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Chapter 802 Princess Isabella Catherine (Part 3)

Chapter 802 Princess Isabella Catherine (third update)
In the game plot, when the opponent arrived, the Callet organization was still rampant, and the Delos Empire also helped the imperial capital. Even Bane confronted Lantilus, but because of Wang Yan's early intervention, The Callett organization has been extinct for more than half a year, and the few remaining remnants can't make any waves.

"It seems that the Silent City is about to appear." Wang Yan looked to the west and muttered to himself, what does the appearance of the Silent City mean?It means that Antuen has absorbed enough energy to leave the heaven and return to the demon world, and there is not much time left for the people of the heaven.

"When you talk about Alijie, you seem to be very familiar with her. Have you ever had contact with her?"

"Of course, she once visited Mr. Belit in person. I chatted with her for a while. Alizee really worked too hard. She had to manage such a big stall at a young age, wrangling with the nobles, and To face the apostle on the other side of the ocean, I really don’t know how she has survived since she took the throne.”

When Hongwei talked about Alijie, her face was full of admiration. The other party was much younger than her, but she managed not one territory, but an entire country. Troubled by all kinds of difficult problems, she couldn't sleep well, but Alijie was able to handle it with ease.

"She is a very competent princess, and I am very optimistic about her."

"So you chose to help her, right?"

"How can I say that I am also an honorary councilor who was canonized by Alizee herself. When I came back to resolve the matter of Eaton Island, I asked Alizee for a territory. Do you want the territory here in Ghent, or the territory of Eaton Island across the ocean? "

"Wow, is it really possible? Of course it is here in Ghent, but it seems that the magic power is very scarce here in the heavens. The garden I envisioned may not be able to be built."

"Of course, as long as I mention it, Alizee will definitely give it to her. Then it's settled. In the future, we will have our own home in the heaven, and it will be a big home."

"Well, I really want to see that scene sooner."

The Delos Empire, the capital of Veltalon.

The imperial palace and the towering monument on Victory Square are shining brightly in the morning sun, and the statue of Heinrich III is also quite majestic. Several huge Magadha aircraft are undergoing final inspections and are ready to take off.

After the envoys from the heavens arrived in the Delos Empire, they received a grand reception from Heinrich III. When the Sky City was launched, because of the intervention of the Principality of Belle Mare, the Delos Empire basically failed to explore anything from the Sky City. The long-rumored heaven is naturally very fascinating.

Today, the envoys from the heavens came to the continent of Arad after thousands of years, and came to the prosperous Delos Empire. As the emperor of the empire, Heinrich III was very encouraged. After all, this is a deed that has never been done before, Heinrich Xi III believes that he will be forever remembered by future generations like Emperor Helun, the founding emperor of the Delos Empire.

After witnessing the prosperity and prosperity of the Delos Empire with the envoys from the heavens, when the envoys from the heavens proposed to return, Heinrich convened counselors to discuss with the nobles of the empire, and finally made a decision to send the envoys to visit the heavens.

Isabella, the third princess of the empire, is the leader of the team, and Barn Bashot, the head of the Iron Wolf Knights, is leading the Iron Wolf Knights as a guard. Everyone will take the Magadha aircraft and follow the angels from the sky city to the heaven. , to witness the heavens thousands of years later, and promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between the heavens and the Delos Empire.

The prosperous Delos Empire will naturally not lack the Magadha aircraft. After confirming the return date, Princess Isabella has been waiting for today's arrival. This action is not an order of Heinrich III, but a willful Yi Sabella yearned for the appearance of the heavens told by the envoys. She made a request to Heinrich III. She really wanted to witness the current heavens with her own eyes. As the princess of the Delos Empire, the envoys she led were enough to see the rule of the heavens. By.

The red sun was rising, and after completing all preparations, she bid farewell to her father, Emperor Heinrich III of the Delos Empire. Isabella was the first to board the ship. She had been standing on the deck watching Heinrich III As well as the surrounding Magadha aircraft, this trip is the first time she has traveled so far away from Veltalon.

"Cyrus, where have you been?" After the Magadha aircraft took off, Isabella looked at the guard Cyrus who followed him. The nickname of the guard was the Imperial Hound. Isabella didn't know this Who took it for Cyrus, and Isabella, who regarded Cyrus as a friend, was very angry about it.

"Many, Canwente, Shatley, Faroe Bay, Billmark, and the west coast of the Duchy of Belle Mare, Hutton Mare and North Mare." Cyrus answered the question of the princess Isabella truthfully. , without any concealment.

"Wow, I just realized that you have been to such a place after you said that."

Princess Isabella was a little surprised that Cyrus was only one year older than her, yet he had seen so much.

Isabella herself rarely left Veltalen, at most she went to the Imperial Military Academy or the Imperial Arena, and even when she was young, she spent summer vacation with King Heinrich III.

It can be said that because of her status, Isabella yearns for freedom very much. Even Heinrich can't control her willful temper. Inrich III's favorite.

"What will the heaven look like? Is it really like what the envoys said, with high-rise buildings everywhere, advanced technology, and people living and working in peace and contentment?" Standing at the end of the deck, feeling the cool summer breeze, Isabella's face was full of tears. It was anticipation. Thinking of the happy place, I even couldn't help covering my mouth and laughing. She actually ran out of Veteran. It was a dreamlike experience.

"There shouldn't be anything wrong. The Heaven Realm builds a nation based on science and technology. The core weapons are firearms. Your Royal Highness, you have also seen the power of firearms. In fact, I know one thing. More than a year ago, Hutton, the capital of the Principality of Belle Mare, There used to be guns being manufactured and traded in Mar, because people from the Celestial Realm came to the continent of Arad a long time ago and chose to stay and live in Hutton Mar." Cyrus dutifully responded to Isabella's soliloquy.

"People in the heavens are all tall and thin, so is Chief Ma Lin, and so are those soldiers. It's so fresh." Isabella continued talking to herself.

"I heard from the Celestial Messenger Group that they have visited Xu Zu, the Principality of Belmar, and the Bantu tribe before, but they have not been able to contact the Dark Elf Kingdom because the Dark Elf Kingdom is too exclusive."

"But this time they didn't choose to go to the heaven with them, only the empire, that's really great."

(End of this chapter)

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