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Chapter 857 Mia's Intelligent Robot: A Turtle

Chapter 857 Mia's Intelligent Robot: A Turtle
If you want to ask a Ghent citizen what happened in Ghent during this period, that Ghent citizen will definitely be able to tell you for 10 minutes without repetition.

If you want to ask the citizens of Ghent what they are most looking forward to now, he will definitely answer without hesitation, the National Day on September [-]th.

That day was the day when the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Capital Army who had expeditioned to Eden Island returned to Ghent to accept the award from Her Majesty the Queen. It was also the National Day of the Seventh Empire, and it was a festival celebrated by the people of the heavens every year.

After repeated urgings from the imperial capital, especially the princess Alizee, Hawkeye Jacket finally ordered that, except for some soldiers of the Imperial Capital Army and the researcher of the Elytra of the Seven Gods staying on Cronus Island, the rest of the soldiers should return by warship. .

As soon as this order came out, many soldiers who had left Ghent for a year cheered. After all, anyone who has been away from home for such a long time will miss their relatives in their hometown, even if they can only stay for a few days when they go back.

Although the soldiers left behind were very envious, they all understood that the current Cronus Island must be garrisoned.

Fortunately, the Sea of ​​Dusk is not too far from Eaton Island, and it is very convenient to take a fighter plane. There are enough people on Eaton Island to replace the personnel from Cronus Island.

Everyone Wang Yan knew was going back this time, including Mia who Wang Yan brought from Ghent. The other party informed his brother Melvin of the news the night before his departure, and Melvin was very happy. Jumping and jumping, even singing songs.

Mathias is also looking forward to following everyone to Ghent. He failed the test of Mrs. Meili, but Mia passed. Mathias is very happy for Mia.

Moreover, Peravien still regards him as a disciple and is also imparting knowledge to him. Mathias has already decided to continue studying hard and strive to successfully join the Seven Gods as a full member when he is tested by Mrs. Meili next year. Elytra.

Bain and Wang Yan were standing behind the deck of the Sky Nobility, and Bain was holding Wang Yan's ancient giant sword to observe carefully. After observing for a long time, his face was full of surprise:

"I have practiced swordsmanship for more than 20 years, and I have never seen a sword made of this material. I can even feel that this sword is alive, not in the biological sense, but that this sword seems to have a soul. But it’s not a spirit.”

"Look carefully, this sword is indeed active."

Wang Yan nodded slightly, agreeing with Bahn's statement.

The adjective active is very suitable to describe the weapons of the ancient remnant series. Barn is a real swordsman. He has seen and held countless sword weapons, and his feeling is right.

"Is it the latest technology in the heavens? It's just that I haven't seen any place with technology. The forging process of this sword can only be said to be very rough. The master blacksmith I know may have more craftsmanship than the person who forged this sword." .”

Bahn looked up and down, and even wanted to take off the hilt to have a look, but this sword is one piece, which is different from the ordinary forging process.

"It hasn't been tempered, so it doesn't look very good, but this sword doesn't fight the enemy with its sharpness. Now it only has a giant sword. In the future, I will definitely collect all the ancient weapons of all professions. I want to get 42 ancient weapons!"

Wang Yan looked hopeful.

What is the concept of obtaining 42 wild ancients by one person?
There are currently 42 weapons in the dungeon game.It is estimated that it is extremely difficult to have such a god-man in the game, and it is only possible to gather all the characters of one account together.

Wang Yan felt that if he wanted to collect them all in the Arad Continent in another world, it would definitely be a great sense of accomplishment.

"Compared to giant swords, I'm still more used to daggers."

Bain shook his head, unable to understand the reason and significance of Wang Yan wanting to collect so many weapons.

He looked at the calm sea, and recalled in a trance when he sailed from Veltalon to Faroe Bay on the Delos Empire warship. At that time, he was still worried about how to face Wang Yan, but now the two are Talking on the celestial ocean, it is unpredictable.

Wang Yan smiled and said nothing, and did not tell Bain about the magic stone. This is what the heavens deserve after defeating Antuen. Prepare Antuen's nerve cells for him, and he still needs to collect 42 Shengyao.

Thinking of Shengyao, Wang Yan thought of Luke and Black Nightmare.

He looked back to the distance. The Nobility of the Sky had been far away from Kronos Island for several days, and the existence of Kronos Island and Silent City could no longer be seen from here, and the Silent City was just like its name. It was extremely quiet, and there was no intention of contacting the heavens at all.

"What are you thinking about?"

Bain returned the ancient giant sword to Wang Yan.

"Thinking about the city of the dead."

Wang Yan didn't hide it either, this matter can't be concealed, Barn saw it with his own eyes, he must report it to Princess Isabella later, and then the idle and boring Isabella would want to take the risk to explore the Silent City.

The plot in the game is like this. The United Empire of the Celestial Realm formed a joint investigation team to board the silent city. In one of the plots, Bane attacked and killed Luke, and collected the opponent's power or is it a black nightmare?
Bahne in the game finally obtained the power of the apostle that he had been looking forward to since his trip to the Wailing Cave, but it is not yet known what is waiting for him.

"The city of the dead? Since the day Antoun died, I have been hearing soldiers discussing this matter, and I have learned a lot from them. Back then, the tyrannosaurus king Bakar came to the heaven from the city of the dead. yes, right?"

Like Wang Yan, Bane looked back at the sea behind him. During the battle of Antuen, Bane helped the Sky Nobility guard the ship's guns, but did not participate in the tough battle.

This is mainly his own meaning, and the princess Isabella also ordered him not to participate in the struggle between the heavens and the apostles.

After all, Barn is a soldier of the empire, a nobleman of the empire, and even Isabella's first love.

Reasonable and reasonable, Isabella would not let Bahn put herself in danger. When the other party came to the dangerous Eaton Island, Isabella tried to persuade Bahn to change his mind many times.

"Yes, Tyrannosaurus King Bacal, was the ninth apostle of the demon world back then.

Later, he was forced to escape from the Demon Realm because he was defeated in the battle with other apostles.

If he doesn't leave, he will be attacked and killed in the devil world by an unstoppable attack.

It's just that Bakar, who escaped from the demon world and came to the heavenly realm, lived only a few hundred years longer, and finally died, being overthrown by the celestial clansmen he cultivated with cruel methods. "

"Wait, the Sky Clan people trained by it? What does this mean?"

Bahn kept nodding after listening to the previous words, and when he heard the last sentence, he blinked his eyes, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"You are a nobleman, um, do you know the Imperial Arena?
I've heard that some nobles will raise combat slaves from an early age in order to allow them to fight against wild beasts.

Because the winner of the Imperial Arena can get a chance to fulfill his wish from His Majesty the Emperor.

The slaves who were brought up from a young age did not have the joy of other children's childhood. Their goal was to kill their opponents, and some even became high-level warriors before they reached adulthood.

You also know that the edge of death is the best test of a person's explosive power, and the combat slave with a high mortality rate grows faster because of the cruel test.

The same is true for the heavens. The people of the heavens, who were oppressed by the dark rule of the tyrannosaurus king Bakar and had to resist, used the wisdom bestowed by the heavens to find the road of science and technology and keep going.

You must know that thousands of years ago, the magic civilization of the heavens was not inferior to that of the Arad continent. Their magic civilization was already able to create products such as the city of the sky. "

"You mean, the Tyrannosaurus King is actually thinking about the heavens?
Although I haven't been here for a long time, I haven't met many people.

But I also know that in the heavens, the tyrannosaurus king Bakar is hated and cursed by everyone, and even the word dragon has become a curse word. How did you know these things? "

Bain was very surprised. This was the first time he heard Wang Yan's statement. He even felt that what Wang Yan said was quite reasonable. If it was true, then what did the Tyrannosaurus King intend to do?

"From the long river of fate, those things will inevitably happen in the end. I said it in advance, and it may be changed, so I won't go into details. What I can say is that the apostle may be more complicated than we imagined. "

"Is it the gate of time and space? I heard from fortune teller Alice that in the gate of time and space, you can see what happened in the mirror world. Maybe you have seen this clip there."

It was hard for Barn to fully believe what Wang Yan said. After all, it completely overturned the world view he had established in the heavens for so long. It is very difficult to rebuild a world view, which requires abandoning the cognition that he thought was right in the past.

"Maybe, yes, how is Emily now?"

Wang Yan didn't want to talk about it anymore, he looked at Bahn, and then thought of one thing, one thing that has always been remembered, but has never had the opportunity to do it.

Bahn's face immediately sank, not because of Wang Yan, but because of the existence that made him helpless.

"It's still the same as when you left Hutton Mar, and your mind is the same as that of a child. Do you have any ideas?"

Bahn clenched his right fist, he was thinking about this all the time.

"A little.

After parting from the Snowland of Ston, did you know that Xilan and Xinzang really went to the Canyon of the Dead, and removed some of the rocks that made the Tower of Death from the Tower of Death, and gave some of them to A Ganzuo.

No, this is a short sword made of the hell rock I got from Aganzuo. "

Wang Yan rummaged through the account vault, and finally found the Prison Rock short sword that had been put in a corner and was almost forgotten. Weapons with visual skills can only be used as collectibles.

Bane took the prison rock dagger from Wang Yan in a daze. The dagger was very light. The kind of prison rock that Wang Yan described had never been seen before. Owned by a few.

"It's because of the clone of the god of death at that time, right? I remember Xi Lan said that she was going to the Canyon of the Dead to settle accounts with those dead, but I didn't expect them to actually go.

Xu Zu is indeed not too far away from the Canyon of the Dead. In fact, the location of the Canyon of the Dead is not a secret in the Arad continent. Ordinary mercenaries have heard of it. "

Bain was very emotional that Xilan and Xinzang actually went to the Canyon of the Dead, demolished the Tower of Death, and gave away the rocks from which the tower was made to make weapons.

He was a little envious of Xi Lan's courage and strength at the moment, and he also thought about going to the Canyon of the Dead many times to find the god of death to settle accounts and find part of the memory of his wife Emily being taken away.

Playing with the Hellstone dagger in his hand, Bain secretly made a decision.

If Wang Yan wanted to go to the Canyon of the Dead, or seek his opinion, Barn would rather suspend all affairs and go to the Canyon of the Dead, even if he lost his title.

"Do you want to go? A Ganzuo also told me before that he intends to go to the Canyon of the Dead,"

Wang Yan pondered for a moment, but still expressed his thoughts.

He went to the Canyon of the Dead mainly to find out the secrets of the god of death, and to get in touch with the brutal search and arrest team in the continent of Arad.

Wang Yan believed that he might be able to get a lot of things he wanted to know from the Terra star Azera.

For example, the story of Terra.

Wang Yan didn't have enough strength before, so he kept suppressing the urge to enter the Canyon of the Dead.

Now after a long period of exploration and adventure, his strength has been improved to the point where he can't go anywhere.

His level has risen to level 85, he can wear level 85 epic sets, and he has mastered all professional second senses, and he already has the ability to gain a foothold in this world.

Maybe he is still very powerless in the face of the apostle Herder, but Wang Yan believes that he already has the power to protect himself, and can even have a little influence on him.

That's why he insisted on confronting Antuen.

After regaining the energy center, Wang Yan had no other place to raise his level quickly except to find An Tuen.

You must know that the higher the level, the less experience he may gain. If he kills the Goblins in Grand Forest and exterminates the Goblin Kingdom, he may not be able to advance to a level.

This is the continent of Arad, a world with gods, apostles, heroes, and magic.

The strong are respected, and it is absolutely true that the strong can gain a better foothold in this world. Looking at the continent of Arad, no matter which country, awakened warriors and magicians can live very comfortably.

Ordinary civilians can only work hard every day, praying that they will not get sick, that they can earn enough gold coins for retirement before they are old, and that they will not starve, freeze and die in isolation.

"If you are going, please be sure to take me with you."

Bain answered Wang Yan's inquiry without hesitation.

He had long wanted to seek revenge on the bastard in the Canyon of the Dead. Maybe he was no match by himself, but with Wang Yan and A-Gump walking with him, he was full of courage.

"What about the Imperial Envoys?"

Wang Yan laughed.

"Princess Isabella and I are good friends, and Cyrus is also my subordinate. I believe I can persuade them. I have a reason to go."

Bahn clenched his fist and said firmly, he swears that the guy who hurt Emily will definitely pay the price for his original behavior!
"Well, when I return to Ghent and stay for a few days, I may have to go back to the mainland of Arad.

During that time, you took care of the affairs of the imperial envoys. Your Princess Isabella doesn't seem to have any intention of returning.

Alizee has discussed this with me. Isabella is now a guest of the nobles of Ghent, and many nobles, big and small, are proud to invite Princess Isabella to the banquet. "

Hearing Baan's firm response, Wang Yan could also understand that the other party was indeed thinking about Emily's loss of memory, and no one could bear it.

"His Royal Highness is only like this because she is new to the heavens and is unfamiliar with everything. She is actually very willful, and even His Majesty the Emperor can't control her."

Talking about Isabella, Bahn shook his head. He has no ill feeling towards Isabella, and he is a very good friend with her. Even Bahn has faintly felt Isabella's sneaky gaze. .

But he kept his faith in mind, he didn't want to disappoint Emily, and he didn't want to let his family suffer. Bain knew clearly how terrible the royal family was.

"You have to obey her words most of the time."

In fact, Wang Yan felt that Bahn could do anything but strength, but his life was really not good.

His wife was murdered first, then revived and then lost her memory. She is also the youngest among the Four Sword Masters, and her noble title is a Viscount, but as long as Bahn likes it, he can't care so much.

Some people can't become a professional in their lifetime, isn't that also how they spend their lives in peace and stability?
"Of course, unless I, Viscount Bashunt, don't want it anymore."

Bain chuckled. He has many titles. The title of Viscount Bashuit was what he and Emily called him all the time when they were in love.

At that time, he was very young and optimistic about everything, but he didn't expect those things to happen later. Although it is slowly changing now, what has been done can never be made up for.

"Hey, it's not easy, the more you know, the more you don't know.

Civilians yearn for peace, warriors yearn for strength, rich people want more money, and I have a lot of things to do, I don't know when I will be able to settle down. "

Wang Yan looked up at the sky, in the blue sky, there were white clouds floating, the clouds were light and the wind was light.

The Sky Nobility stayed at the Siman Industrial Base for half a day, and continued to lead other warships towards Ghent.

Soldiers with families at the Siman industrial base have already disembarked early. They want to enjoy a rare holiday and spend more time with their families.

After leaving the harbor of Siman's industrial base, the speed of the Sky Nobility increased a lot.

Unloading a lot of unnecessary items, the huge cruise ship Noble Sky showed its due speed.

And Jurgen seems to have forgotten all the unhappiness. He is smiling every day when he sees Hawkeye Jackett. He seems to be happy to return to Ghent. He completely forgot that he pointed at Hawkeye Jackett's nose. He said that he wanted to participate in his book at the noble council.

Hai Lan, as the captain of the Coast Guard, only brought some subordinates to Ghent to accept the award with the Sky Noble.

The time for this reward is set on September NO.15 of the National Day, which is one week away from today.

It will take at least four or five days for the Sky Nobility to reach Isbin Island and Ghent, so they don't have much time left.

This time the reward was extremely solemn, and the tabloids on the streets of Ghent were even discussing what kind of reward Her Royal Highness would give to the meritorious officials this time. Is it money, a military position, or something more precious?

If you want to ask who is the person who contributed the most this time, it is undoubtedly Hawkeye Jackett.

There is no doubt about this. As early as more than a year ago, Hawkeye Jacket was ordered to lead an expedition to Eaton Island and save hundreds of thousands of civilians and workers in the Sman Base. This is something that no one can erase. credit.

Secondly, Wang Yan can occupy the chief position.

Whether it's recovering the four power stations in the energy center, or taking the lead in attacking Antuen, this is obvious to all.

Hawkeye Jacket said in the communication with the princess Alizee that without the participation of Mr. Carey, it would take several years for the imperial capital to recover the energy center, let alone fight against the apostle Anton.

In the past few years, this has been regarded as a very fast speed. The former heavenly world faced the apostle Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, but it took hundreds of years of struggle to achieve peace.

When Wang Yan set off from Kronos Island on the Sky Nobility, he had already informed Kelly in Ghent of the return journey.

Therefore, Kaili and her party, like the others in Ghent, are eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the National Day of Heaven, because before that, Wang Yan will definitely return to their side.

Kaili, a rich woman, waved her hand and bought all the tabloids outside the Ghent Daily, so that their daily headlines were all about Wang Yan.

Don't underestimate the power of tabloids. Newspapers are still the media for most of the news in the heavens.

The first-generation radio communication machine has only been in the world for about a year, and it will take a long time before it can be fully circulated. Before that, all people in the celestial world will learn about the news of the outside world through newspapers.

There was publicity and there were topics. Before the National Day, Wang Yan had completely become a well-known honorary councilor, and his voice was even higher than that of many veteran nobles.

Because this Congressman Carey is young and powerful, and he is also an honorary councilor personally conferred by the young Royal Highness, if nothing else happens, the other party will definitely become the right-hand man to assist Her Royal Highness to stabilize the situation in the heavens in the future.

In Ghent and even Nospis Island, people have thoroughly witnessed the power of tabloid news. They can't help but read it. Everywhere they go, there are newspaper sellers who promote Wang Yan's past achievements.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no civil society that can obtain the authorization of Wang Yan's portrait, otherwise Wang Yan's portrait would have been hung all over the business district of Ghent. With this young congressman as the representative, the industrial industry in the sky is full of waste. It will definitely explode, and sales will also rise steadily.

After leaving the Siman industrial base on Eaton Island, the tense nerves of everyone were finally able to relax.

Everyone really understands that they will never hear the roar of guns as soon as they open their eyes. This is another peace that the heavens have ushered in after defeating the Carter organization, although how long can this peace last? Still an unknown.

After lunch, Mia took Mathias to the laboratory of the Noble Sky.

Mia has successfully passed the test of the Elytra of the Seven Gods, and when she returns to the headquarters of the Elytra of the Seven Gods in Ghent, there will naturally be an exclusive welcome ceremony to celebrate Mia becoming an official member of the Elytra of the Seven Gods.

Thinking of her brother Melvin dancing happily in the communicator, Mia was very happy, even with a very happy expression.

Mathias was walking beside Mia, looking up and seeing Mia smiling, he couldn't help but be dazed, it really looked like his mother in memory.

After so long of hard work, I can finally reap the rewards. Mia's current knowledge is even amazed by Dr. Peravien and Dr. Meili. The learning ability of artificial intelligence far surpasses that of humans. How much knowledge has been acquired.

In her free time on Cronos, Mia started to relax and then set about making the mechanical sidekick she'd always wanted to make but didn't have time for.

Not surprisingly, Mia found a way to make the mechanical core obtain artificial intelligence.

She once participated in the smart chip prepared by Melvin for Wang Yan. The smart program, which everyone thinks is a tall thing, is really not a problem for Mia. She can easily learn from memory. Find out how to make the mechanical core produce intelligent thinking.

Of course, Mia did not forget Melvin's thousand and one warnings, and all the mechanical cores had already been set with various background control programs before they were formed.

Mia always remembers Melvin's worry and irritability at the beginning. She doesn't want Melvin to be in this state because of artificial intelligence. She wants the artificial intelligence created by herself to be there forever. In control.

【A turtle】.

This is the name of the mechanical companion Mia made, which, as the name suggests, is a turtle-shaped mechanical artificial intelligence.

Like Melvin's Wolverine, Turtle can also walk and understand human speech, and Mia has installed various new abilities.

Such as swimming, diving, eyes as monitors, thermal detection, this is not the most perfect, Mia even wants to install a retractable propeller on the back of the turtle, and then let the turtle become a flying mechanical partner like a mechanic assistant .

Regarding Mia's production, other people in Elytra of the Seven Gods naturally have no objection, and Nien Higg is also very friendly to Mia, a new partner.

In the past, there were really not many female peers who matched the age of Elytra of the Seven Gods and Mia, and even if there were, most of them were assistants.

Her small problems of stuttering and poor communication are also due to the fact that no peers of her age can speak.

The ages do match, but Melvin used to let Wolverine run around with full Ghent all day long. Melvin was a nervous breakdown at the time, and he was nervous all day long. Ge naturally has nothing to say to him.

This is the first time Mathias has seen the turtle made by Mia. In fact, the turtle has been perfected by Mia and has never left the laboratory. Until yesterday, it was successfully tested in the laboratory for the first time. Mia can really guarantee that the turtle can be thrown into the sea without sinking.

A turtle has a turtle-shaped mechanical body. This appearance is largely due to Anton, the devourer of flames, because from the perspective of satellite projection, the devourer of flames is an out-and-out turtle-shaped creature, even if it is more than ordinary Turtles are a million times bigger.

Following behind the slowly crawling turtle, Matthias was full of excitement.

He is now holding the controller, controlling the crawling direction and speed of the turtle.

In fact, Agui can move freely according to Mia's voice, but it doesn't feel like controlling it by himself.

Mathias, who had never experienced anything similar to a toy, had bright eyes. He vowed that if he had learned something, he would definitely make a beast-shaped mechanical assistant like this. It was so fun.

"Matthias, your direction is off. A turtle is about to hit the steel pillar on the deck."

Nernsig followed Mia and Mathias closely. After finding an ancient weapon for Wang Yan, she began to study in depth how to mix and match additives so that the forged weapon could possess Wang Yan's The explosive power in his hands now.

If this ability is applied to long-range attack firearms, so that the explosive power can explode with the firing of bullets and shells, it will definitely be a leapfrog improvement for the technological equipment of the heavens.

When he saw Mathias control the mechanical turtle and hit straight towards the steel pillars on the deck used to bind the thick ropes, Niensig quickly reminded.

"It doesn't matter, the turtle has its own way of thinking, and it will try its best to avoid collisions.

You see, it retracts before the head hits, and starts to make a detour.

It can distinguish between people and objects. If Mathias hadn't controlled it, it would have detected the steel pillar through monitor-like eyes before it approached, then judged what the steel pillar was, and finally bypassed it before it approached. "

Mia on the side explained with a smile on his face. Mathias shrank his neck. He didn't do it on purpose, but just stared at the seagulls on the sea in a daze, so he controlled Agui to hit the steel pillar straight.

The turtle's fastest speed on land can reach the speed of human walking or even running, but once its speed increases, it will become very funny.

The four stubby limbs are distributed around the periphery of the body. Once it starts to crawl quickly, both Mathias and Niensig burst out laughing. The turtle at this time is too funny.

Soldiers from the Imperial Capital Army are stationed on the deck of the Sky Nobility at all times, and those huge naval guns have not yet been dismantled.

Now that the Imperial Capital Army has not yet completed the lease of the Sky Nobility, it can only decide whether the Sky Noble will be returned to Jurgen after returning to Ghent. Of course, before that, dismantling the naval guns and other firepower weapons is also a big trouble.

"A fierce battle broke out here during the attack on Antun. Some soldiers died on the deck, and some manufacturing beasts launched by the Tartans stepped out of the space and fell onto the deck in an attempt to destroy the naval guns.

At that time, the nine warships including the Nobility of the Sky became precarious, and the Nobility of the Sky was the main target of the Tartans' attack.

Fortunately, the Bahn Sword Master arrived in time, which allowed the Imperial Capital Army to overcome the chaotic situation of the sudden arrival of monsters, completed control of the deck, and began to eliminate the transmitted monsters little by little. "

When they came to the front of the deck, seeing the bloody deck color that had been wiped off, the expressions of the three of them became much more serious.

Most of these bloods are left behind by the Tartan tribe's manufacturing beasts. Those monsters still have such things as blood, and of course there are also flames or rocks. Now they are all cleaned up and thrown into the ocean. The ocean is the biggest purifier. Ordinary Gravel and other debris thrown in will eventually sink to the bottom of the sea and become part of the rock.

Mathias controlled the turtle to crawl along the edge of the deck, and handed the controller to Mia when he came to the front of the deck.

After Mia took it, she picked up the relatively heavy tortoise with both hands and put it into a wooden hanging basket with ropes on the deck. Through the hanging basket, the tortoise can go down into the ocean and come back again, otherwise the tortoise will be thrown down , then it can only be fished out of the sea.

No way, the prerequisite for Agui to acquire so many abilities is also because of the installation of many new technological products in the heavens, including batteries made using the energy cores left by the elite Tartan tribe.

The storage capacity of the battery is so strong that after the turtle is fully charged, it can crawl non-stop and use all its abilities for several weeks.

The specific time has not yet been determined. Anyway, Mia has been using instruments to test since installing the energy core on Agui. It has been nearly two weeks since she was on Kronos Island. Agui has been in an open state, and the energy core There are still [-]% of the electricity.

Putting Agui in the wooden hanging basket, Mia chose a place that would not be affected too much by the forward waves of the Noble Sky, and slowly lowered the hanging basket tied with ropes along the hull.

A turtle staying in the hanging basket has an extremely calm expression, and has no fear of going into the sea at all, or it will not have such thoughts of fear.

Mathias and Mia let go of the rope little by little, while Niensig next to him was holding the controller with an LCD screen on it.

The screen is divided into several pieces, which can be opened up individually or retracted to see the overall situation. It has Agui's line of sight, a thermal detection screen, and various data displays of Agui's body.

This kind of controller has already appeared in the heavens, but the LCD screen is a new product of the Elytra of the Seven Gods not long ago, and now it can basically only be used in the military field, and there is still a long time before civilian use.

"It touched the surface of the sea, and the wooden hanging basket floated along the waves, let the turtle jump vigorously. By the way, does it have the ability to jump?"

Nirnshig looked at the screen intently with the controller. As a veteran member of the Elytra of the Seven Gods, she has the right to monitor all the creations of the new members, especially the materials used in Mia's creations are still produced in public laboratories. , in terms of emotion and reason, Elytra of the Seven Gods must obtain the specific data of the new product and record it in the book.

"It can't jump high, but it can go down to the sea. I can just pull this rope tied in the center of the lower part of the gondola."

Mia glanced sideways at the screen of the manipulator shown in Niensig's hand, and then pulled another rope. The wooden hanging basket itself was not heavy.

Moreover, if you underestimate Mia's strength, you will suffer a big loss. Even Mia, a heavy fire weapon, can be easily picked up and used. The mechanical skeleton makes Mia herself definitely not as weak as she looks.

"Okay, the hanging basket has fallen sideways to the sea, and the turtle started to crawl, and it came to the edge of the hanging basket, ah, it fell."

Niensig yelled in surprise, she often does this, and was once reprimanded by Jurgen for this. Enshiger is definitely an oddity, stuttering, timid, and blushing at every turn.

"Aren't we just testing Agui's dive this time? Sister Nain, what are you afraid of?"

Mathias was quite speechless. He put away the hanging basket, and tied the end to the steel column on the deck. The turtle was still swimming in the sea for a short time, and there was still some time before it could be retracted.

As for whether Agui can catch up with the speed of the Noble Sky?This has already been confirmed in the laboratory.

The turtle will become funny when it crawls fast on the ground, but its speed in the water will become extremely amazing.

This turtle-shaped mechanical shape is mainly made for diving into the ocean to help detect the ocean, and all the mechanical parts of the turtle are waterproof.

Mia even installed several gas cylinders for Agui, so that Agui can inflate inside and float up automatically when necessary.

This is the last guarantee, so that Agui can float back to the surface in case of failure under the sea.

It costs a lot of money to manufacture such a mechanical artificial intelligence, which is one of the reasons why Niensig watched the experiment, and the material expenses spent will eventually be reported.

"I'll see, I'll see."

Matthias, who is the smallest, can't see the screen of the controller in the hands of Niensig and Mia, and jumps and jumps anxiously. It is one thing to see a turtle swimming in the laboratory, but the other party is swimming in the ocean. The screen is another matter.

"Good good."

Mia reached out and rubbed Mathias' pink hair, which was the most shy point of Mathias.

His hair is pink, which is an extremely rare color. He even wants to dye it black or maroon. If it doesn't work, it can be white. Pink is too embarrassing.

"Don't rub a man's head."

Matthias reached out and touched the hair that had been rubbed by Mia, full of displeasure, Mia stuck out her tongue indifferently, Nien Higg also raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, Mathias is not big, but It often imitates the tone of adults.

Mia handed the controller to Mathias, and the two stood by the deck, looking into the sea from the deck, they could see the half-floating body of Agui in the sea, and on the controller, there was a The picture under the ocean captured by the eyes of the turtle.

"It doesn't matter if there are fish."

Mathias' fingers trembled like an electric shock, because a strange-shaped fish appeared in Agui's vision. It was not big, but it had sharp teeth.

"Retract your body and dive!"

Mia made a quick decision, it would be bad if the mechanical body was bitten off by that fish.

She secretly thought it was bad, she almost forgot that there were fish in the ocean, so she hardly equipped the turtle with any defensive means. The abilities that the turtle can have are diving, swimming, and floating.

Mia's voice was transmitted to Agui's receiving unit through the controller. Agui's limbs, head and tail immediately retracted into the steel body, and his body began to fall. The fish tried to bite, and almost broke its teeth. , swam away with a flick of his tail.

"Huh, I'm scared. Next time, I should install a kind of steel thorn on the turtle's body that can stick to the shell. That should be able to avoid many small fish."

Mia used notes to record the areas where Agui needs to improve.

No matter how perfect the data of the turtle is tested in the laboratory, only by putting it in the ocean can the real test results be obtained.

(End of this chapter)

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