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Chapter 877 All Beings Bound by the Net of Fate

Chapter 877 All Beings Bound by the Net of Fate
silent city.

In the energy furnace, the steel turned into hot molten steel, which flowed along the grooves into the armor model prepared for making mechanical creatures.

The attack from the human side has indeed had a considerable impact on Silent City, especially since humans transferred the remnants of mechanical creatures to a different space before retreating. Silent City cannot recover the remnants of those mechanical creatures, and can only use stock Steel and chips are used to mass-produce new mechanical creatures.

Today's observatory has become a mess due to the attack of the human side, and most of the glass windows are in a state of damage and have not been repaired.

Becky, who has spent most of his time in the observation tower since he came to Silent City, returned to the observation tower after the humans retreated.

She began to clean up the sundries in the watchtower little by little, trying to restore the watchtower to its original appearance. Those mechanical creatures would not care about this kind of thing, and there was no such thing as cleaning in their programmed procedures.

After the humans receded and tidied up until noon the next day, Becky restored most of the places to their original appearance, and the blood left by humans on the ground was also wiped clean.

She doesn't like the color of blood, because she is a mechanical life, without blood, seeing blood will only make her think that she is not human.

Becky did not participate in the defensive battle this time, but she was not idle either. She had been using her ability to lock onto different dimensions to locate the heavens, and then she discovered the satellite signal and the communication signal of the human side.

After going to the bottom of Silent City, Becky had an extra communicator in her hands that could receive and transmit signals. She looked at the observation tower that still looked messy. She didn't want humans to come to disturb the tranquility of Silent City. , she wants to ask clearly what human beings want to do.

Cronus Island, where the Elytra of the Seven Gods resides.

In the afternoon, Mia received a notification from the guard, the video communication device lit up, and someone was initiating a communication.

"Is it brother?"

Mia was a little surprised. She originally planned to communicate with Melvin at night. During the previous battle, Mia also accompanied her to the sea. She did not return to Cronos Island for a week, nor did she communicate with Melvin Erwin communicated.

Leaving the laboratory in a hurry, Mia followed the guards to the place where the video communication device was placed, and she saw that the communication device was already on.

However, when Mia got closer, she discovered that the person who initiated the communication was not Melvin, but a series of unknown numbers.

How did the other party establish contact with the satellite to which the image communication device belongs?

Mia was puzzled, but she accepted the communication request immediately.


Mia clicked on the microphone and asked the communicator where no figure was visible. The other party was obviously not using a video communication device, so she couldn't see the other party's appearance. On the LCD screen of the video communication device, there was only a line segment showing audio.


The sound of zigzagging electricity came from the video communication device, and there was the sound of palms slapping something. It seemed that the other party was debugging the communicator.

"This is the elytra camp of the Seven Gods of Cronus Island, who are you?"

Mia couldn't tell whether the other party was a man or a woman from the other party's voice, but the other party spoke Celestial Language.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

The whistling electric sound sounded again, and this time Mia was finally able to recognize that the other party should be a girl, even with a childish voice.

"Yes, how did you establish contact with the video communication device? This is a communication channel dedicated to the Elytra of the Seven Gods and the Imperial Capital Army. If you are a civilian scientist, please exit this channel immediately."

Mia looked around. The importance of the video communication device was self-evident. Both the Joint Investigation Team and the Imperial Capital Army were sending people to protect the device.

On the other side of Ghent, Melvin re-installed a video communication device in the communication center of the palace to communicate with the front line and the rear. After all, face-to-face conversation is much better than using a communicator.

"It seems that I have made the right mistake. Listen carefully. I am Becky, Lord Luke's assistant. Why did you trespass on Silent City? Can you give me an explanation?"

Inside the observation deck, Becky sat on the window sill of the observation deck, looking towards the west. In the distance, the erupting volcano Cronos Island was very conspicuous. There was a human camp there. Although the opponent retreated, Becky I know, the other party will definitely come here again.

"Wait a minute, are you from Silent City?"

Mia's eyes widened in amazement. She really didn't expect that the side of Silent City would contact the Heaven Realm after the war.

"That's right, I'm the perfect Becky, can you tell me why you all have to board the Silent City?"

Inside the observatory, Becky stretched her feet out of the window sill and shook back and forth. She was holding a communicator that she assembled herself to talk to Mia.

"Please wait a moment."

Mia left this sentence to leave in a hurry. The matter was so important that she couldn't make up her own mind. She could only call Mrs. Meili here first and let her solve the problem.

A few minutes later, Mia arrived with Mrs. Meili. Regarding the fact that someone in the Silent City was sending a communication to the heavens, Mrs. Meili accepted the possibility after a moment of stupefaction.

In fact, she is currently studying the relatively complete bodies of mechanical creatures brought out from the silent city. She wants to understand the types and abilities of mechanical creatures from them. It is best to group them and find out their respective countermeasures.

Judging from her current findings, the level of technology in Silent City is much higher than that of the heavens, such as the ability to allow Silent City to travel through cracks in different dimensions, such as the energy shield outside the Silent City that defends against external attacks. not yet available.

It is a good thing that the Silent City side can initiate a communication with them.

"What is your identity in the Silent City? How can you prove that you are from the Silent City?"

Mrs. Mei Li was very cautious, and did not talk to Becky immediately, but asked Becky to verify her identity.

"The watchtower you are attacking is the place I want to guard. You have fought against the mechanical guards of Silent City for eight days. Do you need to go on?"

"Well, the reason you initiated the communication is to know why the Celestial Realm boarded the Silent City, right?"

Mrs. Meili nodded. Except for the people on Cronus Island, only a few people in the outside world knew about the eight-day offensive and defensive battle between the Heaven Realm and the Silent City.

"Yes, why do you enter the Silent City by fighting?
Lord Luke didn't disturb your world. I spent a whole day trying to repair the damage you did to the watchtower. This is my home. "

Becky’s voice contained anger. She was indeed very angry. The human side broke into the observation tower indiscriminately, destroying the place where she still lived. When Becky cleaned up the observation tower, he saw those collections that belonged to him. The product was smashed, and I was so distressed that I almost cried.

"Then why don't you let us into the Silent City?
This is the heaven, we are the citizens of the Seventh Empire, the only country in the heaven, and we have the responsibility to protect our homeland.

I want to ask you.

Apostle Luke, the Lord Luke you speak of, why did you come to the heaven?
Why did he make the sun disappear?

Why did his arrival cause both the heaven and the underworld to be troubled by sleeping sickness.

Why? "

Mrs. Meili asked back without hesitation after Becky's voice fell. Becky seemed to be caught up in the question, and did not reply to Meili for a long time.

"Yeah, why?"

Inside the observation deck, Becky murmured to herself. She looked down. The end of Silent City was invisible from the heavens. It penetrated into the crack of the different dimension. Because the crack of the different dimension became extremely stable, Silent City Now it can directly connect to the heaven and the demon world, but the connection to the demon world was temporarily interrupted by Luke.

Becky recalled everything that happened before, and quickly discovered the problem. During this period of time, Lord Luke and Silent City have changed a lot. Some things that she didn't know happened and are still going on, but she has no way to know what happened. What, she can't even see Luke's people now.

"Don't want to answer? Or do you not know what your Lord Luke is doing? Or let me tell you the information we know?"

Meili stood in front of the video communication device with a serious face. After smoking a cigarette, she knocked off the ashes and refilled the tobacco to light it. She spoke again when Becky was silent.

"Please speak."

Becky's trembling voice came from the communicator.

"The reason why we boarded the Silent City is because the appearance of the Silent City had a very bad influence on this world.

Someone told us that the apostle Luke absorbed all the light from our world, which led to this dark situation.

The light that is equally beneficial to all things in nature is a kind of power in your Lord Luke. He needs this kind of power, so he greedily plundered the light that originally belonged to the entire heaven.

We communicated with the imperial capital thousands of miles away, and they also couldn't see the sun, even at noon, what they saw was a dark sky.

Do you understand the role of light in this world?
It won't take long, only a few months, and the plants that have not received sunlight for a long time will all die, followed by animals and humans.

If it continues, this world will become a lifeless dead zone.

You said, why do we want to board the Silent City? "

Mrs. Meili's words fell into Becky's ears. Becky's body was trembling, and her face was full of disbelief. Her first thought when she heard these words was that the other party was lying, but there was something wrong in her heart. The voice was telling her that all of this is very likely to be true. Humans are not trying to destroy Silent City, but are fighting for survival.

"You guys, are you going to kill Lord Luke or Becky?"

After a long time, Becky's voice came from the communicator.

"If there is no way, we will continue to fight even if we are facing a powerful apostle or death."

Mrs. Mei Li did not directly respond to this question, but the meaning of her words was very clear, and the heavens would not give up and continue to climb the Silent City.

"I understand, I'm sorry, I will fight to protect the silent city."

Becky hung up the communication after leaving these words. On the side of the video communication equipment, Mrs. Meili and Mia were silent. They left quietly after a while. This communication failed to communicate successfully. Different, there is no compromise at all.

After hanging up the communication, Becky crushed the communicator assembled in her hand, and she threw the broken parts into the sky.

A weird thing happened. The things thrown out flew straight up after leaving the main body of Silent City, but if you looked at it from the sea surface, what you saw was falling debris, Silent City and Heaven have opposite gravity.

After talking with humans, Becky learned a lot. She is still digesting the news from the human world, and there is basically no need to question the authenticity of the news.

Becky also finally understood why Luke became so busy during this period that he couldn't even see anyone. It turned out that he was recovering his power with the help of the light source absorbed by the condenser remodeled in Silent City.

But after Becky knew this, she found that she had no way to change this situation. She had lived in the silent city for so long, and the only people she knew were all in the silent city.

Golden Clown, Argos, Nemegate...

Yes, they are all mechanical or creatures of other races, but they also have their own thinking, so what is the difference between them and creatures like humans?

Becky knows her own strength. Her abilities are all on the coordinates of the navigation dimension. Her combat ability can only be said to be average. How strong are the strong people in the human field? It’s not like Becky didn’t see it a few days ago. There are many people there who can kill her.

But she couldn't betray, and she had no reason to betray Silent City.

What can we do?

She is a mechanical life, and in the eyes of humans, she is completely indistinguishable from those steel mechanical creatures. After the opponent invades the Silent City, they will definitely kill her without hesitation.

Perhaps dying on the watchtower was her destiny.

"I finally felt the so-called fate at this moment, but all it brought me was a biting cold.

Destiny is like a big net, which is being woven all the time. In the end, everyone will be bound by this big net called fate and cannot help themselves. "

After sitting by the window for a long time, Becky sighed, took out a pen and paper and began to write a diary. She had no time and mood to write a diary a few days ago. The diary she writes now is completely different from the diary that recorded happy times in the past. It is the feeling I get now.

"Humans say that Grandpa Luke is doing very bad things, and many people will die because of it, but he is working hard to restore his memory and restore his strength.

I have no way and no reason to stop him.

However, there is nothing wrong with human beings fighting for survival. Why did such a contradiction that cannot be resolved happen? "

Becky continued to record, the thick diary had already recorded hundreds of pages, and she still had a lot of the same diary in her personal storage bag, recording every day she lived in the silent city, every day A story worth remembering.

"This may be the last time I write a diary, humans will definitely come again, and Grandpa Luke will do everything possible to prevent them from entering the silent city.

If I die, I hope someone can find my diary and see everything I have experienced in this life. "

After writing the last paragraph, Becky closed the diary and put it away. Instead of the bright smile she used to have, her face was filled with worry. She knew that those carefree lives might never be the same again. Not anymore.

On Kronos Island, Mrs. Mei Li did not inform the joint investigation team that Jurgen belonged to this conversation with Becky, but Mia quietly told Wang Yan afterwards.

"Becky contacted you?"

Wang Yan looked up at Mia who came to his residence after the night fell. It was getting dark very early, even in the daytime, it was gray, and at night, he couldn't see his fingers. Fortunately, there were enough The storage battery can be used, so there is no need to worry about the problem of electricity consumption.

"You know her name is Becky? I haven't said a name yet."

Mia was very surprised, she only said one sentence, someone in Silent City initiated a communication with the video communication device, Wang Yan actually directly said the other party's name, which is not bad.

"Well, I know Betsy because she's famous, well, famous, famous in a certain circle."

Wang Yan smiled. The only one who can communicate with the heavens must be Becky. Did she threaten to use a slingshot to beat the intruders like they did in the game?
"What did she say?"

Wang Yan paused and continued to ask.

"She asked why we led our troops to forcibly board the Silent City, but Mrs. Mei Li asked why the apostle Luke prevented the heavens from boarding the Silent City, and told her the news you once said.

The other party was stopped by the question. He only said that he wanted to fight to protect the silent city and then hung up the communication. Brother Wang Yan, is there any story about Becky? "

Mia was curious, because when Wang Yan mentioned the name Becky, he obviously brought a smile and a trace of regret?
"She is very similar to you. She is a magical assistant created by magicians from the demon world. She is a kind of artificial life to help magicians fight together.

She was the most perfect artificial life created by the sorcerers back then, and was stored in the memorial hall. Later, she was stolen by Luke's subordinates, and she came to the Silent City from the Demon Realm.

She has the ability to accurately locate a certain plane in endless dimensions and find its coordinates.

As for the manufacturer Luke, he is the king of that planet, but after he left there and came to the Demon Realm, he lost his power support, lost his memory, lost his power, and became only silent in manufacturing.

He couldn't resist the instinct of making, so he was also called the maker. The silent city was almost built by the other party, and it took an incredible amount of time. "

Wang Yan briefly told the story of Becky and Luke. Mia was surprised when she heard it. She didn't know where Wang Yan got the news, but she believed that Wang Yan would definitely not lie.

If this is the case, it might explain why the apostle Luke would send mechanical creatures to guard the Silent City at all costs. He must be taking advantage of this time to forcibly absorb or even plunder the light source to restore his power.

(End of this chapter)

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