DNF Live Allard

Chapter 891 Occupying the Energy Furnace (Subscribe)

Chapter 891 Occupying the Energy Furnace (Subscribe)
When Iron Will Nemegate's huge body fell down, it represented that the human side had completely broken through the energy furnace.

A continuously running energy furnace was shut down by the human side immediately after Nemegate's death, and the assembly line that had been making mechanical guards stopped immediately.

The people who besieged Iron Will Nemegate looked at each other, turned around and continued to fight with the densely packed mechanical creatures around them. The strong men who formed the team broke through the protection of the mechanical creatures and killed Iron Will Nemegate. The battle is still going on now. it's not finished yet.

It lasted for nearly a full day, and when the molten iron in the energy furnace had cooled down to icy steel, this difficult offensive and defensive battle finally came to an end.

In the central area of ​​the energy furnace, there was once a dense and daunting army of machines. At this moment, all the machines that can stand and operate have been cleaned up by the human side.

For this result, the human side has been waiting for nearly three months. Even though everyone is very anxious, they can only slowly advance layer by layer.

Falling before Nemegate were the giant mechanical monster Argos and the full-metal mech Manus, both of whom were Luke's subordinates summoned by the golden clown from Heberon, and have now turned into the elytra test of the seven gods. Research material on the table.

With Wang Yan and many strong men from the Violent Hunting Group, after fighting for so long, the casualties on the human side have been reduced to the minimum, but after the preliminary statistics of Naviro Jurgen after the war, everyone still showed unconcealable sadness , and hundreds of former companions fell down, unable to open their eyes anymore.

"Look out."

Jian Qi patted Wang Yan on the shoulder. The natives of the Arad mainland basically take death very lightly, mainly because this is a rather dangerous world, and death happens all the time.

The survivors must either hide in a safe city to survive, or improve their strength to make themselves stronger in order to survive in this world.

"I am fine."

Wang Yan nodded. At first, he thought it was a facial paralyzed, hard-to-reach Jian Qi. In fact, he has a very active personality. After fighting side by side for a long time, Wang Yan and everyone in the violent search and arrest team are very familiar with each other, and everyone has formed a deep bond. friendship.

Even so, Wang Yan still couldn't let go of so many soldiers who had died. When they formed a team to storm Nemegate of Iron Will, they couldn't find time to rescue those soldiers who were in danger.

It can only be said that due to fate, they gave their precious lives in the silent city.

In the nearly three months of offensive and defensive battles, Wang Yan gained the most from his understanding and application of all professional skills. Except when he was resting, he was fighting all the time, and all the professional skills he could master had been upgraded to the full level.

This is a great improvement. After all, the higher the skill level, the stronger Wang Yan's strength will be. He is still fundamentally different from others.

The same is true for others. Almost no one has maintained such a high-intensity battle. Even the soldiers of the heavens are growing rapidly in the continuous combat. How to deal with the mechanical guards is already an experience that everyone is familiar with now.

Naturally, Wang Yan didn't stay in the Silent City all the time. He would also return to Cronus Island and stay with Becky for a day or two. With Wang Yan's company, Becky also gradually came out of the loss and basically adapted Get away from life in the silent city.

After the battle, the soldiers began to clean up the battlefield.

Princess Isabella's guard, Cyrus, was injured, because he underestimated the strength of Iron Will Nemegate at first, and was almost smashed into a meat paste by the opponent's dragon tail.

Nemegate's body surface has energy protection. As long as the energy is still there, any external attack will have no effect. Later, after a carpet search, they found the transformation machinery that provides energy for Nemegate. Almost all the machines that can be found Breaking through all of them made Nemegate's energy shield disappear, allowing everyone to kill Nemegate.

"Cyrus! Are you all right? Bashot said you were hurt. Was it serious?"

The battle below had just ended, and the non-combatants who stayed at the top came to the layer with the energy furnace. The non-combatants who stayed on the battleship below, such as the elytra researcher of the Seven Gods, such as Navero Jurgen As well as Princess Isabella, they all entered the silent city.

After Isabella appeared, she came to Cyrus immediately.

Cyrus was supposed to be by Isabella's side to protect her, but after fighting for so long, almost all the personnel who could be put on the battlefield participated in the battle.

Except for a few guards left by Jurgen, the others were also sent out. As for the non-combatants, they were basically protected by members of the Coast Guard and soldiers of the Imperial Capital Army.

"I'm fine Your Highness, Your Excellency Wang Yan saved me."

At this moment, Cyrus was leaning against a machine that cut off the circuit, and after seeing Isabella's arrival, he stood up from the ground with difficulty.

"It's him!"

Isabella looked up at Wang Yan, who was not far away with a normal face. The opponent was hardly injured in such a fierce battle, while the others around were more or less injured, including the strong man of the violent search and arrest team. is also like this.

There will always be omissions in the battle, and no one can guarantee that he will be safe and sound all the time. When encountering danger, the role of teammates is reflected.

"I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness, but I failed to protect Cyrus."

Baan, who was on the side, was a little ashamed. It wasn't Wang Yan who made the move. Now Cyrus has turned into a ball of meat sauce, which is something that no one in the Delos Empire wants to see.

"It's not about Viscount Bassett, it's my own carelessness, but fortunately, the battle is over now, the machinery that makes the machinery has finally been shut down, and I won't have to be bothered by those endless mechanical guards in the future."

Cyrus shook his head again and again, staying on the front line where the battle was so fierce for a long time, anyone with a little bit of strength would eventually be unable to resist the end of the battle, not to mention that long-term battles also required their participation.

"Is that the mechanical tyrannosaurus that has been helpless before? It's so big!"

Isabella has a noble status, and although she is not a weak fighter, no one dares to let her fight in person. Unless the entire Delos envoys are dead, even civil servants will desperately protect Isabella. Pull the princess, die before the other party.

Isabella's eyes fell on Nemegate. After losing the protection of the energy shield, Nemegate is still powerful, but it can be destroyed. With the strength of the personnel gathered on the scene to attack together, there is nothing that cannot destroyed by them.

"That's it. Even though it's made of steel, such a heavy body can even fly. The previous battle took a lot of effort."

Bahn nodded. People who saw Nemegate for the first time must not have imagined that such a huge and heavy creature made of steel can also have the ability to fly. I really don't know how Luke created such a powerful creation.

Under the protection of Barn, Isabella crossed the battlefield and came to the center of the tower. Standing in the corridor and looking down, she could already see the situation at the bottom of the Silent City.

"How can there be so much light?"

Isabella said in surprise, this is a semi-sealed high tower. From the observation deck to here, everyone is illuminated with the help of the light source produced by the mechanical creatures inside the Silent City, or the light source provided by the fluorite placed, but now Standing in Isabella's position and looking down, one can indeed see the dazzling and gorgeous light like the sun.

"There is still a little distance from the lowest level of Silent City. Where is the apostle Luke? It should be at the lowest level of Silent City. Where did these lights come from?"

Bahn also murmured. He looked at the battlefield behind him and soon discovered something.

"Where's Captain Azera of the Violent Hunting Squad? Are you not with Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

Bahn was a little puzzled. The violent search team now only had Roy who made a lot of jokes. Just now Bahn saw the other party and Isabella coming down from the top together. As for the leader of Azera, he didn't know. tracked.

"No, she came down a long time ago, I thought she joined the battle, didn't she join the battle?"

Isabella looked puzzled.

"No, I didn't see her at the beginning of the battle."

Cyrus added that many members of the Violent Hunting Squad were there, but there were only a few fewer.

"You won't go downstairs by yourself to contact Luke in advance!"

Isabella frowned. The Violent Hunting Squad gave Isabella a very bad impression. The Delos Empire also had members of the Violent Hunting Squad. They almost completely ignored the various laws and regulations of the empire, and spread the rumors of the apostles' salvation to win over people. Join the Brutal Snatchers and cause all kinds of mayhem.

Isabella even heard that the Violent Hunting Squad once created evil things like Pretenders to serve as the power of the Violent Hunting Squad.

At the beginning of meeting Azera, Isabella asked Azera about this point. After learning that the Violent Hunting Group was divided, those members of the Violent Hunting Group she knew were extremists and supported the apostles completely and unconditionally. Protect the apostles.

The real violent search and arrest team is relatively very rational. Protecting the apostles is the root cause of their gathering, but the more important thing is to protect the world and be able to communicate.

Even so, Isabella has always been vigilant against the Violent Hunting Squad in her heart, especially the uninvited behavior of the other party after she appeared in the Heaven Realm in Silent City, which made Isabella more vigilant. She has indeed been guarding against the Violent Hunting Squad , even though the Brutal Snatchers made considerable contributions to the exploration of the Silent City.

"I know one thing. During the battle, several soldiers reported to me that they saw two women walking towards the lower floor from a distance. They didn't know what they were going to do. If there were no accidents, it should be the Baxiet Regiment The Captain of Azeroth that I've been talking about."

Hyde, the deputy head of the Iron Wolf Knights, spoke, and he said something that neither Bahn nor Cyrus had noticed.

At the beginning of the battle with Iron Will Nemegate, some soldiers informed him of the news. As for why Bahn was not informed, it was mainly Hyde who was the real manager of the Iron Wolf Knights.

Many people in the Iron Wolf Knights fear Bane, but they love Hyde. These are two completely different treatment. Hyde is extremely respected in the Iron Wolf Knights.

"Go to the lower floor?"

Isabella frowned. Not many women entered the Silent City. The two women left together. Except for Azera, it should be the little girl next to the other party. I heard that she is also very powerful, and she is still outside the camp. Fighting with someone, even the current commander of the Adventurer Alliance is no match.

"Those mechanical guards didn't attack them?"

Cyrus frowned, she was keenly aware of something extraordinary, she trusted her intuition, although the title of Imperial Hound was unpleasant, it also showed that Cyrus was very sensitive to news.

"I don't know, maybe they have their own unique way to prevent the mechanical guards from attacking them, or the people below ordered the mechanical guards to let them go?"

Hyde guessed that the three of Isabella all had expressions of thought on their faces.

"I wanted to chase after them, but I was stopped by the mechanical guards when I couldn't find them. In the end, I had to give up. They should have gone to the lower level of Silent City."

Hyde told all he knew, and he could only guess at it.

"I'm going to speak to Senator Jurgen about this."

Isabella looked up at the members of the Violent Hunting Squad. Even though everyone put in a lot of effort in this battle, Isabella, who was preconceived, still felt that the Violent Hunting Squad seemed to come with other purposes. To heaven, to the silent city.

This is not a good thing. For example, the joint investigation team formed by the world and the Delos Empire basically takes the complete occupation of Silent City and the elimination of the apostle Luke as its fundamental policy.

If the Violent Hunting Squad still wants to protect the apostle Luke like Allard did, then their alliance with the Violent Hunting Squad can no longer continue.

Who knows if the brutal search and arrest team will stab them in the back at the last moment.

No matter how strong the protection is, it is easiest to open from the inside.

If this is the case, the joint investigation team may be wiped out in the silent city, which is no small matter.

"There is such a thing!"

After hearing Isabella's narration, Naviro Jurgen was also full of astonishment. Isabella whispered about her views on the brutal hunting group, and Naviro Jurgen's face gradually changed.

The way he looked at the other members of the Violent Hunting Squad also changed, and he was no longer as grateful as before. Only then did he know the specific news about the Violent Hunting Squad.

Because the Violent Hunting Group came to the heaven from the lower realm of Arad with Wang Yan at first, Navero Jurgen didn't think too much at all.

"She didn't tell everyone, she acted alone, which really makes people wonder if she is still hiding something from all of us, Princess Isabella, maybe we should discuss how to deal with violence There's a search party."

At this time when the energy furnace was first conquered, the multi-party forces that were once tied together seem to be no longer so unbreakable. The members of the violent search and arrest team who gathered together to talk knew nothing about this, and had no idea that the joint The investigation team has raised their vigilance against them.

"But fortunately, we can go to the lower level now, and there should never be so many mechanical guards blocking our way in the future."

Naviro Jurgen had been commanding the frontline soldiers in the rear before, and he came to the battlefield after the battle.

This floor is where the mechanical guards are produced. The mechanical guards that prevented them from exploring the Silent City for nearly three months are almost completely wiped out, and the production line has also been shut down, which means that they have completely established a foothold in the Silent City, and now they are almost finished. Exploration of the Silent City.

"For such a long battle, I really want to thank the Delos Empire and Princess Isabella for her help. Otherwise, the Heaven Realm would not be able to complete the exploration of the Silent City so quickly."

Naviro Jurgen looked around. This is the silent city, a silent city where many apostles exist or pass by.

At that time, the tyrannosaurus king Bakar came to the heaven from the demon world through the silent city, and brought darkness to the heaven for hundreds of years. Fortunately, after the magic civilization was destroyed, the mechanical civilization bloomed in the land of the heaven, and now the mechanical civilization is still owned by the heaven. People work hard for it.

Not long ago, Antoun, the devourer of flames, also fled in the direction of the Silent City when he left from Eaton. Navero Jurgen didn’t know the reason before, but now he finally knows, it turned out to be the Silent City, the Silent City But there is a different-dimensional crack leading to the devil world.

The body of Silent City was built by the apostles, and the apostle Luke was suspected of endangering the entire world.


Naviro Jurgen savored this title in his heart. Everyone in the heavenly world does not have the slightest affection for the apostles. They will only bring disaster, destruction, and death to this world. Any apostle is hated and hated by the heavenly world. You can't kill them quickly.

"It's too early to say these things. Councilor Jurgen arranges for the soldiers to clean up the battlefield as soon as possible. After a short rest, we should explore the lower levels. This exploration has lasted too long."

Isabella shook her head. The Silent City has not been explored yet, so it is too early to say thanks.

"Cyrus will continue to protect Her Royal Highness, and Hyde and I can handle other matters."

Bane looked at the battlefield and let out a long breath. Although the battle was over, the affairs of the Heavenly Realm and the Delos Empire, where there were many soldiers, had not been completely settled. It would take at least half a day here before they could go to the lower level.

Not long after the battle ended, Wang Yan also discovered the disappearance of Azera and Erica.

Asking Jian Qi, the other party said that he didn't know where the leader of Azera went, but with Erica, Azera must be safe, and Azera's own strength should not be underestimated.

"It seems that Azera should still go to the lower level, as if there is really some kind of destiny in the dark, and it is controlling the direction of this situation."

Wang Yan bid farewell to Jian Qi, finally finished the fight of Iron Will, and had enough time to rest.

Taking advantage of this time, Wang Yan knew that it was time for him to return to Cronos Island. It had been nearly a week since he left Cronos Island last time, and Becky must have missed his return very much.

"Go back, we have to rest for one night before continuing to explore, just remember to come back tomorrow morning."

For Wang Yan's request, Naviro Jurgen readily agreed. He also knew something about Becky, and knew Becky's position in Wang Yan's heart. It's all blue.

(End of this chapter)

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