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Chapter 74 Auction (Please recommend)

Chapter 74 Auction (Please recommend)
"It's very good here, and it also provides pastries and drinks." Wang Yan said vaguely while tasting the pastries provided by the staff. He also saw the list he got just now. There were indeed Nian Qi crystals for sale on it, but he didn't know the specifics. Quantity, the rest on the list are some medicinal materials or equipment and other items, which are not taken by Wang Yan.

"I hope the quantity is enough to make up what is needed for the mission." Wang Yan thought to himself.

In the following time, customers continued to enter the private room to sit down, and soon the auction was about to start. At this time, shopkeeper Xia and a tall woman came out from the backstage. Soon it was quiet.

"Everyone, welcome to the auction held by my Treasure Pavilion today. First of all, let me remind you of the rules of the auction. The auction items have their own reserve price, which matches the market price, and the one with the highest final price wins."

"If there is any customer who wants to exchange items for the price, it is also possible. Our Jubao Pavilion has a professional appraiser who will appraise the items for the price and finally give the amount of the price."

"Jubaoge holds auctions every day, so don't be disappointed if you don't see the items you like in this auction. You can put forward your needs to Jubaoge. Jubaoge will do its best to collect the items you need. .”

"The following is our auctioneer for this auction: Ms. Qing'er, to hold this auction for everyone."

After speaking, shopkeeper Xia left from the backstage, and the tall slender woman who came with him bowed and saluted the guests in the audience, in exchange for the applause and shouts of many guests.

"Everyone, I am Qing'er, the auctioneer for this auction. I hope that all the guests who come to the auction will get what they want and get the items they like." Qing'er's voice has a special charm, and many guests Just listening to a sentence makes me feel extremely comfortable.

"First of all, let me introduce the first item of this auction. This item is not on the list for everyone, because it was sold by a temporary customer. It was born in the Su Nan workshop. I believe everyone must look forward to its origin." Two female waiters came from the backstage pushing a trolley. The red silk cloth on the trolley covered the appearance of the items. The auctioneer came to the trolley, and his slightly mysterious introduction immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"This lot is: Su Nan's Secret Shadow Long Sword!" Qing'er didn't hold back, she reached out and lifted the red silk cloth, and then a slender sword appeared in front of everyone on the cart, and she also told the origin out.

"Wow!" Many people exclaimed, Su Nan's secret shadow sword!Everyone has heard of its name, and now Suran Workshop only produces a few weapons like this every year. There is no such weapon for sale in the market. Now everyone sees this weapon lying quietly on the cart Waiting for the sale, there is a look of longing in the eyes.

"Huh?" Jin Fei whispered. Unless this kind of powerful weapon is really in trouble, the seller will definitely not sell it. Buy it from someone recognized by the workshop, and its strength is absolutely impressive.

"It's exactly the same as the one in the game, except that there is an extra scabbard." Looking at the slender giant sword lying quietly on the cart, Wang Yan also became interested. He really wanted to see the real weapon forged in the Arad Continent. How is it different from the weapons I got from the game.

"I want to order this weapon." Qian Hao's eyes finally moved away from the auctioneer's exquisite body, and landed on Su Nan's secret shadow long sword. His family owned several such weapons, but they really belonged to him. But he didn't have one. He had always wanted to own a famous weapon, and now the opportunity really came. After Qian Hao looked around, he found no one too famous except Jin Fei, and he felt much more at ease.

Jin Fei's reward for winning the martial arts championship is only 20 gold coins, which may be a huge sum of money for others, but for Qian Hao, he can take it out even if he bites his teeth. It is impossible for the other party to spend all the money on on this weapon.

"I believe everyone has heard the name of Su Nan's Secret Shadow Long Sword. Qing'er will not go into details. Many guests have been waiting impatiently, so the auction will officially begin." Qing'er looked around and found that the guests present were overwhelmed by their interest. Lifting the weapon up, he came to the center of the platform with a coquettish smile, and picked up a small wooden mallet from the table.

"The reserve price is [-] gold coins!" After the gavel was knocked down, the starting price of Su Nan's secret shadow sword was called out.

"This is the price at which the weapon is sold from the Su Nan workshop, but there is no way for ordinary people to buy this weapon from the Su Nan workshop at this price." Jin Fei shook her head, at this price, there is no way to buy this weapon in the market. Nan's secret shadow sword, the final price depends on how much the buyer likes this weapon. After all, this weapon has a very good reputation in the Arad continent.

"Which one of you wants to do it? If you don't want it, I'll take it." After Qinger's voice fell, the price began to rise by one thousand and one thousand, and customers kept standing up and shouting the price, while Wang Yan sat in his seat peacefully Shang asked Jin Fei and the two, he did not believe that anyone present had more money than him.

"Kayli, do you want it? I'll forget it. The collection value of this weapon is far higher than the practical value." Jin Fei turned her head and saw the calm smile on Wang Yan's face.

Zhushi shook his head repeatedly, he couldn't even afford the starting price of [-] gold coins, besides, he had the oriental staff [Kaluya's Teachings-Meditation] gifted to him by Wang Yan, that was the real weapon for him.

"[-] gold coins!" At this time, the price of Su Nan's secret shadow long sword has been called to [-] gold coins. The person who called for the price was a middle-aged male warrior, and his slightly hasty voice at this moment showed that he was very fond of this weapon. value.

"The price increase of eleven thousand is really boring. Forty thousand gold coins." No one answered the price for a few seconds. Just when the middle-aged warrior thought that the weapon was about to be photographed by him, Qian Hao fiddled with his nails and tapped it casually. He knocked on the chair, and the attendant on the side raised a sign to signal.

"Mr. Qian Hao asked for [-] gold coins. Is there any customer who wants to increase the price?" After seeing Qian Hao's price, everyone whispered that there was no price increase. Qing'er sighed inwardly and asked. Qian Hao has many noble identities. Everyone knows that among the people present, there is basically no one with a bigger background than him. After he has called the price many times at the auction, no one has raised the price.

"I said Qing'er, so don't ask. I don't believe anyone will increase the price. Forty thousand gold coins is almost the real price of this weapon." Qian Hao sat upright, and then cast his fiery eyes on Qing'er's delicate face. body, eyes floating up and down greedily.

"Ahem, [-]!" At this time, Wang Yan raised the sign next to him, the sound was not loud, but in this quiet environment, it was unusually loud.

 It's Friday again, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be three shifts as usual, please recommend tickets for support!

  In addition, thanks to the book friends:

  A reward of 100 coins from Tianshangmeng,
  Can Xue, Qiuyue's 1000 coins reward,
  Beautiful and bright, a reward of 300 coins,
  1000 coins reward for unscrupulous wildfire

  Pioneer official 9527's 100 coins reward

  Just a reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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