DNF Live Allard

Chapter 732 Only strong strength can establish a foothold in the world (4th more)

Chapter 732 Only Strong Strength Can Stand in the World (Fourth Change)

"What a powerful aura!"

When Daphne was sitting beside Roger and staring at the passers-by on the street in a daze, Daphne suddenly heard Roger exclaim, she stood up quickly, looked in the direction Roger was watching, and saw several dressed Obviously very extraordinary men and women came from the west side of West Coast Center Street.

There are men and women, old and young in the group, and it looks like a nobleman from a certain family came out to play.

Daphne looked back at Roger quietly, and the other party was looking at the pedestrian intently. Daphne continued to look back, but she didn't feel the aura that Roger said.

The clothes of this group of people are very gorgeous, and their living conditions seem to be very good. Among them, several young women are more beautiful than each other. Daphne looked down at her palms with gloves, and couldn't help but put them behind her back. She didn't need to take off the gloves We all know that her palms are very rough.

"Don't envy them, believe in yourself, Daphne, you can have such a day too."

Daphne was not shocked. She felt that there was nothing wrong with relying on her own hands to support her family. It was the luck of the other person to live well. There must have been hard work behind it. No one can get something for nothing.

As a businessman who walks all the year round, Roger believes in his eyes. Everyone in this group is extraordinary. The only young man in the crowd is always smiling. Roger really feels a strong aura from the other party. , You can see one or two from the passers-by who do not consciously bypass this pedestrian to make way. The three young women are also extraordinary, and one of them even has a feeling that Roger sees the royal family.

There is also an old man who is slightly older than him. The clothes of the other party are something Roger has never seen before. Roger can feel that the other party is very vigilant. The eyes under the brim will pay attention to any place around him. The other party must be a very A powerful warrior who has killed countless people and disregarded life, enjoys a rare peaceful time at this time.

The two girls who were pushed and walked on the stroller looked normal, but Roger had a strange feeling. The two looked so small, and their appearance was almost the same. Are they twins?Looks different?Although it's midsummer, the hat I'm wearing is too big, covering everything from my ears.

This team is the strangest combination that Roger has seen today and even after he came to the west coast, and it is also the combination with the greatest aura. Of course, it can't be compared with the Delos Empire Legion that came to the west coast. That is another kind of aura , a military aura that has experienced the test of war.

"I'm not a nobleman, I don't have the arrogance and arrogance of a nobleman, but my strength should not be underestimated. Well, I should be an awakened professional. It seems that the only way out is through strength. If strength is not strong enough, no matter how much money you earn It's just pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered."

Roger withdrew his gaze and said with emotion in his heart that he needs to take care of a lot as a merchant. If he has the strength of an awakened warrior, why should he worry about so many things, and fight if he is not convinced, but he can't do this.

"Master Roger, they are coming towards us."

Daphne looked at Roger at a loss after seeing Wang Yan and his group walking towards this side. Roger was very calm, pointing to the direction of the backyard and said: "Go and prepare tea, I have Xuzu tea by the bed in my bedroom , the one in the tin can, go quickly."

"Oh, I'll be right there."

Daphne felt relieved, and hurried back to the backyard to prepare tea, while Roger took off his top hat and put it aside, waiting for Wang Yan and his party to approach with a smile on his face.

"Producer Roger?"

Wang Yan, who was shopping with Kaili and her group on West Coast Center Street, felt the gaze of the other party when he saw Roger standing at the door of the shop from a distance, and after observing the other party's face and figure , and saw a woman with glasses looking quietly at the side, Wang Yan probably guessed the identity of the other party, called a few people around and went straight to Roger's shop.

After approaching the store, Wang Yan also saw Roger's appearance clearly. He was about 50 years old, younger than Sha Ying Belit, but his face was already old, and his hair was also mixed with gray and white, but The face of the other party is cleaned very cleanly, no messy beard can be seen, the eyes of the other party are very energetic, and when they look at each other, they can see the meaning conveyed by the other party through their eyes.

"It really is Roger."

Wang Yan glanced over the gold watch on Roger's left wrist, and then landed on the signboard outside the store, which indeed had Roger's name written on it. The chic carriage in Wang Yan's impression was also located on the side of the store. As for the woman who just hurried into the house, it should be Daphne.

Wang Yan has been to the west coast many times, but this is the first time he has met the producers Roger and Daphne. Except for the two of them, Wang Yan has not seen any NPCs that appear on the west coast in the dungeon game. It seems that only Ophelia, the current leader of the Blue Truth.

"Guests from afar, come and have a cup of tea."

Luo Jie's voice has a magnetic feeling, which makes people feel good, but everyone is looking at Wang Yan. As the backbone of everyone, Wang Yan is here for Roger, so naturally he nodded in response to Roger's request. invite.

Roger thought at first that the elder Shaying Belit was the backbone of the team, but he found that after he invited everyone, the others all looked at the young man Wang Yan. He didn't know that Wang Yan was the one in the group. The one with the right to speak.

How young!
After seeing Wang Yan's young face, Luo Jie felt a little emotional, what was he doing at Wang Yan's age?

It seems that he is still working for others. Although he has saved a little money, he is still exploited in essence. It was not until he saved his first pot of gold that Roger learned how to make money from his work experience. His road to business That's how it started.

"Hi, Mr. Roger, I'm Wang Yan, these are my relatives and friends, I've heard your name before, but this is the first time I've seen it, it's really worth seeing once."

Wang Yan stepped forward to come to Luo Jie, stared at him for a while and then stretched out his right hand. Luo Jie knew that there is a handshake etiquette in some places, so he also shook hands with Wang Yan. Through the handshake, Luo Jie can feel that Wang Yan is strong and powerful The strength of the arm, the opponent is much stronger than it looks.

"I'm Roger the producer. I'm glad you've heard my name. The sun is shining outside. Come in and sit."

After Roger introduced himself, he chose to invite everyone to enter the store. It is already midsummer, and the sun at noon is very hot.

However, even so, the travelers on the central street of the West Coast cannot be dispelled. Many people just came to the commercial capital of the West Coast by ship from the seaport of the West Coast. .

(End of this chapter)

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