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Chapter 718 Celia who left Hutton Mar (Part 5)

Chapter 718 Celia who left Hutton Mar (fifth change)

After walking down the passageway of the tree house with Ha Gendi, Celia was surprised to find Wang Yan standing outside the door of the tree house hotel. The other party did not know how long he stood at the door. There was a smile on the face: "Why are you standing outside the door?"

"just arrived."

Wang Yan blew the night wind for a while, and the drunkenness had disappeared without a trace. Now that he came outside Celia's tree house, his previous courage dissipated again, especially when he saw Celia's reluctant face. Especially when smiling, he didn't know how to speak.

"It's okay over there."

Celia invited Wang Yan to enter the tree house, and then made him a cup of tea. The tea was made from some kind of dried flower petals. She held the wooden teacup in her hand and felt the warmth of the tea. Wang Yan nodded: "It was bad at the beginning, but it got better later on."

"Did you know? When you and Barn left Hutton Mar, I saw you from the tree house, and I really regret not following. Maybe I might help you if I was there."

Celia sat across from Wang Yan, talking in a daze. She remembered the last time she saw Wang Yan. She watched Wang Yan and Bahn leave with her own eyes. Afterwards, she found out that Wang Yan was missing and regretted it many times. At that time, he did not choose to set off with Wang Yan.

"I can't blame you. No one thought that this kind of thing would happen. You went to find Alice, right? Xi Lan found me through the gate of time and space not long after. I really don't know what method he used to find me. Mine, presumably the other party must have spent a lot of effort."

Wang Yan quickly waved his hands. He didn't want Celia and Alice to meet at the beginning. After all, no one knew whether Herder standing behind Alice would pay attention to Celia. He couldn't take the risk. .

"Well, it was also Alice who divined your position. Divination is really amazing."

Celia still hasn't forgotten the moment when Alice made the divination, and the excitement she felt when she saw Wang Yan's figure is still fresh in her memory.

"So it is."

Wang Yan suddenly realized that Alice could indeed know some strange things through divination. Of course, some things were the result of Herder's misleading, and because of this, Alice became Herder's pawn for no apparent reason, and was eventually abandoned by him.



Wang Yan and Celia paused for a moment, then spoke almost at the same time, and then said at the same time: "You speak first."

"Okay, I'll say it first."

Wang Yan took a deep breath. He knew that if he didn't speak out his inner thoughts at this time, the relationship with Celia might become more and more distant in the future. The other party was the person he was most familiar with in the original time and space and the current time and space. , He used to see each other hundreds of times every day, which cannot be expressed in any words.

"I met Hongwei in that time and space. She gave me a feeling of passion. She chose to follow me. I also gradually fell in love with her after she showed her heart."

It took a lot of effort for Wang Yan to organize the language, especially after seeing the smile on Celia's face gradually disappear. He was able to massacre the members of the Callet organization and the knights of Bellouu with a cold-blooded expression. But in terms of feelings, he is a real noob.

He absolutely shouldn't, he shouldn't have said anything about Hongwei in front of Celia.

"Well, what do you want to express when you tell me this?"

Celia looked down at the ground, and Hagen flew around each other. It looked at Celia and Wang Yan with confused eyes. It couldn't be angry with Wang Yan. The other party had signed a contract with it. The closest person besides Rhea.

"What I want to say is that my love for you is still the same as before."

Wang Yan stood up and said this sentence with all his courage, and then saw Celia raised her head.

She smiled brightly, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes: "I see."

"and many more……"

Wang Yan wanted to say something, but Celia waved him out of the tree house. Afterwards, the main door of the tree house was closed, and the windows were also closed. The whole tree house became a whole at this moment, and no entrance could be found anymore.

Standing outside the tree house, Wang Yan was at a loss, and several bobbys floating on the top of the tree landed. They recognized Wang Yan, and chose to float beside Wang Yan to express their inner joy by spitting bubbles at Wang Yan.

Wang Yan stood there in a daze, letting Bobby stay on his shoulder, he didn't know what to do at this moment, and what was the meaning of Celia's reaction.

"Talking about other women, but saying that he likes me, Hagendi, do you think I should believe him?"

In the tree house sealed by Celia, Celia looked at Hagundy and muttered to herself. She didn't hear Hagandi's answer, or she couldn't hear any words at the moment, and her thoughts became very confused at the moment , this is Wang Yan's real confession that he likes her, but it is at this time, when the other party has found a lover.

"It seems that I still have to leave here."

After a long, long time, Celia sighed faintly, and she made a decision in her heart, leaving this city that brought joy and sorrow in the daytime, and chose to return to the Alvin defense line, even if she was alone, but there was Gundi is accompanied by other companions in the jungle, and she is still not alone.

Hagen landed on Celia's shoulders, whispering words, it respects Celia's choice, and will choose to stand by Celia's side when it really needs to make a choice, and it has a feeling for Wang Yan in its heart. Feeling angry, the other party made Celia cry, it was very angry.

Standing outside the tree house until the sky was bright, Wang Yan didn't leave. What he didn't know was that a few minutes after he left, the exit at the top of the tree roof was opened by Celia, who stood on the passage and looked at Wang Yan's residence. with.

When the first ray of sunlight hit the ground, she chose to lift a broom into the air, and all the entrances of the tree house were closed again, and the leaves rustled, as if saying goodbye to Celia.

After Wang Yan returned to the residence, he couldn't keep up his spirits. It was still early, and everyone hadn't woken up yet. He was sitting alone in the hall, lost in thought, with many thoughts in his heart.

Sure enough, he is not suitable to actively pursue anyone. He is too naive in terms of feelings. Even if it is the relationship with Hongwei, it is the other party's passion that moved him. It is difficult to take the initiative to say those three words.

Wang Yan blinked his eyes when he saw a large flock of birds flying towards the north through the window. The sun came out and the birds were busy. After returning from the ancient kingdom, he had to really get used to the joy of returning. Being busy, he never gave up his love for Celia, but at this time he chose to bury this love deep in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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