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Chapter 848 Geboga Punches Antuen! (For the 2nd update of [-]D, please subscribe and order in full!)

Chapter 848 Geboga Punches Antuen! (For the second update of [-]D, please subscribe and order in full!)

When the warship behind Antuen locked on Antuen's hind limbs, it began to fire the Moshashi missiles in turn to attack Antuens' hindlimbs.

Wang Yan also came down from An Tuen's body to near An Tuen's forelegs.

Antuen's limbs are really too big, and the two forelimbs look thicker than the hind limbs.

When Wang Yan flew close, the monsters on the two Optimus Pillars were all ready to face Wang Yan.

Blazing Agnes held the flaming long sword, and her gaze had locked on Wang Yan who was flying towards the Optimus Pillar from under Antuen's body.

For Wang Yan, who had met once, Agnes the Blazing Flame would never be forgotten.

When she saw that Wang Yan could use objects and even fly out of thin air, Agnes the Blazing Flame couldn't help but gritted her teeth. She could hang in the air above Antuen's body, but she still couldn't fly freely like Wang Yan.

Naturally, Wang Yan also saw the Blazing Agnes, who had very conspicuous long hair of flames, which was very obvious under the reflection of the surrounding monsters.

Blazing Agnes watched Wang Yan fly hundreds of meters away from her in astonishment. She didn't expect that Wang Yan didn't plan to fight after seeing her, but continued to fly on his own.

Wang Yan is not stupid, now is the critical period of action, his task is very important.

After installing the signal launcher on Antuen's two forelimbs, let the Moshashi missile and Gai Bojia's fist break Antuen's limbs first, and then Wang Yan has time to start confronting Antuen's back one by one. Senior Tartan Starmen.

Blazing Agnes finally came to her senses after Wang Yan flew away. Wang Yan must have more important tasks to avoid the battle.

Lord Antuen was attacked on his front and hind limbs, and before that, the human was flying there as if doing something.

Needless to say, it should be to provide those humans on the sea with the body position of Master Antun, which is intolerable to Blazing Agnes.

It is the dream of all high-level Tartan stars to get a place on Lord Antuen. The places on Antuen are limited, and every place is very valuable.

Blazing Agnes is quite strong, and she also obtained Antuen's forelimb as her territory.

On weekdays, she always moves on the forelimbs like a pillar of the sky, using Antuen's power to improve her strength.

She had already regarded Antu En's forelimbs as her territory.

Now that Wang Yan wants to use human weapons to destroy, Agnes the Blazing Flame immediately fell into anger, and began to move quickly from Antuen's limbs. She wanted to find Wang Yan and let him see the power of the high-level Tartan star .

Wang Yan bypassed Agnes the Blazing Flame, a high-level Tartan star, and then encountered a large group of low-level Tartan stars, but their strength was too weak to break even Wang Yan's domain, so Wang Yan passed by , cast magic to kill those low-level Tartan stars jumping up and down.

"Excellent, the eye of surveillance?"

After feeling the abnormality, Wang Yan raised his head to look at the top of his head, and found that there was an eye-shaped thing suddenly on the top of his head. No matter how he flew, the eye-shaped thing was on the top of his head.

Wang Yan looked at the Optimus Pillar, and a senior Tartan star who was very similar in size to Furman of the Void and also in the body of Moshashi was watching him.

Keeper Krat, one of Optimus Prime's elite monsters in the game.

However, judging by the size of the other party, Fei probably will never have a chance with the other party in this lifetime.

Wang Yan chuckled, and began to use teleportation and teleportation skills to change directions. After only a dozen seconds, he disappeared from the sight of the goalkeeper Klatt.

The opponent waved his fists and hammered and roared at the ground, venting the anger in his heart, Wang Yan still didn't want to fight at this time, he didn't have that much time.

The forelimbs guarded by high-level Tartans are really troublesome. Wang Yan spent a lot of effort to install two signal transmitters on the inside of Anton's forelimbs. This is more expensive than installing two signal transmitters on the hind limbs. more time.

Wang Yan also saw Creib, another high-ranking Tartan flame who was holding a big axe and was able to strike hundreds of meters away. To climb from Optimus Pillar to Antuen's body, these three must face each other.

However, neither the two elite monsters nor Agnes the Blazing Flame could stop Wang Yan who was able to fly.

After reporting the news to the headquarters, Wang Yan flew away from Antuen's forelimb without looking back.

On the Nobility of the Sky in the distance, the huge muzzle began to adjust its position, set the parameters, and was ready to lock on Antuen's forelimb to launch the Moshashi missile.

The headquarters had already been calculating the trajectory map of Antoin's operation when Wang Yan installed the first signal transmitter.

The command room is extremely busy at the moment, as are the other ten warships.

At the beginning of the war with Antuen, there were a lot of things to do.

And one can imagine the pressure that Hawkeye Jackett, who was sitting on the Noble Sky, was under.

Any important decision has to be made by him. If it is another person, I really dare not say that I can face this situation calmly.


Under Hai Lan's order, the naval gun was loaded and locked on Antuen's forelimb, and the Moshashi missile was shot towards Antuen's forelimb.

The Moshashi missile dragged a long tail flame, obtained enough kinetic energy from the launch tube of the naval gun, and then the warhead part flew towards Antuen's moving forelimb according to the set parameters.

About 30 seconds after the launch, the magic brake stone missile accurately hit Anton's huge forelimb in motion. Nearly half of the magic brake stone missiles fired by the Noble Sky and several surrounding naval guns hit Anton's forelimb .

Those low-level Tartans at the explosion point didn't even have time to make a sound, but they were blown into fly ash by the magic brake stone that suffered the impact and energy-absorbing explosion.

A crater with a depth of five meters and a width of more than ten meters appeared on Antu En's forelimbs like Optimus Prime, and Antu En's hind limbs were attacked more severely now.

Regardless of whether it is a naval gun or a magic brake stone missile, after the respective battleships have obtained the specific parameters sent back by the signal launcher, under the order of Hawkeye Jackett, all the manufactured magic brake stone missiles are directed at the security guards as if free of money. Thun launches.

In just ten minutes of the battle, there were as many as hundreds of naval guns and Moshashi missiles fired, all of which were real gold and silver.

Anton, who is constantly being attacked, is like a human being pierced with a toothpick. After being attacked repeatedly, he finally became angry. , but thinking of attacking the warship that fired Moshashi missiles at its limbs.

Antuen's actions were abrupt. When Hawkeye Jacket reacted, Antuen had already turned his direction and fired naval guns at Antuen at a very fast speed. The battleship rushed away with the magic brake stone shells.

"Sea Gull, pay attention to dodging, the apostle is rushing towards your direction."

"Here it comes, my God, it's after us!"

At this moment, the warship that was being targeted by Antuen was in chaos, and Hawkeye Jackett's warning through the communicator was connected with the soldiers' terrified cries.

This kind of panic was terrible. The captain of the Seagull immediately began to turn around, and the other warships also fired the magic brake stone and naval guns to stop it, but Antoun didn't dodge it. It was really angry and was staring at After holding a target, it can only be depleted by destroying it.

At the speed that Antuen was moving forward with all his strength, after changing direction and moving forward for more than ten steps, Antuen had included the Seagull in the range of energy absorption.

The Seagull, which was operating at full capacity, stopped abruptly, and the propeller at the rear of the battleship did not rotate at all. If the soldiers had not already put on the blocking device made by the magic brake stone, just this moment, everyone on the Seagull would be shocked. Don't even try to walk away with one.

Antu En's huge mouth opened, and the throat began to brighten.

Eagle-eyed Jackett, who detected this situation, was shocked by the rapidly rising thermal radar signal.

It's a pity that the Noble Sky cannot provide any help to the Seagull at this time.

Ten seconds later, Eagle-eyed Jackett put down the communicator in a daze, staring at a white spot representing the battleship signal that suddenly disappeared on the satellite projection, and did not make a sound for a long time.

Antuen opened his mouth as huge as an abyss, and after brewing enough energy, he converted the energy into heat and spewed out from the mouth in the form of flame magma.

Looking from the sky above Antuen's body, with Antuen's mouth as the origin, a ray composed of flames and magma shot along the sea surface at an extremely fast speed to the Seagull.

Antuen just completed a movement of raising his head, and the huge pillar of fire composed of flames and magma was like a fire from the sky, passing through dozens of kilometers of sea surface, completely covering the Seagull.

The sound of a huge explosion reached Nibel's ears, and Nibel also gave up the uninterrupted contact.

He looked out the window and could see Anton's mouth was still hot and red, and there was an obvious line of death composed of lava and flames on the sea.

All the existences on this line were killed by Anton's breath, including the soldiers of the assault team sent by the Seagull, including the hull of the Seagull itself and hundreds of soldiers on board. The blow is directly sacrificed in this sea of ​​twilight.

The soldiers on the other nine warships that left the port with the Seagull were silent.

When they left the port, there were thousands of soldiers on the Seagull just like their warships, and there were also precious members of the Elytra of the Seven Gods.

Now under the attack of Antuen, the Seagull has exploded into a big fireball on the sea.

Even the soldiers who jumped into the sea by chance were scalded to death because of the violent tumbling of the sea water.

The soldiers on the Seagull were fortunate enough to survive a hundred of them, and most of them were sailing boats, away from the battleship itself, and now they were on the sea to avoid the soldiers who were attacked by Anton's breath.

"Keep attacking!"

Hawkeye Jacket let out a stern roar, causing the mourning soldiers on the other nine warships to wipe away their tears and throw themselves into the war against the apostles again.

The apostle Antuen used its thunder attack to show the heavenly people how powerful the apostle is.

Just a single breath caused a warship to explode, and none of the personnel survived. If they didn't continue to attack, the other warships would inevitably end up in the same fate as the Seagull.

"Mechanical God of War team, when will you be in position, a battleship has already been destroyed by the apostles, and we don't have much time left!"

When the remaining ten warships attacked Antuen again, and when Antuen roared again and again, Hawkeye Jackett communicated to the team of Nein Higg and his team through the communicator.

"It's almost there, it's really almost there, it's been moving all the time, and the speed of the sail boat can't catch up with it at all."

Nernsig's voice was full of tears. They all witnessed the scene where Antoin exhaled and killed the Seagull, and their hearts were greatly shocked. The apostle's strength once again made the people of the heavens understand, what is the point of defeating it? How difficult.

"I'll help you!"

Wang Yan's voice joined in.

"I have completed the placement of the signal transmitters for the four limbs, and now all warships can attack Anton's limbs. Nairn, where are you, report the location, and I will help you move quickly."

Wang Yan reported his battle results to the Sky Nobility, and he had successfully installed enough signal transmitters on Antuen's other forelimb.

So far, Antuen's limbs can be locked by all warships with naval guns, and the magic brake stone missiles fired have a very high probability of hitting Antuen's limbs instead of his thick body.

When Antuen killed the Seagull, Wang Yan was still arranging the signal transmitter. After he heard Hawkeye Jacket's extremely anxious cry, he looked up and saw Antuen began to breathe. He wanted to act again. It was too late, and after a while, Antuen breathed out a long breath, hitting the Seagull along the sea like fire from the sky.

Wang Yan silently continued to do what he should do, and the speed of arranging the signal transmitter was faster.

No one wants to see such a tragedy happen. One battleship represents a thousand soldiers.

Only half an hour after the battle started, a warship had already been hit.

Anton, who doesn't plan to move forward, may continue to launch breath attacks on any surrounding warships. It only needs to spend enough time to destroy all warships including the Nobility of the Sky at sea, just like destroying the Seagull. Turn them into a giant ball of fire.

After arranging the signal launcher, Wang Yan left Antuen's forelimb without looking back, and initiated a communication with the maritime command, joined the communication network and contacted Nain Higg.

"We're on the side of Antuen's right hind limb, about ten kilometers away. We haven't been able to catch up with him. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Niensig's crying came to his ears through the communicator.

This is not the first time she has been on the battlefield, but it is the first time she has seen such a tragic death.

A battleship and the soldiers on it were destroyed by the apostles under her watch.

She has the ability to organize the opponent, but she has not been able to get in place because of the sailing boat, and the grief in her heart can be imagined.

"Nairn, you have to learn to be strong.

All you have to do is, when you get to the right location, summon Gaboja's Fist along with the rest of the Mech Gods.

Come on, I believe you can do it, you can stop the apostles from continuing to slaughter soldiers.

Hold on, I'll be right there. "

Wang Yan bypassed Antuen's other forelimb, and flew towards the direction informed by Nirn Higg at a fast speed.

And after Antuen himself destroyed the Seagull, he raised his head to the sky and roared, the sound was so loud that it could be transmitted to ten warships tens of kilometers away, and even the sea water around the battleship was violently tumbling.

Antuen was very satisfied with his blow, and it finally destroyed one of those things that could make it uncomfortable.

The Tartans who lived with Antuen also cheered. Antuen blew up a human warship with one breath. They saw the possibility of Antuen leading them to victory.

If there are no accidents, the situation of the battle will indeed go according to the ideas of the Tartans and Antuen.

After confirming that the target had been killed by him, Antuen turned around and rushed towards another warship closest to him.

In the black volcano, the Almighty Matega did not stop the actions of Antuen's self-awareness.

At this point in the battle, the almighty Matega in the black volcano can understand the extent of damage to Anton's body more clearly than Anton's self-awareness.

The damage to the two hind limbs was the most serious. From the beginning of the war to the present, Anton's energy accumulated over the years had even dropped by a percentage point. It was used to repair the two hind limbs so that Anton could continue to be able to move.

How much energy did Antuen absorb from the energy center?
If expressed in numbers, Antoun's current energy storage is around 30.00%.

After coming to the heaven for a year, Antuen replenished about 20.00% of his energy.

This speed is not as fast as An Tuen replenished when he was in the Demon Realm.

When Antu En first came to the heaven, it was much more miserable than now, and his energy had even dropped below ten percent.

Originally full of energy, in order to protect Anton's body and all the Tartans in the void, Almighty Matega forcibly created an energy shield covering Anton's entire body.

The effect of this energy shield is remarkable, and Antuen, including the Tartans, hardly suffered any danger from the sudden space transfer.

But its waste is also huge. Many unnecessary energies were wasted at that time. Time is just as miserable.

Antuen's body is too huge, and it takes [-]% of energy to move forward for several days. Originally, Almighty Matega planned to let Antuen stay in the energy center for four or five years with peace of mind. After absorbing enough energy Then find a point suitable for opening the space crack and return to the Demon Realm.

Now I have to be forced to leave the ground because of the repeated pressing of the heavenly people.

If leaving the ground and coming to sea can avoid human interference, even if it takes a few more years, Almighty Mataga can accept it.

But the Celestials didn't choose to forgive An Tuen, they caught up.

In order to walk, Antuen has already spent a lot of energy, and now he is continuously attacked by special missiles developed by humans.

Almighty Matega knew that the magic brake stone could cause damage to Antuen. He didn't expect the people in the heavens to discover this so quickly and find a way to fight Antuen.

In his original idea, by the time the people in the Celestial Realm understood Antun and the Tartans, Antun had already absorbed enough energy and brought the Tartans back to the Demon Realm.

After returning to the Demon Realm, the Almighty Matega will have plenty of time for Antuen to replenish his energy, and then all the Tartans and Antuen should seek revenge on the mastermind who plotted against them.

It's a pity that this idea can no longer be realized. The appearance of an unexpected person broke all the ideas of Almighty Matega.

"You can only give up if Antuen uses his astonishing power to make you understand what it means to be invincible."

Almighty Matega stared at the virtual light screens in front of him, and it could even use Anton's eyes to see the terrified gaze of humans on the battleship that Anton was staring at.


The second warship was submerged by Antuen's breath, and the warship turned into a huge ball of fire on the sea surface. The fiery flame rose tens of meters high, and the thick black smoke even rose to a height of [-] meters.

"Come on, come on, it's almost there, we'll stop it right away."

The destruction of the second warship made Nernhigg standing on the sail boat shed tears again.

In her heart, she felt infinite hatred for An Tuen, which was far stronger than any wronged she had ever suffered before.

Wang Yan stood behind the sailing boat, using the power of the wind to propel the sailing boat forward quickly.

There is no way around this, no matter whether electricity or firepower is used as a ship, it cannot enter the energy absorption range of Antuen. The heavenly side can only use the most primitive sail boats to load soldiers and try to find a way for Antuen.

After Antu En destroyed the second warship, his inner anger was vented.

It roared loudly again, and the roar reached the ears of the extremely ugly eagle-eyed Jackett on the Sky Nobility.

Eagle-eyed Jackett stared at Antuen with gritted teeth. Another warship was destroyed on the side of the heaven, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers died as a result. This price is too great.

"Isn't it here yet?"

Hawkeye Jacket now pins all his hopes on the Gaboja Fist that Niensig and his party can summon. If Niensig arrives at the set position later in the evening, the third battleship will also be in danger.

And now the warship closest to Antuen is the warship where Nibel is located. There are the most elytra researchers there. Even if one person is killed or injured, it is unbearable, let alone destroyed by Antuen. It will be a disaster for the whole heaven.

"At the beginning, I advised you not to go to war, but to negotiate a peace, look at what you have done!
Jacket, you let [-] Imperial Army soldiers die innocently, and more soldiers will die because of the power of the apostles.
Do you really have to let all of us die here before you wake up? "

When the second battleship was destroyed, Navero Jurgen forcibly broke into the command room regardless of the guard's obstruction.

Because the words were not speculative, Naviro Jurgen did not join the command of the fortified battle, but watched the battleships being wiped out by Anton's breath, how could Naviro Jurgen hold back, those who were before A real good boy from the Heavenly Clan, he just died so innocently.

"Member Jurgen, do you think we can have a better ending if we evacuate now?
Look, the apostle Antoine has given up on the journey now, and the soldiers are using their lives to buy time for others.

At this time, we can only make the deaths of those soldiers not meaningless by turning our grief into strength and making Antuen unable to move more quickly.

Evacuate now, I will be the first to say no! "

Eagle-eyed Jackett pointed to the location of Anton and the battleship on the satellite projection.

After Antoin destroyed the second warship, he continued to pursue the next warship. In order to prevent the encirclement of other warships from being invalidated, the warship under the command of Nibel only chose to move laterally instead of turning its hull. get away.

"You're going to kill everyone!
I want to join you, I want to join you in the noble council as the Duke of the Seventh Empire.

Because your decision has resulted in the death of so many celestial soldiers, your position as commander is absolutely lost. "

Naviro Jurgen pointed at Hawkeye Jacket angrily. If it wasn't for his long-term self-cultivation, Naviro Jurgen would definitely point at Hawkeye Jackett's nose and scold at this time.

Who said nobles can't swear?

"Whatever you want, you will not be able to appear in the noble council until we win this battle."

Eagle-eyed Jackett didn't take Jurgen's threats seriously at all. With a wave of his hand, four armed imperial troops stood in front of Jurgen. Will put Jurgen out directly.

Naviro Jurgen even forgot to take out his umbrella, and the anger in his heart gradually calmed down after he was driven out of the command room and poured on his head by the torrential rain.

Looking up into the distance, Jurgen couldn't help shivering. The huge apostle flame devourer Anton, who was gushing lava from the volcano behind him, was like an invincible god under the rain.

"Big mistake!"

Naviro Jurgen's sigh didn't spread far, but was drowned out by the crashing rain.

"We're almost there, report to the headquarters, we're here!"

With the help of Wang Yan, the speed of the sailing boat soared, and finally approached Antuen's right foreleg before Antuen approached Nibel's battleship.

Regardless of the torrential rain, Niensig looked up at Antuen hundreds of meters away. With the naked eye, he could see the traces of the monsters on Antuen's body at Niensig's position. The rain was rushing down Thun's body.

"Get in place quickly and start the Geboga plan!"

On the Nobility of the Sky, Hawkeye Jack let out a long sigh of relief, then he glanced at the satellite projection and nervously said to Nairn and his party: "You still have 10 minutes, if you fail to stop Anton within 10 minutes, Lieutenant Admiral Nibel's warship is about to enter the range of Antuen's breath."

"10 minutes, three chances to summon Geboja's Fist,
Get rid of the unfamiliarity for the first time, it is estimated that there are only two chances,
Can Gai Bojia's fists break Antuen's forelimbs twice? "

Wang Yan frowned and thought about it. Looking at it closely, An Tuen's forelimb was as huge as a mountain. Can Gai Bojia's fist really break it?
"All warships that can lock on Anton's right forelimb, change the attack target, and attack Anton's right forelimb,
The Elytra of the Seven Gods is about to summon the Gaboga robot to fight. We must first break one of Anton's legs so that it can no longer hurt our comrades.

We only have 10 minutes, guys, it's all about winning and losing! "

When Nernhigg and the other six mechanical gods of war unfolded the compressed super-space-time device, put on the spirit-enhancing helmet, and prepared to use commands together to summon the fist of Geboja hidden in different time and space.

Hawkeye Jackett was also in the communication, calling for other warships to change their attack targets.

The Moshashi missile launched by the battleship before did pose a considerable threat to Antuen's hind limbs.

But Antuen's limbs can be regenerated through energy, even if Antuen's energy can be consumed, but if it continues to be consumed like this, the first to die must be the heaven side.

If Antuen is still allowed to move, the opponent sprays it accurately, and the sky fire hundreds of meters thick descends, and there is no way to stop it from the heavens. After all, the movement of the battleship is not as fast as Antuen's raising his head.

So the best way now is to concentrate firepower and hit Antoun's forelegs that don't have much energy to defend against.

Antuen's hind limbs had been protected by a thick energy barrier because of too many magic brake stone attacks.

The magic stone missile hit the energy barrier, consuming only the energy stored by Antuen. Who knows how much energy this big turtle still has available?

The compressed time-space device that once appeared in the laboratory appeared again, and it was placed on the flat hull in the center of the sail boat.

Six mechanical gods of war in blue clothes and Nernsig surrounded the compressed time-space device in spite of the torrential rain. With the help of the battery power, the time-space device opened up the space where the group of people were located, and the electromagnetic stand created a door. The gradually expanding space door.

Gaboga's Fist in a different space that Niensig and the six mechanical gods of war communicated within a short time after an instruction.

In fact, only one mechanical god of war can mobilize Gaiboga's fist, but seven mechanical wargods are the necessary number to control a complete Gaiboga in battle.

Now Gaboga only has one right arm that can be used. If the six mechanical war gods and Nien Higg are mobilized together with instructions, Gaiboga's fist can gain more power when it hits from a different space, and the hitting power is far Much stronger than when there is only one person.

The magic brake stone missile with a long tail flame flew over the sail boat, so there was no need to worry that the magic brake stone missile would accidentally injure one's own people. Currently, no attacking team has been able to board Antuen's forward limbs.

If it weren't for Wang Yan's assistance, it is estimated that at least half of the people would have died before the heaven side could get to the current situation.

Facing Antuen, the devourer of flames, faced far more challenges than those in the game.

Weather, fear, huge waves, all these will make soldiers' fighting spirit decline.

What supports them in the fight now is the death of their comrades-in-arms. They have witnessed the death of their comrades-in-arms with their own eyes, and they will never forgive the apostle who has caused huge trauma to the heavens to do harm to the heavens again.

The effect of changing the attack target salvo was very significant. Of the remaining nine warships, six of them could hit Anton's right foreleg.

A volley of Moshashi missiles fired, and the explosion caused dense craters to appear on Antuen's right limb.

Even though Antuen's skin was as tough as a mountain, he immediately stopped moving forward after being hit so hard.

Antuen's right limb was slightly bent, causing a large group of low-level Tartans to be submerged in the sea.

Its roar came from the abyss-like mouth, and it was transmitted to the sail boat in an instant. The seven Nain people wearing the spirit-enhancing helmets all frowned deeply, and their faces were full of pain. Even the king Yan also felt a sudden daze in his mind, but he recovered after a while.

"Antoon was hurt."

Wang Yan is very sure that he can understand how much Antuen is in pain at the moment when he looks down at his right forearm. After any creature is attacked, it will definitely subconsciously look at the injury at the place where it was attacked.

"How long will it take to summon Geboja's Fist?"

When the naval guns on the Nobility of the Sky were replaced with new Magic Brake missiles, Hawkeye Jacket almost roared and asked. If Antuen is not moving forward, Antuen will be able to hit Nibel's warship with his breath if he advances a few kilometers.

"Immediately, we are waiting for everyone's spiritual contact, give us another ten seconds!"

Niensig gritted his teeth to reply Hawkeye Jackett's inquiry, and the corners of his mouth even had blood dripping down from the corner of his mouth because of the gritted teeth too hard.

Wang Yan cheered up and stared at the square space door that began to expand little by little above the sailing boat.

The original narrow eye-shaped space door has been opened wider and wider under the joint efforts of the seven people.

If you want to summon Gaboga's fist from another space, you must open a space door that is big enough for Gaboga to stretch out his fist.

Anton, who was suddenly attacked, gave up the attack on the battleship where Nibel was on, and chose to look at the Sky Noble, which hurt him the most. Its right forelimb slowly stood up from a bent shape. After 20 seconds at most, Antoun Thun is about to start moving.






"Appear! Geboja's Fist!"

The seven Nernhiggs who were also counting down, finally began to shout together when the last person gained control of Geboga's right arm through spirit and instructions.

In order to make everyone's attack more powerful, the seven of them had to issue an attack command to Geboga together.

A five-second countdown adjustment is mandatory.

At the last second of the countdown, the long-awaited opportunity finally arrived.

The seven people, including Niensig, issued an attack command to Geboga's right arm in a different space through spirit.

different space.

The Geboja robot floated there like a silent giant, as if it had never changed.

But now there is a change.

When a tiny blue light spot appeared next to Gaboga's right arm, Gaboga's right arm soon lit up. It was the spirit of Nernshig who first established contact with the right arm of Gaboga's robot.

When the spirit of the No.2 Mechanical God of War was connected, Gai Bojia's right arm became brighter, and the joints even began to overflow with blue light.

After seven times of lighting up like this, the right arm of the Gaboga robot was lit up from the fist to the shoulder, and even the eyes on the huge head of the Gaboga robot were slightly flickering.

Then the right fist of Gai Bojia robot received an attack command.

Without the slightest hesitation, Gaboga's fist began to bend its arms-retract the fist-store power in the different space. After half a second of power accumulation, the Gaboga robot controlled the Only the right arm that can move is left, and it swings at the blue light spot that has expanded hundreds of times and can already stretch out the fist.

With this blow, even in the silent space, there was wind flowing for a brief moment.

Gai Bojia's punch directly opened the space barrier between the different space and the main space, allowing the air in the main space to circulate here.

Even the interior of the space door has some water droplets floating, which are the water droplets that fell from the sky and were sucked in by the different space at the moment the space was broken.

The fist shining with azure blue light stretched out from the different space without encountering any obstacles, and then protruded out from the main space.

The moment Gai Bojia's fist came out from the space gate, the entire battlefield was suddenly silent, as if a huge force came suddenly, but it returned to normal in a short while.

The spirit of the almighty Matega in the black volcano suddenly fluctuated, and it once again predicted the danger. This danger is so strong, as if it will be hit by a powerful force in the next second.

Almighty Matega just had time to cut out a light curtain, but its body suddenly tilted to the left, but its body can be suspended in the air, so it immediately entered the suspended state.

In fact, this was not its own movement, but Anton's body under Almighty Matega's feet, which suddenly tilted to the left.

There was silence in the black volcano, and Almighty Matega slid his finger on the light screen to cut out a perspective overlooking Antuen.

The sound of falling rain came to Almighty Matega's ears, accompanied by Antuen's shrill roar.

The angle of view moved down to Antuen's right foreleg, a huge steel arm was shot out from a square blue space door several hundred meters away, and the special steel fist shining with azure blue light had already sunk deeply into the space. Arrived in An Tuen's body.

Because Gaboga's robot is in a different space, the power that Antuen's body exerted on Gaboga's fist in turn was not transferred to the sail boat under the space gate.

Otherwise, the huge force could instantly smash the sailing boat and the dozen or so people on it into powder, because it was a very pure anti-shock force that could not be stopped by anything.

When Gai Bojia's fist hit Antu En's right foreleg, Wang Yan stood on the sail boat and saw clearly.

The huge arm protruding from the space door looks quite shocking, because it is a man-made thing, far more shocking than a huge mountain or building.

The space door above the sail boat was several hundred meters away from Antuen's right forelimb, and Gai Bojia's right arm, which was also several hundred meters long, was crossed almost instantly.

Thanks to the prior communication of the seven Nernhiggers, there is only one point that Geboja's fist needs to hit to obtain the attack command, and that is the front of the space gate, where Antuen's right forelimb is slightly above the position, and was hit by the magic brake stone missile the most area.

The steel fist with a size of [-] meters has gained the accumulated strength again, how strong can it be when it is swung?
Wang Yan looked at An Tuen, who was almost turned over by the direct blow, the corners of his mouth curled up and he almost laughed.

Antuen's right forelimb was hit by Gai Bojia's fist, and the power was transmitted along Antuen's body, and finally fell on Antuen's left forelimb.

The sudden force made Antuen's left forelimb suddenly go soft, causing Antuen's entire body to lean to the left, and even his right hindlimb was taken out of the water, a bit like a wild dog urinating.

Because the attack came rather abruptly, Anton's body included his right foreleg, and at that moment, how many Tartans were shaken away from Antuen's body by the huge vibration force.

This is not the worst, the worst ones are the low-level Tartan stars who were directly punched by Gai Bojia in the area. Those low-level Tartan stars probably felt like this in the end. Their eyes went dark, and then I don't know anything anymore.

Gai Bojia's fist, which possessed astonishing power, penetrated hundreds of meters into Antuen's right forelimb, almost piercing Antuen's right forelimb.

The follow-up attack shock that Wang Yan envisioned did not appear. Gai Bojia's Fist, who had completed an attack command, did not have any intention of showing off his victory, and began to slowly withdraw his right arm along the space door.

Compared with the opponent's lightning-like attack speed, the retraction speed of Gai Bojia's fist is quite slow.

This is also the main reason why the opponent's attack has a time interval.

The right arm of the Gaboga robot needs to be fully retracted into the space door and return to the different space.

Only by repeating the movements of bending the arm - retracting the fist - accumulating power - swinging the fist can the attack be launched again, and according to the tests of Nairn and his team, it takes about two and a half minutes to three minutes.

When Gai Bojia retracted his right arm, the fist that had sunk into Antuen's right forelimb was the first to leave Antuen's right forelimb, losing the support that had been maintained, and Antuen's raised right body suddenly fell After the right hind leg fell into the water, a huge wave was set off. Even if the distance was tens of kilometers, the soldiers of the Imperial Capital Army on the nine warships could clearly see it.

Antuen, who had regained his balance, was not happy at all, because he found that his right forelimb could no longer walk.

The right forelimb that had just touched the bottom of the sea was pulled because of the trauma left by the huge fist mark on the upper side, causing Antuen to feel quite intense pain.

Antuen, who hadn't tasted this kind of pain for a long time, could only vent his anger with roars and lava spewed out of his mouth.

The huge movement it made caused the sail boats hundreds of meters away to sway back and forth on the sea with the waves as if they had encountered a hurricane.


Wang Yan manipulated the power of the wind to block the front of the sailing boat, so that the waves did not overturn the sailing boat.

Everyone on the boat staggered, but finally stood firm.

Above everyone's heads, in the sky, Gai Bojia's right arm was still shrinking back little by little.

The distance is fully retracted, and it seems that there is still a minute left.

"Hahahaha, we succeeded, we hit Antuen!"

A mechanical God of War looked up at the slightly shrunken Geboga's right arm above his head, couldn't hide his inner joy, and cheered with his hands raised high.

(End of this chapter)

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