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Chapter 722 Where Did She Go? (Chapter [-])

Chapter 722 Where Did She Go? (Tenth update)
When he was about to return to the villa area, Wang Yan walked around to Celia's tree house, and he landed on the passage in the center of the tree house. He still remembered talking about the giant tree expanding into a tree house with Celia. time.

After landing, Wang Yan was astonished that all the entrances and exits of the two tree houses had been closed, and the tree houses had also become quiet at this moment, and the birds that had been living around the giant tree had disappeared.

Wang Yan's heart skipped a beat, a bad premonition welled up in his heart, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, opening his mind and eye skills, a moment later he opened his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

"Selia is gone?"

Wang Yan stood on the passage of the tree house in a daze. From the perception of his mind, the inside of the tree house was empty, with almost no man-made decorations inside. Celia disappeared, and the birds that had been living outside the tree house also disappeared. This was the first time Wang Yan encountered this situation.

"No, no, if she leaves, she will definitely tell me."

Wang Yan was talking to himself, but the bad premonition in his heart was getting stronger and stronger. He simply ascended into the sky, and his mind and eye skills began to explore the peaceful and peaceful city of Hutton Marr until nearly half an hour later. Wang Yan came back to the passage of the tree house, his face was full of disappointment, he had searched all over Hutton Mar, but he couldn't find any trace of Celia.

"Did you really leave?"

Wang Yan looked to the north, which was the direction of the Erwin defense line. He had a premonition that Celia should have returned to the Erwin defense line. The other party came to Hutton Mar from the Erwin defense line with him. Now It was because of him that he left Hutton Marr again. Wang Yan felt that it was necessary for him to go to Irwin's defense line to find out.

During lunch, Hongwei found out that something was wrong with Wang Yan. Even when he was eating, he was thinking about something. Hongwei asked Wang Yan with concern. Wang Yan shook his head slightly. How could he tell these things in front of Hongwei? I have already hurt the one I love, and I don't want the one who loves me to be hurt again.

"I'm going out to visit friends, and I'll be back in the evening."

Wang Yan told Kaili and Hongwei about the incident after the meal. Although the two were wondering what happened to Wang Yan, they didn't ask directly. Looking at Wang Yan who disappeared into the sky, Hongwei lowered her head.

Relying on her intuition, she felt that Wang Yan was hiding something from herself. She didn't want to see this happen. Fortunately, Hongwei understood that no matter how much she liked Wang Yan, she could not interfere in his private affairs. Get away from yourself.

"My love, what is it that worries you so much?"

Hongwei thought secretly, when Kaili greeted her, her face showed a smile again, and she chose to clean up the dining table with Kaili. Kaili will clean up the villa, and she will spend the whole afternoon busy .

When he was about to fly away from Hutton Marr, Wang Yan slapped his forehead and landed on the ground. In his anxiety, he forgot the props he could use. There was also teleportation potion in his account vault, with which he could instantly reach Allah. The mainland of Germany and the area of ​​​​the heaven, of course, the Alvin line of defense is also in the arrival area of ​​the teleportation medicine.

After pouring a bottle of golden teleportation medicine, the light flashed by Wang Yan's figure and disappeared in place. After a feeling of dizziness passed, Wang Yan opened his eyes and found that he had come to Erwin's defense line. The Alvin defense line in the past became very quiet at this moment, the afternoon sun fell into the Erwin defense line, Wang Yan did not hear other sounds except for the chirping of birds.

The location where Wang Yan appeared was outside the blacksmith shop of Linus, the blacksmith. He slowly rose into the sky, staring at the incomparably deserted Alwin defense line. It was all the way here, and it was also here that I saw Celia for the first time. At that time, Celia was like an elf in the jungle, and the smile on the other side was still fresh in Wang Yan's memory.

The radius of the Erwin defense line is only a few hundred meters. Wang Yan was disappointed after opening his happy eye skills. Celia did not come here. At this moment, in the Erwin defense line, except for some small creatures moving around in the barren buildings, No one stays here.

From far away, Wang Yan could still see the huge whale skeleton not far from the Erwin defense line. Because of the transfer, the whale fell into the Erwin defense line, and was lifted out of the Erwin defense line by the remaining people. , now only the pale skeleton is left, and the flesh is all eaten by various wild beasts, or directly turned into soil to nourish the surrounding trees.

On the cobbled road, you can see the withered, yellowed and blackened leaves left over from the previous year. Because no one cleaned them, half-decomposed leaves can be seen in every corner, and fresh leaves have fallen to the ground. On the road, walking on the road in the middle of the Alvin line of defense, Wang Yan came all the way to the outside of the tree house hotel where Celia used to live.

The main entrance of the tree house hotel has long been closed. Wang Yan walked around the tree house and found that there was still a huge skylight behind the tree house hotel that was not closed. It was messy, with dead branches and even bird droppings everywhere. After losing their traces, wild birds used this place as a habitat.

"The power of the wind is everywhere."

Wang Yan took out a staff and displayed the skills of the wind chaser. The breeze swirled inside the tree house, cleaning every corner of the tree house inch by inch, and finally the wind carried litter, fallen leaves, dust and other debris out of the tree house The hotel is located in the jungle a hundred meters away.

Walking along the skylight into the tree house hotel that has been cleaned up, Wang Yan reached out and stroked every remaining decoration in the tree house hotel. There were neatly arranged tables and chairs in the center of the hall. Wang Yan still remembered that the blacksmith Linus The scene where he came to the tree house hotel with his burly body carrying tables and chairs.

The opponent is powerful, but because he killed his friend with his own hands, he sadly chose to live in seclusion in the small place of the Alvin line of defense, and chose to become an ordinary blacksmith. He must have experienced unimaginable pain before making the decision. This decision, this painful feeling, can only be understood by those who have experienced it.

The force of the wind is strong. At this moment, there is no trace of dust in the inner hall of the tree house hotel. Wang Yan wiped the table with his fingers, and smiled at the clean fingers. Regardless of whether Celia will come back here in the end, He needs to do this.

Then Wang Yan began to clean the stairs and upstairs rooms of the tree house hotel. The wind carried dust and debris from the window of the tree house and flew out of the window of the tree house and landed in the jungle a hundred meters away. After a light rain, these The debris will be completely integrated into the jungle, and no one will be able to see where they came from.

Sitting quietly at the window of the room at the top of the tree roof, watching the Alvin line of defense, Wang Yan began to wait for a long time, until the light of the setting sun fell on this small town in the jungle, Wang Yan still did not wait. The person I want to wait for.

Where has she gone?

(End of this chapter)

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