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Chapter 736 Magadha Ascension (Part 2)

Chapter 736 Magadha Ascension (Second Change)

"follow me."

Wang Yan looked back at Daphne who was covering her mouth in disbelief. The other party did not expect that Wang Yan was actually a powerful awakened magician.

In this city on the west coast, the degree of respect for magicians can be imagined.

The awakened magician is a powerful existence that Daphne has never seen in this life. She is very excited. It feels great to work for such a strong person.

After following Wang Yan into the space gate, a sense of dizziness welled up in her heart. Daphne opened her eyes after regaining the light, and found herself in a wide courtyard.

At the gate of the courtyard, there are warriors looking at themselves with surprise, and at the entrance of the buildings in the courtyard, there are people in white coats looking around.

"This is the current location of Norton Technology. It looks inconspicuous, but I believe that it won't be long before the name Norton Technology will spread to the entire Arad continent and become well known."

Wang Yan walked out of the space door, saw Daphne standing there in a daze, not knowing what to do, and began to explain the value of Norton technology to her.

"Master Norton, this is Daphne, the excellent assistant I am looking for for you. Maybe she doesn't know much about science now, but I believe she will definitely become your most valuable assistant. Arrange for her to be hired."

When he met Norton, Wang Yan began to arrange Daphne's work. Norton didn't expect that Wang Yan would expend magic power to open the space door, but he would just bring an ordinary civilian woman. What is the origin of the other party?
"Master Norton, I am Daphne, and I have admired your name for a long time."

When she saw Norton, who was short and rather inconspicuous, Daphne bowed to him very respectfully and introduced herself.

Norton also nodded. You only need to try it to know whether the other party is capable. Since Wang Yan brought the person, it should not be easy. It just so happens that Norton Technology is preparing to increase its staff. The arrival of the other party can be said to be at the right time. .

"One more thing. When I see Paris later, ask her to arrange for someone to contact a businessman named Roger on the west coast. The other party has the ability to expand the market on the west coast. First, use Norton Technology's previous products to test the other party's product. ability."

"If possible, before the Super Armor comes out, it can also be promoted on the west coast simultaneously. I will talk about the specific things later. I have already arranged for Paris. After the real mass production of the Super Armor, the publicity Work will start to unfold.”

"Well, you're going to heaven, right?"

Norton adjusted his glasses, and Norton smiled when he saw that Daphne was also wearing glasses similar to his own. The other party looked pretty good, and Norton felt that it was necessary to train her well.

"Yes, I don't know how long it will take to come back from this trip. I may have other things besides the energy core. If it goes well, I will be back in ten and a half months. If it doesn't go well, it may take several months. But I In the end, it will definitely bring about a successfully researched second-generation energy core, so you can rest assured."

Wang Yan has not forgotten the matter of Antuen who still exists in the heaven. More than half a year has passed. I don’t know how the recovery of the energy center is going. He will definitely go to see the situation when he returns to the heaven this time. If it goes well , Maybe he can improve his level in the heaven, he is very, very looking forward to the day when his level will reach level 85.

After making arrangements for Daphne, and leaving a text for Paris as an explanation, Wang Yan returned to the west coast directly through the space gate that has not yet dissipated. Time is running out.

"Is this the ocean of the continent of Arad? It looks so peaceful."

When Wang Yan returned to find the location of the people, under Wang Yan's suggestion, the group walked through the West Coast Central Street, and went east to the harbor. When looking at the blue inland sea in the distance, the small lantern and the empty Yi Du showed anticipation on his face. They had been looking forward to this day since they came to the continent of Arad.

After taking everyone around the coastline for a long time, and having a picnic, Wang Yan saw that the time was almost the same as the time agreed by Malin Kissica, so he summoned the armed helicopters on the coastline again. Knowing that it's time to go find Malin Kissika, everyone will eventually take the huge spaceship across the sea of ​​​​sky to the location of the heavenly realm.

A few kilometers to the east of the Magician's Union, Wang Yan controlled the armed helicopter to land. Over there, Malin Kissica was leading the maids from the Queen's Court to prepare for departure. After seeing Wang Yan and the others return, they both breathed a sigh of relief. The two sides exchanged pleasantries. After that, they started to pack up their belongings and board the ship. Of course, the things were mainly belonging to Malin Kissika and the others. Wang Yan had nothing but the seven of them.

The sea breeze blew over, and the huge sails fluttered. The sails hanging on the mast were raised to the highest point, and their purpose was to adjust the direction of Magadha while flying.

Like the empty ship that Wang Yan saw in the ancient kingdom, the energy sources used by Magadha's thrusters are also large crystals of various colors. Malin Kissika and the others first found a place to store energy on Magadha. After arriving in the continent of Arad, I even exchanged a lot of colorless large crystals from the Magician's Union, which is completely enough energy to travel to and from the heavens.

"set off!"

After everything was ready, Malin Kissika gave the order to set off, while Wang Yan and his party stood on the Magadha deck and watched the gradually changing scenery below. Wang Yan had already experienced the feeling of riding an empty ship, and came with him Others are flying the craft for the first time.

Compared with armed helicopters, Magadha can feel the strong wind blowing on the surface when flying, and it makes people feel cool when it rises high in the sky.

"How did you have the courage to dive into the depths of the ocean to find the location of the Sky City? You must have taken a lot of risk."

When Magadha took off, Wang Yan and Marin Kissica on the side talked about the other party’s trip this time. The other party brought a lot of special products from the Arad continent, such as magic equipment, such as various colored crystal blocks and magic potions. Purchased a lot of food crops unique to the continent of Arad.

These are very valuable research items, both the Empress Alizee and the Elytra Research Institute of the Seven Gods attach great importance to this.

"Well, there are all kinds of weird fish in the depths of the ocean in the heaven, but we have found a fairly safe route, and we will follow that route on our return journey this time."

Malin Kissika didn't know what method Wang Yan used to go to the heaven last time. It seemed that she didn't enter the sea of ​​sky directly from the sky city to reach the heaven. She was curious in her heart, but she held back and didn't ask.

(End of this chapter)

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