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Chapter 808 The Red-faced Matthias (Part 4)

Chapter 808 Red-faced Mathias (fourth more)
Mia knew how much trouble she would be in if she was short-circuited. She didn't dare to take risks, so she couldn't study while charging.

After locking the door, Mia sat on the seat and unbuttoned her clothes, took out the charging port on her arm, and chose to connect to the socket.

A weak electric current began to flow in the body, and Mia looked back at the locked door to feel relieved, then closed her eyes and began to enter a dormant state.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sun rose from the east as usual, shining on the whole earth and bringing light to the earth.

Mathias got up early, brushed his teeth and washed his face, then picked up a book that Peravien gave him and headed towards the cafeteria.

Even when eating, you can find time to learn a lot. Now Mathias knows that his knowledge is very shallow and he needs to learn a lot.

Mathias read with great interest the books on electricity that seemed extremely complicated to others.

He himself has a unique talent in electricity, and even under the guidance of his parents since he was a child, he began to study and make batteries himself.

Now accepting the guidance of Pelavien, who represents the highest level of electricity in the heavens, Mathias has grown rapidly. He looks forward to the moment when he and his sister Mia will accept the formal assessment of the Elytra of the Seven Gods.

After eating a rich and plentiful breakfast, Mathias walked out of the cafeteria with a book in his hand and rubbed his stomach in satisfaction.

After experiencing the taste of starvation, when he changed to a new life, Mathias ate very full every meal. Anyone who has really been hungry understands the reason.

"What is sister Mia doing now? She should be studying too. I'll go and see."

Matthias stopped after passing by Mia's residence, which was next to Peravien's laboratory.

The laboratory is very large, and the rear provides rooms for the assistants to live in. Even Peravien chooses to live in the laboratory, and only leaves the laboratory when eating, and sometimes even asks the assistants to bring meals. Cook up meals in the lab.

Of course, Peravien was not in the rear barracks these days, but went to Terence Power Station, which had just been recovered by the Imperial Army.

Mathias already knew from the casual chats of the soldiers that the reason why the Terence Power Station was able to recover was largely due to Brother Carey, and the soldiers all admired Brother Carey very much.

Thinking of this, Mathias in a good mood hummed a song and entered Mia's residence. The first floor was not closed, and there were guards guarding the video communication device on the first floor. Mathias was a frequent visitor to Mia's residence. , so the guards did not stop Matthias from going to the second floor.

"Huh, is the door closed?" Matthias came to the second floor, knocked on the door but got no response, tried to turn the doorknob and found that the door was locked. He thought Mia had left the residence I went somewhere else.

"What is sister Mia doing?"

Mathias was so curious that he tried to look through the keyhole, but of course he couldn't see anything.

He knocked on the door a few more times, but Mathias didn't hear a response. Curiosity prompted him to move the bench and look into the room through the gap on the top of the door.

This time Mathias did see what was going on in the room. When he saw Mia who was sitting on the seat with her eyes closed, Mathias looked away in a panic and fell off the bench with a thud. .


"what happened?"

"It's okay, I fell down."

"Okay." The guard poked his head out from the stairs and couldn't help laughing when he saw Mathias who fell on the ground and rubbed his calf, so he left the stairs and continued to guard on the first floor.

Matthias reluctantly stood up, his heart was beating extremely fast at the moment, and his face was even more red.

When he thought of the glimpse just now, his heart beat faster, and he never thought that sister Mia would actually undress and sit on the seat to sleep when she was sleeping.

What kind of hobby is this?

Isn't this the sister Mia I know?
Staring at the locked door, Mathias had no intention of peeping.

He had never experienced such a situation before, and now he just wanted to get out of here quickly, and it would be best to hide in the laboratory alone to relax.

Tiptoingly put the moved bench back to its original place, Mathias rubbed his cheeks, and found that his cheeks were scorchingly hot, so he couldn't help covering his face and hurried downstairs.

The guard stationed on the first floor looked at Matthias, who was covering his face like a thief, and ran downstairs quickly, his face was speechless. What the hell is this little guy doing? He couldn't be scolded by Mia for doing something wrong. Alright.

Only by running back to the adjacent laboratory and hiding in his room could Mathias really relax.

He clutched his throbbing chest and gasped for breath, what he had seen and heard before involuntarily appeared in front of his eyes.

In fact, apart from observing Mia sitting on the bench topless, Mathias didn't notice any other important points.

As a young man, he only felt shy and didn't have any wild thoughts. He just thought that sister Mia's hobby was too strange.

"Sister Mia, I will definitely keep this secret for you."

Mathias adjusted his emotions with his breath, and it took a few minutes to adjust.

He looked at his empty hands, and couldn't help but think inwardly: "I forgot the book on electricity that Lord Peravien gave me at Sister Mia's door."

Go back and get it?

Mathias rejected the idea directly after he raised the idea. He really didn't have the courage to approach Mia's room now. He was afraid that he would meet Mia who opened the door when he went to pick up books.

I put it over there?

But what should Sister Mia do if she finds out?

It was Lord Peravien's book.

God, what if there is another misunderstanding?
What should I do!

Not to mention Matthias, who was helpless, after the set alarm clock rang, Mia, who was charging, regained consciousness.

She looked at the number that appeared on her chest, and found that the power had not reached 30.00%, she could not help shaking her head secretly.

It has been several hours, and it has only charged such a small amount of electricity. It seems that it will take a full day to fully charge it.

"In the future, I must modify the power storage. Fast charging is the key point, and strengthening power storage is also the key point."

Mia unplugged the charging plug, closed her clothes and stood up.

She looked at the clock that was already pointing to one o'clock in the afternoon and couldn't help shaking her head.

It was rare for her to stay where she was without doing anything all morning like today.

"My brother is really amazing, how did he think of making artificial intelligence in the first place?"

Mia thought of Melvin who was far away in Ghent and couldn't help but miss him a little bit. It has been more than half a month since he came to Eaton Island.

It was the first time she had been away from home for so long, and Melvin's lab was her home in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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