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Chapter 820 Meeting Isabella for the First Time (Part 1)

Chapter 820 Meeting Isabella for the first time (first update)
After leaving the treasury, Alijie began to discuss the situation of the energy center with Wang Yan in detail.

As the highest priest of the Seventh Empire, Alizee's task is to sit in the imperial capital and be responsible for mediating the Quartet, and she cannot leave Ghent rashly.

Therefore, although Alijie learned about the situation of the energy center many times through battle reports and satellite projections, Wang Yan, who had personally experienced it, knew much about it.

"Commander Jacket has been staring at Antuen on the sea warship. He once reported an emergency situation. Antuen wanted to leave the energy center, but was stopped by the naval gun developed by Elytra of the Seven Gods, which can launch freezing bombs. gone."

Alijie frowned deeply when she said this, and Wang Yan wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh while looking at Wang Yan with a tangled face. She felt sorry for Alijie even more in her heart. She must have been very scared at that time.

"I once told you about the Odin family, so you need to know that Antoun's current consciousness is controlled by high-level Tartans.

Its IQ far exceeds that of you and me. Due to Antuen's huge size, it consumes too much energy to move, so he didn't act rashly.

After Lieutenant General Nibel has repaired the Terence Power Station and it can operate normally, I will go to Eaton Island and start attacking the last power station.

At that time, we can draw out our troops to face Antuen.

Alizee, what do you think of Antoin in your heart? "

"Huge, terrifying, and almost invincible." Alizee closed her eyes. Antuen has been here for so long, and she has had many nightmares related to him.

She was afraid that when she opened her eyes that day and heard the news that Anton had come to Ghent, it would be a complete disaster for Ghent and the Seventh Empire.

"If I didn't kill Antuen in the end, would you be angry with me?"

Wang Yan tentatively asked how to deal with An Tuen. Wang Yan already had a general idea, but he wanted to hear what Ali Jie meant.

"Of course not. You have helped the imperial capital so much. No matter what you do in the end, Alizee will respect your choice."

Alijie looked up at Wang Yan, with a little confusion on her face, but responded to Wang Yan with certainty.

"That's fine, I'm relieved.

I will give you the desired result, no matter what, Antoin must leave the heaven, this is the most basic. "

Wang Yan clenched his fists, feeling the strength brought by the tyranny of his body, and said firmly that he believed that he could do what he promised.

After chatting with Alizee for a while, the maid in the Queen's Courtyard announced that the envoys of the Delos Empire had returned from the banquet.

"Just right, Alizee, let me go with you to meet the envoys of the Delos Empire. There is also a friend of mine inside."

"Well, it's Captain Barn, right?"

"of course."

After Isabella left the Jurgen family with the officials of the envoys, she returned to the imperial capital. Alizee has not yet made arrangements for the envoys, and now the members of the Iron Wolf Knights live and eat in Moga It's not a problem if it goes on for a long time.

On the way back to the city, Isabella planned to tell Alizee about this matter, and wanted to hear about Alizee's arrangement.

But after returning to the palace, when she saw the princess Alizee, Isabella unexpectedly saw a young man in casual clothes beside her.

The young man has a tall figure, with short black hair that looks very energetic, and his figure doesn't look that strong, but when Isabella looked at him, he knew that the opponent's strength was definitely not cheap.

"Who is he?"

Isabella was looking at Wang Yan and guessing the identity of the other party, when Bain said in surprise, "Kerry?"

"Bahn, long time no see." Wang Yan looked at Bahn, who was full of astonishment, with a smile on his face. The other party's expression was as he expected. After all, Bahn saw him thrown into the space crack with his own eyes.

"God! You are really back. I was dubious when Her Royal Highness said that you were in the Heaven Realm. After all, you also know what happened. How long have you been back? Did you return directly to the Heaven Realm? Or did you come from the Arad Continent?"

After confirming Wang Yan's identity, Bain passed Isabella and came to Wang Yan's side to reminisce with him. He had too much to say.

"It's been three months since I came back, and it's been a month since I came to heaven. I really didn't expect to meet you here."

"I didn't expect that I planned to go to Eaton Island to meet you."

After the two exchanged a few pleasantries, Bain realized that he was in the Ghent Palace, and that he was the guard leader of the envoys, and someone with a higher status was watching him and Wang Yan.

"Let me introduce you, this is Princess Isabella, the third princess of the Delos Empire, and the leader of the envoy group."

Bahn looked sideways at Isabella, who was standing motionless behind her. The other party had been standing in place to look at Wang Yan since seeing Wang Yan, and paid attention to the conversation between Wang Yan and Bahn, and did not step forward.

"Princess Isabella, it's been a long time. I'm Kaili. Of course, you can also call me Wang Yan. That's my real name."

Wang Yan stepped forward and came to Isabella, introducing himself as if meeting friends. Wang Yan didn't care about the etiquette. The other party's identity was the princess of the Delos Empire, so he couldn't be bothered. come up.

"Oh? Why do you use a pseudonym? Your Excellency Wang Yan?" Isabella didn't expect that Wang Yan, who had been trying to plot against her, had a pseudonym. Kaili was not the other party's real name at all.

"The world is dangerous, so I have to guard against it. I know that there is a curse magic, which can curse a person by name, causing them and even their descendants to suffer. I wonder if Princess Isabella has heard of this magic?"

Wang Yan explained with a smile why he had an alias. For some reason, Isabella felt a chill down her spine when she heard Wang Yan's words. She really didn't know that such weird magic existed.

"Perhaps your guard should know."

Wang Yan turned his head to look at Cyrus, who was standing vigilantly beside Isabella. The last time Cyrus and Wang Yan met, there was little change. At this time, Wang Yan could vaguely see the secret hidden in the shadow of Cyrus. of certain things.

"There is curse magic, but it needs the victim's birthday, blood or hair, and there are holy light props, which can completely prevent this curse." Cyrus responded to Wang Yan's statement with a straight face.

Isabella relaxed a little when she heard the words. She didn't expect to be shocked by Wang Yan when she saw Wang Yan for the first time. At this moment, Isabella could feel the dampness on her back under the long skirt, because she was covered in cold sweat before.

"Haha, of course, Holy Light is the nemesis of all evil, it's well known,
So now I always carry the Holy Light Cross just in case, if Princess Isabella doesn't have one, I can give you one as a friend,
I forgot to tell you, I am an Apocalypse Knight serving in the Remidia Cathedral, I have the badge of honor of the Holy Order, and I am a [-]% genuine Paladin. "

Wang Yan took out his own necklace from his neck. At the end of the necklace was a small silver cross. When Wang Yan held the cross in his hand, there was a flash of holy light. Even in the hot summer, everyone around It feels like the cool breeze paves the surface, as if being blown by the spring breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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