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Chapter 885 Becky doesn't want to die~ Di Ruiji wakes up (challenge 31100 for subscription)

Chapter 885 Becky doesn't want to die~ Di Ruiji wakes up
But after calling Schneider of purification to no avail, the golden clown also showed disappointment, and the other party didn't respond, perhaps because he was in Wang's laboratory.

The golden clown knows that there are many guards in Luke's laboratory, almost all of them are powerful guards made by Luke.

The golden clown has no dissatisfaction with the fact that his own people are stationed in the silent city outside the laboratory, while the created creatures are stationed inside.

His loyalty to Luke is evident, no matter what Luke tells him, he will do it, even if he is going to die directly.

"Becky, hold on, the manager will be here soon, and he will find a solution."

The golden clown came to Becky, who was limp on the ground, and reached out to support the trembling Becky. Becky's condition was getting worse. There must be a powerful drug to clean up the virus and repair Becky's immune system, otherwise the situation would be severe. It's going to get worse.

The simulation robot arrived, but the following sentence disappointed both the golden clown and Becky: "I have the tools and materials to repair the machine, but I really don't have any healing potions."

"Becky, Becky, where are you going?"

The golden clown was still thinking in circles, seeing that Becky set up a broom and flew straight towards the sky. The simulation robot over there did not pursue the matter of Becky leaving the watchtower during the restraint. After all, he also detected Becky Odd state exception.

"You go and look at Becky, I'll go to Wang to find a solution."

The golden clown looked at the simulated robot. He only called the simulated robot a manager. After all, the opponent was just a machine made by Luke. The golden clown was a Heberonian like Luke, so he respected the simulated robot enough. .


The simulated robot nodded, spewing out flames from its feet, and flew straight to the sky. In a short period of time, Becky had almost risen to the top of the Silent City.

For Becky who went back and forth, the mechanical guards in the corridor outside the observation tower did not respond at all. The main reason was that the simulation robots turned off their lock on Becky, otherwise it would be a mess when all the mechanical guards came to arrest Becky.

The simulation robot was very fast. When Becky ascended to the first floor where the observation deck was located, he also followed. After seeing Becky returning to the observation deck with a broom, the simulation robot shook his head and slowed down to follow. Behind Becky.

Becky's eyes were bloodshot at the moment, she was staring at the front of the line of sight, and there was a voice in her heart reminding her, go to Brother Wang Yan, he will definitely help her.


Seeing Bei Qifei landed on the window sill, the simulation robot asked in astonishment, and speeded up.

Becky didn't even look back, and flew straight out of the window, leaving the observation deck in front of the artificial robot, turned around in mid-air, and headed towards Cronus Island in the west like an arrow leaving the string. fly away.


The loud voice of the simulated robot echoed in the observation deck, and he was able to lock onto Becky who was leaving the silent city quickly without a telescope.

Where is she going?Who are you going to see?What are you going to do?
The simulation robot knew nothing about it, and his program began to judge this incident, and the eyes staring at Becky's figure moving fast in the sky turned red again.


Something in the pocket trembled, Becky was startled, she showed an ugly smile, and finally pulled out the thing in the pocket, it was not a communicator, but a tarot card.

After hesitating for a moment, he clicked on the tarot card, and the voice of the golden clown came from it: "The manager told me that you escaped from the watchtower? What are you doing? If I hadn't persuaded him, he would have set you as hostile." .”

"I'm dying."

Becky's voice is very low, she can feel how her state is, if the current state is not changed, she will soon lose all her immune system and die in a pool of flesh and blood, this is He Mengkulu This is the only weak point.

"I have come to the door of Wang's laboratory, Becky, come back, Wang will save you!"

The anxious voice of the golden clown came out.

"Can you open the laboratory and contact Lord Luke?"

Becky forced a smile, almost lying on the broom and still flying west quickly.

"You wait for me, I will contact Wang immediately."

The golden clown paused, and hung up the communication after leaving this sentence. Like Becky, he was unable to contact Luke. Luke closed the laboratory and cut off all external contact.

Trying to contact Luke with the Tarot cards failed. The golden clown pursed his lips and inserted the Tarot cards in the corridor in front of the entrance of the laboratory. In the past, there would be a door that opened from the back of the wall, but today is an exception. No matter how the golden clown changed positions, the door to the laboratory was not opened.

"How could this be?"

The golden clown was full of disbelief. He is Wang's most loyal subordinate. The full metal armor, Argos and others were all brought from Heberon by his efforts.

Before Luke closed the laboratory, he told him that the laboratory door can only be opened from the outside world in the most urgent time. The golden clown felt that it was very urgent now, but the laboratory door was not opened.

"My lord, what are you doing?"

The golden clown sighed, took back the tarot cards, and chose to initiate a communication with Becky.

"Did you succeed?"

Becky's weak voice came from it, full of expectations.

"No, I haven't been able to contact Wang. Where have you been? What are you going to do?"

The golden clown sat on the ground with his back against the wall, and asked Becky in a low voice. He gave up his plan to chase Becky back. Now Becky obviously has his own purpose and ideas.

"I'm looking for someone to save me, I'm dying."

Becky repeated that sentence again.

"It's human, right? The manager told me that you went to the human world. I thought you were just curious to play. Now it seems that your contact is deeper than I thought."

The golden clown seemed to know that Becky had sneaked out of the watchtower, and he whispered it at this time.

"Yes, I don't want to die, Becky doesn't want to die.

I'm sorry, Jin Chou, Becky can only look for someone who is most likely to save Becky at this time.

My first thought was Grandpa Luke, and my second thought was you, but there's nothing you can do about it, so that's all I can do. "

Becky's voice became lower and lower, even hoarse.

"The manager will judge you as an enemy. You are betraying the king and the silent city."

The golden clown finally whispered, his face was full of pain, what if Becky came back?To watch it turn into blood and die?That was a scene that the golden clown didn't want to see even more.

"If I just want to live and you don't want to, then so be it.

Is Lord Luke imitating Becky?

Jin Chou, tell me if there is such a thing, and answer me with the friendship we have known for so long.

still none! "

Becky's voice rose again, but it was still hoarse.


Hearing the long beep of being hung up came from the Tarot cards, Becky's heart was crying blood.

"It turns out that there really is such a thing..."

Becky grasped the broom with his left hand, and firmly grasped the Tarot cards with his right fist, tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

The situation of the golden clown hanging up the communication has already answered Becky's question very clearly.

He can't tell Becky the truth, but he can't deceive Becky with wrong answers, so he can only make this choice in the end.

If Becky couldn't understand it, it couldn't understand it.

If Becky understands, then the road ahead can only be followed step by step by Becky.

In the silent city.

The golden clown with his back against the wall roared in pain, two teardrops flowed from the corners of his eyes, and slid down the oil paint on his face.

He knew that he was afraid that he would never see Becky's smile again, and never hear Becky's voice calling him golden ugly again.

"Take care, Becky, don't stand opposite the king. At that time, I will kill you without hesitation."

In the dark corridor at the bottom of Silent City, the voice of the golden clown was inaudible.

Becky, who originally wanted to smash the Tarot cards, finally sighed and put them away. She didn't know why she did so.

There was a voice reminding her to keep the Tarot cards, whether as a souvenir or for later use, it would be a pity to damage them like this.

Against the strong wind, Becky barely raised his head, and Kronos Island was close at hand.

Becky smiled.

She showed a weak smile, the skin on her neck had turned a frightening black, and it was spreading upwards a little bit.


The siren representing the air defense alarm was sounded, and the entire camp quickly entered a state of readiness.

Becky, who flew over at a super-fast speed, entered the radar detection range and was judged to be an unfamiliar aircraft by the radar. The personnel guarding the radar immediately sounded the air defense alarm as if they were facing an enemy.

Everyone in the communication room was busy. Soldiers from all over the camp opened the covered cannon muzzles and pointed them up at the sky. With their naked eyes, they could see the guns coming from the eastern sky with streamers. UFO.

"What happened?"

The loud siren alarmed almost everyone in the camp.

People from the Violent Hunting Team, the Joint Investigation Team, and the Adventurers Alliance all walked out of the tent.

When Jurgen connected to the ringing communicator, he turned his gaze to the eastern sky. He also saw the streamer, and he could fly to the camp in less than half a minute.

"It's too late to dodge, prepare the anti-aircraft missile, lock the target, and shoot it down outside the camp!"

Jurgen looked at the flustered nobles around him, ignoring their intention to enter the air-raid shelter to hide. If it was really a long-range attack from the enemy, it would be too late to hide now.

Don't need a powerful weapon, a quantum bomb can blow up half of the camp, and the heavens can make such a weapon. Jurgen doesn't believe that Silent City will not have such a weapon, and the blow from the east can only be destroyed. It will be in the direction of Silent City.

Wang Yan was in the laboratory of Elytra of the Seven Gods when the alarm sounded, and when the door of the laboratory of the Elytra of the Seven Gods began to close slowly because of the alarm, Wang Yan's expression changed.

Being trapped in the laboratory is not what he wants to see. This kind of reaction should be the way for the Elytra of the Seven Gods to protect themselves. He himself does not need any protection. He wants to go out and see what happened.

"I go first!"

Wang Yan left a sentence, threw away the things in his hands, and under the bewildered gaze of Nainshig and other researchers from the Elytra of the Seven Gods, Shi Zhan Shunbu left the laboratory before the laboratory door closed.

"What happened?" Wang Yan opened his eyes happily, but he didn't find anything unusual, only the anti-aircraft guns erected in the camp.

He cast a teleport and came to Celia who walked out of the room. Celia pointed to the eastern sky, hesitated and said, "Is it Becky?"

Wang Yan raised his eyes and saw the streamer flying in the sky. With his palm, the long-range telescope was placed in front of his eyes.

In the next second, Wang Yan dropped the binoculars, stepped on the broom and flew towards the sky at an extremely fast speed. His loud voice echoed in the camp: "Everyone give up the attack!"

"what happened?"

Hearing the sound of Wang Yan shouting with a super-high-pitched speaker, the people who were originally puzzled were even more at a loss.

A series of inquiries came from the communication channel, all asking Jurgen, the commander, whether to stop the attack on the streamer according to the order of Congressman Carey.

"Finally found a chance!"

Jurgen looked at Wang Yan who also flew towards Liu Guang like an arrow from the string. He heard Wang Yan's voice, but it didn't mean he had to abide by it.

Who is Wang Yan?Honorary councilors work for others, but not for him.

He is the Duke of the Seventh Empire, the head of the Jurgen family, and the first member of the noble circle of Ghent.

All the compromises in the past can now be taken back. No matter what the streamer is, if it is struck down, it will make Wang Yan suffer. That is the revenge Jurgen has always wanted.

Jurgen was not afraid of Wang Yan making trouble for him at all. He could use the reason of considering the safety of the camp to explain it. No one could find any loopholes, so he could only think that Jurgen's explanation was reasonable.

As the commander-in-chief, for the consideration of tens of thousands of people in the camp, he has absolutely no objection to shooting down the UFO. No matter how angry Wang Yan is, how dare he kill him in full view?

This ability to seize opportunities came from Jurgen's keen intuition.

"Continue to lock, open fire when locked! The most important thing is to protect the safety of the camp!"

With a compassionate voice, Jurgen responded to the captain's command who asked in the communicator.

There was silence in the communicator, and those with keen senses had already noticed something was wrong.

However, most of the people still obeyed the commander's order. Some gunners set up laser cannons as the final preparation, and those equipped with individual portable missiles also set up the barrels and filled them with shells.

After the anti-aircraft gun or short-range surface-to-air missile launcher console personnel successfully locked on, they pressed the launch button fiercely.


Wang Yan gritted his teeth angrily when he sensed that a missile was flying from behind.

He gave the order to stop the attack, but the camp actually launched an attack. Don't think about it, only Jurgen and Mrs. Meili can defy his order and continue to let the soldiers attack. Will Mrs. Meili do this?Certainly not.

"It seems that this account should be settled."

Wang Yan made a choice in his heart, but the most important thing right now is to catch Becky who has not slowed down before the missile overtakes him, and block the blow from the missile behind him.

Nian Qi Mask is not truly invincible, Wang Yan already knew this.

He is not sure whether the Nian Qi mask can block so many missiles. During his rapid flight, he has already found out the No. 28 that is always equipped in the account vault, and only when holding the No. 28 doll, Wang Yan Only then can there be more protection.

As for resurrection coins?

Wang Yan's hands and wrists each have a rope tightened. After what happened to Nosmar, Wang Yan never dared to ignore the safety of himself and his relatives and friends. No matter when, the resurrection coin never leaves his body. out of his habit.

When he was in the camp just now, Wang Yan saw Becky in the sky from the remote telescope. At that time, the other party had just approached within ten kilometers and entered the observation range of the remote telescope.

Becky's speed is very fast, and he should have broken through the sound barrier, which is why people in the camp can see the streamer.

The moment Wang Yan saw Becky with the binoculars, he raised his heart, because when he saw Becky, Becky's eyes were closed.

With a little bit of brain thinking, one can think of the reason why Becky rushed to Cronus Island at such a fast speed.

She is asking for help!
She is asking for her own help!
Except for this possibility, Wang Yan could not think of any situation that would make Becky so desperate and in such a bad state.

"Wind wind!!!

Hurry up! "

Wang Yan flew with all his strength, but still felt that his speed was not fast enough. With an extra staff in his hand, he did not hesitate to use the strong wind behind him to push him forward, even if this would make his hair cut by the wind as strong as a knife , he did not hesitate.

Wang Yan, who accelerated his speed, was a little bit faster than the missile, mainly because Wang Yan left the camp first, and the missile left the camp after, and he hadn't accelerated to the limit yet.

Otherwise, Wang Yan couldn't keep up with the missile whose limit speed was several times the speed of sound.

In a flight battle at the speed of sound, Wang Yan finally won.

Before the missile arrived, Wang Yan intercepted Becky flying in mid-air, and the huge impact was instantly transmitted to all parts of Wang Yan's body.

With the huge strength he possesses now, he almost missed Becky. Even though he was spinning in the air to unload the force, the huge impact still broke his arm.

Swallowing the Heaven Healing Potion that was always in his mouth, Wang Yan endured the pain, and his figure spun and fell rapidly.

The real crisis hadn't disappeared yet. According to the mind's eyes, more than 20 missiles had already flew into a distance of one kilometer behind him, and they could hit him within two seconds at the fastest.


It's rare for Wang Yan to swear, Jurgen is trying to die!
Wang Yan in mid-air threw the No. 28 he was holding in his hand, and No. 28, who stretched out the Nian Qi mask, quickly descended, blocking behind Wang Yan like a barrier.

After doing this, Wang Yan stopped spinning, adjusted his figure and quickly descended. He wanted to play with a big one. Before he fell into the sea, he would complete a dive and teleport into the air without any reduction in speed. .

This is very dangerous, but after two seconds, most of the missiles that are chasing after him can be buried in the sea water.

"My God!"

When the radar saw two UFOs converging together being pursued by missiles, everyone in the command room looked at each other in dismay.
They all know that one of the UFOs is their respected Congressman Carey. If their own missiles shoot down one of them, who is also an honorary Congressman who has made great achievements for the heavens, then it will be a big oolong. gone.

"Can it self-explode a missile?"

Someone asked anxiously.

"Yes, yes, it can be detonated in advance, but it must be ordered by the commander."

"That's too late!"

After a brief exchange, everyone looked at the last refreshed Lei Da and closed their eyes in despair. On the radar, the missile and the UFO had already touched together.


Even though it was nearly five kilometers away, the sound of the missile explosion was transmitted to the camp. The huge vibration made the glass windows start to shake. Some people who heard the explosion for the first time immediately covered their ears. It's hard.

"Boom boom boom!"

In just five seconds, all the missiles exploded. Observers with binoculars could clearly see the missiles exploding on the sea surface, and the splashes were tens of meters high.

"What about people?"

"I don't know, it's gone on the radar!"

"Won't you really be killed by a missile?"

"Who knows? Gosh, we're all going to be in big trouble!"

The soldiers who fired the anti-air missiles gathered next to the radar, looking at the green radar that was spinning around, and couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

On the radar, there is no light spot in that area, but there is a temperature detection, indicating that the temperature in that sea area has risen a lot. After all, so many missiles have just exploded.


Wang Yan hugged Becky, who was unconscious and his black skin had extended to his lower lip. He was in a panic. He used his back to resist the missiles, and of course he was in a panic. Even if he entered the water, the mental energy shield was shattered by the huge shock.

Wang Yan vomited blood, but he was in the sea water. He couldn't see anything abnormal when he flew out of the sea. Becky, who was held in his arms all the time, didn't suffer much impact, but the other party's situation is not good at the moment , The black skin has been spreading to the top of her head.

Before returning to land in time, Wang Yan began to treat Becky in mid-air.

The first thing Wang Yan put on Becky's head was a resurrection coin, and then Wang Yan began to pour the heavenly recovery potion into Becky's mouth, but Becky's teeth were clenched tightly, and his body was tense, even if Wang Yan pinched Becky hard. Cheek, did not pinch Becky's clenched teeth.

But there is one thing that can take effect without taking it.

Seeing that the black line had spread to Becky's nose, Wang Yan rummaged frantically in the account vault, and finally found the big world instruments. He was relieved to find that the black line on Becky's face did not continue to spread.

But the black line didn't mean to cut it, it was just kept there by the world instrument. It was the first time Wang Yan encountered a difficult disease that even the world instrument, which could eliminate all abnormal states, could not do anything about it.

"She was poisoned, very poisonous, but this kind of poison is not an ordinary poison, even her body cannot be judged to be a poison.

Unexpectedly, in this world, such a strange poison can also be seen. Be careful, if you get infected with her blood, you will be infected too. "

Just when Wang Yan was at a loss and was about to send Becky back to the camp first, a voice sounded in his mind, and Wang Yan showed a look of astonishment: "Di Ruiji?"

"It's me, such a tempting fragrance. I haven't fused this strange poison for a long time. Leave it to me."

Di Ruiji, who had been sleeping for an unknown amount of time, emerged from Wang Yan's sea of ​​consciousness in the form of a phantom. It floated beside Wang Yan in a shrunken human form.

"Thank you."

Wang Yan didn't make a long speech, but looked deeply at Di Ruiji, who had been shrunk down to the size of a palm, and thanked Di Ruiji for his help with the most sincere gratitude.

"When I absorb the toxin this time, I will absorb all her vitality, but it will remove her toxin forever. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Di Ruiji did not continue, but raised his head and looked at Wang Yan quite seriously.

"You mean she's going to die?"

Wang Yan frowned. If this is the case, it would be better to let the resurrection coin work. He can trust Di Ruiji, but he can't put Becky in danger. He believes in the resurrection coin more.

"Then I'll suck away the toxins spreading in her body first, but I can't eradicate them. Her toxins have already fused with all her organs, including her bone marrow, blood, tendons, flesh and even her brain.

This kind of toxin is very insidious and grows very slowly, but once it occurs, only a specific antidote can get rid of it. This little girl seems to have been poisoned by someone. "

As Di Ruiji spoke, he didn't stop moving. It stood by Becky's heart with its small body.

Wisps of black breath floated out of Becky's body and were absorbed by Di Ruiji's body. The original lavender body also gradually turned black, but Di Ruiji's phantom didn't seem to care.

When he saw Becky's black line fading away from his lips, Wang Yan breathed a sigh of relief. The black line faded so fast that the world instrument could only delay the abnormal negative state, which was easily recovered by Di Ruiji.

Wang Yan can only say that Di Ruiji really deserves to be the source of the plague. Its body is a combination of the most poisonous substances in the world.

Half a minute later, Di Ruiji, whose whole body was as black as coal, floated up, hiccupped humanly, looked down at Becky's body, and then looked up at Wang Yan: "She will still have seizures in ten years' time. , you just need to remember this.

Also, I have regained my strength, and I am only short of a body to be independent from you. "

"You recovered?"

Wang Yan couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad, but Di Ruiji recovered, which meant that he would soon leave Wang Yan and live a new life of his own.

"Well, but I don't want the residual ability of your system. I advise you not to use it too much. I can't even see its origin. It must be a more mysterious existence. I think only The legendary gods are comparable."

Wang Yan was silent. The system can almost create things out of thin air, which means that it should be connected to an independent unknown plane. However, Wang Yan has never done a thorough investigation. Even if he knows the truth, what can he do if he doesn't have enough strength?

Sometimes, playing stupid is also a kind of wisdom.


Di Ruiji still wanted to say something, but after sniffing the air, his tone changed: "I smelled a familiar smell, it turned out to be it!"

"Black nightmare?"

Wang Yan asked tentatively.

"It doesn't matter what it's called, it's what matters."

Di Ruiji glanced at Wang Yan mysteriously, but did not answer this question, it continued: "Now I can't go to the Demon Realm, I still can't protect myself, before you go to the Demon Realm, please tell me in advance.

By the way, help me find a body that can resist any magic, preferably a biological body, if it doesn't work, I can only use a body assembled from natural anti-magic items. "

"No problem, I'll keep an eye out."

Wang Yan knew that he owed Di Ruiji a lot of favors, and there was no way to repay Di Ruiji just for saving his life. Helping Di Ruiji find a new body was also what Wang Yan agreed without hesitation.

As for Di Ruiji looking for a body that can resist magic, Wang Yan can guess why after a little thought.

Herder is the ancestor of all magic professions. She first discovered the magic power and used it. Any magic has no effect on it, because no one can use magic power in front of her.

Her ability is so domineering, and it is also because of this that Di Ruiji made this consideration. It is normal to want a body that can better fight against Herder.

"Then let it be like this first, I will return to your body, don't call me if you have anything to do, you and I are both in danger now, when I should appear, I will appear by myself."

The words Di Ruiji left behind turned into wisps of breath and floated towards Wang Yan. Wang Yan did not resist. Most of Di Ruiji's body was still in his sea of ​​consciousness, and Wang Yan could feel it now.

After Di Ruiji completely entered Wang Yan's sea of ​​consciousness, Wang Yan closed his eyes and resisted his body's natural reaction. After all, there are other self-awarenesses in the sea of ​​consciousness, which might lead to split personality.

It took several minutes for Wang Yan to get rid of this adverse reaction. He opened his eyes and saw Becky staring at him bemusedly.

"When did you wake up?"

The corners of Wang Yan's mouth curled up, showing Becky's ugly smile. The main reason is that Wang Yan's facial muscles have been twitching all the time. After relaxing, the injuries in Wang Yan's body could no longer be suppressed.

"Just woke up, brother Wang Yan, I didn't dream anymore, Becky didn't catch a cold anymore, did you save Becky?"

Becky stared at Wang Yan intently, this feeling of being able to see the most trusted person right in front of him when he opened his eyes made Becky so happy.

"That's it."

Wang Yan frowned, the injury was almost unstoppable, he showed an apologetic expression to Becky, took out a bottle of heavenly healing potion and swallowed it, when picking up the potion bottle, Becky saw the residue on the outside of the potion bottle. of blood.

"You are hurt!"

Becky exclaimed, and found himself lying on the broom after shaking his body. The two of them almost fell directly from several meters into the ocean below.

"Small injury, it's already healed, don't move around, brother Wang Yan will take you back."

Wang Yan patted Becky lightly, and Becky lay down obediently, put his arms around Wang Yan's waist, and kept looking at Wang Yan, unwilling to blink.

Flying at a low altitude with a broomstick at the usual speed, Wang Yan glanced at Becky, and Becky smiled at Wang Yan with his mouth raised: "Brother Wang Yan, you are so kind, Becky knew that you would be able to save Becky. "

"I know you must have encountered something terrible. I will send it back to Sister Celia later. You have something to eat. We will talk about it after I finish one thing."

Wang Yan took a deep breath, and the flying broom was already approaching the land. In a short time, Becky would definitely not be able to explain what happened, but Wang Yan had something to solve immediately, and even a minute's delay would not do.

"Good brother Wang Yan, with you by my side, Becky is very relieved."

Becky seemed to be sleepy. She yawned several times and closed her eyes. After closing her eyes for a few seconds, she opened them again and found that Wang Yan was still there. She was not dreaming, but she really started to rest. Tired very tired, I don't even have the strength to lift my fingers.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wang Yan slowly flew into the camp with a broom.

Tens of thousands of eyes were cast on Wang Yan, Wang Yan turned a blind eye, still maintained a slow flight speed, and flew towards his own residence in a corner of the camp with Becky. He didn't look at anyone, and didn't say a word. The camp of discussions became quiet because of Wang Yan's hidden aura.

"You're back, it's really Becky, I was just worried about you."

After returning to the residence, Celia greeted her quickly, her voice was not high, but her words made Wang Yan warm.

"Come on, catch Becky."

Wang Yan kept the broom hanging in the air, and got off the broom first. Celia did not ask Wang Yan what happened. When Wang Yan wanted to tell her, he would naturally tell her. Celia was not worried that Wang Yan would hide it from her What.

The two of them supported the light Becky with both hands and walked into the room. Because of Wang Yan's actions, the once silent camp became loud again. Many people who had just approached Wang Yan whispered. Talking with the companions around, the feeling of being unable to open your mouth as if seeing a natural enemy is really frightening.

"Someone is going to be unlucky!"

Erica, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, stood at the gate of the camp where the brutal search and arrest group was located, holding the stick of her true love in her arms, looking at the neighbor with a playful face.

It was the camp of the joint investigation team. When Wang Yan finished shouting and Jurgen ordered to continue the attack, Erica heard it clearly.

"Yeah, someone is going to be unlucky."

Jian Qi echoed, and shrank his head when he saw Azera's gaze. Erica could make trouble, but he didn't dare. Whether it was admiration or respect, Azera's status in Jian Qi's heart was comparable to His own master, the divine sword Liang Yue.

The other members of the brutal search and arrest team were talking in low voices. Wang Yan yelled and brought back a little girl from the camp. little girl.

The origin of the other party is still unclear, but some people have already suspected that it is a visitor from Silent City. After all, not everyone can fly at supersonic speed.

Someone is going to be unlucky, this is the only confirmed fact after a brief discussion among the members of the Violent Hunting Team.

Although they didn't have much contact with Wang Yan, they all knew that Wang Yan went from the lowest floor of the Tower of Despair to the 96th floor of the Tower of Despair step by step.

"Your Excellency Soderos, what do you think of Wang Yan's true strength?"

Someone asked Soderos, after all, he had really fought against Wang Yan.

"The battle of life and death is equal to me."

Soderos responded without hesitation. In a real life-and-death struggle, it is still unknown which of the two will win or lose.

Anyway, Soderos really wanted such an equal opponent, but because of the Silent City incident, he didn't challenge Wang Yan. In the past, he dared to fight with Wang Yan for more than ten hours a day.

"Hiss, so strong!"

Although it was known that Wang Yan had the upper hand in the fight with Soderos, everyone regarded it as rumors. Only Azera and the other three actually saw this battle, and it was Erica who said it with a big mouth, but she Anyway, I didn't tell others the real result, I just said it was a discussion.

Who is Soderos? He can almost be called the most powerful person in the continent of Arad. It is estimated that people in the entire continent who can fight against each other undefeated can be counted with a slap. Soderos is good at fighting in extremely disadvantaged situations. But that doesn't mean Soderos won't go all out.

In the battle between Soderos and Excalibur Liang Yue, Soderos almost gave his best. Of course, he did not have any advantage. The strength of Excalibur Liang Yue will never be seen through.

Soderos felt that he was always a little better than himself, which was painful and hopeful.

Everyone originally thought that Wang Yan's strength could only be considered at the level of Jianqi. If they heard Soderos say that Wang Yan's strength was actually on par with their own, it meant that the opponent could break into a group of ten thousand people and kill a seven-in-one out.

If this kind of person gets angry, it is more terrible than the anger of a country.

Because the stronger the person, the less restrained he will be.

The wrath of the king may also be changed by counselors and the situation, but once the strong have determined their goals, they can hardly be changed except to be defeated.

Everyone has seen what kind of weapon the missile in the sky is. It is a weapon that can pose a fatal threat to them.

Dozens of missiles were fired just like that. No matter how many missiles Wang Yan took, it probably wouldn't be good. As for blocking them completely?It is estimated that it will also consume quite precious life-saving items.

How to put it, Wang Yan suffered a loss, and if they suffered such a loss, revenge would definitely not be overnight.

The League of Adventurers next to the camp entrance, Dana Donat and Hunter Bourne are sitting in the car at the gate of the camp, surrounded by members of the League of Adventurers watching.

That's right, everyone is watching the fun.

When Wang Yan entered the camp, those who had experienced the adventure could clearly sense Wang Yan's hidden aura, that Wang Yan was really angry.

"Whoa, I just hope that later someone's head doesn't get wrenched off and the ball kicked into the ocean."

When she saw Wang Yan walking out of her residence, Dana stood up, but said to the hunter Bourne beside her, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"He's out? Damn, I can't see it, if only he could fly."

Bourne stood on tiptoe and didn't see it. He turned his eyes and called the members to find a wooden pole. Along the wooden pole standing on the roof and being supported by Dana, Bourne finally saw a step with his sharp eyes. Step by step, he walked slowly towards Wang Yan at the joint investigation camp.

"Shouldn't take his head off, I guess he will treat it rationally."

Hunter Bourne thought for a while, based on his judgment of Wang Yan, Wang Yan did not seem to be such an irrational person.

"Then bet, bet on the two melons in your arms, if this kind of thing happens, don't even think about eating today, the battle will start tomorrow, and I don't know if the command will be changed before the battle."

Dana Donat looked at Bourne, the hunter who was now taller than herself.

"Wow, how did you know I had a melon in my arms? Bourne kept it very secret."

Hunter Bourne looked down at Dana.

"Let's just say whether to gamble or not."

Dana sniffed and said with a smile, the scent of melon is so special, how could it be hidden from her nose.

"You're going to fight that little girl Erica later, don't get sick of it."

Hunter Bourne shrank his head. Most of the bets he made with Dana were lost by him. When Dana said this, he didn't dare to bet anymore.

"Surrender loses half, a melon."

Dana stretched out her hand with a smile. Hunter Bourne hesitated for a moment, but still took out a melon, which was better than losing everything.

Dana Donat, who easily earned a melon, laughed more than a fox like Bourne.

She can only lament that Bourne is still too easy to deceive, how could Wang Yan do something like twisting people's heads and kicking the ball, just because they are in the same position, they will definitely not do such a thing.

But she believes that it is true that someone must be unlucky.

After Wang Yan settled Becky and let Celia take care of Becky, he walked out of the residence and walked step by step towards the camp of the Joint Investigation Team not far away.

Celia, who watched Wang Yan's back, showed worry. She was not worried that Wang Yan would be in danger. There are really not many people who can hurt Wang Yan. into the passive.

After all, there is one thing in the world that is more powerful than power, and that is wisdom.

Out of trust in Wang Yan, Celia chose to obey Wang Yan's order and stay here to take care of Becky, otherwise she would have to advance and retreat with Wang Yan, even if Wang Yan wanted to kill a bloody river, Celia would Guard Wang Yan's safety without hesitation.

After Wang Yan walked out of the residence, the whispers in the camp disappeared again, whether it was the soldiers at the door of the tent, or the personnel on duty standing in the camp, or the combatants who were carrying individual launchers and still hadn't put them down. All the personnel looked at Wang Yan who was walking towards the camp of the joint investigation team step by step with awe-inspiring eyes.

There is only one thought in their hearts: something big is going to happen!
"Calm down Senator Carey."

When Wang Yan entered the camp of the joint investigation team, some nobles tried to defend Jurgen. Wang Yan's look made several people kneel down and moan on the ground in pain.

Wang Yan once fell into fear because of Xi Lan's eyes, but now he has reached Xi Lan's level.

Wang Yan knew that the gaze of a strong person could really kill someone. If a stronger person looked at him with just one look, the other person might be brain-dead directly, because the weak person's consciousness thinks that he is already dead.

This ability, which is more terrifying than illusions, is one of the reasons why the strong are feared by others.

"Don't even look at yourself, dare to stop me!"

Wang Yan looked directly at Jurgen, and said this in a rather contemptuous tone.

Although he was talking to those people on the ground, everyone around him knew who Wang Yan was talking to.

(End of this chapter)

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