DNF Live Allard

Chapter 840 Discovery

Chapter 840 Discovery

After taking a shower, Wu En changed into clean clothes and came to the dining room. He returned to the handsome Colonel Wu En before, much more energetic than the embarrassed appearance when he returned.

Many people gathered in the restaurant. After Wu En arrived, they all stood up and applauded to express their welcome to Wu En.

"Don't do this, Wu En deserves it."

Wu En, who had never been treated like this before, was so nervous that everyone present could not help but smile from the appearance of the big boy.

"Sit down, Kaili is here before you too, eat first, and after the meal, report to me what you have seen and heard before."

Eagle-eyed Jackett stepped forward and took Wu En to his seat, which could be regarded as a solution to Wu En's predicament.

Opposite Wu En is Wang Yan. He also took a shower and changed his clothes before coming to the restaurant.

After replacing the command ship with the Nobility of the Sky, with Jurgen's personal chef, at least the food has been greatly improved.

It has to be said that nobles will enjoy it, and skilled chefs can make delicious dishes even with ordinary ingredients.

For this reason, the soldiers on the command ship have been quite excited these two days.

After all, three meals a day are almost the most anticipated rest time for soldiers every day. Tasting delicious food is much better than the previous military rations that can only satisfy their hunger.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the Sky Nobility brought a new batch of logistics supplies from Ghent, and the command ship replenished supplies when it left the port.

Tasting the delicious and nutritious food presented by the chef, Wu En looked at Wang Yan, who was buried in his meal, and he chose to fill his stomach first before talking. He was really hungry. He ate a full five yuan of bread alone. Feel full after eating one piece.

After the meal, the group left the dining room and came to the command room. After talking for a while, Wu En began to report all the previous experiences. A recorder recorded Wu En's narration in the book, and even recorded the voice of Wu En's narration. , which is important information.

"The effect of the magic energy absorption blocking device has been guaranteed,
After the two returned, we checked the blocking device worn by the two, and there was no change in the energy consumption rate of the magic brake stone in the blocking device.
That is to say, after soldiers wear it, no matter it is ordinary time or fierce battles, the energy loss of the magic brake stone will not be exacerbated."

After Unn's report was completed, Peravien began to express his views on the Elytra of the Seven Gods. He and Nien Higg had checked the two sets of blocking suction devices that Wang Yan and Unn took off before, and the inspection results were as follows: As he said, compared with the test, the loss rate of the magic brake stone has not accelerated.

"It's good news,

The bad news is that the operating time of the blocking device is still too short,

or that it cannot be closed,

Once manufactured successfully, it will lose its effect after one day,

It would be best if the usage time can be extended, or the energy drain state can be turned off at any time. "

Hawkeye Jacket nodded, and then expressed his opinion.

Although the blocking device has been successfully tested, it is still not very practical in the eyes of Hawkeye Jackett.

A day is not long or short, and even ships and vehicles cannot reach Anton's location from the command ship at sea.

It's impossible for all the soldiers to go to Antuen's location by helicopter.

"We will find a way to improve it a second time, and strive to extend its duration. There is no better way to stop the energy loss for the time being. Once the energy of the magic brake stone is activated, it will be lost all the time."

Nernsig shook her head. What Hawkeye Jackett said made sense, but as a scientist, she was most concerned with seeking truth from facts, and she could not make guarantees that she could not achieve.

These things are what the Elytra of the Seven Gods needs to worry about. Hawkeye Jackett just talked about it and didn't continue. He began to ask Wu En about what he saw and heard during this operation. Wu En detailed everything along the way. What I saw and heard was recounted.

"Okay, I see, Carey, it's your turn. When you were about to leave, did you say you found something else on Antoin?"

After Hawkeye Jacket asked Wu En, his eyes fell on Wang Yan. Wang Yan stood up and handed Hawkeye Jackett a piece of paper with a smile. Observed Antoon Ridge Environment Division.

"This is……"

"It's the details of some areas on Antuen's body. I'm sorry I can't know more. From arriving there to returning, I can only know so much about Antuen."

Wang Yan nodded to the astonished Hawkeye Jack, who was overjoyed.

Although the satellite can detect the situation on Antuen's body, because of the distance, only the specific outline of Antuen can be obtained.

The existence of Antuen is not like other celestial regions that can be detected by satellites on the spot. It is more like a living thing. If it is not because of its large size, satellites cannot even detect its existence.

Although the picture provided by Wang Yan is incomplete, there are enough technicians in the command room to fill this part of the picture into the satellite projection, so that Anton's body projected by the satellite projection will become extremely detailed in the future. It greatly facilitates the detection of its back.

The overjoyed Eagle-eyed Jackett did what he did, and immediately asked the technicians to fill the Antoin's body data hand-painted by Wang Yan into the satellite projection.

In just over half an hour, part of Anton's projection displayed by the new satellite projection has become extremely clear.

How should I put it, it's like removing the mosaic and turning it into a high-definition picture.

Although this metaphor is not appropriate, Wang Yan thinks it is the most appropriate way of saying it.

"Although it only accounts for a tenth of Antuen's body, it is also the biggest discovery in the heavens recently. Thank you Kaili for the terrain you described, which is of great help to the Imperial Capital Army."

Eagle-eyed Jack stared intently at the changing satellite projection. If he could obtain the complete topography of Antuen's back and even the topography of his limbs and body at this time, Hawk-eye Jacket could start training the soldiers of the Imperial Capital Army. .

After all, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. They know too little about Antuen now.

"By the way, I also used a container to collect a bottle of black mist. I don't know if it will work. Dr. Nairn, you can test it."

Wang Yan took out a glass bottle from his pocket, and there was jet black smoke in the glass bottle.

Seeing what Wang Yan took out, Elytra of the Seven Gods and the others became very interested.

Hawkeye Jacket was also quite happy. The Imperial Army had not collected the black mist for testing, and Wu En and Wang Yan were also the first to approach the apostle Anton.

"Be careful, Urn and I are both physically strong and can withstand the evil energy in the black mist. It is best to isolate the laboratory when you test to prevent accidents."

When Wang Yan handed over the glass bottle containing the black mist to Nernhigg, he did not forget to tell the other party that this kind of black mist produced in the volcano behind Antuen is definitely not an ordinary thing, otherwise it would not make him unable to fly.

"We'll be careful."

Niensig nodded cautiously. Since Wang Yan said so, this kind of black mist must be dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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