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Chapter 730 Giant Businessman Roger Levine (Part 2)

Chapter 730 Giant businessman Roger Levin (second update)

"Ms. Sharan chose to mediate when the war between the two sides was about to break out. She rejected the summoning order of the Dark Elf Kingdom many times and chose to stay on the west coast as a peace envoy. It was also because of her that the Dark Elf Kingdom did not respond The Principality of Belle Mare is making a big move, and the opponent is very great."

"Is Ms. Shalan's strength very strong? I can feel that she possesses unimaginable magic power. When she is walking, the surrounding space becomes a little unstable due to the overflow of magic power. It is really unimaginable."

Hongwei nodded again and again. After Wang Yan said this, Shalan's impression in Hongwei's heart suddenly became very good. After all, wherever there is war, it is not what Hongwei wants to see. As a peace envoy, as a dark elf, Shalan Lan can choose absolute neutrality and mediate the war, the opponent is great.

"That's natural. Dark elves understand magic very easily. What's more, the dark elves basically have a lifespan of hundreds or even thousands of years. As long as there are no accidents, many dark elves can live for thousands of years. But the long lifespan that human beings can never achieve, combined in many ways, the number of magisters in the dark elves is unimaginable, and Ms. Shalan is the best among them, and there are only a handful of people in the world who can fight with her."

"However, except for some veterans of the dark elves, most of the dark elves yearn for peace. They are used to life in the underground world, and they have no ambition to occupy the land of the human world. The reason why they provoked the border war is also because the dark elves kingdom There was once a plague that destroyed a city, and in some respects, the cause of these plagues pointed to the human kingdom, and for revenge, the dark elves would naturally choose to break ties with humans."

"Plague? It's terrible!"

Everyone was stunned, they didn't know about this matter, Wang Yan said, including Saya and Hongwei, who had been in this time and space for two months, understood to some extent, why did everyone talk about dark things? The elves will show anger, and there is another reason for this.

"But it's all right now. The border disputes have long been suspended. The soldiers of the Delos Empire who once set foot on this land have also returned to the country opposite the inland sea. The city on the west coast has regained its vitality. Of course, there is also the city of the sky. Appeared, and its appearance also made the West Coast more popular in a short period of time.”

Wang Yan looked at the towering sky city in the distance. After the cover of the elf magic circle dissipated, he could see the majestic sky city from anywhere on the west coast. Travelers on the west coast must go to the place. Standing on the high sky city overlooking the west coast and the ocean in the distance, the feeling is really special.

"Passengers and friends, please note that you are about to arrive at your destination, West Coast Center Street. Please hold yourselves and sit still. The helicopter is about to descend. I wish you a pleasant journey."

After approaching West Coast Central Street, Wang Yan used the communication that comes with the helicopter gunship to speak in a wicked way. Hearing Wang Yan's voice suddenly coming from the earphones, everyone was surprised at first and then smiled. The city is also full of anticipation, it looks more prosperous than Hutton Mar.

The sun shines on the earth, on the west side of the West Coast Center Street. As the assistant of the giant businessman Roger Levin, Daphne Mafro hardly gets any free time to rest after starting work. She is a beautiful and well-behaved girl with exquisite craftsmanship. In fact, Daphne was responsible for most of the commissions Roger accepted.

As one of the great businessmen of the West Coast, Roger Levine's mantra is that business is absolutely fair, and he does so.For this reason, he has a very high reputation and status among the merchants, and he is one of the most popular merchants on the west coast.

It's just that what everyone can't figure out is why such a wealthy businessman only chooses to recruit a young female assistant like Daphne, and replaces it with at least ten or eight assistants, plus bodyguards. The number of people has increased. Isn't Roger worried about being robbed while doing business?
Roger has a close relationship with the Wizards Guild. He will bring a lot of entrusted tasks to the Wizards Guild on the west coast every once in a while, mainly about enchanting and alchemy processing. He will exchange various processed high-level materials for customers. The cheap and low-grade materials brought in, the price difference and handling fees incurred fell into Roger's pocket.

Worn leather, weathered bones, rags, rusty iron pieces, and even gravel are always available to Roger. These things can be exchanged for higher-quality materials at Roger's place. The blacksmiths and tailors who make equipment It is Roger's largest source of customers, and of course there are countless warriors and civilians, and the standard equipment produced is finally sold everywhere, completing the last and most important link of the industrial chain.

Looking at Daphne, who was so busy that she didn't have time to wipe off the sweat on her forehead, Roger, who was wearing a top hat and holding a decorative walking stick, was very satisfied with Daphne's behavior. Complete within time, even if it doesn't stop for a moment, Daphne will complete the client's commission on time, which is why Roger's reputation has been praised by all customers, and he chooses to become Roger's repeat customer.

Lifting up his sleeves and looking at the gold watch on his left wrist, Roger kept an eye on the time, and at the same time, his eyes flicked over the pedestrians on the central street. His eyes were very vicious, and he could tell the wealth of the person he was looking at at a glance , Can he become his client?

As a giant merchant, Roger's shop is naturally very spacious, but the shop with only two people is still a bit deserted. A two-wheeled carriage is parked outside the shop. This is Roger's iconic carriage. Many people will Thinking of Roger, the other party will also take this carriage and pull a lot of materials that need to be processed to the Magician's Guild.

Someone once questioned whether Roger could make money from such a business. Roger responded with a smile. Many people look down on this business, but only Roger himself knows how much he can earn. His customers are all people. Even children of a few years old are likely to become his customers and bring him wealth.

The gold watch on his wrist is the most important decoration for Roger. This gold watch makes Roger invincible in the face of any client. After all, this gold watch made of pure gold represents Possesses absolutely considerable wealth.

Nowadays, there are huge clocks and watches that can measure time in Arad Continent. Small handmade clocks like pocket watches or watches are all expensive, and clocks made of pure gold are even more expensive. To put it bluntly, this A gold watch would have been enough for the big shop Roger was in, the kind with a yard.

(End of this chapter)

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