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Chapter 897 Parting ways (for subscription)

Chapter 897 Parting ways (for subscription)
Seeing that all the tricks he was good at were easily broken, the golden clown could only use his last ability, he activated a certain device in his body.

The golden clown wearing fat funny pants began to run on the field at a very fast speed and attacked the two of them. From the beginning to the end, the golden clown had no intention of running away, and no one would let him run away. People are waiting.

The golden clown wielding a huge hammer ran faster and faster, and he could barely catch his eyes. Both Wang Yan and Bain were vigilant. At this moment, the golden clown already had the strength to hurt them.

It's just that the golden clown in this situation is surprisingly fragile. After receiving a few blows from Barn's sword energy, it finally flew backwards and hit the wall, scattered into a pile of wood-like parts and a clown suit.

"Is he dead?"

Bain took a breath and looked sideways at Wang Yan.

"It must have run out of energy."

Wang Yan also didn't know that, apart from the amazing ability of the golden clown to swap with the combatants' clones, his other combat abilities were far inferior to Iron Will Nemegate.

"He's already dead. Hey, he tried his best to protect the apostle, but it's a pity..."

Azera on the side walked over to the scattered parts of the golden clown, squatted down to inspect it, and then stood up. According to her judgment, the golden clown was indeed dead.

Not a few minutes after the golden clown died, everyone felt their breath suddenly lighten, the air seemed to become more fresh, the drowsy feeling disappeared without a trace, and everyone became energetic Yiyi.

"It seems that he is really dead, and even the feeling of drowsiness has disappeared."

At this time, everyone understood that the golden clown was really dead and not a fake death. Wang Yan and Bain, who were in charge of the battle, also stepped forward to observe the scattered golden clowns.

Wang Yan discovered that the golden clown itself is not a human being, but an extremely sophisticated machine, but his body still has some flesh and blood tissue, which seems to have been transformed.

The golden clown was so damaged that there was no way to repair it. Wang Yan consulted other people's opinions, and after getting the consent, he put away the scattered parts of the golden clown.

He has not forgotten that the golden clown has the ability to cross space, maybe he can find out the source of this ability.

"The matter has been resolved. I have to return to the observation deck as soon as possible. Everyone has evacuated there. I just communicated with Her Royal Highness. The situation there has not improved yet. Maybe it will take a while. The black nightmare there to dissipate."

Bahn put down the communicator and looked at Wang Yan. Wang Yan nodded. He raised his head and looked around. This is the lower level of Silent City. Now they have basically cleaned up Silent City. Except for the subordinates in the laboratory, Luke, There are not many subordinates left.

"It's finally over, and it's time to meet Luke."

The members of the Violent Hunting Squad breathed a sigh of relief. After fighting for such a long time, they finally reaped the results. When the outside affairs were settled and they went to meet the apostle Luke, more than half of the Violent Hunting Squad's mission had been completed. Next, I persuaded the apostle Luke that although this kind of thing is difficult, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and there must be a way.

"Let's go back too."

After thinking about it for a moment, Azeroth looked at the members of the brutal search and arrest team present. Naturally, everyone had no intention of objecting. Azeroth's decision was their decision.

A group of people left the ball of light at the lowest level of Silent City. Without the assistance of the golden clown, the lights that converged into the interior of Silent City had no place to convert, and eventually dispersed slowly.

This means that the apostle Luke can no longer obtain light energy through the golden clown, and can only use his own methods to continue to recover power.

"Commander Baxiet and the others killed Luke's subordinates who spread the black plague. Everyone cheered up, and this drowsy feeling will disappear soon. Don't fall asleep, because you may not be able to wake up at all. Come, shake those who are sleeping beside you, hold on."

The uppermost space of Silent City was almost filled with members of the joint investigation team who were forced to transfer here. Jurgen evacuated some soldiers and returned to the warship below. Even so, thousands of soldiers remained in Silent City , of which the Coast Guard has the most members.

The words of Princess Isabella cheered up the soldiers of the Delos Empire. They shook their sleeping companions around them. The soldiers who opened their eyes were extremely irritable, but fortunately they had reason and did not really Affected by black nightmares.

Silent City is very big, but after clearing the mechanical guards, it only took more than ten minutes for the people who left from the lower floor to reach the upper floor. After all, the central area of ​​Silent City is a passage, and there are no magicians blocked by mechanical guards. You can fly to higher levels with others.

"The head is back."

"They're back, they're all back!"

When they returned to the upper floor of the Silent City, before everyone climbed the stairs, the soldiers on guard discovered them in advance and reported the incident to Isabella and Naviro Jurgen.

"Huh? Soderos Sword God is not here?"

Isabella easily discovered Soderos' departure when the members of the Violent Hunting Squad climbed to the top floor. After all, there were only a few people she followed in the entire Violent Hunting Squad, and Soderos was the one who paid the most attention. that person.

"Your Highness, are you feeling better now?"

Bahn quickly came to Isabella's side. Beside her were Hyde and Cyrus. They had been guarding Isabella's safety, which was why Bahn was able to leave with peace of mind.

"It's still a little sleepy, but you said that you don't feel sleepy anymore in the lower floor, maybe it will get better soon."

Isabella yawned. The feeling of suppressing the drowsiness was really uncomfortable. The body wanted to close its eyes and rest, but the will restrained it. Anyone who has tried it knows how uncomfortable it is.

"Luke's subordinate, the golden clown who spread the black nightmare has been killed by our joint efforts. The black nightmare he spread should dissipate soon."

Bahn nodded, and then looked at Cyrus with concern. Cyrus was injured before, and the situation has not improved much now, because he has been suppressing sleepiness and has not rested for several days.

"Where did Soderos Sword God go?"

Isabella pondered for a moment, but still asked Bahn about it.

"He was separated from the members of the Violent Hunting Squad before, and he must still be in Silent City now, but for the time being, not acting with the Violent Hunting Squad is mainly due to a conflict of ideas."

Bahn gave a general account of what happened below. After listening to Isabella, she looked thoughtful. Without the violent search team of Sword God Soderos, it seems that it is not so scary.

"It's great, I'm finally not sleepy, I'm almost sleepy."

Nearly 10 minutes after everyone came back, the black nightmare on the top floor of Silent City finally began to dissipate. The soldiers who had been shrouded in the black nightmare all cried out in surprise. This situation spread very quickly. In just 1 minute, it used to be like a cloud The black nightmare that enveloped everyone disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed before.

Naviro Jurgen has been calm all the time, and he didn't ask for the crime as soon as the violent search and arrest team came back. The main reason is to wait for this moment. Now that the black nightmare that enveloped everyone has completely dissipated, there is no need for Naviro Jurgen Wait no more.

He stood up and walked towards Isabella. When he passed by the location of the Adventurer Alliance, he also called out the Adventurer Alliance. He had ignored the Adventurer Alliance before, but now he also began to treat him politely, because the Violent Hunting Group was about to break with them completely.

The three parties talked together for a while, and they all raised their heads to look at the members of the Violent Hunting Squad who were resting on the stairs, mainly looking at Azeroth who was thinking with his head down.

"Sooner or later there will be a showdown, let's go."

Isabella looked at Naviro Jurgen and Dana Donat. Originally, Isabella didn't think highly of these hard-working adventurers from the Adventurers Alliance, but now they are standing on the same front. Naturally, the stronger the strength, the better.

The three of them gathered together and walked this way. Naturally, the members of the brutal search and arrest team had to notice this situation. When they saw Isabella approaching, they all stood up and watched the surrounding soldiers vigilantly. Actions.

"Captain Azeroth, everyone is no longer affected by the black nightmare, thanks to the help of the Brutal Snatchers.

Many thanks to Navello for that. "

It was Jurgen who spoke first, and Naviro Jurgen began to speak almost as the master. Although his expressions and movements were all expressing gratitude, the people in the violent search and arrest team hardly felt any sincerity, that is, Said Jurgen was just putting on a show.

"Member Jurgen doesn't have to be like this, this is what the Brutal Snatchers should do."

Ezra has lived for an unknown number of years. It can be said that when she sees a person, she can almost guess what the other person is thinking. At this moment, it is not clear what the three of Jurgen on the opposite side are planning to say.

Thank you or something, it's just a means of courtesy first and then soldiers. If you ask the crime when you come up, it would be too abrupt and impersonal.

"Thanks are due. Without the help of the violent search and arrest team at the beginning, the joint investigation team must not have been able to gain a foothold in the watchtower so quickly. Maybe they are still trapped in the watchtower and cannot advance an inch."

The words of Naviro Jurgen made the members of the Violent Hunting Squad feel better. There is nothing false about these words. Without the participation of the Violent Hunting Squad, it is still a question of whether the joint investigation team can enter the Silent City. question.

After saying a lot of words of thanks, Jurgen took a deep breath, and suddenly changed the topic, and began to ask the reason why Azeroth took people away when he was fighting with Iron Will.

"Someone saw Captain Azeroth and his subordinates going to the lower level of Silent City when everyone was fighting. I really want to know, what did Captain Azeroth do at that time?"

The smile on Jurgen's face disappeared, his words made the atmosphere stagnate suddenly, Azra sighed inwardly, what should have come still came.

"Hey, what are we going to do, it seems that we don't want to inform you, we are not your subordinates."

Erica was very disgusted with Naviro Jurgen at this time, and the little favor she had just raised disappeared without a trace. Does this mean that the leader should inform him of his whereabouts?What is he, Jurgen!
This is the inner thinking of many members of the Violent Hunting Team. Everyone is a proud generation. Except for a few respected people and their companions, when they are almost rude to outsiders, their strength allows them to do so. This world, or The strong are respected.

"Having said that, we came to Silent City together and started to explore together. I thought that we were comrades-in-arms fighting together. The purpose of the violent search and arrest team and everyone is the same, to solve the problem that Silent City brought to this world. coming crisis.

But now it seems that this may not be the case. The violent search and arrest group's independent actions may indicate that the violent search and arrest group actually has other plans.

Is that so, Captain Azeroth? "

It was Isabella who answered Erica, she was not afraid of Erica's glare at all, she was just a wayward little girl.

"The Violent Hunting Squad doesn't need to obey orders from any party or anyone, does it?"

Azera looked calm, she would not lie, and she never lied, at this moment, she would only say what she wanted to say the most.

The Violent Hunting Group really shouldn't be governed by other forces, because it is an independent organization in itself.

"That's right, but everyone has been fighting side by side before, and basically acted together by default. Is Captain Azeroth saying these words now to make the violent search and arrest team separate from everyone?"

Naviro Jurgen has a very serious face, he can't tolerate this kind of uncontrollable people active under his nose, if it weren't for the fact that the violent search and arrest team was indeed the hero who captured the silent city, they would have been kicked out of the silent city by now city.

Azera was silent, and Erica on the side showed an anxious look, and she looked at the three of Jurgen angrily:
"Just now I was saying that I was able to enter the Silent City thanks to the violent search and arrest team, and in a blink of an eye I started to ask questions. Sure enough, adults are untrustworthy and fickle.

There is no Brutal Hunting Squad, so you should still be outside now, worrying about the dead soldiers all day long, how many people have been saved by the Brutal Snatching Squad, don’t you really realize? "

Erica's words made the members of the Violent Hunting Squad also agree one after another. Everyone has always believed that this is the case. Although they are not superior because of this, they think that they occupy the leadership position, mainly because the group leader Azera doesn't like Power, if you don't mean to lead the team, you don't have the leadership. Otherwise, everyone present here should obey the orders of the violent search and arrest team.

"You mean, we have to obey the orders of the violent search and arrest team, is that what you mean?

That's right, the brutal search and arrest team helped everyone enter the silent city, but dare you say, which party present did not contribute?No casualties? "

Dana Donat looked at Erica. Because the two had fought each other, they didn't deal with each other very much. She just stood there and said nothing, but now she can't help it. The Adventurers League has never Will be willing to be driven by others, even stronger ones.

Dana's words made the scene silent, and everyone was silent.

In the capture of Silent City, the most casualties can be said to be the side of the heavens. In addition, it is the soldiers of the Delos Empire. On the contrary, almost no one was injured in the violent search group, but it is also because they are strong enough.

"What are you all going to do? Do you want to have a break-up meal?

Listen to me, Luke hasn't seen it yet, it's not time to part ways yet, is it?
It's probably too early to talk about this. "

Wang Yan has been on the side all the time, and at this moment, he walked to the center of the two parties and began to mediate the conflict.

"Your Excellency Wang Yan says whatever you want."

Naviro Jurgen didn't dare to make trouble in front of Wang Yan, so he nodded happily, and Dana Donat didn't mean to refute, she didn't want to have a dispute with Wang Yan.
As for Isabella, she was still a little unhappy, but Barn pulled her behind her, and Isabella finally held back her intention of continuing to attack the brutal search and arrest team.

A conflict with a long-standing cause was terminated because of Wang Yan's intervention, but a rift had already emerged. The relationship between the Violent Hunting Group and the other three parties almost dropped to a freezing point at this time, and what needed to be covered up in the past is no longer covered up now.

It can be said that even with Wang Yan's intervention, this conflict will completely separate the Violent Hunting Group and the other two parties.

(End of this chapter)

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