luke hanging here?"

Celia looked at the picture of Becky that Wang Yan took from one side of the wall and couldn't help being a little surprised. Who would put the pictures of his subordinates in the well-guarded library?Judging from the number of guards who were wiped out by the violent search and capture map, it can be known that Luke attaches great importance to the library.

"Who knows? Maybe Becky is quite special to Luke. Maybe Luke has no other decorations to hang. These photos should not be hung here now. Wait for me to talk to Jurgen. I found Becky Give me all the photos."

Wang Yan shook his head slightly. Luke may have really liked Becky, a special artificial life, but now he can abandon everything he cherished in the past in order to restore his strength, including his most loyal subordinate, the golden clown.

Celia nodded, and took the photo from Wang Yan. In the photo, Becky was smiling happily. The other party was holding the precious slingshot and gesticulating. Optical photography technology is not very novel, even the heavens can Do this, not to mention the apostle Luke who is best at making.

After the arrival of the Joint Investigation Team, there was no conflict with the Violent Hunting Team, mainly because the current situation does not allow internal conflicts on the human side. Although the position is different from that of the Violent Hunting Team, at least they have fought side by side.

"I don't know if that giant Kurtulo is awake now. That guy's size in the game is tens of meters. In reality, he might be scary to death. He's a tough guy."

Wang Yan did not join in the exploration. In Silent City today, there are not many places where he needs to take action. Only the existences that are quite difficult to deal with need him to come forward. Others have joint investigation teams and violent search and arrest teams to deal with.

After advancing for a full day, the joint investigation team and the violent search and arrest team came to the third floor of the library. The lower the floor, the larger the library area, and the more books and guards.

Manus with a huge body has also appeared several times. Fortunately, the human side is strong enough to prevent ordinary soldiers from stepping forward to die. A bunch of magic and long-range skills blasted over. Manus with a steel body is collapsed.

It is worth mentioning that Manus can speak. Before they die, they will use electronically synthesized voices to remind everyone present, but their speech is intermittent, and some of them stop after only saying a few words. In addition to speaking, it seems that the internal information is not complete at all.

To deal with this situation, the scientists of the Elytra of the Seven Gods still need to come forward. Mrs. Meili, along with Peravien and Nien Higg, and the new official member Mia Richter, all received Jurgen's communication. They rushed from Kronos Island to Silent City overnight, and they wanted to check the wreckage left by the giant robots to see if they could find anything meaningful for research.

After the elytra of the Seven Gods and their group arrived, they were naturally under strict protection. Roy, who was in the violent search team, was the happiest because he was able to see Mei Li again. Like a follower, he joined the seven The elytra of the gods are under joint research.

"You are not allowed to speak."

The first time she saw Roy, Mei Li's eyelids twitched wildly. Every time she saw Roy, Mei Li trembled with anger. She didn't want to see Roy, but now she had to come to Silent City see each other.


Roy covered his mouth, pointed his finger at the Manus robot surrounded by everyone, and made a whimpering sound of unknown meaning.

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, and fart quickly if you have something to say, who can understand what you say?"

Mrs. Meili frowned deeply. The other members of the Elytra of the Seven Gods covered their mouths and wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh. It was you who stopped Roy from talking.

Roy put down the palm covering his mouth and gasped for breath. He didn't mention the matter that Mrs. Mei Li didn't let him speak before. He cleared his throat and began to talk about his discoveries during the day.

After Roy finished speaking, he put his hips on his hips, with a smug smile on his face. He had already conducted a preliminary inspection on these Manus during the day. Due to the lack of sufficient instruments, he did not check too many things, but It can be understood that there must be quite important information in the chips of these Manus robots.

"I said why the chip is missing, it's in your hands, take it out for me quickly."

The Elytra of the Seven Gods and the others suddenly realized that they searched many places inside the body of the Manus robot but failed to find the storage place for the chip. They were still discussing the internal structure of the robot and whether to completely disassemble it. Roy's It was just right to arrive.

"Then I'm going to join in the retrieval of the chip data, and I'll go to Cronus Island with you, so it's okay for the head office."

As long as Meili is present, Roy seems to have really become a 20-year-old youth, rather than a real 80-year-old scholar.

Elytra of the Seven Gods The others didn't speak, just lowered their heads and were busy with what they should do. Mrs. Meili sneered and walked towards Roy. Resolute expression.

"give me."

Mrs. Merry held out her hand.

"no problem."

Last second, Roy, who was determined like a martyr about to die generously, now showed a flattering smile, took out the Manus chip he got during the day, and handed it to Mrs. Meili.

"Okay, you can leave now."

Mrs. Meili took the chip, checked its integrity, and waved at Roy as if chasing flies away.


Roy hesitated to speak. Seeing that Mrs. Meili wanted to change her face, he could only turn around and leave with a sigh. He really wanted to do experiments and research with Meili again, even if it was some ordinary research that couldn't be more ordinary. OK.

"Roy failed again."

Because of the arrival of the Elytra of the Seven Gods, many people were paying attention to this place. Seeing Roy leaving with his head downcast, Celia smiled and said to Wang Yan who was sitting beside her.

"He, in terms of my hometown, there are several adjectives that can describe him now."

Wang Yan had a smile on his face. Roy tried and failed repeatedly, but failed repeatedly. This kind of courage is worth encouraging, but whether it is worth it depends on the thoughts of the parties involved. Except for Roy who gives up, no one can change it. his idea.

"What adjective?"

Celia asked curiously.

"To put it more bluntly, it's a love saint, or a love infatuation. Remember a person for decades, and you haven't seen each other for decades. If you change it, everyone will miss each other very much, and want to stay with each other every minute and every second. Is not it?"

Wang Yan looked sideways at Celia: "If we parted accidentally and we couldn't see each other for a long time, would you miss me?"

"Of course I will."

Celia nodded without hesitation, and then looked up at the camp of the Elytra of the Seven Gods. If there is something to gain, if this is the case, then Roy will not look so ridiculous, but even more respectable. .

"I can do it too.

Dr. Mei Li may not have forgotten Roy, maybe there are difficulties.

Look at her, she has aged a lot. Although her body is still healthy, she is still too big compared to Roy, who looks only 20 years old. To say that she is a generation older than him is considered young.

Maybe she didn't want what Roy wanted to happen, otherwise she would have been moved by Roy's perseverance, at least she wouldn't be violent if she couldn't say it. "

Wang Yan sighed with emotion. He could find out about Meili's situation. When he saw Roy, his heart beat faster, but his expression remained the same, even showing boredom.

The mind eye can observe many things that the eyes cannot observe, but in most cases, Wang Yan will not use the mind eye indiscriminately. After all, it is not a good habit to spy on other people's privacy. Besides, what the mind eye sees is almost only the outline. They are all mentally sharp people, and they cannot tolerate Wang Yan's nonsense with his mind and eye skills.

"Well, I think it makes sense for you to say this. Decades have passed. The former lover, not even the lover, is still young, but I am already old. It is hard for me to imagine what would happen to me if this happened to me. Do, times are really scary."

"We have a lifetime to spend together, isn't that enough?"

Wang Yan stretched out his hand to Celia, and the two interlocked their fingers, sitting side by side quietly on the steps, enjoying this warm feeling.

"Any other adjectives to describe Roy? You just mentioned several."

Celia asked again.

"Also, that doesn't sound very good. Nympho, dog licking, or a spare tire. Of course, Roy will definitely not be a spare tire, but if it is a young man or woman, it is possible."

Wang Yan smiled. Roy's perseverance is a bit like a dog licking until he can't give up. Although it sounds ugly, it is very appropriate.

"Your name is so weird, how can you call someone a dog."

Celia patted Wang Yan lightly, with a resentful expression on her face. Wang Yan repeatedly accused him of sin. He shouldn't have said that about Roy behind his back. According to his age, Roy is considered an elder.

"Perhaps he will feel very happy."

Celia leaned her head on Wang Yan's shoulder and murmured.

"Maybe, who knows?"

Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and responded to Celia with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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