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Chapter 829 Nibel's Indifference (Part 5)

Chapter 829 Nibel's Indifference (Fifth Change)

"I will inform Nibel about the contact with the Demon Realm, and ask him to send someone to keep an eye on the change in the sky, maybe the sea command can see it more clearly.

The apostle's departure from the Demon Realm and coming to the Heaven Realm is related to the Arad Continent. As for the reason, I think you all know it.

Bahn, do you still remember the change in Alice when she faced Di Ruiji?
I'm guessing that Antuen was also thrown by the other party. It seems that the other party's ambition is getting bigger and bigger. "

After Wang Yan left the video communication device, he chatted with Mia first, and after Mia settled down, Wang Yan took Bahn away from the laboratory.

"That's right, I saw it clearly at the time, except for her appearance, Alice was a completely different person at that time, her strength and temperament.

Wang Yan, you know so much, can you tell me who is the mastermind behind it?How should we respond? "

Bain knew exactly what Wang Yan was talking about, and he was also very solemn at the moment. What was the reason for the apostle's actions?If the other party is also an apostle, why kill each other?

"I can't say it yet. When the time comes, I will explain everything to you.

Bahn, you and I are friends, the reason I don't say anything is because I don't want to hurt you,

You have also seen how powerless I was when I faced the opponent,

I don't want this kind of thing to happen to you, you understand? "

Wang Yan shook his head slightly. It's not yet time to fully announce the matter. Speaking it out now has no meaning except to make others more worried.

"Well, we're friends, and I trust you."

Bahn opened his mouth and finally didn't ask any more questions. He has received too much help from Wang Yan, and he has not been able to repay it until now. Just saving his wife Emily is enough for Bahn to repay.

"It's getting late, I'll take you to look around the barracks, and then I'll arrange for you to rest. I have to go to the front line tomorrow morning. I don't know when the battle will start. I hope you can fight side by side with me."

Wang Yan nodded and smiled, and Bain also smiled.

He also remembered the scene of fighting side by side with Wang Yan in the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain. At that time, Wang Yan's strength was much weaker than now.

As for Wang Yan's current real strength, Barn actually didn't know much about it, he only knew that Wang Yan was probably already stronger than him.

Early the next morning, Wang Yan left the barracks with Bahn, and soon after the armed helicopter landed at Terence Power Station, Nibel, who had already received Wang Yan's communication, led people to welcome Wang Yan's return.

After Wang Yan got off the plane, the people around Nibel applauded enthusiastically.

"So it's you guys, long time no see, how is everything going?"

After seeing the group of people, Wang Yan smiled.

It turned out that it was the director of the Terence Power Plant and a group of engineers he had rescued.

After the other party knew that he came to Terence Power Station again, they put down all their work and chose to come to meet Wang Yan.

"It's much better than before, and I finally saw my family and children, Senator Carey, thank you, I really want to thank you!"

"Senator Carey, you have helped everyone so much, there is no way to repay this kindness no matter what, we will always be grateful to you."

"Senator Carey..."

After Wang Yan put away the armed helicopter and came, a group of people gathered around, expressing their thanks to Wang Yan and their relatives one by one.

Words cannot describe the feeling of rising from hell to heaven after being trapped for so long.

"Everyone helped repair the Terence Power Station and re-transmit electricity to Ghent, allowing many workers in Ghent to return to their jobs.
This credit is also great, so please don't thank me,
The most important thing now is to solve the Grandi Power Station whose energy center is still occupied by monsters, and to truly recover the energy center completely. "

For everyone's thanks, Wang Yan accepted with a smile, this is his credit, no one can erase his credit alone.

"Yes, it's best to recover the Grandy Power Station earlier."

As the director of Grandi Power Plant, Wedes agrees most with Wang Yan's statement.

He can only stay at the Terence Power Station as Venaz's assistant now. Fortunately, there are so many things to do in the Terence Power Station today, otherwise Wedes really doesn't know where to go.

He also misses the old life at the Grandy Power Station very much. It was his second home. Now that it has fallen, there is no reason why he does not want to take it back.

"Don't worry, everyone, I came back this time for the Grandi Power Station. It has fallen for too long, and it should be recovered. I believe that with so much power gathered, the Grandi Power Station will not be recovered. ?”

Wang Yanman responded positively to Wades.

"During this period of time, I have been sending people to investigate the Grandi Power Station 24 hours a day. I have fully understood the types of monsters in the power station and some of their abilities. I firmly believe that no matter how powerful the monsters are, we can defeat them!"

Nibel stood aside and seconded, and then many engineers reluctantly bid farewell to Wang Yan.

At present, there is still a lot of work to be done at the Terence Power Station and the other two power stations. It is not enough to repair the generator sets, the damaged infrastructure must be improved one by one, and the collapsed and damaged buildings must be rebuilt. These are trivial matters .

"Who is this?"

Nibel didn't notice Bahn next to Wang Yan until the engineers had left.

The other party was very strange, and just seeing him for the first time gave Nibel an uncomfortable feeling. He had the illusion of seeing a nobleman from the heaven.

"This is the Sword Master of Bath, the head of the Iron Wolf Knights, my good friend, who also came to the heaven from the Arad continent like me,

He and the Delos Empire envoys followed the Celestial Envoys from the Arad continent to Heaven. Currently, the Delos Empire envoys are stationed in the outskirts of Ghent.
The last time I went back, I also stayed in Ghent for so long because of the arrival of the messenger group. "

"Hello, Bahn Juggernaut, I am Lieutenant General Nibel."

Nibel gave a military salute to Bahn and then put it down, embarrassing Bahn who stretched out his hand for a handshake, so he could only retract his palm and nod to Nibel.

"Lieutenant General Nibel is currently the commander in charge of the front line, and Commander Jackett is the commander in chief at the rear."

Wang Yan introduced Nibel's identity to Bahn. Nibel was obviously lukewarm to Bahn, and the reason was very simple.

The aristocratic temperament of Baan really cannot be hidden. Anyone can see that the other party has been pampered and aloof for a long time.

And this happened to be what Nibel didn't want to see the last time. If it wasn't for Wang Yan's face, he would have walked away long ago.

"A lieutenant general? His status is very high, no wonder."

Bahn is no longer a novice who doesn't know anything when he first came to heaven. He also knows the rank of heaven through supplementing the information of heaven.

Above the lieutenant general are the general and the general, and the general is also called the commander.

In the Delos Empire, Emperor Heinrich III holds military power, and the top nobles in the military must also fully obey the command of Heinrich III.

After all, the Delos Empire was founded on the military, and it attached great importance to military aspects.

As the Viscount of the Empire, although his reputation is well-known in the Delos Empire, there is still a big gap compared with the top nobles.

(End of this chapter)

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