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Chapter 843 For the Peace of Heaven

Chapter 843 For the Peace of Heaven

Wang Yan issued instructions through the communicator, and his words made Wu En and his party and everyone in the command room of the Noble Sky a sigh of relief.

"That's a ghost, isn't it, Kaili, where did you learn the Devil May Cry professional skill?"

When Hawkeye Jackett and his group didn't know what ability Wang Yan was using, Bain clearly knew what kind of power Wang Yan was using to fight.

There are very few Devil May Cry professions in the continent of Arad, and there are still traces of Devil May Cry in some remote places in the Delos Empire.

The Delos Empire has also been searching for Devil May Cry, and the reason is why, just look at how many people from the Delos Empire killed by Priest Jiger in the battle of Canvent.

If it weren't for Jiger being dragged underground by the backlash of ghosts and gods because of his repeated use of the power of ghosts and gods, Jiger alone would be able to fight against the Delos Empire in the Battle of Canvent.

Throughout the continent of Arad, the story of Jiger, the last great priest of the Perus Empire, was circulated. Although the scope of the rumor was not wide and the number of people who knew it was not large, with Bahn's strength and status, he could clearly know the existence of the other party.

Bain even wondered if Wang Yan had found Jiger's professional inheritance somewhere in order to obtain the power of ghosts and gods.

The Devil May Cry profession, which has completely liberated the ghost hand, not only cannot be controlled by ghosts and gods, but can fight with the power of ghosts and gods. The ghost hand is no longer a threat to them but a great help.

"you know."

After Wang Yan sat down, he responded to Bahn's inquiry in the communicator. His voice was heard in the command room, and everyone in the command room looked up at Bahn.

"What do I know? Why do I know? I don't even have ghost hands."

Bahn put down the communicator speechlessly. He didn't know anything, but seeing the surprised eyes of the people around him, everyone thought that he knew how to obtain this power.

"I still haven't forgotten the situation where I was almost killed by the other party's flame."

After Wang Yan released the combat state, Hai Lan panted heavily. If Wang Yan hadn't reminded the Devourer of the combat mechanism before, he would definitely be sprayed by the opponent when the Devourer breathed fire.

"Oh my god, that monster is too strong. I hit a series of attacks, and the opponent didn't even lose a single hair. I wonder if the monster at that time was invincible."

"It must have no hair, it is covered with strong muscles and scales, but it is true that the other party can resist all attacks. Without Congressman Carey, we alone may not be able to do anything to the other party until dark .”

"Who said no?"

After the battle, members of the Coast Guard talked about their views on the Devourer on the communicator channel.

With Wang Yan's intervention, the Devourer was killed without showing much strength, but just a corner of the show made the members of the Coast Guard terrified.

They had never encountered such a strong opponent. It would be okay if the opponent had all-round protection like an energy shield, but everyone could confirm that the previous attack did hit the opponent, but it had no effect.

Wu En stepped forward to the place where the Devourer died, and carefully inspected the rotten meat left by the Devourer, but finally found nothing special.

After the death of the Devourer, all the energy has disappeared, maybe it was swallowed by the evil god Borash, and the energy core of the Tartan star has also been damaged, which means that the opponent is permanently dead.

"What to do next."

Wu En looked at Wang Yan. As the leader of the team, Wang Yan had no doubts for a long time. After experiencing this battle, he has firmly established his identity as the opponent's frontline commander.

"It's very simple. Continue to climb, leave Antuen's body before dark, and do your best to detect and analyze everything on Antuen's body during this period."

Wang Yan made up his mind on what to do in the future. After the death of the devouring demon, black mist once again gushed out from the crater and enveloped Antuen's body.

Fortunately, with the black mist dispersing device carried by Hai Lan and his party, although they encountered many dangerous situations, Wang Yan was able to control the overall situation, so the Tartan assassins who followed the black mist finally failed to deal with Wang Yan. Yan and his party pose a threat.

After the death of the Devourer, Wang Yan's expected annihilation of Nebel did not appear.

He has been guarding against the sneak attack of the high-level Tartan star. If the other party really wants to, they can use the black mist to attack him or others.

For this reason, Wang Yan put all his energy into it, and he didn't wait for the surprise attack when dusk came, as if Antuen had no reaction to the death of the Devourer.

In the black volcano, after seeing the Devourer being drilled out of the ground by an inexplicably powerful existence and swallowing all the energy and soul in one gulp, even the Almighty Matega was shocked, not to mention other high-level Tartans.

The existence of ghosts and gods is miraculous, and the top ghosts and gods are not inferior to the strong ones of the Tartan tribe.

After seeing such strength displayed by Wang Yan, the high-ranking Tartan star who proposed to attack before also lost his mind for a while.

Almighty Matega has already said that after the opponent leaves, he will seize the opportunity to transfer positions. At this time, there is really no need to take risks. Who knows if the opponent will also know their weaknesses?
When dusk came, through the illusory light screen, many Tartan stars in the black volcano observed the departure of Wang Yan and his party.

Without hesitation, many Tartan stars began to issue summons, summoning all the people who were still outside Antuen's body to return to Antuen's back.

Almighty Matega, in her capacity as the Lord of Tartan, issued a transfer order to all members of the same race who are entitled to know about this matter.

After fighting until evening, Wang Yan escorted Wu En and his party to retreat from An Tuen's body.

After leaving Antuen's energy-absorbing range, Hai Lan and his party were finally able to take off their masks and take a deep breath of air after receiving orders from Wang Yan and Wu En.

Although the summer air was scorching hot, everyone felt that it was much more comfortable than wearing a hood and breathing the filtered air.

"It's still unbelievable that we killed so many monsters."

Hai Lan recalled everything she saw and heard that day, from the black mist that appeared at the beginning to Agnes the Blazing, the Devourer, and finally the Tartan assassins all over the sky.

Hai Lan will never forget these experiences.

This day was extremely fulfilling. He led the members of the Coast Guard and used the weapons in his hands to ruthlessly wiped out the monsters that harmed Eaton Island, which also eliminated part of the long-standing grievances.

"Is the gas dispersal device still effective?"

While waiting for the armed helicopter dispatched by the Sky Nobility to arrive, Wang Yan looked at Hai Lan.

Wang Yan did not forget why Hai Lan participated in the operation this time. It was to test the gas dispersing device made by the Elytra Research Institute of the Seven Gods.

But they didn't expect the appearance of Agnes of Blazing Flame and Devourer.

To be honest, this kind of thing was beyond Wang Yan's expectation. He thought that after a while, Antoin began to shift his position from the ground to the sea.

The real high-level Tartans will not be encountered until the Sky Clansmen start to block Antuen.

"Of course, the gas dispersing device is very effective. If there are enough of them, throwing them directly at high altitude can completely disperse the black mist emerging from Anton's body, and the duration is very long. It won't even try to hide at that time .”

Hai Lan, who has been communicating with the rear, nodded when she heard the words. Even if they were shrouded in black mist during the duration of the gas dispersal device, those approaching black mist would still be dispelled. The detection of them means that the research on the Elytra of the Seven Gods is indeed effective.

When Wang Yan and his party started to evacuate, they sent a communication to the maritime headquarters and asked them to send a helicopter to pick them up. After all, Hai Lan and his party carried a large number of gas dispersal devices, and Wang Yan alone could not take so many away. human.

Fortunately, Wang Yan's reminder was early enough. Not long after the group left the energy-absorbing range of Antuen, three armed helicopters from the Sky Nobility crossed the coastline and came to Wang Yan and his group. location.

A group of people boarded the plane one after another after loading the gas dispersing device onto the helicopter. The armed helicopter set off again only a few minutes after landing, without even turning off the propeller.

Not long after the three helicopters left, the Tartan tribes who were far away traveled back to Antuen's body.

The black mist on An Tuen's body did not dissipate when Wang Yan and his party left.

Although this situation is a bit strange compared to the past, given that Wang Yan killed a senior Tartan star today and rejected the other party's request for peace, I don't wonder why this happened.

After the group returned, as heroes, Wang Yan and his group received a warm welcome. Although the dinner was not very luxurious, it was considered a very high-standard dinner in the Imperial Capital Army, which advocates simplicity.

Thin slices of roast meat, dipped in butter or jam, wrapped in fresh green vegetables that are rare at sea, served with soft and delicious baked bread to swallow, no one can refuse the taste, the swallowing sensation brought by chewing and swallowing It is extremely satisfying.

With enough batteries made by Elytra of the Seven Gods to support it, there is no need to worry about power consumption anywhere on the Noble Sky, so there must be iced drinks that must be available in summer.

After experiencing such a comfortable environment after a day of severe combat, the members of the Hailan and other coast guards yearned for the arrival of peace. Only peace can allow them to enjoy this kind of life every day.

"I have notified Her Royal Highness of the results of today's operation. Her Royal Highness is extremely satisfied with this operation, and said that she will reward us all in the near future."

During the dinner, Hawkeye Jacket spoke encouraging words, and everyone cheered softly. They worked so hard on the front line, and Her Royal Highness did not forget them. This is the most joyous thing.

"Has Congressman Jurgen lost his appetite?"

After Wang Yan was half full, he slowed down the speed of eating. His food intake made the Elytra of the Seven Gods and his group dumbfounded. The group of people ate not as much as Wang Yan himself, and they didn't know that Wang Yan was only half full. If you are full, the warrior's appetite is beyond imagination.

Naviro Jurgen's low mood was noticed by everyone present. In fact, many people knew the reason for this. Councilor Jurgen wanted to negotiate a peace, but it was because of His Royal Highness. Don't just watch Tianjie really confront the apostle Antuen.

"If the Heaven Realm falls into a more dangerous situation due to the upcoming battle, you, Senator Carey, will undoubtedly be the culprit for all of this."

Jurgen raised his head and looked directly at Wang Yan.

There are only a handful of people present who can talk to Jurgen, and Wang Yan is one of them.

Even Wu En actually has no identity to initiate a conversation with Jurgen. There are two different classes between nobles and soldiers. The rank of colonel is high enough in the army, but it is not very useful for nobles, unless he It also has aristocratic status.

"I can understand what you're thinking, Senator Jurgen, the Heaven Realm has just gone through the fighting organized by Carret and has not yet recuperated.

At this time, going to war is not the best way to deal with it. What Agnes the Blazing, one of the previous monster leaders of the Tartan clan, said is very reasonable. I believe that besides Councilor Jurgen, someone else was persuaded.

But those who want a truce, have you ever thought about it.

Hundreds of years ago, when the tyrannosaurus king Bakar occupied the heaven, and at the darkest moment in the sky, the people of the Tian clan were still not defeated by the powerful apostles.

The situation at that time was far worse than it is now. The power station in the energy center was not established, and the technology was much weaker than it is now.

But at that time, the Tianzu people had the courage to stand up and resist, and finally succeeded in defeating the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

If we were at that time, would we have to accept our fate and be slaughtered? "

Wang Yan stood up, watched everyone present and spoke in a deep voice.

"I agree with Mr. Carey's statement. Her Royal Highness has already said that the Sky Clan will never compromise.

It was so before, it is so now, and it will be so in the future.

Setbacks will only make our people more tenacious.

I believe that in my lifetime, I will be able to wipe out the apostles again on the land of heaven.

Recover the land occupied by the other party, and use the other party's life to pay homage to those innocent people in the heaven world who died. "

After Wang Yan finished speaking, Hawkeye Jackett also stood up and agreed, and the words of the two made Navero Jurgen's complexion even uglier.

"You think I, Navello, are greedy for life and afraid of death?

When the Kalet organization invaded the imperial capital for the first time, when other nobles fled Ghent for Nospis in a hurry, I, Navello, did not leave.

I chose to stay in Ghent and bring the guards of the Jurgen family to help the Ghent garrison defend the imperial capital against the members of the Carter organization.

Because of that battle, the Jurgen family suffered heavy losses, and the compensation from the imperial capital was even less than one-tenth of the consumption. However, the entire Jurgen family did not have any complaints. For the battle to be protected, it is acceptable to spend more of. "

Jurgen also stood up, and the three members who were qualified to participate in the noble council began to argue in the dining room about what they saw today. This kind of debate is related to ideas.

Any dispute over ideas must have a result.

The members of the Elytra of the Seven Gods and the other Imperial Army soldiers in the restaurant looked at each other in blank dismay. They did not expect that such a grand dinner would turn into a battle of ideas now.

After Jurgen finished speaking, many people present nodded. The Jurgen family did pay a lot to protect the imperial capital back then. The Elytra of the Seven Gods knew it, and the Imperial Capital Army also knew it. This is an indelible feat.

"Guarding the homeland is the responsibility of all Celestial Clan members. As the Patriarch of the Jurgen Family and as a member of the Celestial Realm, I naturally cannot stay out of it.

After the Callett organization began to retreat due to insufficient logistics supplies, the Jurgen family donated a large amount of materials to help Ghent rebuild, allowing Ghent's cultural and economic aspects to quickly return to pre-war. These are obvious to all. The Jurgen family Loyalty to the heavens is unquestionable.

Why did I choose to say these words at this time?
Because if I don't say anything, I'm afraid that someone will regard me as a person who covets life and fears death, as a person who has been betrayed by the heavenly clan, who wants to be perfect, and who is just trying to survive.

What I want to say is that I, Naviro Jurgen, am not afraid of death!

Death is not terrible, but unnecessary death is.

I have enough reasons to believe that the proposal of the Tartan star named Agnes the Blazing is very worth thinking about.

After finally eliminating the Callett organization, the Celestial Realm urgently needs to recuperate.

Now, with the efforts of the Imperial Capital Army, the energy center has been recovered, and the interrupted power supply has been restored.

Ghent is on the right track in all aspects and fields.

At this most unsuitable time for fighting, I am really thinking about stopping the fighting with the powerful apostle for the sake of the Tianzu people and the lives of the soldiers of the Imperial Capital Army.

Regarding the apostles, don’t you have any idea how many people will die?

Can the current Celestial Clan really afford so many people to die?

Do you have the heart, do your relatives, friends, companions and lovers die because of this unnecessary battle? "

In the end, Naviro Jurgen was almost roaring, and he no longer had the gentle and refined look of the past.

But none of the people present laughed, and many people began to cry softly because they imagined the scene that Jurgen said.

The imperial capital had been at war with Callett for a long time, and there were countless deaths as a result. More than half of the people present dared to stand up and say that their relatives, friends or companions lost their precious lives because of the battle with Callett's organization.

They couldn't help but think deeply, is it really appropriate to start a war against the apostle Antuen at this time?

"For the peace of the heavens, stop fighting, stop fighting.

I believe we still have something to talk about with the apostles.

It's good to be able to recuperate, even for a year or so, isn't it? "

Naviro Jurgen took off his glasses and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief. He really wanted to prevent the imperial capital from launching a war against the apostles at this time.

"Peace obtained through compromise is not real peace."

When everyone was silent, Hawkeye Jacket spoke.

"I was born on the island of Mospes, which is a place that Ghent scornfully calls a lawless zone. In the eyes of the vast majority of people in Ghent, people from Mospeis Island are lawless thugs.

When the Callett Organization started to rise, I had already joined the Imperial Capital Army on Mospes Island. It can be said that I watched the Callett Organization rise but could do nothing.

During the Battle of the Ardennes, I had already left Mospes Island and was promoted to the Ghent Imperial Army. After the news of the fall of the Ardennes, I took the Imperial Army from Luft He set off from the harbor, but it was still too late when he got there. All he saw was the Ardennes Heights, which was forcibly occupied by the Callett organization and repeatedly attacked and could not be regained.

I don't even have time to take care of my wife and daughter because I have to fight the Callett Organization.

Do you know the organization Wings of Peace?
Its leader, Rebecca, is my daughter. Because of Ghent's discrimination against the Lawless Zone, his wife and daughter chose to stay on Mospes Island, but they were forced to start rebelling because of the Carter organization.

Do you know how much people in the Lawless Zone yearn for peace?
For the sake of peace, I am willing to help the Kalet organization packaged as a revolutionary army,
Can come up with a small amount of poor food and resources to support the Callett organization, and even directly join the Callett organization.

However, the peace brought about by compromise is not real peace.

The Callett organization had already revealed the darkness beneath the bright surface when it occupied Mospes Island, even before it was fully occupied.

My adjutant, Wu En, is friends with my daughter Rebecca. He used to be a member of Wings of Peace. Wu En, please tell everyone about your views on peace. "

Hawkeye Jackett didn't say much. He didn't directly refute Naviro Jurgen's words, but started to talk about his views on peace from another aspect.

Hawkeye Jackett's knowledge of Wings of Peace is far less clear than that of Wu En.

Urn Leonier, in fact, Leonier is not Unn's original surname. He came from a family of civilian hunters and was also born in the lawless area of ​​Mospes Island.

"Wings of Peace!"

Many people who had heard of this organization looked at Wu En in surprise. Naviro Jurgen held his glasses, pointed at Wu En in shock after a while and said, "Are you little Leonier?"

"It turns out that Congressman Jurgen also knows me, haha, that was a long time ago."

After Wu En heard a title he hadn't heard for a long time, his body trembled. All the experiences he had worked so hard for in the past finally came out again at this moment. The feeling was so strong, just like what happened yesterday. Generally clear.

The name 'Little Leonier' was what Wunn was called by the Mospees Army when he was young. The news headline "Little Heroes Fighting Carrett" once boosted the sales of the Ghent Daily during that time 5.00% hundred.

Wu En came from the lawless area in the west of Mospes Island. His father was an ordinary hunter. Wu En learned to hunt with his father when he was young, and he also successfully awakened his talent. He traded the animals he killed for bad beer for his father.

Wu En's father became disabled for unknown reasons, maybe because of hunting, maybe because he was injured by the gangsters organized by Callett. In short, he lost his left leg, and his precise spear skills could not make up for his physical defects. way to hunt.

Wu En's mother also joined the Mospeus Army at that time and became a soldier.

Thinking about it now, Wu En thinks that his father's disability was caused by the Callett organization, otherwise, why would his mother, a woman who can only handle the fur of prey, have the courage to enter the army with a gun and board the ground meat? Machine-like battlefield.

The mother was not at home all the year round, and the young Wu En began to take care of his father who was crazy about alcohol because of long-term alcoholism, and was often beaten by his father who lost his mind after being drunk.

Those beatings really didn't care about Wu En's age and life. Wu En was often beaten until he vomited blood and his skin was bruised.

While hunting to support the family, he also had to earn money for his father's drinking, and was beaten severely by his drunken father, and was even kicked out of the house.

Wu En, who often has prey scratches or other injuries all over his body, finally met a kind person one day. Rebecca's mother, who moved to their village, chose to accept Wu En, who was driven out of the house by his drunken father and had nowhere to sleep, and helped him take a bath , to help him deal with the injury, Wu En got the affection from Rebecca's mother that made him want to cry.

Rebecca hated Wu En at first, because Wu En's appearance made her mother like her a lot less.

But Wu En is very smart and is very good at observing words and expressions. In order to make Rebecca not hate him, he began to act like a baby to Rebecca as a younger brother, to show his kindness to Rebecca's mother, and to use the small prey he killed as a gift. Gift.

In fact, Rebecca, who no longer hates Wu En, regards the sweet-mouthed Wu En as her younger brother in her heart, and chooses to take Wu En to play in the village as Wu En's sister.

Is Wu En really so well-behaved and cheerful?

In fact, it is not the case, it is just because Wu En's childhood experience was too bitter, his father's roughness and mother's indifference made Wu En unable to give up after experiencing family affection.

Afraid of being abandoned, he tried his best to please Rebecca and her mother. No matter how smart the boy is, he will show his feet in the end. Rebecca's mother was very heartbroken when she found this situation.

Rebecca is very ignorant of her father, Jackett Eleros, who has not yet been honored as Hawkeye. She can only know some things about her father through the letters that Jackett sent to her mother from time to time, such as whether the other party is in the root. Serving in the Imperial Capital Army, very busy.

In Rebecca's impression, her father was very busy, teaching her to be very fierce and harsh when she was young.

"I was born in an ordinary village in the lawless zone. My father was a hunter. He taught me how to shoot and how to hunt. I still remember the sentence: 'Hide your breath and approach the prey, then aim at the head and shoot ’, which is what I’ve been using the most in combat.

Knowing Rebecca and her mother is the greatest blessing in my life. From there, I have experienced a family affection that I have almost never felt. I am extremely eager, and time can stay forever in the time when I met that respected elder. that day.

Rebecca quickly became the most popular little girl in the village because she had a father who was a high-ranking officer in the army, or so we all thought at the time.

The outsider's Rebecca and the local Kid King quickly met. Jay Leonier, who has the same surname as mine, had never beaten Rebecca and chose to be Rebecca's follower. Our surname was later when we left the village They were taken together, so both of them have Leonier as their surname.

When Callett began to invade the imperial capital, many people in the village believed that Callett was a revolutionary who wanted to end the rule of the priests of the heavens. From this, we can see how much hatred there is between the lawless zone and the heavens. .

But what the villagers didn't expect was that before Callett invaded the imperial capital, other members of Callett who stayed in the lawless zone began to rob the property and food of the various villages in the lawless zone.

Rebecca's mother organized people in the village to rise up.

It is a pity that civilians are completely unable to defeat Callett. Rebecca's mother was also seriously injured in an attack, and died of serious injuries not long after.

The villagers complained about all kinds of grievances against the Kalet organization, but it was not as effective as the resistance.

Not only in our village, but also in other places, people who couldn't bear the oppression of the Callett organization also stood up to resist the Callett organization.

Because this method is indeed effective, the Carret organization no longer dares to be as unscrupulous as before. Although it has to pay the price of death, it was a truly rare peace during that time, not an alternative peace obtained by begging for everything.

As for the Wings of Peace organization, I can only say that it was an inappropriate organization that appeared at an inappropriate time.

The appearance of the Wings of Peace did make the imperial capital step up its attack on the Kalet organization, but it did little to help Mospeus.

I still remember that every time I was interviewed by the Mospees Army, Jay made me break my knee and smear my face with dust, because the worse I was, the more empathy I could have, and the more I could fight Kale. organizations to help.

We yearned for peace at the beginning, so the title of Wings of Peace was born among the three children, but this title did not bring peace. It was not until the Carter organization really perished that peace really came to the land that seemed to be cursed by God.

I firmly believe that only when all threats are truly removed can the heavens usher in true peace.

What Chief Jackett said is quite right, peace obtained through compromise is not real peace. "

Wu En calmly talked about his tragic childhood experience, as if he was not the one who suffered all that.

Few of the people present knew about this matter. They stared at the handsome and heroic Wu En, and they couldn't get in touch with the miserable child Wu En narrated.

But Wu En definitely didn't need to lie about this matter, which meant that this was indeed Wu En's personal experience.

"Wings of peace, wings of peace.

Hehe, I have heard rumors for a long time that the Mospeus Army uses the Wings of Peace as the main force on the battlefield.

I thought it was just nonsense, but now it seems that things should be true.

Actually let children with an average age of less than 15 years old go to the battlefield to fight desperately with the Carter organization, Commander Jacket, your commander is really safe. "

Mrs. Mei Li sneered. Others cared about Hawkeye Jackett's status as the commander. She didn't care at all. At this time, she couldn't hide her inner hatred and chose to accuse Hawkeye Jackett of being irresponsible. No matter what, as the supreme commander of the heaven Officer, Hawkeye Jackett has nothing to do with this kind of thing.

"I was wrong. I will formally resign from the imperial capital after I return to the imperial capital and investigate the matter of the Mospeus Army."

Hawkeye Jackett lowered his head without any excuse or rebuttal.

The corner of Mrs. Meili's mouth twitched, she didn't expect Hawkeye Jackett to say such a thing.

In the final analysis, Hawkeye Jackett is also a victim.

After all, his wife was seriously injured by Callett and died, and even his daughter was lost because of the destruction of Wings of Peace. Hawkeye Jackett is pitiful enough.

Mrs. Meili's words just now were just angry words. What else can she say at this moment, pointing at a man who lost his wife and daughter?

"So at this time, we cannot escape, at least we cannot actively choose to escape.

Listen, hundreds of thousands of dead souls of the Celestial Clan are wailing in the air above Eaton Island. They died because of the arrival of the apostles, and their bones are not cold so far, so they cannot live in frugality.

Which of you can quit at this time and stop fighting to appease their dead souls? "

Wang Yan's voice was not loud, but it made everyone present tremble uncontrollably, as if they had really heard the wailing of those dead souls on Eaton Island.

Yes, if you forgive them for this, who will forgive those dead souls?They are truly innocent.

"I understand, maybe my choice is not the most correct, but it is the most suitable right now. You fight for the dead, and I fight for the living. It seems that we can't persuade each other. We don't talk to each other. I'm going for a rest."

Naviro Jurgen looked deeply at Wang Yan, once again had a dispute with Wang Yan, and he fell into a disadvantage again.

Look at the firmness in the eyes of the people around them. They are willing to fight for the same race killed by the apostles, even at the cost of their lives. At this time, what can Naviro Jurgen say?

"Maybe, but sometimes, the most suitable is not the most correct.

Peace can only be truly greeted after suffering.

The rainbow is seen only after the wind and rain, and it has been like this throughout the ages. "

Watching the back of Naviro Jurgen leaving, Wang Yan said in a low voice, Bahn, who understood Wang Yan's meaning, also nodded, peace is really too rare, whether it is the heaven or the Arad continent.

The banquet continued after it was interrupted, but the interest of everyone present was not as high as before, and the delicious food also became less delicious.

After leaving the restaurant, everyone was fighting with two different ideas in their hearts. One wanted to fight for the souls of the dead, while the other wanted to think about the living.

It's really hard to decide between life and death.

After Wu En bid farewell and left the dining room, he did not return to the cabin immediately, but came to the last deck of the Sky Noble. He was fascinated by the dark sea after night fell. Except for the sound of waves, it was extremely quiet here.

"Rebecca, where are you?"

Wu En looked towards the sea and asked the sea in a low voice.

In his hand was a very ordinary necklace hanging from a red string, and this necklace belonged to Rebecca.

The last time I saw Rebecca, both the other party and Wu En were dying. Rebecca rescued Wu En, but she lost her trace.

Wu En can't even know the life and death of the other party. All he can remember is the red sky, wailing and explosions.

The sea will naturally not give Wu En an answer, but someone can answer Wu En's question.

"She's not dead."


Wu En immediately stood up, his right hand was already holding the revolver at his waist, and his index finger was on the trigger. The quick draw skill is a must-have skill for all roaming gunmen from the unreachable. Those who can't learn it have already been fighting death.

"it's me."

Wang Yan came from the darkness. After seeing that it was Wang Yan, Wu En breathed a sigh of relief. After a while, his figure froze in place: "Wait a minute, you just said..."

"Rebecca is not dead."

Wang Yan understood what Wu En wanted to ask, he nodded to Wu En, indicating that what the other party wanted to ask was true.

"Where have you seen her?
Is she okay?

Did you get hurt that day?
How are you doing now?
Why didn't she return to heaven? "

Wu En was so excited that his whole body was trembling. He held Wang Yan's arm tightly, and he didn't even feel the force.

"If you maintain this posture, I don't think there is anything to say."

Wang Yan pointed at Wu En's arm, and Wu En lowered his head, only to realize that he had unknowingly held Wang Yan's wrist firmly in his hand, with such force that his skin even deformed.

"See you're in a hurry.

Well, how should I put it, I know the news about Rebecca, and I actually just recalled it just now.

After all, I have never really had contact with her, nor have I seen her anywhere.

Naturally, I don't know if she was injured, how she is doing now, and why she didn't return to the heaven.

If I remember correctly, the other party should be on an empty ship called the Song of the Holy One right now.

The ship is in a very magical position in the rift of another dimension. Under normal circumstances, you and I have no way to enter it. "

Wang Yan said uncertainly that even he didn't know the specific situation. Whether Rebecca joined the rebel army or boarded the Sage's Call was unknown, and Wang Yan didn't know where the Sage's Call was. , but he has a way of actually getting there.

"You, you have a way of getting there, right?"

Wu En looked at Wang Yan nervously, just like what he said before, Wu En found a long-lost family relationship with Rebecca and her mother when he was young.

Deep down in his heart, Wu En's feelings for Rebecca are even more profound. There is family affection, and other unspeakable feelings after getting along for a long time. Wu En is eager to know anything about Rebecca, even if it is just The news of the other party's safety is also enough.

"Yes, but if Rebecca is still alive, there is a great possibility that she won't know about you and the heavens. You need to know this."

Wang Yan nodded, then shook his head.


Wu En was puzzled.

"Rebecca is very likely to go to a different dimension through a space crack, or another time and space.

Entering time and space travel unsuspectingly will inevitably lead to memory loss, which cannot be avoided by anyone except the gods.

This has happened to me myself, so if Rebecca is still alive, she probably won't remember you or the Wings of Peace thing. "

"You're not going to let me meet her, are you? Please, I really want to see her."

Although listening to Wang Yan's narration, Wu En was still a little unwilling.

After leaving the lawless zone for so long, Wu En joined the Imperial Capital Army and became the soldier he feared the most.

Because he clearly knew that only by eliminating the Callett organization could Mospeith truly usher in peace.

The Wings of Peace had perished, and Wu En fought with the last wish of the Wings of Peace, and finally saw the destruction of the Carret organization.


Wang Yan was still about to say something, but there was a sudden and urgent siren on the Sky Nobility, which was extremely ear-piercing in the dark and silent night.

The faces of Wang Yan and Wu En both changed drastically. Except for the last time the command ship encountered an inexplicable attack, the siren was sounded. Under other circumstances, this siren would not sound at all. What happened?

 2D Chapter [-], not much nonsense, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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