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Chapter 826 Communication in the Demon Realm (Part 2)

Chapter 826 Communication in the Demon Realm (Second Change)

"There should be quite a lot of such situations. If Antuen comes very suddenly, the heavens will definitely be insufficiently prepared."

Bahn nodded, and then frowned. The harm caused by the apostle's invisibility is reflected here. When Sherlock came to the cave of mourning, it did not cause any harm to human beings, but the killing insects there were stricken.

The same is true for the apostle Di Ruiji. Without Wang Yan's proposal to transfer the residents of Nosmar in advance, I am afraid that the tragedy of Nosmar will shock the entire continent of Arad. After all, hundreds of thousands of people died no matter which country they are in. Great disaster.

"It should be quite a lot. After the energy center is repaired, I will tell the princess Alizee about it.

Those children are still young, just when they need to learn, no matter how hard it is, they can't suffer children,

In fact, the Imperial Capital Army should have already begun to take in those homeless people. With electricity, the Sman industrial base can basically be self-sufficient, and there is no need to transport a large amount of logistics resources from Ghent.
When the Siman Industrial Base can provide the logistics of the Royal Army, then Ghent will be much easier. "

Wang Yan also frowned. In a short period of time, it is already very good that the Siman industrial base can be self-sufficient. It will take at least half a year to fully restore the previous economy.

During this period of time, Ghent must also provide all logistical resources for the imperial army on the expedition, and it will not be relieved until the Siman Industrial Base can start providing logistical resources for the imperial army.

Bringing Bahn and Wang Yan to Mia's laboratory, the first thing I saw was a large-scale image projection device, which was guarded by the Imperial Army 24 hours a day. After seeing Wang Yan enter, I confirmed Wang Yan's identity. The guards saluted one after another.

"Excuse me, is Mia here?"

"Miss Mia is upstairs. She has been very busy during this time."

"Oh? I'll go and see, you've worked hard."

Saying goodbye to the guards, Wang Yan took Bahn upstairs to the second floor, and soon saw Mia in the laboratory who was busy calculating something. At the moment, Mia's laboratory was in a mess, and Wang Yan had seen it before. There is a world of difference in the neat appearance of the past.

Neither of the footsteps of the two disturbed Mia, but one could imagine how obsessed the other party was at the moment. Mia's passive perception system was not activated until Wang Yan walked to Mia's side, and the intelligent core reminded that someone was approaching. Only then raised his head to look at Wang Yan in confusion.

"Wow, Mia, what are you busy with? Why do you look so haggard?" Wang Yan was taken aback when he saw Mia's appearance. The other party's eyes were blank. I don't know if it was because he hadn't slept for a long time or because the intelligent program was not very good. Wonderful, Mia is in a bad situation at the moment.

"Brother Kaili, are you back? It's okay. I'm identifying the communication content received from the video projection device through the data. The calculation is a bit heavy, and I can't even take into account the life support device." Mia stood up, her body almost leaning over. fall.

Wang Yan quickly supported Mia and told her to sit on the chair and stop moving. His eyes fell on the messy records on the experimental table, and there was an inexplicable look in his eyes.

"Demonic, Mia, where did you hear this language?"

Turning on the machine on the side of the test bench, Wang Yan heard the sound of electric current and faint voices. When he heard the name Ni Wu, Wang Yan suddenly realized that it was her!
"This is the discovery I told Brother Kaili before. I haven't been able to hear the same communication for more than half a month. Because you didn't come back, I started to find a way to study this language by myself, but until now I haven’t found anything worthwhile yet, Brother Kaili, do you know this language? What is Demonic Language?”

Mia listened to the sound waves that she had heard countless times, and was very excited after hearing Wang Yan's surprised words.

"Well, this is indeed a language of the Demon Realm. There are many languages ​​in the Demon Realm. I know this language. It should be the Demon Realm language without a doubt. What do you mean by the voices you heard from the video communication device?"

"Yes, it's a pity that I only heard it once, and I haven't been able to hear it for so long. Brother Kaili, where is the devil world?"

"Demon Realm, that is a very mysterious place, still above the Heaven Realm, a world in the void, currently connected to the Arad Continent, which is the splendid cityscape hanging upside down that can occasionally be seen in the night sky, That's the devil world."

Wang Yan opened the window and stared at the sky at dusk. After Antuen came to the heaven, there were more and more cases where the demon world could be detected by the heaven. It even happened twice during Wang Yan's vacation. But people in the heavens have long since seen the strange thing, because they have seen it too many times.

"Wow, are you talking about the upside-down city? I've seen it with my own eyes." Mia stood up excitedly. She didn't expect that she could receive communications from outside the heavens, which shocked Mia. great.

During the conversation between the two, Bahn stood aside. Wang Yan nodded in response to Mia's inquiry, and then began to introduce Bahn's identity to Mia.

After Bahn and Mia got to know each other, Wang Yan called Bahn to sit down and began to tell Bahn and Mia about the Demon World. Jie knows more things.

After listening to Wang Yan repeating his words in the common language of the Arad continent, Bain suddenly understood what Wang Yan was talking about with Mia before. The communicator for video communication also heard the communication news from the devil world from the communicator.

"What was said in the voice?"

Bahn and Mia both asked Wang Yan curiously. Only Wang Yan could understand what was said in the voice, and he could communicate with both of them at the same time.

"Let me repeat it. It's a bit messy, but I can sort out a paragraph."

"This is the orbital center. This is a communication sent by an ancient communication machine. I am the Chaser master 'Niwu', and I am looking for the apostle who disappeared from the demon world. Anyone who knows the whereabouts of this apostle, please contact me according to this radio wave."

After Wang Yan's words fell, he told the shocked Mia about the communication wave left by Niu.

After seeing the shocked faces of Bane and Mia, Wang Yan said with a smile: "Are you surprised? People from the Demon Realm are also looking for the apostles,

It is estimated that the apostle Antoin left from the Demon Realm, and the Demon Realm people were curious about the other party's whereabouts, so they sent a communication wave, which was received by the video communication device.

You must know that the satellites in the sky are actually not too far away from the Demon Realm, and it is normal to be able to receive signals. "

"Communication wave, I want to initiate contact with the other party immediately." Mia's intelligent core program has a very strong memory. After Wang Yan recounted the communication wave left by Niwu, Mia completely remembered it, and she was sluggish. After a while, he immediately stood up and walked downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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