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Chapter 720 Kelly who wants to learn Nianqi (Chapter 8)

Chapter 720 Kelly Who Wants to Learn Nianqi (Eighth)
Not long after, Saya and Shaying Belit also went downstairs, followed by Little Lantern and Kong Kongyi. When Kaili brought breakfast, Wang Yan went upstairs and woke up A-Gump who was still sleeping soundly. Hearing that breakfast was ready, the two of them lost sleepiness, rubbed their eyes and followed Wang Yan downstairs.

"You still eat breakfast, I eat once a day, sometimes once every three days."

After washing her face and brushing her teeth, Xi Lan smashed her mouth. The toothpaste smelled very strange. This is a small thing that comes with the villa. It will be replenished every once in a while. In fact, in this time and space, people use green salt to brush their teeth. There are also many people who only gargle.

"Eating dozens or hundreds of buns in one meal."

Forrest Gump made a knife left, which made everyone laugh. There is no warrior who can't eat. Even the seemingly petite magician usually has a bigger appetite than ordinary strong men, not to mention swordsmen and fighters. This kind of labor-intensive occupation, among the people Wang Yan knows, it seems that except for Celia, who has a relatively small appetite, everyone else has a big appetite.

Irregular eating will cause harm to ordinary people, but it has almost no effect on warriors. After all, many warriors often overeat and have nothing to do. However, good three-meal habits are the law of most people, and people living in poverty will also Two regular meals, usually dinner is the most abundant meal of the day. After a busy day, you must eat enough to reward your body so that you have the strength to go to work the next day.

For breakfast, there is freshly baked bread from Kanina's grocery store. The soft and sweet bread is irresistible to everyone. Dulf likes the life of running a grocery store very much now. Not many people know his true identity, and even more so He won't say it, he enjoys a peaceful and peaceful life, and he wants this life to continue.

"The bread that little girl Kanina personally made today tastes really good. It seems that I have time to learn how to make bread from Kanina. It seems that there is a bread machine in the villa? Can I use that to make bread? ? I haven't tried it yet."

Kelly licked the corners of her mouth in satisfaction after eating the bread with jam in her hands. Naturally, no one had any objection to this proposal. After all, the breakfast was prepared by Kelly, and Little Lantern even raised her hands in favor of this decision. I also want to learn how to make handmade bread. Of course, it would be even better if there is a bread machine.

During the breakfast, everyone was chatting. Xi Lan told some interesting stories about Xu Zu, which made others listen with gusto. The pursuit of Nianqi has never given up. She is not talented in magic, but she wants to realize her dream through the same magical Nianqi. She also wants to learn magic. How cool would that be.

"You want to learn Nian Qi? Yes, but I am not very proficient in Nian Qi compared to swordsmanship. In fact, swordsmanship alone is enough for me to learn for a lifetime. The only thing I can master is Nian Qi Mask and Nian Qi Wave. There are also some common mind skills."

"Enough is enough. In fact, I am satisfied if I can learn to read Qi Wave."

Kaili, who made a request to Xi Lan after the meal, was very happy to hear Xi Lan's response. She found Feng Zhen, who also came from Xuzu, and Feng Zhen roughly gave her a few pointers. After all, the relationship between the two can only be said to be average.

"If you want to learn Nian Qi skills, the first thing you need to master is Nian Qi perception. In fact, there are not many people who have the talent of Nian Qi perception among the ancestors. Women have an advantage. For men, I know some male fighters will There are Nianqi tattoos on the body, through this method, people who cannot grasp the perception of Nianqi can display Nianqi, but at the cost of physical loss, the life is basically lost by one-third."

Xi Lan is not a qualified Nian Qi instructor, but the other party's Nian Qi talent is more than enough to teach Kaili. After the meal, everyone followed the two to the backyard, and sat on the bench watching the two as they prepared to visit.

Kong Kongyi quietly took out the pistol, stuck out her tongue and put the pistol away after seeing the little lantern staring at her. She would always play with the pistol when the little lantern was not paying attention. She thought her spear skills were very good up.

"Ah, is it the same experience as sensing the existence of magic power?"

Kelly had a bitter face. She could sense the magic power, but she couldn't mobilize and cast even a single magic star bomb. The more so, the more she wanted to learn magic in her heart. After all, what she can't get is the best. This situation applies anywhere.

"Almost, come here, Kaili, tell me what happened when you mastered the perception of mind and energy?"

Xi Lan couldn't talk about it directly, so he simply brought Wang Yan here. He knew that Wang Yan had the talent in mind energy. The other party was friends with Jin Fei, who had won the championship of the martial arts competition. The other party must have given him some advice. Jin Fei is the direct disciple of Nian Qi master Jiulong, it can be said that Jiulong is a qualified Nian Qi instructor, and the other party has taught enough Nian Qi master disciples, and he is also a very respected existence in Xuzu.

"Nianqi perception, I remember that I learned from listening to a section of Jiulong master's narration or taking notes. It's been a long time, almost a year, let me think about it."

Wang Yan showed a nostalgic smile. Xu Zu was the first place he set foot in this time and space. He will never forget the little things that happened in Xu Zu. He will definitely be able to recall such things as learning to read qi.

"It's a formula from Master Nine Dragons, let me repeat it."

After a while, Wang Yan remembered Zhushi's previous advice, and the other party repeated the formula of Master Nine Dragons. After the narration, Wang Yan learned the perception of mind energy through his own ability. Only the air mask and other mind skills can be mastered and used.

Wang Yan began to repeat the formula, and Xi Lan kept nodding his head after listening to it. As someone who has learned how to perceive Nian Qi for decades, he must have his own understanding when he heard this formula, although some places may be the first to experience Nian Qi. Novices can't understand it, but overall it is very easy to understand.

Kaili was confused. In fact, no one else could understand even much. Wang Yan looked around, Saya looked thoughtful, Hongwei looked confused, Little Lantern and Kong Kongyi didn't understand at all. What he said, Sha Ying Belit is not interested in Nian Qi at all, he only believes in the revolver in his hand, and he has the confidence to fight against any professional with a gun.

After Wang Yan finished speaking, Kaili shook her head after digesting the formulas, indicating that she hadn't gained any insight from the formulas. Seeing this, Xi Lan began to repeat it, adding some of her own opinions during the period, which made her feel even more frustrated. Kelly's long-awaited Nian Qi wave skill was released, and she was very envious. Any strange skill that wasn't marksmanship was something Kai Li wanted to learn. She couldn't be a magician, and Nian Qi master was also good.

(End of this chapter)

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