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Chapter 83 Arriving at Yuexi Town (33)

Chapter 83 Arriving at Yuexi Town (33)

"Hey, I have to explain so many things when I go out. None of these disciples are worry-free." Sitting in the passenger seat, Jin Fei rested her face on her hands and sighed at the retrograde scenery outside the window. Years of teaching, These disciples have become an indispensable part of her life, and now she is really reluctant to leave the school.

"Actually, I envy you for being able to teach so many disciples. I only brought two disciples, A Nuo and Liu Zong, to be angry sometimes. Your temper has become much better than before. I still remember you When you were in the martial arts school, you were really violent, and the brothers and sisters would not dare to provoke you." Zhu Shi, who was sitting in the back seat, put his hands behind his head, and after hearing Jin Fei's words, he recalled what happened back then, and said happily.

"Ah? There is such a thing? Why didn't I know?" Jin Fei was embarrassed when she heard the words, pretending to be surprised, and then the laughter of Zhushi and Wang Yan came from inside the car.

The three left quickly from the south gate of Su Nan City. Yuelun Mountain is in the southwest of Su Nan, about three to four hundred kilometers away. Wang Yan thinks that if the road conditions are not bad, they should be able to arrive within four hours. There.

But tens of kilometers away from Sunan, the road becomes bumpy. Xuzu is mostly mountainous, and there are not many winding mountain roads like Huaxia on Earth, so the off-road jeep will soon be walking in the wilderness. Fortunately, the off-road jeep It is produced by the system, and there is no worry about the tires being punctured at all, otherwise Wang Yan in the wilderness would not be able to change the tires of the heavy off-road jeep.

Yushan is okay, you can basically bypass it, but encountering a river is troublesome. There are countless tributaries of Yuexi River. The further you go, the more streams the three of you encounter. When it was almost dark, Wang Yan and the others still did not come to their destination. Land, only walked most of the distance.

"I didn't expect Xu Zu's road to be so difficult. When we set off from Bian Bian Town, there were still some dirt roads. This place is good. It's either a mountain, a river, or a big pit." Wang Yan turned on all the headlights of the off-road jeep and illuminated the road. The road ahead is illuminated, anyway, there is no need to worry about the high beams shining on the pedestrians on the opposite side. If you encounter pedestrians in the wilderness, you will be ghosts.

Pedestrians did not meet, but Wang Yan saw the green eyes of many beasts outside the light, and could vaguely hear the roar of the beasts. He gestured to Jin Fei who was on the side. Jin Fei opened the car window, and then took a deep breath. Suddenly spit out: "Drink~"

A lion's roar scared all the ferocious beasts who spied on the off-road jeep and ran around. In the continent of Arad, except for various monsters that are not commonly seen, ordinary beasts are not opponents of professionals at all. Wang Yan just came to Xuzu a long time ago. In the jungle, a huge wild boar was also beheaded by the second-order Zhu Nuo. It is impossible to exist on the earth. The people on earth rule the world by wisdom and technology. The Arad continent is the real strength. Wang, if you have strength, you can go anywhere in the world. If you don't have strength, you should live in a safe city honestly.

When the time came to about ten o'clock, Wang Yan finally found the existence of the road from the wilderness again. Fortunately, the positions of the few people were not wrong, and the existence of lights could be vaguely seen in the distance. After trekking, Yuexi Town is already within easy reach.

"It's not easy to go out of the courtyard. Kaili, your vehicle has encountered a lot of wild beasts so quickly. I really don't know how those merchants travel dozens of kilometers a day with their carriages. "Looking at the gradually approaching lights of Yuexi Town, Jin Fei sighed with emotion. After dark, everyone encountered more and more beasts, sometimes throwing themselves on the roof of the car. Fei fled in embarrassment with the thoughts that Fei casually threw.

The outline of Yuelun Mountain is clearly visible even at night. The snow water on the top of the mountain melts under the sun during the day, and then gathers in the Yuexi River in front of Yuexi Town. When walking across the bridge, Wang Yan was worried. After all, Yuexi River was hundreds of meters wide, and the water seemed to be calm. Who knew if there were any large carnivorous fish in the water.

After crossing the bridge and entering the main road, the three of them opened the car windows, and a cool night wind blew over, and the densely packed bamboo leaves beside the road rustled. There are so many bamboos here that it is scary. You can see the existence of bamboo, and even the buildings you see are mostly bamboo structures.

"Let's find a place to stay first. It's getting too late, and it's almost midnight. Let's find someone tomorrow." Wang Yan looked at the system time and found that it was past eleven o'clock, and entered the bamboo building in Yuexi Town. After the gate, he slowed down the speed of the vehicle, few pedestrians could be seen on the street, and most of them had fallen asleep at this moment.

"I used to know that there was a tavern that was open all night in Yuexi Town, but I don't know if there is still one, Kaili, you should go ahead and look for it." Sitting in the car, Jin Fei recalled that she had been to Yuexi Town once. Afterwards, Wang Yan was reminded aloud.

Driving on the streets of Yuexi Town for a few blocks, a brightly lit building appeared on the street and fell into the eyes of the three of them. The lantern in the shape of a wine glass hung high at the entrance of the building also made people understand that this place should be This is the tavern you were looking for.

There were people moving around the tavern, their gloomy or probing gazes fell on the three of Wang Yan who walked out of the car, and then landed on the off-road jeep beside them, some turned their heads and left, while others hehe He stood there with a smile and looked at the three of them.

"It seems that this place is not very peaceful." Wang Yan coughed, raised his hand in full view and put the off-road jeep into the temporary space of the point mall. Only items exchanged from the point mall can be stored here. Wang Yan The exchanged ultra-long-range telescope and tweeter are placed here, and the off-road jeep can naturally be placed in it.

"Uh~" Seeing this scene, many peeping eyes on Wang Yan and the three disappeared immediately, and then all the pedestrians on the street walked away, some left the tavern, and some entered the tavern. Wang Yanlu's move It can be regarded as calming them down.

Immediately, the three of them also opened the door and entered the tavern. As Jin Fei said, this tavern is open all night. Even if it is about to midnight, there are dozens of people in the tavern, all three or five people chatting around the wooden table. Or drinking, Wang Yan even heard the news that someone was discussing Jin Fei's victory from the crowd. It seemed that the news had spread to Yuexi Town hundreds of kilometers away.

Most of the guests are residents of Yuexi Town, who come here for a drink at night, and then go back to sleep, but there are also some people who stay in the tavern all the time, such as Wang Yan lying on the table not far away and sleeping soundly No one in the tavern came forward to prevent the other party from sleeping. It seemed that as long as he spent money here, he could stay for one night.

"Welcome three guests from afar, good evening, what would you like to drink?" A woman in a short-sleeved black dress sitting at the counter stood up, her eyes fell on the three of them, and finally stopped at the golden There was a sudden look on Fei's face, and then she recognized Jin Fei's origin, but she didn't say anything, and still asked aloud as if receiving an ordinary guest.

(End of this chapter)

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