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Chapter 727 Returning to the Decision of the Heaven Realm (Part 4)

Chapter 727 The Decision to Return to the Heaven Realm (Fourth Change)
"Sure enough, there is no simple one."

Norton couldn't help shaking his head. He couldn't judge whether it was right or wrong for Wang Yan to improve his strength through this method. He was not a warrior himself, and he didn't understand how eager warriors are to improve his strength. Opportunity to break through, the vast majority of warriors will not hesitate even if they make a killing.

"Really, why don't you have any murderous aura left on your body?"

Paris said in astonishment, tens of thousands?The number of people she killed in her life was only one percent, at most a thousand people.

"I know holy arts, don't you know that holy light can purify evil forces?"

Wang Yan smiled, blocked Paris's kick with his left fist, and landed on Paris's chest with his right fist. The halo on Paris' body flickered and began to fade. Seeing this, Wang Yan smiled wryly and took back his attacking position. With one punch, in just a few minutes, this energy core, which still had more than half of its energy, was consumed by Paris's all-out fighting.

"What's going on?" Paris looked at the dimmed halo on her body in confusion.

"The energy of the super armor is exhausted. In fact, it loses energy too quickly during the battle. There is also a reason why you and I are too strong in battle. The normal battle in the previous test can last for 10 minutes. Can you feel it? ? Most of the protection on the body is unnecessary."

Wang Yan explained the reason, and Paris took off the super armor with a depressed face to reveal the leather armor close to her. She hasn't worn enough yet.

"Of course, if it is not under siege, the energy of the back is not consumed at all, and it directly protects the whole body instead of protecting the place where it hits. No matter what the energy used is, such a waste will definitely not be able to maintain enough energy. long time."

"What's more, no matter when you swing your fists or feet, it will enhance your overall strength, and your legs will also be strengthened when you punch, which is unnecessary."

Wang Yan continued to add that after fighting Paris in person, he found many deficiencies. Norton took his disciples to the side and began to record. These are the areas that need to be improved in the end.

Of course, the most important energy core still has to be resolved by Wang Yan. He looked up at the sky under the setting sun, and it seemed that it was time to set off for the heaven.

"You've been so busy recently, you can't see anyone all day long."

After Wang Yan returned to the residence, Kaili couldn't help complaining. At first, Wang Yan left every morning and returned in the evening. It has been two months since he returned, and the time has changed from early summer to midsummer. Why is she busy every day? It's over.

"I'm already busy looking."

Wang Yan didn't know where to start. There were too many things to tell about the Super Power Research Institute, so he could only choose to focus on it, such as the news that the super power armor generation was about to appear in the world.

"Super armor? I remember that when we were in the heavens, those gunners would also wear special individual armor to enhance their physical fitness. They could carry huge heavy weapons with one person's strength. Is it that kind of thing?"

Just by hearing the name of the super armor, Kaili can roughly guess what Wang Yan is researching these days. She is very curious, in the continent of Arad without electricity, is it possible to use magic power as the power source for the armor?
"Almost, but my final form will definitely be stronger than you imagined. At that time, no matter who it is, it will be able to fly freely in the sky with the help of it. My ultimate goal is a city suspended in the sky. Armored to travel between the sky and the ground."

Wang Yan and Kaili had nothing to talk about. He talked about his plans for the future with great interest. He didn't want to occupy any piece of land in the Arad continent. What he could do was to raise a city directly into the sky. It is very difficult to accomplish this goal, and Wang Yan will spend his whole life doing this.

"Wow, that's amazing."

Hongwei was not stingy with her admiration for Wang Yan. She imagined the picture Wang Yan described, and she had full expectations in her heart. Her appearance made Wang Yan laugh, and her body relaxed after a busy day.

"The most important thing about super armor is the energy core powered by Terra Stone, but now there are some problems that Norton technology can't handle. The energy output of the energy core is not ideal. Melvin from Elytra helped with the research, and my plan was to install artificial intelligence into the super armor, and the super armor at that time could barely meet my imagination."

At dinner time, Wang Yan said something that made everyone quite excited. He decided to take everyone to the west coast tomorrow to find the messenger who arrived in the heaven. After leaving, Wang Yan will use his own method to go to the heaven.

"Are you going back to the heaven? I'm looking forward to it."

Kong Kongyi was the first to jump up and raised her hands to welcome Wang Yan's proposal. She didn't want to leave the heaven at first, but because she couldn't be separated from the little lantern, she also chose to follow the little lantern to the Arad continent. In her heart, the heaven The ocean is her hometown.

"Well, I haven't been to the heavenly realm for half a year, and I'm going to have a look too. Mr. Belit, are you planning to return to the heavenly realm?"

Wang Yan looked at Shaying Belite, who nodded after thinking for a moment. He missed the sea-breeze-like air in the heavens, and he had stayed in the Arad continent for a long time. He wanted to go back to the heavens. To go back to the continent of Arad, the trip to the continent of Arad that he has been looking forward to has not had time to implement yet.

"Then it's settled."

After consulting other people's opinions and seeing that no one objected, Wang Yan decided to go to the west coast tomorrow. Now that he doesn't need to intervene in the research of super armor, he will go to the heaven to find someone to help research super armor The energy core, and by the way, take a look at the long-lost situation in the heavens.

"Then after dinner, let's pack up the things we need to bring. There is also a residence in the heaven, so it is enough to bring a few changes of clothes."

After confirming the matter of returning to the heaven, Kaili became busy. After finishing her dinner in a hurry, she began to pack her bags. She seemed more concerned than anyone else. The two little mermaids asked Wang Yan for two storage bags and returned. In their own room, they plan to bring the water bed with them, and now they have adapted to the water bed, and the Little Mermaid really can't sleep without them.

"I heard from Sister Kaili that the current heaven is much more prosperous than what we saw before. Is this true?"

After dinner, Hongwei finally looked forward to the most anticipated time of the day. She could only be alone with Wang Yan at this time before going to bed. Now Hongwei sleeps with Kaili every day instead of sharing the same bed with Wang Yan .

After she really recognized Hongwei, Kaili cared about Hongwei very much, and even ordered Wang Yan not to bully Hongwei before marriage, when to get married, and when to share the same bed. Wang Yan and Wang Yan got married as soon as possible, but they didn't expect that Wang Yan was busy with super power research during this time, and there was very little free time every day.

(End of this chapter)

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